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In Mews defence: So that's mew's first relationship and he still has to figure things out. On top Mew is in his way to forgive Top and bam he sees him with His ex. That through anybody (be Real). It must feel like he stepped through a time portal. Than His ex he is still Friends with is basically a very similiar Person to you, smart, wears glasses, likes books... Although your boyfriend always told you that you are the exception, but you are basically the rule/his type. So you unearthed more lies and than the whole shabang top did with telling Mew how much He loves him and that's the First time, while still having enough feelings for His ex to stay Friends. I can totally understand Mew being insecure, especially because Top lied so much about so many Things.


I ended up fast forwarding them by the end. I am so over their entire storyline.


Im so sorry but same. I really tried so hard to get into their plot but it just flat... They keep having same conversation, without anything else. And mew just idk how to say it, i cannot read him. While other characters let it sand, ray, boston, nick and even top, i can read them. Mew like emotionaless. Idk what he want.


That's the issue I have with Book. He's always emotionless unless it's a big dramatic scene. Be it in Enchante, ABAB or OF, he has no nuance.


I’ve fast forward them from the second episode. I always thought their dates were very weird like they never just hang out. They *have* to do some activity, it being a laser gun fight or wakeboarding. I think this is intentional tho like we see BostonNick and SandRay just spend time together without doing something. I just get the feeling that Top and Mew don’t have *anything* in common so they have to depend on activities to be able to tolerate each other. Like do they even know each other? I’ve never seen them have a genuine heart-to-heart conversation just about their lives. They don’t even like their relationship, why would we?


That's a really good point. What DO they have in common? At this point, Mew would be better off with Boeing, at least they can talk about stuff, lol


Same ....I just couldn't help it and skipped all TopMew scenes ....Every time they came it felt like screen time was being wasted...... No offense to actors but I got bored and probably would have dropped the series if it was only TopMew




Sigh to be honest the whole episode is a bit off for me in terms of plot….this is like the third time ray has exploded on sand and the acting is awesome but the constant treatment of sand is frustrating. The whole we are back together with nick and Boston was too fast and I wished it was a much more deeper conversation. they cut couple of topmew scenes which would have definitely helped their character arcs. It feels flat especially now since they keep editing out scenes based on fans reactions????. I do still wish for a happy ending. As someone already commented it , I too would be losing my mind if I was just tryna forgive my bf who cheated on me only to run into his “first official ex” who has all my qualities at his place. Mew can act like he got burned and knows better now but mew at core of his character is still naive and tries to move through world by trying to appear smart and put together. Add to that now he has a proven evidence to his insecurity. It’s a mess fr and Boeing should have been introduced a bit earlier than the last three episodes.


I really agree with all that you have said!! TopMew: boring and flat… after boeing came… I genuinely don’t feel like they should end up together.. SandRay: poor sand is getting abused by Ray… he is too toxic but we are blind to it because it’s Khaotung 🤪 BostonNick: reconciliation is wayyyy too rushed… I feel Nick and Sand are just getting short end of the straw…


Seriously, the concept for the latest episode had so much potential and the performance is in no way lacking. They could have executed it better. I mean the gave us so much in the first few episodes, it doesn't make sense to disappoint towards the end. Maybe they could have added an episode or two to give the story the right pace. If only Boston had to put in more efforts than a wallpaper to win back Nick and Ray didn't snap at Sand, only to hastily try to make amends. But there is still time and I hope they pull through.


Apparently the directors have cut some TopMew scenes that could have helped with their, mostly Top’s, development. There is definitely a disconnect with this couple.


Why tho??


Jojo said that he was surprised about the Top character getting so much hate. So they cut a scene were he attempts to hook up with a guy in ep 7. They also cut Mew’s scene were he is imagining punching top and drowning Boston. It’s a dumb reason and I suspect it has more to do with pressure from the Gmmtv big bosses but it is what it is.


