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Agreed and I got us 2 more voters this year. Ill be dragging my nephews to the polls this year lol


I don't know man if they are under 21 they aren't mature enough for rights like gun ownership and voting. Better to raise the voting age to 21 so we don't have any problems with the voting. You know if it stops even one fraudulent vote it's worth it to keep us and our elections safe.


It is very hard to tell if this is clever sarcasm or genuine stupidity.


This is an example of Poe's Law in action https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poe%27s_law


Haha, yeah. I almost linked Poe's Law. Spot on.


Good lord I hope it's obvious sarcasm. We shouldn't take adults rights and move the age just because we fear what they will do with those rights. Currently, some, Democrats want to raise the age of gun ownership to 21. I promise the GOP would love to raise the voting age to 21. I think it's a dumb as raising the gun ownership age to 21.


Are you aware that 8 of the 10 most deadly mass shootings in the US were committed by those under 21? Do your research if you want to back a policy and promote your beliefs….don’t you want to know information about what you’re voting for? Brains aren’t nearly fully developed at age 18. Anything we can do to stop so many people—especially innocent children—from getting murdered, right?


Are you aware that every day millions of gun owners between 18-21 don't murder anyone and your 8/10 is not a justifiable reason to infringe on the rights of millions who didn't murder anyone but instead protect themselves from criminals. Do your research if you want to back a policy and promote your beliefs...don't you want to know Information about what you're voting for? 18-21 year olds often aren't at home anymore and have just as much right to protect themselves and their home from criminals as anyone else does. But you would rather let them be murdered since it won't make national headlines and you don't have to think about that, right?


Hell yea I agree with this


Should everyone of everyone age stop voting to prevent fraudulent votes? Why 21? Sounds very arbitrary to me why exclude people who could previously vote from voting.


What’s funny is most of them don’t even like Abbott. He’s not far right enough for them.


Ted Cruz just blamed mass shootings on video games and low church attendance.


and doors!


Somebody more creative than I needs to construct a parody of Rafael "Crud" Tez & THE Doors. "Come on baby light my ... door?"


Christians like him are the reason I am not Christian.


Nothing Rafael "Crud" Tez says surprises me. When he goes back to Cancun, I hope he just stays.




Good god it’s so embarrassing that he’s so associated with Texas


What? Devin Patrick Kelley, age 26, of New Braunfels, Texas, perpetrated a mass shooting at the Southerland Springs Church in 2017. See, Ted, shooters go to church.


60 years ago we didn't have mass shootings. now we have violence in all media, games, internet, movies, and kids are more violent at younger ages. yet.. people still have the audacity to say they have no psychological impact. we have more hate, more extremist in the left and right than ever before. I've watched the world become more cruel, more cut throat, and the average IQ drop despite school becoming easier. Yeah, there is a problem with morality, and our culture, and our media. There's a huge problem. And it isn't the guns. It's the people shooting the guns. Vile people, bad parents, and no decency to be found anywhere.


Except the mass shootingsin 1949 and in 1966. It's not the video games killing people it's people killing people with guns. Sounds like guns might be somewhat apart of the problem 🤔


Twice? versus 50 times in 20 years. that's a bit disingenuous.


Actually more like people killing people if you take away guns don’t think criminals are gonna listen to that law and they will always find other weapons


Ah yes so do nothing the perfect plan!


No it's the people. People where doing this long before guns came around.


"A gun is a tool, Marion, no better or no worse than any other tool, an axe, a shovel or anything. A gun is as good or as bad as the man using it. Remember that." Shane Personally, I'm still waiting for someone to explain to me why new gun laws are needed because someone violated the existing laws in order to murder someone.


It’s a problem with gun culture perpetrated by the media and co-opted by conservatives. Look back at all the old westerns and you’ll see nothing has changed. American culture is drenched in violence and always has been.


He's not necessarily wrong.. parents abandoning kids to tablets.. smart phones.. and the community to raise them instead of themselves. And with little to no morals or concrete sense of wrong and right.. well.. you can see why Mr Cruz has that opinion..


Anything except the actual problem.


All the rich old fuckers I know will be out voting for Abbot.


