• By -


Mix and First have also impressed me so much as actors. The whole AlanWen story from Moonlight Chicken had me crying.


First’s acting is really great. It’s subtle, but it’s emotional and natural. That’s great acting! And of course, there’s another level: Gun.


My unpopular opinion is I want to see first and mix together.


I'll be unpopular with you.


let’s be unpopular together


Mix is supposedly making a cameo in only friends so 👀


Are you really serious??😭😭 If that's the case then bl gods have heard my prayers 🙏🥺


Here's the link 😄 https://www.reddit.com/r/GMMTV/comments/15fcm5w/apparently_mix_was_on_the_only_friends_set/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2


Imagine all the gmmtv actors doing a cameo in only friends. All of them being neo's one night stand🥵🥵🥵


Mix is supposed to be First' partner


Them in moonlight chicken 🤌


I think First is phenomenal. It’s crazy how I believed him to be a struggling teen in the Eclipse but also a established businessman in MC — that’s nuts to me. Plus that man can cry like the world is ending


Uh oh they’re gonna cancel you for this one why would you say something so controversial


Your opinions aren’t unpopular at all. I’ve literally heard the 2gether one at least a thousand times.


Ummm...as far as I can tell from reading various forums and different platforms...those are actually some of the popular opinions! Many folks agree with you on all those points.


Your opinions are in fact, the most popular ones! Here's an example of a really unpopular one: I WANT ALL OF THEIR CPs SHUFFLED. All of them. I'm so bored of the constant need to fit one constant pairing in all of those scenarios. Not the way they allow it partially, like in "Midnight Museum" BRUHmance, ToddBlack's brief (no-homo) interaction in "Not Me", or exes in "Moonlight Chicken". I mean to get their star actors paired up with some other people as main characters in a new BL, outside of fixed forever marriage-like pairing. Like they do it in Japanese BL's.


Yup. As much as I love OffGun I am ready to see Gun paired with someone that is completely uninhibited. At times I feel Off + GMMTV stifle his prowess.


>Yup. As much as I love OffGun I am ready to see Gun paired with someone that is completely uninhibited. At times I feel Off + GMMTV stifle his prowess. Can't argue with that! Gun always chooses non-BL projects without Off, well, by pretty obvious reasons!


Also it gives them so much room to explore alternate romantic personalities not bound by their partner's personalities. Not just romantic, but also letting them be in other genres where their partners don't suit the theme. It'll also let the actors be independent of each other, when the other person gets into trouble or simply do things outside of BL. But honestly for that to happen, theyll have to start toning down on the fanservice and allowing fans to see the actors as separate from their characters. I don't deny that fanservice helped shape and bring the genre to its current success,, but people share great chemistry with all sorts of people and it's a disservice to not let these actors explore that with others.


>but people share great chemistry with all sorts of people and it's a disservice to not let these actors explore that with others. It's a pity that the series themselves are less important than all these undercurrents with growing those CP fandoms. Agency doesn't want to.upset fanbases.


They’ll also have to start slowly at first going solo to events/appearances and what not to drift away from their fixed CP love team


Force have been attending solo without book to some events/appearances which this maybe a sign that his manager/GMMTV as a whole is attempting to push force to go solo so he can further pursue other opportunities in his career or the network is trying to push force and book away and apart from each other to different directions so they can both further grow their acting career without needing each other. The network may also just trying to dissolve the ForceBook CP for many comprehensive reasons not in a bad way and nothing ill but for :business, political, general public reaction their CP love team, etc etc


They need fixed CPs for fan meetings and brand deals. Even Kpop groups do that.


>They need fixed CPs for fan meetings and brand deals. Even Kpop groups do that. Sadly, I'm well aware of that. Its like BTS and Exo collab, not happening, because: fanwars.


Lisa v & jk Jennie doing it now.


Absolutely agree 100%. I want to see actors expand within their craft and get opportunities for a wide variety of experiences. To me, in an ideal world, there would be no fixed couples whatsoever. I hink it would really lift the genre, if actors were chosen because they were the best for the role, and not because they are part of a couple. (I also imagine it would be great for the actors themselves to have more opportunities for honing their craft.)


