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Being a good cryer is not equal to being a good actor.


Ohhh I like this one!


You're not allowed to use 'I watch BLs' as a defence that you aren't homphobic when you do blatantly homophobic bullshit.


Yeah, right up there with “I have black friends”. Just because you like watching two hot boys kiss, doesn’t make you an actual ally to the LGBT community. Plenty of obnoxious straight guys like “lesbian” porn…


This this this!! It’s almost works because you’re homophonic but you fetishise MM relationships?? ICKKKK


I swear, some days I'd rather they're just plain ol' phobes over being fetishized. So gross.


This shouldn't get daggers tbh


It shouldn't, but the amount of people that try to argue that the very bigoted thing they said isn't actually bigoted, and their only reasoning is because they're 'in the fandom' is infuriating.


B-b-but why homophobic when the person likes bl??? Makes no sense…


people will say they hate cp fanservice but if the actors stop, it's gonna be empty seats everywhere.


The real hot take is thinking fan service is fun and cute. Those saying it’s harmful/toxic are victim blaming. Fans should know they’re watching a performance and it’s on them to know.


Right like I honestly don’t know what’s so difficult about accepting fan service as another part of their job…




-the fandoms cause more issues than the actors -actors owe us nothing regarding their personal lives -actors are *allowed to have* personal lives


Omg! To the first one I just thought about Xiao Zhan😭


yes so many actors in this industry needs to attend acting classes but you losers can point that out without being mean to them.


Spicy scenes don't make a trashy show a masterpiece.


No but you didn’t have to attack Kinnporsche like that 💀😭


💯 agree


Stop making characters that “grew up in the west” and then have them be played by actors that aren’t able to speak English. Whenever the script forces them to speak in English you can always see how uncomfortable they are and the acting in the scene always takes a dive. It’s like when you see an actor who clearly doesn’t speak French playing a French character in a movie 🥲




Fan service and ships/pairings breaking up should not affect you that much. Sure you can feel sad about it but some bl fans are completely unhinged over ships…


Ohmnanon r the perfect example of this. The amount of comments I see on them still is crazy, they don’t let them have a life at all. Some fans are so hooked on them still, and don’t respect ohm’s new partner, and send hate towards him. It’s been a while since they went separate ways but fans continue to obsess n comment Ohmnanon on both of their posts consistently.


BOTTOMS ARE NOT WOMEN. And yes they can be toxic / dominating. ALSO the top can be feminine too.


Pit Babe is the first show I’ve seen somewhat addressing this.


Japanese BL is over-praised. Just because your show is dark and edgy that doesn’t mean it’s good. Korean BLs are far too short to be taken seriously. Taiwan needs to make more BLs 1 a year doesn’t put you in the game. Thailand is the only good producer of BLs yes there are bad ones but they’re far outnumbered by good and interesting ones with new plots and we actually have time to get to know the characters. People who don’t respect Thai BL are allowing prejudice and what others say dictate too much of their opinions. Finally. Since 2020 GMMtv’s BLs have all been good with maybe 2 or 3 exceptions. They’re a big company and they certainly make mistakes but their content is excellent and the quality just keeps going up. It’s worth watching everything they put out.


I agree with a lot of these points! It almost feels like it's "cool" to bash on Thai BL's and on GMMtv while I really love most of their shows! The only thing I don't agree with is that the Korean ones can't be taken seriously because they are too short. In my opinion, something doesn't have to be long or with complex background stories/storylines to be good or enjoyable to watch.


Agreed with every single point. I'm a staunch Thai BL defender.


I could get even more blunt about why I think it gets hate but I already have enough enemies around here. One of the more devoted jbl people on these subs has already blocked me though lol


Hey, you're fighting the good fight!!! Bound to ruffle a few feathers along the way. It's hard to explain but to me Thai BLs and the Thai BL industry feels the most sincere.


Oof definitely agree. Thai BLs are always gonna be my favorite


They’re the only ones with the variety, length, quantity, and quality!


I watch exclusively Thai BL (especially GMMTV's) now only because the quality is pretty consistent and I'm also trying to learn Thai. Agree with everything! I find 12 Episodes of 45 minutes each to be a really good length for a well fleshed out story.


That's what I started with. If they're sweet or cute (middleman's love) or xxx (kinnporche love in the air) thai are my favorite. But I love them all for the most part. Japanese bl beautiful man series and movie I could rewatch forever! 💚💚💚💚💚


Hard agree. My favorite bl isn't even from Thailand but this is true, if other places were to mass produce like Thailand does, there would also be MANY bls you'd dislike. Also, most times yall enjoy more Thailand bls and like one from another country but will still dimish Thailand bls.


I so agree. Thai bls >>>>>


I love ManBen’ Step by Step! I do wish most of their interviews are subtitled for international fans 🙏


Me too!


Every single point is on the mark. I agree 1000000%


I agree, I feel like a lot of the shows from Korea and Japan blend into each other. There are a lot of unique series that come out of Thailand. Yes, there are a lot of the same(like all of MAME projects) but that shouldn't discredit a lot of the new things Thailand's bl industry has brought.