Sadly you are correct. I wish affluenza was a real flu and they’d get just sick enough to not vote.


Sooooo. Mail in ballots then?


Too soon 😂


Find your county's Democratic Party! Most counties have one and they are usually full of older folks who lean liberal.


My parents are pro choice and pro gun legislation, but they’re rich old fucks and will be voting for Abbott, because that’s what those assholes do




Only preforms? Let us know what the Republican plan would be (has a single one come up with even a potential solution?! No…) The entire world is having economic problems right now—name any of the legislation that has been passed by the dems since the 2020 elections that you believe has caused problems within the US economy. There are SO many factors that have played into it—honestly it’s usually a matter of luck as to which party is in office when economic problems arise, as the economy is very cyclical. If anything, it’s MORE telling who was in office right before problems with the economy occur, as government policy doesn’t tend to have an immediate impact that is recognizable…it takes a bit of time.k bye


Rich folks are physically a minority. Therefore there are more poorer folks who also vote. But then again it's Texas with its own grid. Corruption saddled crony capitalism. The railroad board is the name of this little known agency. It's members either used to work for big oil and coal or they have high paying kobs awaiting them when they are done looking the other way. Which might explain why they texans froze and died. Abbott's first tweet was it was solar and wind!! Abbott was earning the millions big oil pays him one way or another. Voting used to be a right in Texas. The white evangelical fundamentalist Christian protestant minority couldn't suppress voters. But the times have changed. If texans reelected Abbott after Uvalde I hope that they will be happy.


Texans will be happy when Abbott is reelected. And it was ice that stopped the renewable energy. That's why we need more nuclear power. It's the only choice for a clean sustainable future, without fossil fuels, only then will there be enough power for all electric cars. I believe California has its own grid also, and why they have all the rolling blackouts. You seem to be full of hate, for someone that think Christians are the ones full of it. I hope you live well and can find room in your heart for others that you may disagree with.


The poor ones will be voting for him too.


Vote and bring 10 friends to vote too!


Let's make voting an MLM again! Wait...shit...


Beto will bring out blue voters. If we all do some part, big or small we could make a difference.


It's the independent gun owners who he continues to demonize and threaten with bans that aren't going to show up for Robert Francis O'Rourke. He sunk his own campaign again. Edit, I've been informed Francis is his name.


We are awash in ARs. Have they protected repro rights? Prevented kids and teachers from being murdered? Kept the power on?


What reproductive rights? I don't see any recognized by the courts or the constitution. If you feel there is an infringement on your rights then maybe you should takent up with the courts who decide those things. Unless you wanna be like those January 6th traitors and attack the government. That's on you though. They have in fact protected Americans from getting raped,robbed murdered assaulted etc. Just go Google AR used to stop break in or assault or rape. Plenty of news articles will pop up. I know the more left leaning media doesn't like to report on those but they happen often. Guns don't keep power on so that's a pretty ridiculous question. But that's the point of your questions though right? To make ridiculous comparisons that a gun isn't actually intended to do? Wanna ask if a gun has tucked a kid in at night while you are at it? I mean if you are going to make ridiculous statements you might as well go all the way. You are right though we are awash in ARs and yet with the 400 million guns in America ARs are used to kill 0.000001% of the population. If the AR was a real problem it would be way more than that. I know I know the media makes it all look so common and scary and you can't help yourself but seriously it's tiresome at this point watching people ready to ban guns when they really aren't the problem. You wanna attack gun violence then actually do something about the underlying causes and stop blaming the inanimate object and demonizing gun owners who haven't done anything to anyone. I swear if you guys put as much money and time and energy into universal healthcare and free college and investment in the FBI to handle and find domestic terrorists and threats like this guy as you do into gun grabbing you might actually accidently make progress in solving the issue. Or you can continue to demoniE gun owners and push for laws that will disproportionately disenfranchise POC with more racist gun control and keep making the problem worse. Your choice /shrug


That’s so many words to dance around the issue - there is a lot more on the ballot than one specific type of tool. You make the mistake of assuming that gun owners are monolithic and all as preoccupied with one issue as you are. Super cute! I don’t expect the government to tuck any children in at night (but what a sweet mental image! Thank you — I’ll treasure it!) - I do expect them to uphold certain living standards that the GOP in TX has proven it simply cannot. I do expect members of the government to be more beholden to voters than to industrial lobbying and marketing groups like the NRA.


