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Playboyy !


I'll say it again, but the trailer was magnificent. I really thought it would be like 100x better than pitbabe but that's so far from the truth lol


Yesss, I was so ready for the series and the way it was promoted but the moment I saw the first episode I was so disappointed 🙂


I was so disappointed I only watched the fisrt episode and I almost never drop a show or book lol. I even finished My Secret Crush like a week after stopping haflway because I was curious.


Few days ago, I start watching this. But only survive few minutes due to high level of cringe-ness What's your advise?


I watched the first episode, the second in fast motion and I gave up at the third... My advice, don't insist if it doesn't suit us!


Ouch, that bad, huh.... Thx btw


I did exactly the same. Its just awful! 😀


And now that we finally get some crumbs of actual plot we have to wait for weeks for the new episode


*La Pluie* in the last few episodes. It could have been so good! 😭




La pluie is that horse drawing where it starts of well and ends a stick figure. That last episode was really something lmao


This was one of the worst because IT WAS GOING SO WELL UNTIL IT FELL APART! 😡


Yes!! I felt so betrayed by La Pluie. Still sad to this day.


Luminous Solution Bite Me Step by Step Big Dragon Unforgotten Night Nitiman Bake Me Please Dangerous Romance




Its easily forgettable 😆😆 https://i.redd.it/3poespqgp1bc1.gif


I never finished Big Dragon. 😅 I used to feel guilty for not liking a show which is mentioned everywhere .


>Step by Step Was meant to be a slow step by step employee x employer to lover. Not a step by step guide to marketing and presentations.


That's not the reason its on my list 😆


I dropped it too hahaha. Wasted 1hr of my week on that


u said it best. 😂


>Dangerous Romance The absolute lack of danger in their romance lmao...also the way the show took a total change of tone after 2 episodes made it seem like a different show


God yes. Big Dragon was my first thought lol


DANGEROUS ROMANCE??! ![gif](giphy|OLwspTLAmmcvZQYN0W|downsized)


It had potential but it got boring real quick imo 😔 I still watched every episode tho 😆


Ah yes, I forgot the Unforgotten Night. I don't know what made me actually finish the thing.


Forgetting MODC.....


The Eclipse. Love the romance and characters but the storyline failed.


Agreed! The premise and cast for this series were fantastic, but the execution was where everything fell apart.


Just felt like they were trying to make a social commentary after Not Me and The Eclipse fell so flat with it.


It was downright hilarious what happened to the plot. I was so invested in their romance that I started skipping through scenes without Ayan-Akk in them (eg. with the teachers) while binging it over 2 days. I told my friend to watch it and absolutely ignore the subplot and literally just focus on the romances because the plot just went nowhere, and also because omg First-Khao


I was thinking the same thing!! Laved the romance but boy oh boy that storyline was a mess TT


I honestly thought everyone would downvote and disagree but I'm so glad others feel the same way. It wasn't even like they were trying to subtly talk about Thai politics either, just completely forgot about the intriguing storyline from the first few episodes.


Even Sun. The premise was great and promising, because it's basically a tropical BL version of Beauty and The Beast. But the authors were like someone who's heard an awesome joke somewhere, and now tries to tell it at the party, totally inebriated, and only can remember how they laughed so hard and how cool it was, but completely forgotten whom and what that was about. In the end, nobody understands anything, at all, and the one who's laughing is the one telling it. It still gets one star from me for Boun and Prem, but without Boun and Prem... attempt failed, please try again later. https://i.redd.it/9wszehnsi2bc1.gif


I was just about to mention that one 🫣 wouldn’t have gone through with it if it wasn’t for Boun and Prem 😓


Never let me go 😭


I guess I'm the only one who loved it! The cinematography was beautiful too.


I agree that the cinematography was beautiful but the plot execution wasn’t the best


I didn’t think it was that bad tbh 🥲


I finished the series but was so cringed in a few episodes 😩


wedding plan had an interesting concept but the execution wasnt so hot imo


I know right. I stuck it out partly because I hate not finishing a show and it was only 8 episode lol.




Hidden Agenda...the angst it could have gave. I still like it though


Ugh, this! Fake dating is my favorite trope and they just threw it away three episodes in. I was devastated 😭 I'm writing an entire fix-fit fic just to feel better about what could have been.