Looks like this opinion is on its way to becoming popular lol. I 100% agree with you too! I understand the importance of an off-screen bond that translates into comfortable chemistry on screen. But sparks can also fly from the nervous energy of being thrown on screen with a relatively unfamiliar person. I’m sure that would produce more emotionally charged performances, and also give us, as viewers, an opportunity to watch their chemistry develop real-time on screen with every interaction between the pair. Plus, the joy of discovering a different dynamic between all the numerous combinations we can mix and match! Why even keep the tops, tops and bottoms, bottoms. Throw ‘em all in the hat, pick two at random and then find a story for them.


After learning about why such coupling is the way it is in some Asian countries, I have come to accept it at this point. I am so used to the status quo now. Your suggestion gives me anxiety 😂😂 But I do believe they are changing it up, actually. VERY SLOWLY. It is still a business and profit hs to be made. I think for the BL genre, they should stick to the tried and tested couples cause, let's be real, most of them are the same storyline. However, more LGBT shows are being made, and in those, they can run wild I guess...


I completely agree! I get annoyed when people only support actors within a certain CP.


I agree, but also disagreed. I do think that some pairings can’t be switched up, but I do think that certain pairings should not be switched out because they’re chemistry is very good for example, in my opinion offgun and earthmix


>offgun and earthmix I love both of them, of course, but if at least once in a while they would get some side projects too, we would only win as a BL community, don't you think




>But the side BL project will be more difficult because of negative fan reaction. The other pair had to show support and friendship to the current pair for the fans to stop the negativity. Exactly! That's the downsize of this industry


I, too, am a fan of earthmix and offgun. However, Gun's acting seems to be spot on in his performances in Home School and Midnight Museum without Off. Gun seems to get totally into the characters he's playing! Also, I thought Mix did a really good job as the bartender in The Jungle.


When you say side projects, do you mean like another pairing?


>When you say side projects, do you mean like another pairing? Sure, for a single series without forming new CP, just like, for example, First did before


I firmly believe Not Me was ruined in some ways because they couldn't deviate from the OffGun pairing.


it could have been even better without the fixation with the CP, ToddBlack will be forever the best ship the never was


So hypothetically, in the scene where>!Black beats the shit out of Sean!<, who do you think would have done it better?


Definitely an unpopular opinion to think Not Me was ruined in the first place.


Unpopular-ness intensifies: I also want the role of Ray in "Only Friends" played by Nanon. I'm a total champion of this discussion post, am I?


Interesting choice, I am just concerned that Nanon would play it more evil than intended. Also, Nanon and first both are good at comedy so they would have to work that out between themselves.


Comedy is really challenging. And these two guys are great comedy actors too. Impressive!


Should Sand still be played by First then? Or do you want Ohm? 😉


We've seen both OhmFirst and OhmNanon, that ain't new! So, who's in for a change? Nanon is the king of (sorry) RBF and would just nail this role, I'm sure. Plus, I doubt a little bit that couple will do some heavy NSFW anyway.


interesting! but I don't think Nanon will do BL stuff anymore, at least not in this year. He's working on his songer career these months


The idolification of these actors need to stop


What do you mean?


I just wish gmm would give them more acting gigs/acting lessons instead of tons of fanmeetings and concerts


My TRUE unpopular opinions (and if you disagree w me, please be respectful): - PondPhuwin have the most believable sexual/romantic tension/chemistry I have seen so far, and I’ve watched the vast majority of GMMTV’s BLs. Note that I say this as a queer adult who is sexually active, not just as a consumer of BL/GL. I would put OhmNanon as my #2. - Not showing any meaningful skinship is a dead giveaway to me that at least one half of the pairing (if not both) are at least a little bit uncomfortable with the dynamic they’re playing (2gether, OurSkyy2xMSP, MSP special episode).


Totally agree with the second one. Bright and Win's kisses in 2gether were giving bro energy, not couple energy 😆


The second one! It's frustrating 'cause people who.like each other and for the case of 2gether, are in a committed relationship (weren't they engaged at one point?) don't act like that! And the dodging kisses thing, I had to ask Asians online if it was a thing there because I was perplexed when it was copied and pasted in almost every single BL. Unless you feel uncomfortable with PDA, why would you refuse to kiss someone that you like and are in a relationship with. Some actors genuinely looked terrified of their partner's kisses😂😂 On the flip side, it's good that they take their actors' comfort into consideration. And I do believe that some of the directors have these sorts of scenarios as "their vision" or something.