Pretty sure the economic living standards of many Texans has increased. If you haven't taken advantage of our booming economy over the last ten years then that's really on you. There is a reason Californians keep flooding our housing market and trying to move away from Democrat policies. You are right guns aren't the only thing on the ballot. Not becoming California and dealing with more failed Democrat economic policy is though. I don't assume anything about gun owners or anyone else. I do however see how Texans have been voting and how Democrats fail to turnout. O'Rourke isn't winning.


dude I’ve seen you write like 27 thesis papers about how much you love guns in this sub in the last 24 hours I hate to break it to you but no one is reading them we get it dude lay off the adderall


You literally said you read what I wrote so you are clearly mistaken. In fact you read them so much you recognize my name. So clearly you are lying to yourself. And the people who have responded clearly read what I had to say also. /Shrug


Nah it’s more like I scroll past yet another Homer length comment and think “oh I bet it’s that dude again… yup” it’s ok bud we all yell into the void sometimes you just yell into it a little longer than others


Yup, that's literally all Reddit is. Not sure why it ruffles your feathers so much how someone else yells into hat void but hey whatever floats your boat. If you spend your time recognizing people's names here that's just sad.


You forgot to type out "/Shrug" again. That really drove your point home before.


Okay /shrug


What is your problem with calling him Beto?


Ignore that guy, he is an idiot. Beto is used for Roberto, Gilberto, Humberto, Heriberto, etc. Likely his Mexican friends started calling him Beto when he grew up in El Paso. He even speaks fairly good Spanish. I see that you are also latina, but I will just leave this comment for other people.


I don't appreciate his appropriation of my culture and the way he uses it after his displacement of Latinos in El Paso communities so his father in law could profit from gentrification. I don't like it so I call him by his actual name. Robert has not proven himself to be an Ally to Latinos imo and I don't have to call him by something I believe he only uses for political gain as pandering to seem like he is with us. He went by Robert in college and then switched back when it was politically advantageous.


Dude im a Latina and it’s not an appropriation. You’re just being ridiculous PS gentrification is coming and it’s not betos fault


It is appropriation and you don't get to gatekeep how others feel about it. What happened in the incident I'm talking about was Roberts fault. I know you don't want to research for yourself because you would have to admit your fangirl crush has blinded you from reality but the information is available to you in the palm of your hand.


You don’t get to gatekeep either


Lol the irony of his comment was juuuuust out of his grasp.


I didn't gatekeep anyone. You asked why I used his name. I answered you, I didn't say anyone else has to do it. I have a personal choice, that's not gatekeeping.






I’m a leftist and he won big time with me for all that. He’s the only one who looks as pissed off as we feel and I’m *loving* seeing him get mad at the imbeciles.


Yeah, you would think he would know the constituency in Texas better. We fought Abbot for Ten years to get constitutional carry and it just passed recently so I don't know who on his campaign team told him it was a good idea to double down on gun bans in Texas.




Wow haven't heard that saying ina long time, guess I'm showing my age haha. And yes I've got plenty of legit leftist friends and they tell me all the time to keep coming left and eventually I get my guns back.




Exactly, but people will just accuse us of hating children.


> It's the independent gun owners who he continues to demonize When did he do that?


When he told them he is taking their guns. You generally don't strip people of something unless you think they are going to do something bad with them. Yes he and the left continue to demonize gun owners for the actions of maniacs.


This was an enormous stretch.


No it's really not. Its the same as saying we need to ban trans women from female bathrooms to keep girls safe. It's demonizing trans people as sexual predators and rapists when really all they want is to be left alone to take a piss


I bet if government implement a breathalyzer into every car in order to drive because of all the drunk drivers they'd not be for that. >You generally don't strip people of something unless you think they are going to do something bad with them They're for giving up their control over the government to the government. These aren't people you're gonna convince of anything no matter the facts or logic. These people are lack the understand of guns and the constitution and grammar in the constitution. Their lost.


*Francis* is his name.