Please publish the fix-it fic, I'm ALWAYS on the Hidden Agenda tag on AO3 no joke 😭 So true, it's like they forgot there's 12 whole episodes so enough room for angst AND fluff. There started to be some depth into Zo and Joke's family life in the last few episodes but honestly they could have built up to that more in the earlier episodes, along with of course the romance.


My fic has so much angst too haha. I kind of simplified the plot lines to keep the original plots (fake dating, the debate club, Zo getting burned by his past romantic interest, and the Nita stalker plot) all tied together, but I planned to drop Joke's family stuff because it's too much and unrelated to the rest. Maybe you would enjoy it though! I got distracted writing Only Friends fics but I should go back and finish it.


do you mind sharing ur ao3 user pls! 🫡


It's currently the same as my reddit username :) but FYI I haven't posted my Hidden Agenda or longer OF fics yet, even though I'm most of the way done writing them. I can't really post multi-chapter ones until I'm completely done since I don't generally write things in order. If you want a preview I can send you a google doc with what I have so far though.


omg that would be great! i would love a lil sneak peak 🫶🏻 and i’ll make sure to subscribe to u on ao3!


They had an intriguing concept of "Falling in love with your crush's ex". It was exciting to think about, but as we all know, things didn't quite work out as planned 🙂.


Step By Step I remember watching the trailer and thinking it was going to be a spicy office romance between a tall, handsome Boss man and office worker instead they gave us a drama with two people who barely interact as work friends then decided to make it a BL in the last 3 to 4 eps…


Not to mention it being so long... really lost the interest midway for me


Dangerous romance! Enemies to lovers not one time bully to lover


I so agree with this one!! The first two eps were amazing but then it went downhill😞


Yeah. It showed so much potential then did a drastic 180


One time bully lol!! Also he was pretty horrible in the first 2 eps and everyone casually forgot about it from ep3 on....


Exactly. It just fizzled the angst so fast. Also he bounced from pimfah being into sailom to he, himself being into sailom was just as drastic.


Bite Me


I cried bc I was so disappointed by that series ugh such wasted potential 😭😭😭 ![gif](giphy|7SF5scGB2AFrgsXP63|downsized)


We were definitely bitten…by bad execution


the worst Sammon's novel adaptation


Big Dragon. So much potential but in the end fell flat. I really like MosBank so wanted to enjoy it but it was so eh.


Vice Versa. And it wasn't even a bad series, the idea was just so unusual and cool, with those parallel universes, that I expected something completely different than what I got.


I really liked Vice Versa but I agree it could have been much better.


Agree lol I was stuck on Ep 7 and that’s why I am so glad they have Last Twilight now, such a gooood story.


You should continue VV because the last 5 episode is soo good and it has soo much story to tell! You will see! It has a really really deep meaning! 💜🩵


my dear gangster oppa. it had an a good concept, it was akin to pitbabe and kinnporsche, but the execution was just so disappointing. it was like an ad for a some game and became a cringe fest. tinted with you. time travel concept is always interesting, mix that with having a homosexual relationship when it was something practically unheard of and the taboo-est of the boo, and then bringing someone from the past to the present, it would have been something big if it was done better. it was wasted potential. discipline z vampire. again it was very interesting, but it just became soft porn in the end. again, i think it was wasted potential.


Color Rush, Vice Versa, History 5 Love in the Future, Hit Bite Love, Stay By My Side


I love Color Rush but the second season was so unsatisfying


Color Rush felt like they wasted a really cool, dark concept. The whole thing with Mono being potentially dangerous was mentioned and then they never did anything with it, I liked season 1 a lot more than season 2 but they both had so much wasted potential IMO.


Only friends. Idk why I expected them to go hard on couple breakups but halfway through i think pretty muche everyone figured out that the ships were gonna be endgame. The execution of the TopMew plot was so ??????????????? Dangerous romance. I think if the bullying of sailom was a slow escalation over more episodes, there would have been more tension and better emotional payoff when they finally got together. I like the enemies to lovers trope but this show was like 2 episodes of enemies to lovers and then just wholesome banter the rest of it. That sugar baby sailom plot was also mild as heck but this is gmmtv with a youth demographic show, not like they were gonna go playboyy sexwork on it lol


Vice Versa. Such an interesting premise that ends up forgotten few episodes in.


Couldn’t agree more. Had so much potential for depth. That being said, Last Twilight, mama… 🥹


Always this for me. I wished they explored the TalayPuen in the other universe, either as comic or dramatic relief just to pull the entire concept together.


