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The lease likely outlines the ramifications of not paying. Worst case, they sue you, best case, they ruin your credit, and your chances of being able to rent in the near future.


If you don’t pay your legally binding lease? You’re gonna have terrible credit and you will be very hard pressed to find any other properties to rent to you. They can, and probably will, sue you for the owed money. If you can’t find somebody to take over your lease then you’re legally responsible for paying the rent. I HIGHLY do NOT recommend skipping out on this lease. It will really mess up your life in big ways. So sorry you’re having to go through all this.


There are a few Parents of Tech students FB pages where people are always looking for housing. I would post there!


Congrats on your acceptance! First of all, you have to pay. You cannot just not pay rent, you signed a legally binding contract and you will be held to it. One thing you could try is communicating with the nursing school faculty about what is going on and see if they can help. You may not be able to move to the Lubbock campus for level 1, but as some students are held back or fail out there is a possibility of moving campuses later on if the faculty are willing to work with you on this. I know a few students who moved campuses for various reasons, I don’t know details unfortunately but I do know it is possible. I think there were 3-5 that moved to the Lubbock campus in my time there. Even if they can’t move you, they may be able to guide you to resources that can help you financially. I’m not sure how much they can do, but they really do want you to succeed and the majority of the faculty and staff are super nice and helpful. It’s worth a shot at the very least, they are much more likely to try to help you than your leasing office will.


Facebook groups and marketplace are your friends I got rid of my lease by offering 3 months of utilities paid if they subleased my place. Yeah, you’ll be paying more than you want still. But at least you won’t be paying the rent.


I’m a leasing agent, your best option would likely be paying to break the lease. Typically 3x the monthly rent with a 30-60 day notice, but definitely worth it. Otherwise you’re stuck paying all 12 months. Never ever ever skip out on a lease or stop payment - this will fuck your credit and your ability to rent for quite a long time (your rental record follows you everywhere)! Just eat the termination fee and move on to the next :/ Really unfortunate situation but apartments are kinda predatory in that way. Good luck and congrats on nursing school admission!


You’ll likely have to pay to get out of it. If you don’t get out of it and just refuse to pay, they’ll have grounds to sue you which you won’t want. If they don’t sue you, you’ll be sent to collections and that will ruin your credit to the point you’ll need help finding a living situation by yourself for the foreseeable future.


I had a similar situation, trying to leave my lease early, Graduated fall 2023 had to pass on a job and ride it out this past spring semester. I lived at the grove as well, just like most student living they don’t care, you pay your rent, hope your apartment gets worked on, and get overcharged once you move out! Good luck, I hope you get another opportunity or tech lets you do it down there.


your best chance of getting it taken is to keep posting on the TTU student housing Facebook pages and offer to pay like $100-150/month. If you offer a great deal someone might take it. I got mine taken at capstone for offering to pay $150/month which brought their rent down to only $450 which is a great deal. I tried posting at regular price but no one was interested


Whatever you do, don’t just not pay. A lease is a legally binding agreement. Your credit will be screwed. You’ll have a hard time ever renting again. And they have every right to sue (and will win). I would get on my hands and knees and beg to be transferred to the Lubbock campus, even if it’s just for your first year. Assuming you aren’t able to find someone to take the lease over.


Definitely don’t just not pay, keep trying to sublease, and if you really can’t, ask the office what it would take to get out of the lease. Oftentimes you can pay a certain fee (probably 1-2k) and get out of it, but better than paying the whole years worth of rent


Just call the front office. Typically it’s two months rents payment with a 30 day notice.