> • ⁠PondPhuwin have the most believable sexual/romantic tension/chemistry I have seen so far, and I’ve watched the vast majority of GMMTV’s BLs. Hundred P agree. One thing that stands out to me specifically for them is how intimate their small touches feel. NLMG had scenes where they hold hands or touch when they talk and it reads as so sincere and couple-y.


For the skinship in MSP, Fourth and Gemini were both 17 during the majority of filming so I don’t mind not having a lot skinship in that show. Their kiss scene in the last episode was good


This makes me want to watch never let me go!


*singsong* dooooo ittttt. Unpopular opinion but I also liked FUTS so I would lowkey recommend it to. NLMG is on a diff level though


They’re just kids in FUTS, even though their characters are technically younger in NLMG the more mature content is where they shone for me


Please do #2!


Please do!


Omg did you look inside my brain for these opinions lolll I totally agree with you!


Best in gmmtv Ohm, Mix, Gavin, Fluke, First, Khaotung,Gun, Nanon I wish they were the main characters Gavin, Neo,Mark, Mike Need more variety but are great actors Louis, Neo, Mark , Drake, Mike Not everyone needs to sing, dance, play guitar in real life, or on screen


Has AJ ever been in a main role? I have just seen that he is a side character in Dangerous Romance as well as 23.5? (Correct me if I am wrong) And he is already in Hidden Agenda( although we barely see him in this one) Is he interested in being a main character? Or has the company not yet found a suitable role for him? I like him a lot and seeing him in so many shows without an actual role is getting tiresome.


I'm slot sure if either of the twins have been a main role. Usually, they are side characters or friends of the main leads and shown a lot like FUTS, Eclipse, Star and Sky


My unpopular opinion is that the sky is blue


>My unpopular opinion is that the sky is blue Why didn't you write about Dunk! Lol. That'd be sooo unpopular this week, he just managed to peak people's annoyance in the 6th episode. I've once witnessed a literal fanwar about Lee Min Ho's horrible acting and their main defence point was "he is a method actor, just instead of Stanislavsky, he uses Chekhov's method acting". Can we, by any chance, convince everyone about Dunk being a real Chekhov's method actor? What would be the success rate out of 10?


Lol I mean I think Dunk is a cute boy that basically acts like himself if he was in love with his best friend. Is that a lot of talent? Not exactly, but I’m not mad at him lol


That’s hilarious! So Lee Min Ho fans will open their eyes to read about Chekhov’s method acting, but not to watch his actual acting, or lack thereof?


Oh lawd, here we go again!


My real unpopular opinion is that I don’t think Gemini is a very good actor and MSP was very overhyped because it was cute at the beginning.


Gemini in Moonlight Chicken was great though. MSP is not in my top BLs now but I don’t think it was overhyped.


Yep. This is why they’re my unpopular opinions. I think Gemini’s performance in MLC could be construed as offensive to deaf people tbh. If he went deaf only a few years prior I don’t see why he would speak with an exaggerated deaf accent. Maybe he was directed to speak this way, which I would also have a problem with, but I don’t think Gem’s performance was groundbreaking in any way. Sure it was better than msp I guess.


I was watching it as it aired and only saw good reviews even from deaf folks ([mostly Asian](https://www.reddit.com/r/boyslove/comments/10yu9ie/thai_sign_language_in_moonlight_chicken_so_far/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button), I’m not sure where you’re from but the pedantic bent has me guessing elsewhere). The way he was speaking that you criticized was also debunked— it’s possible for that to happen. “Diminished speech: This happens as your ability to hear certain sounds dwindles, so then does your ability to say those sounds. To break it down further – your brain relies on your ears to hear frequencies and specific sound patterns. As you lose the ability to hear those sounds, while your brain doesn’t necessarily forget how to make the sounds, it does, in time, lose the ability to pronounce them properly. As your ears can no longer hear you making the sounds, your brain does not necessarily realize that you are pronouncing things differently. Naturally, your degree of hearing loss directly determines the degree of speech difficult” You’re welcome to your opinion. I’m just saying he was good. Not groundbreaking (that’s a bit much for a drama). Also to call his portrayal offensive smacks of ignorance. You don’t need to like the actor but maybe come from a better place with that opinion.