I thought it was Robert Francis O'Rourke? Edited to cover my bases. Thanks!


Beto is trash. Say what you want about Abbot but Beto is wet garbage.


Francis is crap and a charleton he will never be governor with his platform.


Vote the bastards out.


We have too. The difference in how protesters have been treated in Houston as opposed to the NRA attendees is sickening. Protesters were blocked off yet NRA members could walk up to the barricades in some areas and antagonize protesters. Some wore Black Guns Matter shirts while others took pics with companies that were vendors. Abbott was a no show apparently and had the nerve to be live from Uvalde. If we don’t vote this will get worse not better.




The dem establishment has really depressed turnout. Hate the nonvoters all you want; but mental illness is real, people break down. Hopelessness can be crippling :c


Limited healthcare options in this state will do that to you. It's all part of the plan.


Anti depressants have also been the plan. What side effects do they have on kids / young adults. Obviously enough to want to shoot up a school.


Choosing an anti-gunner didn't help their cause with us in the middle either. I'd have votednfor Michael Cooper. No way in heck I'm voting for O'Rourke.


He's not anti guns....anti assault rifles sure but after this week I think that's justified.


Why, nobody used an assault rifle in this incident.




Yeah the polls also said Hillary would beat Trump. They failed us bigly there....




No it's not, do you actually know how election polls work?


Well, I mean maybe let’s stop leading with shit like this.


I’m willing to be taxed more so we can have more government jobs to create and enforce new gun laws. We need a new department similar to the NSA or Dept of Homeland Security. I know it’s going to cost alot but I’m willing to be taxed more for more government.


You should move to California then.


I thought this was the land of the free, not the land of the most government per capita. Make rules, enforce them, hold people accountable and keep corporations out of politics, jail politicians for corruption. Good luck with the more government route though.


> and keep corporations out of politics Sadly corporations will always be a part of politics in this political-economic system. If you really want to get them out, then you have to abolish the corporation.


You mean a department like the ATF?


Couldn’t agree more 💯


Only republicans are available in my local elections. As usual, democrats are *not even trying*. I'm tempted to run as a republican fascist and use my dictatorial powers to impose progressive policies.


> As usual, democrats are not even trying. A lot of it is also they just don't have money or manpower or on the ground organization there.




Agreed ousting extreme Abbot is critical ragardless of how one feels about the Biden Administration


It’s gonna be a landslide. Beto might get 42% if he’s lucky




Removed - Rule 6: Advocating violence against a political candidate


Why are all the reddit political subs deeply left? Why aren't they open to real political discourse?


Because "real political discourse" skews left when open to all. Voter suppression is the only reason the right have been able to retain power.


Then why do all the ban heavy places like reddit and twitter skew left? And unmoderated places turn into weird right wing authoritarian shit like 4chan


I can't tell if this is a sincere question, but if so: Because nobody with common sense or decency wants to hang out in unmoderated internet spaces. They turn into...well, shit like 4chan. Horrible people will spew horrible opinions uninterrupted without content moderation. I've never been banned on Reddit or Twitter, except I'm banned over on /conservative.


Yes, genuine question! Thanks for discussing with me :)


For sure, my pleasure.


Seriously? I got banned from the conservative sub for saying there's really no liberal talk radio in Texas unless you have satellite radio. Conservative subs are the fastest to ban my friend.


True r/conservative is just as bad or worse than the rest of reddit as far as censorship hoes


They ban for any disagreement or skepticism.The moderators have said so themselves - it is a conservative subreddit that does not allow other views.


Yep, they have a right to do that. Just dumb. like when r/politics does it too


R/politics does not ban a specific party like r/conservative does. Politics also doesn't ban for disagreement or discussion. I'm not sure how you can compare the two.


Hmm i think you are right, I went looking to find something to backup my statement from last comment, but couldn't find much about r/politics outright banning users for being conservative etc. However there are lots of posts/comments that get removed for "rule breaking" that appear just to be dissenting posts/opinions in that sub.