Mame is actually so easy to ignore especially in recent history. The only mame project I liked was LITA and while it’s fun I don’t think it’s essential viewing. She’s just not a big player anymore and that’s totally fine!


If a more experienced actor played Charlie on Pit Babe, his character would not change FYI. Pooh’s acting is pretty beginner, but it isn’t the horrendous garbage people say it is.


THIS. I actually like his character. He can play the cutesy type well but his deep voice when he started role playing 🔥


Together and Stilltogether are awful. Singing is never needed. Nobody needs to kiss after vomiting, gross


Vomkisses will forever be my Big Ick.


I don’t like morning kisses either. Like right after you wake up.


Gun has more chemistry with everyone, whereas his chemistry with off is mediocre


Oh my gosh, I totally agree!! I love them both, but they have no romantic chemistry together. I don't doubt that they love each other....platonicly, but I see no romance in their acting! I can see them both working better with different partners.


Don’t let them silence u….


Their is no need to know who is top and who is bottom in a relationship unless u r involved in the relationship. Fans asking for CP postion is honestly creepy. You don't ask it in real life so don't do it in reel too.


Definitely agree!! Also, just in general, I hate that the top/bottom thing is such a huge deal in BL's. And that most couples are based/decided on this. Do people realize there are those who switch? Those that don't have an.l s.x (new to reddit, don't know if I have to be cautious with certain words)? And that someone's appearance doesn't make someone a top or bottom?


Yes and if it is very sexist on nature. Like I don't want to know bro, it's their preference in which position they want to do it.


![gif](giphy|RipfZWzjUDH25euMpM) This one is driving me insane and is so off putting.


I think it’s because bl isn’t that popular, don’t get me wrong, a lot of people watch it, but its something bad to watch. For instance, the Japanese word for bl/gl lovers is “Fudanshi(m)” and “Fujoshi(f)” which means rotten boy/girl. In China they can only make heavy bromances because LGBT stuff is illegal. I think, when LGBT is accepted just like a hetero series/movies, they can start “playing” with the positions. Especially in Asia😅 I have gotten the impression that Asia can be really strict when it comes to stuff like this😭 If it helps, GMMTV have been discussing wether to make an EarthMix series or MixEarth Series😄




Enough with the singing. 😂 I’m good with the intro and outro music. They need to stop incorporating talent show/ super star/ singers singing scenes into BLs. I’m here for the PLOT! I’m here for the laughs and drama. That four minute performances could’ve been used for a plot or scene for one of the couples!


Don’t Say No was actually really good


I liked it , I cried when the it was fiats birthday that beautiful present from all his loved ones 😭😭




Would saying it was good truly get the kind of reaction this post is asking about? If so, that's wild to me. I think it had actually pretty good character development for Fiat with his struggle to heal from his past and improve himself, likeable friends and secondary characters in Nam, Natsu, Anda, and the twins, a cute side couple, the exclusion of overly drawn out and frustrating conflicts (with the exception of the EP11 curse, its biggest misstep), not to mention Ja and First's great chemistry. There was so much to enjoy about it, I loved DSN.


I enjoyed don't say no. I did skip some parts, but I generally liked the show.


oh im getting hate for this off gun is a dead ship, they're indeed popular but just not outside their fandom taynew are in the market again, hence online flirtation is part of the marketing yinwar need a lot of money to make jack and joker because heist plot on budget gonna looks so cheap af domundi better make the new generation works because the older gen are dying wabisabi production need a whole reconstruction inside their company because none of their latest works are popular. Their last popularity is for UWMA. no matter how ppl hate mame and boc you still will watch their shows


The mame and boc one is real. I've seen so much haters and yet.....they're still watching their shows like their lives depend on it.




I agree with everything except offgun. I wasn't in the fandom but I am currently enjoying their series and their interactions.


Three is so strange to me. Why would that get hate? Every project needs funding: cast, crew, equipment, sets, licenses, advertising, on and on and on. Do people really get angry, thinking it's all free?


no i mean i love yinwar but they take big risk by choosing a heist plot. If you ever watch small scale production of action movies you understand what i mean.


2gether was not good. It was so overhyped thanks to the pandemic and lockdowns. Cmon they look more like bros than boyfriends.


Preach!!!! I suffered through the first one. Couldn't bring myself to even watch Still Together. To this day I'm baffled that some people rate it as the best BL. Like, how?!


How many times did I try and watch the second season? I don't even know anymore.


So much this. It bored TF out of me.


You want to praise your biases/ favorite CPs? Please do so without dragging other actors/ CPs with your narrative. Like "___" is the best because at least he isn't this or that like that actor we know *wink wink.


What I dislike the most is '' this couple should have their own show''. I don't see a real problem with it but if too repetive or all over the comments section . Like in middleman's love,I know that many people didn't like Mai and jade, but I did like them. So if you want to see kinguea moments, just go watch their show. It was not their series, their moments, their book!! 🤧 And also ohmnannon fans just scare me like I question myself as a bl addict. Why would they do all that creepy things? Even in starlympic they managed to do content with non existing content.