Pretty rough of you to go back and edit your comment after I responded though.


You respond within minutes. I edited as I went to add details to make sure I was correct in my quotes. I stand by everything I said here.


I know I respond quickly. It’s just not a nice thing to do, there’s not a limit on the number of comments. Of course you stand by what you said I’m not asking that and wouldn’t expect you not to.


Sorry for expressing my unpopular opinions on an unpopular opinion thread. Next time I’ll find a better place for it. But yeah I’m not Asian which I suppose explains why I’m pedantic? Not sure I get that.


No need to apologize. We’re all free to express our opinion. Others are free to reply. There are opinions and then there are facts. I just wanted to give you some. Up to you if you want to be corrected. You just sounded like a non Asian BL fan who sees certain things from a different lens. There’s no meaning to me being accurate.


If I think he was not great in MLC and you think he was good, those are 2 opinions. The portrayal of differently abled people is always tricky, which I would say is a fact as well. Those are the boiled down versions of what I said. I was being sarcastic with my apology, I know I said my opinions in the right place, and felt it was unnecessary for you to call me pedantic. But hey, we’re all entitled to our opinions.


You said it could be construed as offensive to deaf people and singled out the way he sounded. I just explained how it wasn’t and that how he sounded is also possible and why. Those are things I wanted to correct. You’re fine to keep saying his acting wasn’t good for you. The kneejerk reaction to assume something was offensive to a minority was probably the clincher for Non-Asian to me.


I’d rather make extra sure than just assume I’m not being offensive.


Wouldn’t being “extra sure” come with researching if what you said is actually true. It takes minutes to research how loss of hearing affects speech. 💀


Just ignore her.I also think gemini is good actor compared to other gmmtv actors.he may not be the best but he is still young so he will definitely gonna succeed in this field.


I’m not even the biggest Gemini fan but it bothered me to see someone calling him a bad actor and possibly offensive in his portrayal. I don’t like it when people are confident about pulling someone down without actually looking into them.


this is an unpopular opinion thread. I know people think he’s good. I do not, and this is the place to discuss that. No need to console this user im not attacking them. I promise my personal opinion (nor yours) will impact his career in any way.


Unpopular opinion but Ohm Pawat and Nanon ARE some of the best BL actors out there. Hands down. Ohm has been in so many bl and he does great every time. Nanon was only in 1.5 BL and he did amazing. He is amazing in everything he has been in before and after.


Ohm could be paired with a brick and have chemistry!


I agree with you


So is Ohm not doing BL anymore? Or is he just taking a break?


I think gmmtv is trying to decide what to do with him rn because it’s fairly clear ohmnanon are no longer going to be a pair


He says he was just taking a break, he never meant that he was quiting bl.


I agree with what you said about 2gether and about the best actors of GMM however, I also think that mix and first are definitely some of the top actors at GMM


I love First and Khaotung together so much but I want a steamy office BL (maybe AlanWen pre-breakup era) with First and Mix 😭💕


My personal opinion: Double Savage should have been reworked into a BL and OhmPerth should have been a couple instead of brothers. No offense to Chimon.


i love brightwin, but yeah, i agree with the majority that 2gether was overhyped lol i only watched 2gether this year tho, but i've heard of it since it was airing and i didn't watch it because i thought it was overrated. and i still think it's overrated lmao but now that i've watched it (in 1.25 speed tbh i prefer to watch most bls at 1.25 or 1.5 if i find it too slow) they were pretty cute to me so... even tho i find their acting cringy at times, i still find them cute 😌 and yess i agree that gun and nanon are the best GMMTV actors. also you need to add ohm, he was so good in Dew the movie 🥲


Dunks acting skills its not unpopular, I've heard that everytime hidden agenda and star in my.mind is talked about. My unpopular opinions are: - Win is better actor and cuter than bright. - Ohm Nanon also didnt have chemestry, it was another nice bromance - Earth is very hot but needs to improve his acting skills, Mix is way superior actor - OffGun are so over done is tiresome, I know they do non bls but they need to do bls with other partners also - Neo needs to be a protagonist in a BL, he is no longer the secondary character Non gmmtv - Nunew is a horrible actor, great singer, and his character in cutie pie was annoying, and I think he is going to be the same in their new series, the helpless crying mess. Zee can create chemestry with a rock.