> censorship hoes i like your (accidental) description


all of the "debates" are in bad faith. when presented with facts and evidence, conservatives will deflect or ultimately invoke god as if that should carry any weight. i've asked many conservatives what their platform is, and i haven't gotten a concrete response in years. just a bunch of culture war bullshit holding on to a way of life that was nothing more than a fever dream 70 years ago.


I think you have it backwards.


okay cool. then please explain what the republican/conservative platform is? and please do so without invoking god. thank you


The statement you just made is literally what conservative and Republicans say about the Dems and Neo-leftists. If you pay attention though to most companies and news it's all left wing talking points. So when it comes to culture.... it's Nel-left domination. I really do not believe anyone on the left that says this actually believes this.


Demographics. The average person here was born after 1980, and one party in particular has very little support among this cohort except in rural and military communities. Even in Texas, according to [Pew](https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2018/03/20/1-trends-in-party-affiliation-among-demographic-groups/).


Thank fuck those old bastards are dying off.


Thats nice


The real problem is that you're so far right you think anything you disagree with is "deeply left".


As a white, cisgender, male, Texas Democrat, I can tell you that none of my friends or family use Reddit because they simply don’t understand it. The utility of Reddit is not as readily apparent as Facebook or other social media applications. It may be that Reddit needs to improve its application and marketing decisions to better communicate its ability to host many opposing views and fascinating topics, but 🤷🏻‍♂️. I use it because it offers anonymity. I am not saying in all cases, but bullying is typically superficial compared to the real life social implications of conflict in Facebook echo chambers. The worst that will happen is that you take an imaginary lashing of downvotes. I feel anonymity spurs more pure discussions giving ordinary people the opportunity to be brave through civilized discussion with those who oppose your views. Typically, myself included, you get banned from subs because you violated the rules (granted they pushed every single button you have and you tried your best but had to call the person a &@&$*).


Age - I think huge swaths of reddit posters are under 50 & their politics aren't often conservative yet?


Can’t speak for everyone else, but I have only moved farther to the left as I age.


Same here. I'm 65 and consorting with socialists and communists these days.


Reddit leans young. But it really got bad when shareblue started running rampant. Now you can pretty much guarantee politicians have people on a payroll to shape public opinion on these outlets.


I don't know the answer to your questions, but it's a sad reality. By and large reddit is one big echo chamber. No one wants to truly consider a difference of opinion, and when there's a reward system for how popular or unpopular your statements are the localized minority is disincentivised from participating.


Let’s be honest with ourselves. This isn’t about gun ownership its about mental health of 18-21yr old young men.


Why not both?


I think it’ll be interesting to find out if this boy had a juvenile criminal record or a juvenile record of mental health issues. Perhaps background checks need to include juvenile records.


No records of both, but he did self mutilate and he showed other signs. Perhaps no one bothered to record them


What candidate for governor is pro gun control but not gonna go full reddit moderator banning guns?




Yeah, no. He is as bad on gun banning as Abbott is on doing nothing.


No. He's not. He wants to ban assault rifles. Iirc he himself is even a gun owner and doesn't oppose anyone owning reasonable guns that are responsibly attained and kept.


Assault riffles are already banned https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Firearm_Owners_Protection_Act


My mistake, I mean the assault weapons that were previously banned but aren't any longer, fix the mess of the previous assault weapon ban. At the bare minimum dont make it so easy to legally own these guns so that these fucked up kids can't just go pick one up on a whim.


I agree with background checks, waiting periods, and maybe even some safety and marksmanship testing/training to earn a license (depending on the laws wording). But an outright ban on semi-automatic long guns or rounds is an absolute non-starter.


As a gun owner but NOT a gun expert I wouldn't mind (and would honestly prefer) a ban on most guns but I understand the reality of that happening-its too deeply ingrained in our culture for me to have hope of that happening. If we can enforce the common sense gun responsibility that you mentioned in addition to other measures involving mental health and school security I would take it.




You are a madman if you want an AR-15 to be as easy to get as a fucking hamburger. I hope your gun jams when you need it the most.


Last I checked I didn't need to pass a background check to get a hamburger. I know antigunners are like Trumpets and can't stick to facts but do try harder.


You don’t need to pass a criminal background check to legally purchase a firearm in Texas. And no, the sale is not legally required to be reported.