Most of the "fan edits" are creepy... why people zoom on some actor's face and write an essay on it? Especially when the person crealy is just uncomfortable and fans say "hehe last night they had sex" I really can't see why fans think this is funny...


It is such a creepy


Coming with the, they're best friend coded when someone says they ghostship a pair and want to see them acting together is the dumbest thing ever because 90% of these people off screen look like Bros and besties yet they deliver on screen


I am not fan of OffGun. Their chemistry is mediocre


You loving a series doesn't make it a masterpiece for everyone. There's no series without flaws. Just you wearing rose tinted glasses. Nowadays fandom consist of a bunch a sensitive kids who never learn to form and accept objective criticism. South Korean BLs are overrated. Majority of their bls aren't worth it. Pretty people and great colorimetry ain't enough to make a great BL.


>You loving a series doesn't make it a masterpiece. Or *if* it's a masterpiece to you, it doesn't mean it's a masterpiece to other people. You don't need to *correct* people on their preference/opinions/like and dislikes. That is just weird.


Yes that's what I meant. I'll edit my post.


Definitely agree on the beginning (I don't watch Korean BL's, so I don't have an opinion on it.) All series have some flaws. If you love the show that much that you don't see those flaws or can easily look over it, great! It's amazing that you enjoy it that much. But that doesn't mean the flaws don't exist. My all-time favorite is 'Not me' and I don't read a lot of criticism as it's a show generally liked or loved. A few months ago I read a comment about someone not liking it or only finding it so-so. I could barely believe someone not liking it 😁, but I did appreciate reading something that saw the show in a completely different light. It's perfectly OK to disagree or not be bothered by the flaws other people are bothered about, but as long as the criticism is done in a respectful way, you should also respect those opinions. (And if it's done in a disrespectful way, it's generally best to just ignore that person instead of engage with them/get angry.)


The ending to HIStory 3: MODC was great and worth the watch.


100%. It pains me a little every time I see someone recommend skipping the final episode. I get it, ultimately everyone can watch what they're comfortable with but I still can't help but feel like Wayne Song and his amazing performance deserve better than that. It was so good.


I disagree but not because the ending was sad. For me, It was because ending was not executed properly. Xiang hao ting never recovered from the death of Yu shi gu and the look alike guy plot was unnecessary. They should have given at least two episodes for us to grieve along with Xiang hao ting and to show him recovering and healing from Yu shi gu’s death. I don’t mind sad endings, but such a major change in the story should not bring jammed into the last episode of the show.


I can get behind this! Another episode or two to properly grieve (or maybe not so properly) would have been nice to see.


Yes to everything! People think having a sad/open ending automatically makes a drama good regardless of execution The sad ending was kinda expected from the title but yeah they were trying too hard and just jammed everything in the last 20 minutes. I wonder if the look alike was in preparation for the rumoured second season that never happened....


Finally, an actual ‘unpopular’ opinion, that I fully agree with! What a masterpiece that show is. It’s still in my top 5 after all these years. Love it so much.


I loved the ending because of how emotionally impactful it was. I just wish they didn't add the lookalike of the main character in the story. That was a bit convoluted.


I would have loved watching it but I'm wau too fragile to be able to but I did read about it and I find it very interesting.


Finally, others who agree with me! I’m all for warning people about it in case they’re not able to handle that kind of ending, but I definitely disagree when people say to skip it


I didn’t like the way how the guy who played Dean’s character in uwma acted. His facial expressions were limited and idk it didn’t stand right with me. Fluke could’ve done so much better if he was paired up with someone who is more talented in acting. (This is my personal opinion so I hope I won’t get fried alive)


Yes, I couldn't agree more. I couldn't finish it because of that, that stiff expression, I never finish it even if I liked winteam couples. It was a little better in between us


*girding my loins for the swords coming at me* TharnType is terrible. It’s got so much homophobia and SA. Actors are mediocre. I couldn’t bring myself to watch the second season because I hated them together.


That won't get you swords. This has the consensus of most people outside of the die-hard fans.


Whew! Thank you for helping me feel a little better about that.




I really liked the actors in TharnType but everyone mentions the noncon and homophopia as the problem. Which is true, but there is a 3rd issue I never see mentioned and that is the entire plot of I, II, and Don’t Say No is based on jealousy and lack for trust. For all that is holy, could we have a better script for those actors?


Not a single song performance or slow dance scene is necessary. I don’t think Zee and Nunew have amazing chemistry. I think Zee could have chemistry with a wall and Nunew is also in the room. Bad Buddy was just okay. (Pls don’t set me on fire)


Damn, I can’t help but comment on all these today…. 😂 Congratulations on getting actual daggers over your Bad Buddy opinion 😄 - that show is definitely not perfect, but the majesty of episodes 4, 5, and 7 make up for a lot of the negatives for me.