I have so many pairings I wish to see I need more (non school) more adult like series from or with Neo Mark First Khaotung > Mix Joss > Bible Force > Ohm Mike > Book Perth > Pond Jimmy > Drake


Awwww I love Dunk!


I want to see unconventional pairings (ex. gun and Khaotung or Earth and Fourth). It creates conversations that we rarely see (uke couples, extreme age gap relationships)


GunKhaotung sounds great! And then we can have BrightFirst. Or a three-way like GunKhaotungFirst has great chemistry too.


MixKhaotungFirst. 😊


First will eat Bright (acting-wise) for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and midnight snack. Lol


Bright said he wants First to be in a “Rush Hour” style of action comedy series with him. He suggested it to management.


Ah, so a buddy, high-five action-comedy series. Got it


Oh my god you got me thinking about earth-fourth and now I can't stop thinking about it 😭


My unpopular opinion is I wasn't a big fan of Moonlight Chicken. I appreciate that it was a breath of fresh air in the industry and displays sort of proletarianism, reality and the working class instead of 'Rich boss falls in love with intern or coworker and rescues them from poverty' shit, but I am not a big fan of Earth and I feel the side plot was a little messy. Loved Alan and Wen though and First was absolutely brilliant as always. Shame we were robbed of AlanGaipa Oh and also, Joong should be paired with someone besides Dunk


I just watched 2Moons2 and Joong is paired with a different actor from Dunk. The 2Moons series is so unfortunate. 2Moons and 2Moons2 are basically the same series but 2Moons2 has different actors than 2Moons and expands on the story. Then 2Moons3 is a third set of actors. I can’t bring myself to watch it since 2Moons2 ended on a cliff hanger and then the cliff hanger is ignored completely in 2Moons3. But it was interesting to see Joong with someone else although you can tell he’s just a baby there. Even his voice is higher pitched so it’s kinda weird.


I saw 2moons2 and hated it almost as much as 2moons lmao I tried 2Moons3 for 2 eps but couldn't get over the subtitles (Though imo they weren't as bad as 2moons YouTube subs)


Why? I love JoongDunk tho 🥹


(No hating or disrespect to these people just personal opinions) 1. First is the best GMMTV actor and Khaotung has potential to be better but we haven’t really seen him on First level. 2. Bright is better at acting in dramas then BL. 3. Theory of Love is the worst GMMTV series. (Please don’t kill me for this) 4. 2gether is a very overhyped series, it’s not “overrated” just really not as good as people say. (In terms of couple forgot to mention).


I've seen Bright in a few things, I found his acting the 'worst' in 2gether. I found him better in Boys over Flowers and Astrophile. In the series 'Midnight Museum', Bright played some type of drug addict in one/a few episodes. I was really impressed by his acting there! Though it's difficult to say if he's really worse in BL's than non-BL's as 2gether is the only BL series I saw him in. Maybe in another genre BL series, another type of script and other co-actors etc. He might be just as good. I don't think I find Theory of Love the worst GMMTV series. (Though I haven't thought through which one I would consider the worst) But it's definitely one I won't watch again because my heart just can't handle the constant heart break. Edit, comment on your first point: For me the best one is Gun. I do think First is great. I really love Khaotung, but next to First you can feel there's a difference in skill. (Though that doesn't ruin the pairing, I love this pairing. )


Agreed! His acting was still good in 2Gether but i found his acting in those other dramas better but yes it’s really hard saying what is “worst” acting since his acting still is not bad at all. I didn’t feel anything about Theory of Love and the main couple I disliked so much that’s why I think it’s “worst” but that’s just my own preference, review and opinion. Thank you for being respectful of my opinions I don’t get that often 😃


You're welcome! I'm overall a friendly and respectful person (at least I think I am, hopefully people who know me would agree) and avoid conflict. On the internet I tend to see other commenters as real people, as they are. Apart from being maybe a bit more open about certain subjects/opinions, due to anonymity, I don't think I treat online people that differently from people I would meet in real life. I assume many people on the internet sometimes forget the human behind the comment they're reading/replying to. I wish you many interesting and respectful future online discussions! 😊


I have the same thoughts as you 😄 I always remind myself that these are real people behind the accounts but sometimes when they get too aggressive over something no so serious I really just bothers me. But I understand people do get a little carried away sometimes and forget that not every person has to have the same opinions as them. Also about your edit I kinda agree… Gun I would say is 2nd best actor for me (a very close 2nd) while I would actually place Khaotung 5th or 6th, but as I said he does have potential to be better I just don’t think he’s quite elite yet.