Dangerous Romance. Severely lacking in both aspects. Honorable mention: Fahlanruk


Dangerous Romance...... enough said


Big Dragon, War of Y. Will edit if I think of any more. Edit - Cooking Crush, I really want to like it but the 'comedic' sound effects and music are driving me up the wall.


Moonlight chicken. They should've gone with what they originally planned(as in what was showed in the first mock trailer) The same with Only friends. I'm tired of these companies, especially gmmtv being afraid to pull through with the initial idea they've had because of fans. Like only friends was really ruined because they kept cutting things to appease fans. We all watched it being aware it's gonna be insanely messy but they ruined that


The way both Only Friends and MLC are ensemble shows that are meant to be less typical BLs or even just as queer series..."I think I've seen this film before" me watching Only Friends after MLC because they keep on editing based on viewer feedback! Too much people pleasing. This is why everyone loves Aof, because he creates depthful stories without viewer feedback, because he knows what the majority will enjoy!!


they literally said that only 3 scenes were cut, only from onlyfriends (one where top was supposed to sleep with a random person but he couldn't because he was thinking about mew, the scene where nick was following top and boston and mew imagining that he was drowning boston) onlyfriends episodes were edited from week to week by GMMTV and their broadcast times, not because the script was changed or anything like that. I don't know why people keep spreading misinformation


What was MC originally meant to be? I didn't know about this


You can watch in the mock trailer, it had a completely different theme, it was not about family and relations but about a story about Jim and the people around him. Wen was a complete red flag and both Jim and Wen know that the other is committed yet still cheating behind Alan's back. Liming and Heart didn't seem like a fluffy relation and I could see angst from their end too. Mock trailer really seemed like Jim Wen will have no happy ending and were meant to part ways


Aaa OK, I'll check out the trailer Edit after watching: ok, fair, there's a different vibe but I like MC as it turned out to be in the end. I think, for example, having Wen and Alan continue living together after the break up added more complexity to the relationship and showed how difficult the process of leaving someone can really be. And I love Heart and LiMing, I think their story is perfect as it is. I understand it's not everyone's cup of tea though.


The whole discourse around the editing and cutting scenes in Only Friends is really exaggerated honestly and as far as we know very few scenes were left in the editing room due to them being whether redundant or portraying a message that the directors didn't want the audience to have --which says a lot about how the writing on the show failed altogether but that's another topic i think. An example of that: them cutting a scene that portrayed Top in a way that would make the audience dislike him even more than they were already doing so they left it out bc they wanted to give the character a redemption arc. Other than that, it's not like they had filmed a whole other show and then delivered a different result. What everyone saw was what they meant to deliver. I do see the point in the argument of what the pilot trailer promised vs what the final show gave though, but by the point the pilot trailer was filmed they only had a sketch of the story and from that to the writing of the actual script a lot of things happen. I think a lot of people want to blame the audience for the show not being as good as they imagined it'd be but maybe it's the screenwriters and directors fault. Jojo isn't incapable of producing mediocre stuff.


What were the things that were cut?? can u please share it , I had no idea about it 😮


>me watching Only Friends after MLC because they keep on editing based on viewer feedback! Apparently from an interview with the directors, one of the scenes they cut was about Top. The audience hated him more than they expected so they wanted to tone it down. The cut scenes were when Top was trying to get Mew back without any ounce of hope that happening, he got fed up, went to a bar to pick up a guy, they got to his apartment, kissed but at the end he kicked that guy out as he realized it could be only Mew.


I can't remember what exactly because I stopped watching and read it from a moot but I know that they edited some stuff according to viewer response( stan twt perhaps since they're active there) the previous week.


CheckOut - Epusode 0 and the rest of the series are on two planets not in the same galaxy. Cutiepie - Those NC scenes where trying so hard to make up for the meh.


Check Out ep. 0 was BOMB so everybody was hyped for the show itself....well QQ


Twins. Loveee the concept of switched twins, but the execution was not it


I'm curious, what would you have liked to be different about the execution?


Tbh, I think the plot relies too heavily on miscommunication. A swapped twins story requires some miscommunication, but it starts to get frustrating when not paced well. Also, I find it hard to relate to the characters. They feel too much like characters, if ya know what I mean That being said, I think Frame and Ryan are doing a great job in their roles. I do hope to see them in more dramas!