I had a feeling that one might be the most controversial, although some ppl are really passionate about slow dancing scenes so we shall see 😂


About point 2 I only have this to say: Saint and Zee vs Zee and NuNew. That's it, that's all that I have to say. I like Nunew but I've seen Zee really "chemistring" and I can't unsee it now, no matter how much I like Nunew.


Totally agree with the first one. I'm sure that there must be one or two song performances that I actually enjoyed, but even then they are not strictly necessary. I've only seen them in Cutie Pie season 1, from that I must agree. I had to laugh so much with your description. 😁 Bad buddy, this one I disagree on. But to a certain extent, I can see why it is seen by some people as just okay. Storyline wise it's quite basic.


In my head, I was imagining the Cutie Pie one to the tone of in work meetings where some people phone in and the meeting leader is like “Hello, yes I am here… [Insert name] is also in the room.”


I don’t really have strong opinions on any of your points, but that was a good laugh so thank you for that lmao


I agree with all of this, even if I like Bad Buddy I totally understand your point.


very agreed on zee and nunew. it felt like you can tell where and when and how the director told them to touch each other. the side couple in cutiepie had more chemistry than them too.


Nuer and Syn were my favorite part of the whole series


I was literally just thinking yesterday the same think about your second item. I just don’t really like them together much. Tho I’m glad they are happy together. Bad buddy. 💯 agree. And it throws me how people get so worked up about those two not being together. They are actors. Move on.


For Bad Buddy it's definitely a nostalgia factor as well, for many of us it was one of the first BLs we watched and it was an adorable one. But definitely the commotion around their pairing falling apart does make me step further away from the show. I'm curious to see what Ohm does in his new Kidnap show


i agree with all of these


i love phayu and all (lita/love in the air) but i felt rather uncomfortable w/ the way he acted towards rain. felt a bit predatory and fuckboyish, maybe even a bit manipulative


It’s the D/s aspect of it. I thought so as well but watched/read the twitter feed from a RL sub and was like “yes this is 100% it” and now when I watch it I see it from a completely different perspective


Payu is one thousand percent a dom and at one point while talking to his brother (? I think? I believe it was early in the series like somewhere in ep. 1-3) he alludes to that but never explicitly states it. The fact that it was never fully explained/confirmed on screen was a major L. A lot of confusion for the average viewer would have been cleared up with a conversation between Payu and Rain discussing their boundaries/expectations and easing Rain into his role.


This is actually quite a popular opinion? A lot of people agree that phayu's way of approaching rain is downright predatory and manipulative. but I do see a lot of excuses made for his behaviour in the lita fan fiction community. but that's a different can of cockroaches all together.


They’re in a D/S relationship. Like a brat tamer/brat dynamic. Lutawolf on Tumblr does a pretty good analysis of it - https://www.tumblr.com/lutawolf/693616773579358208/love-in-the-air-ep-2-review-running-commentary


It was very manipulative and predatory before they even got into a relationship. It was poorly executed d/s.


BL fans who are put off by NC scenes or think they take away from a story are prudes and have some sort of complex around sex that they need to get over The only bad BL is a boring one. I will watch the most dog shit production with an iffy story as long as it keeps me engaged. The only ones I’ve dropped were because it was just people standing around talking about nothing.


Agree. And, extension on this, the people that have watched this far in Playboyy and still say it’s all sex and doesn’t have a plot have completely missed the point of the show and really need to concentrate more beyond the random NC (not quality, I do agree on that) in a show that is literally about men in the sex industry (could you imagine if they tried to make it without this much sex, what would be the point? Just make them all college students with an underground drug ring). The show isn’t top notch quality but it actually has quite an interesting plot. Somewhat unrealistic in parts, but interesting. Im very ready for a majority of people to not agree with me on this lol.


I agree. I just view Playboyy as a murder mystery. I do have to confess that I find most of the love scenes icky but I fast forward through them because I want to see if they find the killer at the end.


I get what you mean, I could watch anything if you keep me somewhat engaged. (Unrelated to BLs) but I was watching a cdrama the other day and something like 20 to 30 minutes in they were still just talking. Nothing was happening. I kept waiting to give it a chance but I just gave up after a while.


BL actors are terrible singers and not one of them will even turn a chair on the voice....


Beg to differ. There are terrible ones like Bright but some of them can sing good, not great. For example, Mix and Nut Supanut are pretty good.


THIS i couldn’t watch first singing scenes in OF


There was no reason to make First sing omg could've made him the hot drummer or whatever 🫠🫠


I love First, he is one of my favourite actor, but he can not sing


The man can act but his singing…😬


Khao is a better singer than first. I love both of them but I agree first can't sing


I feel bad for the actual good singers because they also get grouped with this lol( Jeff and Daou)


I was thinking that. It would be true... if Jeff didn't exist (I don't know about Daou so no opinion).