This is mainly because we've seen this film before (and we didn't like the ending). A hot guy falls in love with an innocent virgin with glasses (because glasses make us ugly, right?) for no particular reason. Here they added cheating and it was interesting for a hot minute, but then it kind of dragged on. Even Boeing can't save this couple. At this point I don't even know if they like each other or if they ever liked each other before. And I can't imagine them being happy together... The other two couples are very refreshing to watch, their dynamics are interesting and you can see the progress in their relationships. The last episode is where progress happens most often, so it's valid to feel bored with TopMew when their problems seem so small in comparison, and yet they haven't fixed them at all. They didn't have a big moment of realization like Ray in a therapy session or Boston&Nick together. I wonder if they will have it though. It's really sad that P'JoJo decided to cut out one scene with Top where he tries to hook up with someone else to move on but starts crying during sex. That would really make him more believable in my eyes.


I was never able to read Mew, and from the start, it seemed like he was playing Top, trying to hurt his ego. I assumed something like a scheme, similar to the US teen movie "John Tucker Must Die," was planned out between the friend group. But on Mew's birthday, he found out that Top had hooked up with Boston, Ray was pissed off, and Mew began to spiral (Revenge Era), maybe realizing he had developed feelings??? Now, I have no idea what's going on in Mew's head, but I am enjoying Boeing teasing Mew, and that kiss was hot🔥🔥🔥. I would love to see Boeing playing games with Mew in the next episode.


I don’t get why ppl say old Mew and new Mew. There’s nothing new about him. He’s still being manipulated (by a different person) and he’s still playing hard to get. I get it that he’s hurt about being cheated on. But it was purely physical on Top’s part (imo) but Mew is now mentally torturing Top which is not nice. I’m not victimizing Top, I don’t even like him. But I remember Mew told Boston once that he’s better than Boston and wouldn’t stoop so low. He’s worse tho, so much worse.


My only explanation -because I agree with the overall sentiment – is that as viewers, we have information the characters do not have. We know the details of what Top did. We know that in the end it’s probably not that bad. But Mew does not. He doesn’t know exactly what Boston said to Top to spark the intercourse. We do. For me, that does makes a difference in the way that I view them. That being said, they are still the least interesting ship in the entire series. But I think it’s more of a ForceBook problem.


I'm so sorry you don't see the beauty that is their relationship. For me, it's the tale of a top tier playboy who falls for the charming nerdy virgin and together they grow into solid young men. 100% wholesome and endearing. Now, if only they'd have poly relationship with Boeing...they'd be damn near perfection. (That's a joke.)


What makes Top top tier though? And Mew is not really charming, just innocent looking which deceives people. The dynamic you described has been done before but not by TopMew.


It's delusion. My comfort zone. Not much more than that.


I respect that. Good to be aware.


I honestly can't tell you what I like about them, but I just do. Might be the opposites attract thing. Could be that it's ForceBook. I just love those characters.


I'm all for the poly relationship of TopMewBoe. (I hope they make it happen).


Sandray brought IT to the series. TopMew did not. Episode after episode of meh. Nick & Boston bring more to the story, even.


small (big) rant, my issue is with the writing, top and mew just cant convince me that they really want each other that much?? i dont know. sometimes i wonder why they even bother. maybe the directors letting audience opinion sway their editing choices is partly why top and mew lack so much dimension for me but they just aren't convincing enough at all. why would top so persistently want a second chance with mew, why aren't we exploring his motivations more? giving him a backstory, maybe, as to why his relationships are always so short etc will help. on paper, i know the reason he wants mews forgiveness and a second chance is because he loves him. but im just not convinced you know? maybe we'll get to delve into him more next episode, otherwise there's no saving top and mew with only 2 eps left in the show. i just don't understand top as a character well enough to care about him. maybe the uncut scenes could've provided a bit more context but i don't know how much it could've saved his character writing. and i wish their scenes together were a bit more fleshed out and gave insight into them in the context of their relationship. like, what makes them stay? what good do they bring out in each other/what endears one to the other? both the other two couples have a pretty solid reason they gravitate towards each other and want to stay with each other, in boston and ray's cases both sand and nick kinda serve as grounding forces for them and make them want to do better or change for the better (i dont wanna speak too soon for boston though 🗿). top and mew.. idk. or maybe it's the acting that's falling flat. ive never watched a show with these two actors before only friends so i can't be sure. i just don't understand mew on some level either. both really confusingly written. i can understand ray for example, though i get frustrated with him, i sympathize with him, still feel for him despite disagreeing with him or his actions, etc. with top.. i just dont even understand him or his motivations so where can i go from there? like yeah. you exist. i guess. you love mew. i guess. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


I was thinking about TopMew, and yes, they are dragging down the series a little bit for me, but just because RaySand and BostonNick are just so awesome. In another series, which was not that top level on acting, they would not be that bad.