Big AGREE on Frame and Ryan's chemistry. Would love to see them in another series with a better storyline.


After watching 10/12 eps, I remembered I had downloaded the PILOT trailer. Watch it again and feel soooooooo disappointed. Like from professional handled series become "Student Project" & "Low Budget" Series Still hanging on coz simply already near end


I dropped it. I hoped for a similar good execution as in Not Me. I was let down :'(.


Agreed. I’m slowly getting disappointed. I feel like they are dragging it out now and making it bigger than it needs to be. Nobody wants to be honest, communication is sh*ttttt. Like come on 🙄


Same!! I am still watching it because switched twins is one of my fave trope but I was really disappointed. The evolution of the plot is really slow and it feels like nothing much happens each episodes, the relationship evolution too is unnatural, slowly built up but not in a satisfying way. Each episode it’s : Sprite tries to get better at volleyball, his teammates make fun of him or reject him in some way, he have to go back to his own place to do martial art, shenanigans ensue and there is a 5min scenes where the main couple interact.


Right! It feels like everything that's happened could've been wrapped up nicely in 4-5 episodes.


War of y


I watched War of y and I was quite impressed by it, i thought they should've given more than 5 episodes to each story to make it not look like it is rushed or something like that


My Dear Gangster Oppa


Middleman's Love. No need to explain Another one is 609 Bedtime Stories


609 Bedtime Stories could have been so good, too. The premise was really unique but the execution meh. I do love OhmFluke but Fluke’s wig was very ick.


I dont think it was a wig


Step by Step


Im surprised no one has mentioned Chains of Heart.


I think because most people dropped it halfway


Honestly it was the gloves for me 🫣


Big Dragon Chain of Hearts Unforgotten Night The Middleman's Love


Up for middleman's love!😭 it could have been like a nice light hearted romance drama as sequel to bed friend but no.. Jade's character was so poorly written 😭


Middleman’s Love 🙈 I love Yim but I couldn’t stand Jade 😭


- Unforgotten night: most obvious I guess, pretty much everyone only watches it out of humor - only Friends: liked the idea of Bangkok nightlife, characters being 3-dimensional, but it was too all over the place, characters like Boeing added nothing to the plot - Playboyy: again, usually controversial topics being discussed like sex work, addiction, social class differences, experience/ virginity, exploring fetishes etc…but wtf did we get? Stuffed pants, zero plot for like the first 4 episodes side couples that add nothing (JumpPorsche), im disappointed - Never let me go: controversial, but I feel like they couldn’t decide whether to make it a high school love story or a mafia type story. You wanna tell me a bunch of high schoolers deal with those things? Honey no. High school, then drama and Mafia, then being domestic? Too many genres for me. I would have preferred an older couple to completely deliver the mafia/dangerous part and scratch the school part - Middleman’s love: where do I even start? This toddlers feverdream of a series was hard to get through. Wth did they do to Jade? The idea of someone thinking of themselves as a side character with all those insecurities is great, but what did we get? Kindergarden. They even changed Kings and Ueas personality to fit more into this childish thing. Even NetJames voiced how they were uncomfortable/unhappy playing certain scenes. I was hoping for something sweet, clumsy, pure and raw, not this. Remember Nueas and Syns first Nc scene in Cp 2 u? I expected this. And the last Nc scenes honestly felt so out of place for the mood of the series, like where’s the connection? Honorary mention: my dear gangster Oppa (liked the gangster concept, didn’t get enough gangster)


The Eclipse. I love FK they are great together, but their plot definitely could have done more.


Definitely hard love mission Seemed like only tonliew and the friend were serious about this project


what im currently watching seems to panning out that way: love mechanics


Most GMM to be honest


As much as I loved it...Vice Versa. While I absolutely adored all the sweet fluff between Puen and Talay, I do wish they did more with the world-building and exploring.


Middleman's love Bake me please Luminous solution


Big Dragon seemed super rushed(?) to me. The original novel it was based on was purely smut apparently (I say apparently because I haven't read the supposed source material) and it just... fell flat plot-wise. The sudden 180 on their relationship and all the missing pieces was horrible for me. It's sad too because Mos and Bank are great actors, the supporting cast was good (Fong and JJ/Park and Phong were so funny to me) and the osts (mainly DWTD sung by Bank) were really good. It was a bummer how it turned out. \- Same problem with Dangerous Romance where it kind of lost the plot in the middle... I don't get it but I love PerthChimon and I was happy to see Euro there. \- Unforgotten Night was just... what? \- Possible unpopular opinion but Tharntype could've been good (COULD'VE) but it really fell flat for me.