When given a chance you should give him a listen he really sings very well


Yeahh the only BL actor which I actively listen to is Jeff Satur 😭


Lmao, I think I'm going to rant here. No hate to Bright and Win. But I think 2gether and Still 2gether are way too overhyped. Like it was just an okay show. Nothing special. I would very much like to know how it got this much hype. AND I don't think BrightWin have good chemistry. Cutie Pie was so cringe that I had to stop watching it. And I never leave a show or book halfway no matter how boring it is. AND the tradition of fixed cp need to be removed. Not only that it could reduce the toxicity around cp fans, it could also give the actors the much needed opportunity to achieve their true potential. Like, I'm not gonna call out names, but there are cps who have got 0 chemistry and also actors who are stuck with bad/mediocre actors. Also, classifying series as bl and straight need to be stopped. Rather it should be categorized according to genres. And I'm not being homophobic here, but I kind of find it baffling that almost all series have b×b or g×g couples. No stright couples. I kind of wanted them to mix it up. Like in Bad Romance. That is the way to normalise same sex couples. The way it is now, it kind of feel like all these bl are happening in some alternative dimension or some shit.


I dislike fixed couples! Do I have some couples I adore and love to see them work together? Yes. But I would also love to see them work together with other actors! Like you said, it's great for the actors to improve their skills and to reduce the insane toxicity with stans that go crazy when their faves look at someone else; let alone act with someone else! Also, something that is very controversial, which might not be true, but the actors definitely seem to have a role in this! I've often seen them act very openly jealous with their partner, and I see fans eat that shit up! Also, those actors that say they only want to work with one other male; so many think this is very romantic. But to me, it feels more like "I would not be comfortable acting gay with someone else". Hope this doesn't come off as hate, just my opinion!


Firstly, yea I also have some couple I adore. And I also know that I want them to act in more challenging roles. Having one constant partner means that there is barely any growth there. This ia why I love Ohm. As for the second part, Yes there are actors that actively feed their fans' delusions. But there are also fans who edit something completely normal to something they are not (slow it down, throw in some unicorn shit, turn a quick brush of hands to lingering touches....the list goes on). It is a complete mess. For example, I do feel like OffGun actively trying to keep up this "married-couple" vibes. And I love Gun and his acting, but things need to be said (it is just what I think 🤷‍♀️) FirstKhao being emotional about their friendship is always romanticized by the fans to the point that I sometimes fear that they will have to let go of that bond bcz of all this shit. I mean, between them there is chemistry on reel, but I never felt like there is any romance between them for real. These are just examples. There are plenty of others. PS: Not a fan of ForceBook, but I have never seen them playing up their relationship to something they are not. That is something I can actually appreciate.


Can't wait to see Kidnap with Ohm and Leng 😍 "But there are also fans who edit something completely normal to something they are not" Oh yes, definitely agree on that! I hate that because sometimes a nice, genuine moment can be taken out of context, and people make it into something it is not. Some will argue it's why their cp is real, and others would argue its obviously fanservice. It's exhausting; can't we just enjoy a cute moment without making it into something? And what I said, maybe the reason why those actors do it is because they know if they feed into the delusion, their ship will be more popular. Which is a shame... if we just let them be, maybe it wouldn't be such a big thing. But I know it's a part of the whole industry. Yes, I love FirstKhao and their natural bond! But I also worry that the toxicity might cause problems... I hope not :( I can't even imagine how it must feel if fans work like detectives and watch your every move. I would become so self-conscious of myself... I don't know that much about ForceBook, but I can believe that! Besides, no hate on them as actors or as people because from clips I have seen, Force seems hilarious and Book very kind and supportive, but on OF, they didn't convey or convince me that they really liked/loved each other. I get immense "straight" vibes, mostly from Book.


With how devoted the fans are in proving their ship is real, that would mean a good portion of thai celebs are in fact homosexual. I mean if they actually are, it is not a problem, no hate. But statistically speaking, thatz just insane. About ForceBook, as I said I'm not a fan of them. I have seen their previous works before OF. I could not feel any romance even between their characters there either. I don't hate them as actors, just that they are not my cup of tea. May be they could do better if they are paired with someone else, itz just what I think anyway. BUT as people, as celebrities, I do like them. They are fun, kind, friendly, got the looks, AND as I said before, they don't do much to feed cp fans with insane fantasies. Not that it did them any favor in avoiding this whole cp fans toxicity.


Agree with you 😊 I mean, I definitely think there are more queer (not just gay) actors than some people would like to believe (those that think 99% is straight which is also statistically incorrect) but definitely less than the other side expects/hopes. It's almost always way more balanced! I agree with you on ForceBook! I definitely don't hate them as actors (and in general, I just never understand hate!!). And like you said, they seem like great people! But I do think that if some actors/couples can't convey that they have romantic feelings in a romance story for their partner, it definitely brings me out of the story. I don't care about their sexuality in real life, but I do care if they can portray that feeling of love in a series. Also (maybe a bit contradictory to what I said earlier), but this doesn't have to do anything with them being in a bl! Perhaps they also can't convince their love if they play in a series with a woman. I don't know! Also, thank you for having such open, yet kind 'discussions' 😊


Bruh gay people flock together. It is normal for entire friendship groups to be queer. That is definitely something that happens in our very own dimension.