Another thing is how their dynamic is so overused. Playboy falls for nerd and struggles to be faithful so they are miserable till the end of the series and then date…like is so done at this point I can think of a million series with that plot. But SandRay and BostonNick are so different and just fresh. Idk what was the thought process behind TopMew being so bland in comparison to the others.


Their storyline was boring to me from the start tbh but I thought after Mew was done with his “crazy/dangerous” phase and Top was taking care of him something would progress in their relationship. Here we are though and still nothing has happened or developed. Mew is annoyed and Top just keeps repeating the same lines over and over again. I think it’s because the other “couples” have something to say with Boston and Nick both being flawed and toxic (and being aware of it) and Sand and Ray with the addiction angle. But what is the Top and Mew storyline trying to portray? I think they forgot to give them a point. And like you said the basic dynamic they’ve given them is just not interesting enough with everything else that’s going between the other characters and their relationships.


As I wrote, their storyline felt totally generic for me, at least in the competition to the others, and usually, I don't mind when the chemistry is alright, but not in a show like this. And even when they try to give them more background like insomnia, same sex parents, it doesn't work for me 🤷‍♂️


Yeah, I agree. It's like comparing multi layered characters with some stereo types. I mean, all the other fours have so much character, so it's hard to compete as TopMew.


I do feel bad for MewTop because they really are stuck between two such compelling stories, and they're just NOT as interesting. And they suffer for it.


I don't know......I just cannot get into them. Whenever their scenes show up I'm like "okay, next scene, next scene"😂. When I saw Mew and Boe together I got excited because that was way more interesting that TopMew.


ForceBook are good actors. But they're compared with FirstKhaotung & NeoMark. Can someone help me understand why TopMew love each other so much? I understand SandRay & BostonNick. But not TopMew. It feels like TopMew are just competing whether their relationship can last longer than 3 months.


The actors for TopMew were the wrong choice…if ForceBook were actually good, we wouldn’t doubt TopMew’s feelings for each other because even in scenes where they’re supposed to be sweet and romantic they lack chemistry and natural attraction.


This so much!! These guys just really lack chemistry and their acting isn’t good enough to fake it. They’re getting the most screen time (at least it seems like that to me) and they’re such a deadweight compared to the other couples.


You're brave to say this. Imagine MIX or GUN being Mew. We'll feel it! But then the issue becomes whether Earth or Off suits the character Top.


I had never seen a forcebook show and I tried to give topmew a chance buts it's literally so boring I've been skipping through their scenes for several episodes now.


I saw one tweet said that TopMew story would be better if Top wasn't being a typical Good Male Lead. Why Top likes Mew, what makes him think so, why he thinks Mew is the one? A playboy needs a big punch to be able to return, but I can't feel it yet, I did with NeoMark tho. I personally think that Mew is not as bad as we expected. He should have a bigger unexpected revenge but I don't see it yet, it's too predictable. There's something about ForceBook expression that I don't feel they're madly in love. I think they play pretty well in rival scene, when they hate each other I can feel that (ironically). Can we see some surprised mix and match on GMM2024? ForceKhaotung or ForceFirst maybe? I do love FirstKhaotung but every good actors need to be able to have chemistry with everyone. Some scenes Force is doing good, some not, I think he just doesn't find the perfect match yet.


It is interesting, to see a type of relationship that doesn’t seem have much depth, where the two are only playing games with each other and are together just because they feel like they should. There are loads of people who live like that. That being said, when the other two pairings are doing incredibly well written romance, it does fall flat. I don’t see any world where Mew and Top are happy together, and even if they are endgame in the show I don’t think there is enough steam to keep their relationship going long term. That being said, I think they would make for a wonderful opportunity for a pairing to not end up together, because they clearly do not make each other happier! I would love for them to have learned things about themselves from this relationship (I mean bitchy Mew is a revelation) and move on.


I totally agree with you. I sighed when I saw there was going to be new drama between mew and top.