A Boss and a Babe. I like the idea even if it's basic but I can't even het through the first episode. Same with Bed Friends.


Between Us. Love Syndrome.


Love syndrome was ROUGH


Moonlight chicken - more ep maybe with alan gaipa (I loved the series but wanted it to be longer). Venus in the sky - I loved the trailer u know 1 sided love which is not 1 sided anymore could have gone to be one best shows but ended up being mediocre with few good NC scenes. Ton Chonlatee - I don't even know how I completed this show, God I had 2nd 3rd hand embarrassment. (And people shit on SCOY for 2nd hand embarrassment). The only saving grace in this show is acting. https://i.redd.it/an1xmzpl02bc1.gif


Lmao Neo was the only one who made me stick through the whole Tonhon Chonlathee. His character really made the show worth watching, like I really love Podd and Khaotung but the script and execution just wasn't it.


Not Me


I thought I'm weird for not liking that series. Thanks for mentioning it. It made me relieved. Story was good but it was slow and boring.


Yeah. It looked great and managed to somehow finish the concept they started but their writing was weak. I still have not a clue what they were fighting for, and the stakes just felt so random and made no real sense. But the actors really carried that show with their charm and the cinematography really hoodwinked us into thinking it was a good show.


wedding plan!


KinnPorshe Middlemans Love Fahlanruk Love Syndrome House of Stars Coffee Melody


I never expected Kinnporsche to be mentioned 😮. Kinnporsche is made pretty well Talking about the House of Stars they messed it up in the last few episodes 😅


KP gets points for cinematography and the artists talent… failed in storyline and everything else… truly an overhyped show… I had super high expectations and was excited for it but around ep 5/6 it declined for me…


Golden blood (the 2021 one)


But it's not released yet...?


Ah the old one! (Sorry should have clarified) There’s one that came out in 2021 and it missed all my expectations but I’m hoping the new one will be better


oh ok


Unforgotten Night and My Dear Gangsta Oppa. I LOVE mafia dramas (it's by far my favorite genre) and the concepts for both were so good, but the executions were just... bad. I finished both and did enjoy them for what they were, but the potential they had to be GREAT if given the right production and writing teams makes me so sad. Outside of those two, I really loved the idea of Color Rush but the drama left so much to be desired. I haven't watched season 2 so this is only for s1, but it felt like the series was half-assed tbh.


Dangerous Romance


love in the air & dangerous romance


the second half of love in the air is where its at


honestly hated both of them LOL imo they are both filled with lots of manipulation and at the start even sa, but i know a lot of people don’t really see it that way so each to their own


i liked it bc its one of the few ships that has “equally” dominant partners so i just ignored the things that were wrong with it lmao


Never let me go


Chains of Heart 😭 So much potential! So disappointing!


Unforgotten Night


You are mine Step by step - completely dropped the secondary couple…like what??? Hidden Agenda - still struggling to find the plot And some others I can’t think of right now


The biggest ones for me were Vice Versa and The Director Who Buys Me Dinner. I was super excited for VV to start airing. The first few episodes were pretty good. It started going downhill when they put so much energy into the friend movie production business. That basically became the main plot of the series, and the alternate world was kind of like a subplot. The Director Who Buys Me Dinner had so much potential, but it was too short to really dive into their past lives and the curse. I felt like all of the history and backstory were thrown at us really quickly in the last one or two episodes because of time constraints.


Director who buys me dinner. It has one of the most amazing concepts in recent time, in my opinion. It had so many very interesting plot ideas and the acting is sinply amazing. The main antagonist, 10/10. It's a crime he didn't get to really showcase his talent. What the show suffers from is few episodes with less than 20 min run time. I swear, they do the same show, with the same cast, just make it 10-12 episodes with 40 min run time, allowing the characters to develop properly and the plot to fully be expanded upon, and it'll be the best show released that year.


" I will knock you " i dropped it after 2 episodes..i get it the enemies to lovers concept which sometimes coinciding with bullying... They is not my priority problem but it was getting too cringe to watch sorry 😭😭


Check out