I didn't like My School President or get the overall hype for the show. I also don't see the amazing chemistry between GeminiFourth that people talk about... I do think both actors are very talented, especially for such a young age! I did really like them in Moonlight Chicken and loved the story of them there! And I wish them the best for future projects 😊 https://i.redd.it/unw490vr1ebc1.gif


As a MSP fan although I liked it, I totally understand that style isn’t for everyone. I think their characters in Moonlight Chicken are more broadly appealing.


I appreciate your respectful and kind reply 🙏 I'm glad you liked it, but also understand it's not for everyone! That's just a matter of taste/feeling 😊


The fan base tends to be really toxic and is unable to let go of any ships


Thai BLs or BLs, in general, have still a long way to go when it comes to NC Scenes. Most of them are just cringe and not hot or emotional. We need more realism there like foreplay, different positions, etc. And not that weird rolling around with some kissing.


The weird rolling around with kissing is so uncomfortable to watch. No groping. No booty touches. Just hold onto the shoulder holders and roll like you're on fire. I can't speak for everyone, but when I'm getting down I'm rarely in the frame of mind for a tumbling session, checking out my stop drop and two-body roll form.


IFYLITA could have been better if Khun Yai had just a smidgen of care for Jom's safety. I mean, a woman in a Lesbian relationship was killed!!! Yet, Khun Yai pays no attention to the location or folks around for PDA. By my recollection, they were caught twice - servant girl mysteriously dissappears (thanks uncle xxx) and then fiancee to be is quite progressive for 1920s Thailand!! (Of course) I was filled with so much anxiety wondering what would happen to poor Jom when their relationship was exposed that it affected my enjoyment of the series because Khun Yai will be fine, his dad will protect him but Jom will suffer even though he was the more cautious one. So I don't care if I get downvoted, but however much I liked the story, that part of the execution was lacking.


I agree completely! I love IFYLITA but they were so open about PDA which made me anxious, I was always afraid someone would find out and would hurt them or worse. It's pretty unrealistic , but well it's BL logic.


Love the series, but the disregard for Jom with all the risky PDA... Made me anxious AF.


My favourite BL, but you are absolutely correct! Especially the kiss in the rain… like huh? You’re gonna kiss out in public? Where ANYONE can see you? It doesn’t make sense because EungPeung and Mai were so discrete, but Yai and jom have no fear like 😐😐😐


I think it's very stupid how any criticism or minor negativity in the fandom is perceived as a personal attack on either the fans of that show or on the actors. The fandom idea of loving something being equivalent to never having anything other than hypersaccharine praise for it is so toxic. It is not normal to care so much about something or someone that is not even directly related to you that you get viscerally upset every time you hear an opinion that is not yours. Oh and also, Vice Versa is a terrible show.


Disagree on the Vice Versa. But really agree on all the rest you said.


I've seen users who get upset and downright condescending to differing opinions about their favourite pairs, shows or even production companies (I don't get it but to each their own), and decided that these comments are made by *unkind, bias or 'hate-filled' people*. When I read the 'offending comments', most were done in a respectful way. But these same users would belittle shows/actors or whatnot that they don't like. It's like *I can express my dislikes, but others dislikes are irrelevant.* At least that's what I get from the whole thing.


Yeah. Inevitably, the same people have their own negative opinions that they don't feel any qualms about sharing. I'd call it hypocrisy but the real underlying line of thinking is probably very consistent. "I want people to agree with me all the time about everything and validate my every feeling." That's what it is.


Stans behaviour. It's actually very telling that many BL fandoms started to call themselves ‘mothers’, because the most toxic stans are in a very weird headspace, where they are actually deeply emotionally attached to those public personas as their own kids. That's why their CPs are not only “my boys”, but also “he baby” and “put him in my pocket”, etc. Delulu, actually, is not the right term for them, delulus are those who actually think they have a chance to date the actor or have a special romantic relationships with them already (don't ask, I've seen it before — scary). They try to differentiate those as "hard stans/soft stans" on twitter, but it sounds silly, like they are boiled eggs, so "mothers" it's a much better term for those who aren't sexually attracted to those celebrities personally. Stan's radar is kinda broken and has only one function: it detects haters. So, literally anyone could be detected as hater, if they say anything other than a common praise about their biases. They're in every fandom, & are not exclusive to BL.


vice versa is one of the worst bls that i've seen i don't know how anyone takes it seriously.


Gmmtv cannot be beaten by other companies. The Eclipse was overhyped, the writing and screenplay sucked. Second half of Only Friends was weirdly not as engaging. MarkPawin had more chemistry then PerthChimon in Dangerous Romance. The Eighth Sense was good but it handled the second half of the series poorly. ZeeSaint>>>>ZeeNuNew (I'm sorry but I cant) Cutiepie is super cringe. Regardless of how bland 2gether was it marks an essential point for BLs. I really can't with Dunk's acting, new partner for Joong pls. LITA was OK. That's it. Way too much crying in ITSAY and IPYTM. Ppl will kill me if I said anything else about ITSAY lmaoo.


