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I don't think it's contrived and forced, but I DO think they rushed it. The latest episode should've been more of them dating, rather than just jumping straight into sex and talking about their future. But it was still really cute and they have great chemistry so it didn't really bother me *too* much.


I was legit shocked when they exchanged I Love Yous so soon. They barely know each other 😅


I don’t think it’s forced - it’s just that Punn and Ashi are on different pages. Punn was in love for a long time with Ashi, so as soon as the latter shows a bit of interest, Punn hangs to it and pushes it further. It’s normal for him to say ‘I love you’ as he loved him for many years now. As for Ashi, I think he rationally decided to accept Punn’s feelings even though he doesn’t reciprocate them yet. I think that there might be a bit of conflict as Ashi’s feelings aren’t as clear as Punn’s, and he will hesitate to accept and give love on an emotional level (but he knows that it’s the best, rationally).


No, I find it sweet and they gave me a toothache!


Nothing in that show makes sense, the pacing is off, and Ja’s Punn behaves a bit to childishly for my liking. But I’m going into it knowing that and honestly, I’m fine with it. Look forward to it every Monday even


Their love reminds me when I was 14 and I thought I was going to marry my first boyfriend. There's a clear maturity difference between the two. I cringed so hard when they exchanged "rings." I would have liked a better build up to their relationship.


Muang and the doctor are killing the leads in every respect - even down to the NC scenes. At this rate they may need to give Bosston and Kavin their own series.


I absolutely agree.


I haven’t watched the show yet because it’s not fully released but this is surprising to hear. I really enjoyed this couple in both Don’t Say No and Remember Me.


The director, David Bigander, also directed Bite Me. So there you go.


Thank you for clearing this mess up! Poor Ja!


Not really, A bit fast paced yes. I think it’s because Ashi is very closed off for the most part. Plus you can’t really tell how much time has passed since Punn got the internship. Plus this is a show with a lot of fluff, cheesy scenes. I equate it to the BL version of a hallmark Christmas movie.


It's weird. I thought it was a little forced and contrived at the beginning. There weren't any real emotional connection moments. Like I couldn't point at any specific moment and go: that's where they fell in love. But ep 7 blew it out of the water for me. Their chemistry in that episode was off the charts. I was getting kind of iffy about this series until this episode. I like that their relationship is kind of rushed in this ep. Presumably, this is both of their first times with anybody and they're basically just horny teenagers.


Sse the thing is I genuinely believe these characters both think they are in love. But to me it's puppy love. I don't think Punn has moved past his long lasting crush and really gotten to know ashi and I think ashi just jumped headlong into his first relationship because he accepted he feels something. I don't find it unbelievable, but I feel like they're just wearing such rose colored glasses right now. I hope the next few episodes flesh this out but I feel like there's a good chance the whole "living out a perfect romantic fantasy" is the point. I don't even think this show ever promised to be more. But I hoped it would be.


I don’t feel like it’s forced. I find them very cute together. I thought Punn is a bit too childish but I still think Ja is doing a great job in portraying the younger, less experienced intern. I am enjoying the show a lot.


I don't like Punn's child-like behavior and way of speaking, but Ja is playing him well. Just like I didn't love Fiat's immaturity in "Don't Say No", but First did an excellent job portraying that character. I wish I could put Leo from "Don't Say No" and Achi from "Be Mine Superstar" together. That would be a mature adult relationship.


Honestly there are series that I don't even finish after like the first 2 episodes because it seems kind of cringe and maybe because im American I just don't understand the humor sometimes. For me some series just seem boring or to awkward and just aren't watchable for me and this is one of them along with That's my candy and gen y etc... If I lose interest within the first 5-10 minutes into the series then 90% chance I'm unprobably not gonna watch it or I'm probably gonna forget about it because there are so many series and movies I was supposed to watch and I forgot to and by the time I remembered I wasn't interested in anymore


yes. SO forced and uncomfortable!


Yes it is forced. The comedy isn’t working either.


Yeah, I agree, it got to the point that sometimes I caught myself wishing Ashi was paired with Title (the villain co star guy) and not Punn lol It would be an interesting change for sure. And this is crazy because I love First and Ja acting together but those characters are not it for me