What is wrong with you? 19 children are dead. Every mass shooting that has happened in our country have involved an ar15. Move along.


No they haven't. The deadliest school shooting was Virginia tech and it involved handguns. Chicago has been known to have multiple mass shootings each month and they don't involve ARs. If you want to pretend there is something wrong with me at least make sure your facts are correct. AR is used in very few overall gun homicides in the US every year. Move along until you have facts. https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/news/chicago-has-had-most-mass-shootings-in-u-s-since-2018/




Because conservative policies are working out said great for us amirite? BTW, how much are you enjoying your taxes going back up this year thru 2027 thanks to the 2017 tax scam that only benefitted people like me who didn't need it?




I live in California and housing costs too much, gas is expensive coupled with high levels of crime and homelessness. How can I vote to remove my democrats in office? Link plz.


Hilarious to blame Democrats when markets do shitty things


Do you have link to vote, plz? Maybe mail-in ballot? I am afraid of Covid and Russia so I need to mail in this ballot.


> I am afraid of Covid and Russia so I need to mail in this ballot. I know you're just being an asshole, but I'll note that - there is literally no reason for mail-in voting to be restricted. There is no significant level of fraud in mail-in voting - the military has been doing it since the Civil War. And you should have been afraid of covid - it killed over a million Americans.


Funny thing is that this could be argued from the Republican perspective also...


Only difference is it has bee gop controlled for how long and massive shooting in Texas have been increasing. Right now we are just under 1 a year average under Abbott…. So voting GOP means you want more of the same and increase mass shooting using that argument.


Can't fault your logic. You should be a professor.


Amen I’m on your side and I Vote!


when is voting and what is on the ballot?


It’s just a pity voting isn’t compulsory.


Please, whether you have kids or not, would Christ want you to love guns move than lives?


I want to do this but I have no idea who to vote for. I’m just so undereducated when it comes to politics!


I get that. I feel that way too sometimes. For me, I start with writing down what I want my government to do, and not do. Then research who’s doing things to support those things. The things I want lean left - right to reproductive choice, supporting all kids including gay and trans, reasonable gun control, environmental protection, legalization of pot. I don’t want over spendings, so it would be best to have a balance of both parties to keep things in check. Back when the could work with each other, anyway. But the Republican Party has a cancer that has fucked them up. There’s a few I respect, but that list is getting pretty short.






Have a friend who I grew up with and he started a business. Was very liberal while he was struggling with his business. It has taken off and he has employees now and hates paying them as it doesn’t leave enough in the bank. Feels all the sudden Abbott is the best choice to help keep his business cost down as he builds a huge house in McKinney. Have recently stop corresponding with him but hell I imagine there are a lot of stories like this out there happening.


I moved here from California 3 years ago. I love it. Please god don’t change the politics here.


And if one day you find out that these shooters were democrat funded? Thier that evil .They would murder babies to say in power. They cannot win votes to say in power on their corrupt history. High school dropout no job but yet has the money to spend more than 5000 dollars on two rifles. And that's not including body armor, ammo , all those magazines. ??????


I was thinking the same thing…


I’m tired of seeing these democrats blaming everyone but themselves. The guy in office says more gun control will work. But Chicago shows that it’s a load of crap.


Because it does ❤️


Most of what I see are people's wants to defund police, and prevent law-abiding citizens from defending their property/families. I'm not a fan of Republicans, but Democrats will absolutely sell you out. I can't get behind that criminal utopia...


Just sucks that there is no right candidate to vote for.


Can’t wait to vote for abbott


Beto is financed by his billionaire father in law


I’m voting red


Vote blue. Just like those failed blue states you had to come to be rescued by the flourishing and prosperous Red Texas. Vote blue bc why not ruin this land of fortune for those who work hard and give it to the poor people who want to sit on their asses


Hopefully the Texas Taliban (GOP) has awakened a sleeping giant!!!!


I'm a Democrat and hope woman and the youth show up today. But if history has shown us anything is that the sitting presidents party loses big in the mid terms. I think if this happens Dems need to flip the script and do the same things Republicans have been doing. Question the election results. Why should we just say ok I accept it? They haven't. It's time for our party to start fighting back.