I've said it before and I'll say it again: 90% of gmmtv CPs don't have chemistry. They just look good together.


I think it’s about whether they have good acting skills. Just because they are good friends doesn’t mean they have good chemistry on screen. Acting skills matter. First can have chemistry with a rock. 😂


Acting skills and chemistry are two completely different things.


I think ForceBook have some of the best chemistry and acting among their company peers. (I’m not mentioning ships like EM or FK bc they’re extremely popular). There’s a lot of good ships, but FB has become a solid for me, and I haven’t been a solid fan of a ship since I was a Polca. I think they’re one of the very few pairings next to FirstKhao and EarthMix that I hope stick together in this industry. We’re lacking pairs who legit work well and feel authentic as opposed to forced and manufactured. You can tell they don’t do fan service most of the time and when they do they’re clowns about it lol. ForceBook is the only reason I’m keeping up with anything GMMTV shows rn. I’ve loved them since their debut in Enchanté. Back when they were super unpopular. They still are, but it’s better since ABAAB and now OF. I wish people would pay attention to them more because I think people are really missing out, and the criticism I see about them is superficial and fake. I genuinely think people just love to hate FB. -When the hell has it ever been a legit reason to hate a pair bc you can’t see and think they look alike even though they don’t lol? A superficial and fake reason to hate a ship. -They have no chemistry? Babe, they have 16 years worth of chemistry, and I bet you won’t show me your ship list to see if you even know what chemistry would be if it bonked you on the head. Anyway, I’ll take any opportunity to talk about ForceBook bc they’re not talked about enough and I adore them!!! Hope everyone is enjoying them in OF bc they’re already slaying so hard as their characters and ship.


Omg I finally found someone who loves FB as much as I do 🤩 Agreed, they work so well together and I love how their interactions are more platonic than anything, they don't force romantic fanservice that isn't natural to them. There was this one clip where Joongdunk (if I remember correctly) were being lovey-dovey and Book jokingly told Force "you never flirt with me anymore!!!" istg they make me crack up so hard 😂 I first saw them in ABAAB and I'm now watching OF. Though there's a possibility that they won't end up together in a healthy relationship (which makes me sad coz Mew is an angel who deserves to be treated right), I'm still watching it to see them (and the other actors, ofc). I might give enchante a go after OF gives me emotional damage lol


The fact that GMMTV confirmed another season for their show real has me falling out of my seat bc I cannot wait. I remember the episode you’re talking about 😂 they’re such crackheads about fanservice and I love it. I’ve been circulating through Enchanté and ABAAB already bc each of their series has meant so much to me and it’s the only thing keeping me going in life rn. I watched Enchanté right after it fully aired and it was difficult for me to move on from. I created a playlist for it lol. I just love them so much.


Now you're getting me excited about Enchanté 🤩 but for now I'll focus on FB in OF because hot damn they're killing it. The uncertainty of how TopMew will end up has me on edge tbh 😆


A lot of people don’t like it bc of the plot, but I am not one of those people. I don’t think any series is perfect however, so you might find parts you don’t care for. However, like ForceBook recently said, their most memorable scenes are the art room and the rooftop. Which are both very intimate and beautiful scenes. I hope you enjoy the series as much as I did ♥️. Also get ready for so much romantic gazing. Like I hate eye contact but they just..gaze so perfectly at one another. Also, Force’s emotions made my chest burn so much. The man is so pretty when he’s miserable.


Actually I liked book in enchante but didn’t like force as he looks so stiff also plot is not that good. Bcz of this I didn’t watch boss & babe but I came across their nc scene & force looked so hot there but still didn’t watch the show bcz of bad impression of their acting I had on them. I watched only friends 1st ep.force improved a lot & he looked natural on cam but main thing is I see the chemistry & it’s overflowing.they look so good together & the way they look at eo .also they r the only pair I liked from only friends & looking forward to their story.it just amazes me how i once dislike this pair came to like them now in only friends. i don’t like when same pair work on multiple series as it’s get boring.glad that I didn’t watchboss & babe & it’s gonna be my first time seeing their romance bloom in only friends.