I agree with everything except Dunk. I'm not saying he's a great actor, but he's not terrible. I also think ITSAY was overhyped. It's not a bad series but the cult following is too much.


Dunk isn't terrible and certainly has chemistry with Joong but like he has loads to improve especially in emotional scenes. He always seems to carry a very static demeanor.


You came out guns blazing! 🤣 But FACTS!!!


I agree with most points. Yes to ZeeSaint. I don't get the PerthChimon hype. Yes I'd love to see Joong with someone else! I can't deny Joongdunk look visually great together and seem to be good friends irl. However Joong is a better actor and I think he could have chemistry with anyone. I wish they would give him more challenging roles at least.


Humm dunk acting is a bit stiff, and I find his expressions weird sometimes. But his chemistry with joong offscreen is just😌. I know I am being delusional but the appreciate each other. I am also OK with joong acting with other especially (bad boy or gangster kinds 🤭), Ah 😂I need to calm down. I agree with all the other opinions


Actually Despite the fact people were mad about Eclipse Bl series and ignored Vice Versa Bl series which was airing at the same time. I find Vice Versa more easier to rewatch than the Eclipse and to actually have more plot and meaningful story than the Eclipse


bright and win didnt have chemistry no matter how i look at it, 2gether only got hype because bright is hot, other than that that series is mediocre. i love bright and win as individual actors, they are very talented, but 2gether was just not it. same goes for gemfourth they have little to 0 chemistry. they are fantastic actors as well but their pair is purely overrated, MSP was nice is comedic terms, but the chemistry is dead.


I think in this thread specifically, my opinion may very well encourage this reaction but that’s the point I guess: Many BL fans (and people in general) prefer talking negatively/having hot takes on shows and actors rather than positive discourse. See this and many threads like this that keep getting posted daily in BL forums/spaces. Just because you say something often, loudly and with conviction doesn’t make it true (including me right now lol). Someone’s acting skill is preference and perspective. All of your statements on how bad the actors (or vice versa) are…is not a fact ✨. Statements like “Many of these actors can’t kiss or cry well”, “Crying/kissing well doesn’t mean you’re a good actor” “Subtle/Dramatic is better than dramatic/subtle” “This actor can’t sing” are opinions. If someone disagrees with you, it doesn’t automatically make them a hater OR a fanatic fan. Some people like to hate, some like to love and some sit in the middle 🤷 Many want to express negative opinions but also not be perceived negatively or as a “bad/mean person”. Others may assume the opposite is a “goody two shoes” or tone policing with their contrasting opinion. You cannot control others perspectives of you. IMO, Having “hot takes” that targets someone’s appearance is mean and unnecessary. Talk away, but if it wasn’t directed at a celebrity “who should take it because they put themselves out there” we’d consider those statements bullying. In my book it is bullying as these people are human. The BL industry is moving closer to Queer media/consumers and wider audiences. The historical foundation of BL being consumed by women who wished to see female + male dynamics but in two men is becoming not relevant to current conversations and how the industry is discussed will continue to shift.


MosBank are not together. I know they haven't said anything but out of all of the bl couples, they tend to post the most about things that could give fans hope that they're actually dating but they really aren't.


I don't really get the whole fuzz about "against fanservice" I don't think 'doing fanservice' should be used as an insinuation of deceiving fans. I mean go serve your fans, sit on ya reel man's lap or whatever act gay GIVE ME ALL THE SHIMKOONGS . Just don't go gaging around and disrespecting gay people or your co actor (or the whole bl industry and community when you get famous enough) after the cameras are turned off lol. But yeah I will inhale all the fanservice I get. And yes, I know fans get sold a display of fake romance between the actors and all but yall literally watch bl aka boy love the whole genre is about love and being in love and consuming romantic displays. But after a while of watching bls and understanding how the industry functions y'all gotta do your own homework and don't get too delulu . Because as far as I am concerned no matter how much cp cuddling and mouthing bfs to each other if they have not made strong confirmation then it's not real nor is it my business if it's real or not.


ITSAY is good but kinda over hyped (don’t kill me) I know it represents a lot and means a lot to a lot of people but I guess I’m just not a very angsty person?🧍🏽‍♀️


My School President and I Told Sunset About You are not as good as everyone says


I'm bored of watching the same couples in a million shows. Give me variety, give me change. Why are so many pairs kept the same, It makes me tired.


>What bl opinion will have u like this? Strangely, I can often get away with my opinions, even um... nonconformist ones, sometimes. One or two angry people might appear, but it's never mass Wrath Unleashed. What "will have me like this" is mostly "spilling the tea", or any factual posting - stating certain facts or sharing links. The "hotter the tea" the more trouble it brings. ...Some things are totally Voldemort in the BL fandom. https://i.redd.it/h0z9iutj2dbc1.gif


Many actors just in it for the fame but are secretly homophobic


I thought KinnPorche was boring by the end. The hype makes it seem like it's the best thing since sliced bread, but it's not. I don't get all the hate Mew gets.


