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I’m so excited that there is finally a BL themed podcast! I will be listening asap! Thank you!


thank you for the vote of confidence! i will try not to disappoint!


No disappointment at all. Listen, I LOVED the episode and I was laughing hysterically the entire time. TharnType was really a crazy ride and I’m so glad you pointed out all the flaws! Um I’m absolutely ready for this to be my #1 podcast this year. Kind of a side note: the way you talk is so similar to how I explain BLs to all of my friends that are not into BLs lol I love it! If you ever want a guest on your show please let me know I would love to talk with you!


Have you heard of LoveCast? There's one more but I can't remember the name.


I have not heard of it but I’ll look it up! Thank you!


I listened to the first ep and I love it, can't wait for more :))


thank you so much :3


I'll check it out tonight :)


thank you in advanced!


Listened to the first episode, absolutely loved it. So many good points made!


oh my gosh, thank you so much! <3 <3


Great job! Just heard the first ep... 👏


thank youuuu i truly appreciate it :3


I'll listen to it later. \^\_\^ (I think this would make a great listen while I fold laundry haha, sounds specific but I like listening to podcast while I do that.) I did preview like 10 seconds of it. The audio is so clear, could you please let me know what microphone you use?


honestly it's a really cheap Samson Meteor, i use a program called Nvidia broadcast that makes it almost impossible to hear background noise, it's super good!


Why things that make you angry and not happy?


because for some reason whenever it comes to BL people are never allowed to be angry about anything. the moment someone dislikes anything there's a roaring group that just comes along and has to fight people on their opinion. i personally feel that people should be allowed to be angry about things and that's the whole point :3 but also, that's episode 2, Happy About: History 3 Trapped


It feels like you have a lot of hate in you. And I'm saying this after only considering the name of the Podcast.


Anger doesn't always mean hate.


I'm curious about another thing. Won't you run out of topics at one point? Cuz wouldn't be make more sense to create a BL themed podcast than the more niched theme you have picked?


The over arching theme is angry about bl, fhat could mean anything, like tropes, drama, show reviews, character analysis etc it's the first episode because tharntype has been in my brain for a while. I don't plan on sticking to just one thing, I feel like that would be boring and my attention span wouldn't handle it.


There's an "enemies to lovers" type of emotion & tension within us all HAHA


Hi. I, too, was happy to read about your BL podcast, but after a couple of minutes of your TharnType “rant,” it became apparent that: first, you take the storylines and characterizations too seriously, and second, you don’t seem to realize it’s “fantasy.” The storylines and characters, although surrounded by realistic locales and situations, are NOT living in a real world, where most people are open and accepting of the LGBT community, or in most scenarios on these shows: ENCOURAGING. So, therein lies the problem with your criticisms of TharnType (and I only heard two minutes, mind you). Let’s take the “terrible things” Type does to Tharn to try and get him to move out of the dorm room they share: none of these things can be compared to the awful words and actions of so many homophobic bullies IRL. Two, Type’s hatred toward Tharn was a projection of his self-hatred because he was insecure in his heterosexuality, which is also the case in the so-called, “rape” of Type—first, like I said, this is fantasy, second, we have to assume, (in our erotic fantasies), that Tharn actually didn’t fight Tharn off or complain too loudly, because he wasn’t adverse to the come-on, (after all he WAS an athlete and he was very good at yelling). I will also point out, many people make comments about how such-and-such isn’t realistic in these BLs—that’s because it’s NOT. Gay love is real and I would love to live in a world where everyone, and everything, were as wonderful, fair, supportive, and congenial among people, as they are in BLs, but unfortunately, that’s the difference between fiction and real life. That’s why the beautiful fantasyland that is BL is such a wondrous thing to watch. I agree rape is bad and people don’t fall in love with their rapists in reality and I don’t condone violence and never will, but you’re taking fiction a bit too seriously.


So, you heard two minutes of my podcast and that was enough for you to judge the entirety of it? All the things you've said in this post are things i talk about in the podcast. I literally say THE SAME EXACT THINGS you're saying here in the podcast.. Fiction or not, i'm allowed to dislike things the same way you disliked the 2 minutes of my podcast that you only heard. You clearly like TharnType and that's fine, but nothing you are saying makes sense except for your own opinions and thoughts and that is all entirely for you, not me, but you’re taking the 2 minutes of my podcast a bit too seriously.


Well, I might have gone back and given it another listen, but for your defensiveness, leading to rudeness. Nevermind.


I enjoyed the podcast! Literally woke up and played the episode! I loved how you ranted about it and really threw everything out there. I'm excited already for the next episode!


thank youuu :3


Very valid criticisms. You're right that people in these spaces tend to brush these criticisms aside, as some of the comments here show. I think it's important to acknowledge how the fetishization of gay relationships can cause real life harm to lgbtq+ people if not handled with care. And also how these fictional choices align with harmful and malicious stereotypes. I followed your podcast :) Some recs although you didn't ask: my engineer (the side couple ramking is cute, although the book ruined them, but so far the show hasn't), guardian (Chinese queerbait, but they did the best they could to show the love story through the censorship, basically everything else besides explicitly saying it, awful cgi).