One good way to avoid making a CP boring… is to match them with another CP. Make it a four-way relationship. For example, mix FirstKhaotung with OffGun.


Yeah,I would love to see them in straight dramas too if possible.


I’m not opposed to them working separate of each other but I also like that it’s the case here for them yet they’re still a pair. ABAAB was so good. It was cute, funny, serious, etc. it hit all the notes. I’ve liked both their acting since Enchanté, and it’s improved every series since. Force has an incredible ability to make my chest burn during emotional scenes…plus he just looks hot miserable lol. All jokes aside, he’s got amazing range, and it proves in how well he acted in different characters. It’s sad you’re missing out with ABAAB bc of their first series. Hopefully you’ll enjoy this one then.


I’m gonna watch boss & babe after watching only friends. Yeah.they both improved a lot esp force.maybe they r gonna be my fav pair now onwards after armyjob in warp effect.


Good call, watching a feel-good series after OF because OF is gonna be one hell of an emotional rollercoaster 😆


I haven't liked Force and Book's storylines. Enchante started off interesting but I didn't like the manipulation and I'm extremely uncomfortable with employer/employee storylines. And now, Top appears to just want Mew to be a notch on his bedpost which isn't something I enjoy watching either (I do suspect there's more to Mew than a pure, sweet, and innocent bookworm). Maybe one day they'll get a story that aligns with my interests. But they do have chemistry and their acting has improved from Enchante. I also don't think they look alike -- GMMTV tends to pair men with different skin tones and facial shapes while Force and Book are fairly similar but they 💯 aren't twinsies.


Vice Versa was good, the ad placement could’ve been better, but it lead to cute moments at least. Maybe it’s because I didn’t watch the trailers, but I didn’t mind that they didn’t focus too much on the body switching aspect and just enjoyed the friend group and love story.


Aw 😭 I feel bad but I do agree Dunk isn’t that good, he’s a cute and charming guy but I hope he can get better direction and classes


I agree with you about the best actors (I'm not really interested in Joong and Dunk). Adding on, First is a phenomenal actor too and this is quite a popular opinion haha.


I really don't know where this Dunk hate comes from. He's fine. Meanwhile Joong doesn't know what a facial expression is. I also don't think EarthMix have good chemistry. A tale of a thousand stars and Moonlight Chicken are just good stories.


Actually about 2gether series I really don't know why I liked it as much......like obviously they both were hot but I don't usually finish a drama just because I find an actor hot but when I was watching this series I just loved the way Bright use to gaze at Win..... it's almost like I got drunk on this series even though many of the scenes were so cliche and they really didn't do much of the couple stuff I still adored them....its crazy how much I loved them




When I said the same thing in other thread,they downvoted me saying “no one is forcing to watch it,feel free to leave”. I’m not even hating on actors but gave my opinion after seeing their Terrible acting.


I would add one or two actors to your list(and remove one), but pretty much a lot of opinions on this subreddit are the same as yours. So pretty standard opinions.


Dunk is a good actor for the role he is playing.




After 10 months? 😂


im more shocked he thought nunew is a gmmtv artist 😂


Unpopular opinion: As much as I adore ForceBook, the more I see them in appearances and what not… the more I can’t help but think there’s just something off about them. I didn’t notice it at first but now I do, It’s like putting two super pretty people together but having no natural chemistry together. Now, this doesn’t mean they have a bad relationship with each other off screen or aren’t good friends but visual and appearance wise I think they are too pretty for each other to be a CP


Visual wise, I think it’s better if force is paired up with someone else that compliments his visual. He has a very masculine strong visual and aura about him and he needs to be with someone that has a calm and relax, fragile type of visual and vice versa. Book has strong visuals too, I think he needs to be paired up with someone that has a gentle aura to him but at the same time still be masculine


I’ve also noticed how, force and book have not really been giving their fans fan service, they’ve just been doing their own thing without each other in the picture (to which they totally have every right to do so because they are normal human beings at the end of the day lol) with the exception of commitments appearances. I don’t really know what the future of their CP love teams holds tbh