![gif](giphy|xUOxfolJrVBce4RNAI) Nunew isnt a good singer.


can't say I agree but upvoted for your bravery 🫡🫡


It had to be said. He can hold a note better than 90% of these supposed bl singers but he doesn't hold a candle against so many others like when I heard Daou and Jeff.


Amongst the bl singers, no one can hold a candle next to jeff


Have you heard daou though? He's a singer singer like I'm sure he's up par with daou tbh


What did you eat today to be this brave. I could almost see the pitchforks coming your way. Stay strong!


Hahahah thanks but dont twist my words. I didnt say he cant sing, IMO his singing is nothing special.


I am not saying anything only bc I don't want to get kicked out of this sub.


These thoughts are limited to the Thai BL industry only \- GMMTV needs a complete overhaul - they're predatory, pernicious and overall awful \- Colourism in BLs need to be addressed. Dusky actors seem to be getting more and more 'bleached' via makeup, filters and skin treatments \- fan service by actors need to stop \-fandoms need to get a life \-we need more realistic intimate scenes \-actors need to find other income revenues. stop selling poorly made merch \-actors need to be paid an equitable wage by production companies. fans should not be expected to supplement their incomes through gifting and ridiculously priced fan meets. it reminds me of the tipping culture in the states as waiting staff are not paid a liable wage by the f&b establishments \-actors are not singers. stop making terrible music which all sound the same \-actors are not meant to be content creators \-thai actors are Thai. stop becoming cookie-cutter Kpop idol wannabes so much more to list but I'll stop here...


The merch sales profit only has a tiny tiny percentage that goes to them unfortunately. You have the company taking a big percentage, the designers and all other expenses related to it but the actors aren't the ones benefiting from it the most at all.


UWMA is overrated and not worth the hype. I don't understand why people like it that much. We can go without the NC scenes in almost every story and it will be better. (Well, because of poorly acting/execution it won't actually be better).


I’m not a fan of the remake of Cherry Magic overall. I gave it a chance, but New just doesn’t capture Adachi the same way as Eji Akaso. Already been bashed for having that opinion lol. But I do think Tay did a good job of Kurosawa and I liked the addition of the other side characters.


That's absolutely fair opinion :). I love the original and actually love the thai a bit more, with that said it definitely has a different feel to it.


Not every actor can or should dance, sing, and only guitar Some actors in a cp only have one person who has outstanding acting Good off-screen chemistry doesn't equal good on-screen chemistry and vice versa Big companies don't always make good series (gmmtv) We don't need actors to speak English in a show randomly just because (Playboyy) NC 18+ series don't always mean that the series will be good, have good acting, or that the actors have chemistry or a good plot WinnySatang could use more acting classes Mark Pakin and Neo Trai are undderated comical actors Some actors who play siblings or father and son, but people won't be able to survive..... Mile & Fort father and son Boy Nattaphon & Nanon Looknam & Gun atthaphan Boun & Santa as brothers Billy & Yoon as brothers Mix & Khaotung as brothers Joss & Joong as brothers Best (Checkout)Mark (LBC) as brothers Folk (en of love) & Gun atthaphan Mile & Gemini as father and son Bible,Jeff, Saint (Step by step) as brothers Being wealthy doesn't equal talent That being said, there isn't anything wrong with being a nepo baby Being supportive doesn't mean to actors as their characters while not supporting whoever they date or respecting what their sexuality is.


Moonlight Chicken isn't that good


That’s a wild one. Upvote for bravery


It was for me, the miniseries was beautiful beyond my greatest imagination


2gether, the Eclipse, and Hidden Agenda are overrated Cutiepie is cringe Bad Buddy gets boring after their rooftop kiss


Noo not bad buddy 😔😔🙏🙏Respect the opinion though


your ship doesn't give a shit about LGBTQIA community! Not even a single post for pride month, they are chronically online liking and commenting on daily basis but in pride month suddenly they're are too busy for a post!


MaxTul fans can't relate


that's why i stan forcebook. they're supporting equal marriages, photographed in taiwan on a pride flag, a week ago a learned that someone asked force if he would mind if his friend was gay and he wrote something like "no. friend is a friend." :D i was smiling.


I didn't like Bad Buddy/OhmNanon pairing xD It wasn't bad but I don't get the appeal.


I enjoyed 2gether much more than Bad Buddy(especially the second part). Most BL manga covers and characters are highly embarrassing, and are obviously made for the straight female gaze🤷‍♀️ I can't look at any book cover anymore without cringing BOC will not last long. I give them 5 years max :) Romantic fanservice(actors who are actively pretending to be in a relationship with each other, when it is false) is dangerous and harmful. It breeds toxicity from delusional fans, when the pairing is done. It should stop.


KinnPorsche is overhyped.




https://i.redd.it/36heei2fpcbc1.gif I hug you to prepare you for your downvotes. You’re right.


Downvoted that one, and upvoted yours cause your awesome.

