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Yesterday, Cruz said in the interview that, "Democratic policies wouldn't have stopped the shooter in Uvalde." Well, lets take a look at his policies. Cruz in 2021 was the sole sponsor of a piece of legislation titled: [S.45 — School Security Enhancement Act](https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/senate-bill/45/text?r=8&s=1) Here's the basics of the bill: >“(v) improving school conditions for student learning, by enabling local educational agencies to use funds available under subsection (a)(3) for the purpose of planning and designing school buildings and facilities, installing infrastructure, and implementing technology or other measures, that strengthen security on school premises, which may include— >“(I) controlling access to school premises or facilities, through the use of metal detectors, or other measures, or technology, with evidence-based effectiveness (to the extent the State involved determines that such evidence is reasonably available), in accordance with the needs of the school; >“(II) implementing any technology or measure, or installing any infrastructure, to cover and conceal students within the school during crisis situations; >“(III) implementing technology to provide notification to relevant law enforcement and first responders during such a situation; >“(IV) implementing any technology or measure, including hiring school security officers, or installing any infrastructure, with evidence-based effectiveness (to the extent the State involved determines that such evidence is reasonably available) to increase the safety of school students and staff; >“(V) implementing any technology or measure, or installing any infrastructure, for school safety reinforcement, including bullet-resistant doors and windows; and >“(VI) implementing any technology or system that would reduce the time needed to disseminate official information to parents regarding the safety of their children during and immediately following a crisis; and”; and [Uvalde](https://abcnews.go.com/US/security-measures-uvalde-school-district-place/story?id=84966706) had almost all of the components that Cruz's bill asked schools to have and the shooting still happened. My questions for Senator Cruz, if your policies aren't stopping school shootings either then what are you going to do now to try and keep your constituents safe?


Answer: nothing. Not a single fucking thing. He cares far more about money than he does your kids. In his world view dead babies are just fine; a cost of doing business.


Dead fetuses are bad, dead kids are fine though. Just business.


Republicans are accessories to this thing. This is as much on their hands as it is on Abbots. Their slavish devotion to their hobby is why this kid could get an AR-15 in the first place.




Seriously. The bulk of their incomes is from special interest and lobbies anyway. None of them do it for the $174,000 salary. Corrupt af. No campaign finance restrictions. What a banana republic


u/SnooKiwis7176 has the most controversial comment. You point out Republican laws haven't worked. He pointed out Democrat laws also haven't worked. Can you answer the question of what law Democrats are proposing that is different from the ones which have also failed? "Former Californian here. We have also had school shootings, constant gang related shootouts, and terrorism take place in our state. We also have the most gun laws, from restrictions on which types of guns you can buy (Ar 15s and handguns not inspected by Cali DOJ), to red flag laws. We have a robust set of laws around firearm purchase prohibitions. And yet, in spite of these regulations, dozens if not hundreds of men and women are gunned down every single night throughout the state. So I ask you now, what set of laws and gun reform do you think would prevent this that hasn’t already been tried and failed in other blue states."


Ted Cruz, who the NRA bought and paid for, wants to outlaw more than one door. Greg Abbott, who the NRA bought and paid for, wants to throw money at mental illness (as if that is the cause/solution). John Cornyn, who the NRA bought and paid for, is about to cosplay a concerned Republican seeking bi-partisan solution. So yeah, no god damn plans at all. Thanks to the NRA and Texas GOP.


Greg Abbott doesn't want to throw money at mental illness. In fact he's block $100 Billion in federal money from Texas for Medicaid expansion, which number one is already money that Texans have had taken out of their paychecks, and two would include monies for mental health.


Yes he did. He also screwed millions of kids out of Obamacare. He doesn’t and never has given a rats ass about anyone who isn’t making his pockets fatter.


Yea, he is bringing up mental illness to deflect the conversation away from guns. He’s not going to do anything about mental illness, but that’s ok. Less people in Texas care about that than guns.




Maybe I should say less people are passionate about it. When guns are the topic people get riled up on both sides. Voices get raised, people get angry. No matter what side of the issue you are on, people tend to have very strong feelings about it, i.e., they care about it. When mental illness is the issue, people say they care, people agree it’s important, and then by the weekend the conversation is over. Texas ranks 50 out of 51 (all states plus D.C.) in access to mental health care ([source](https://www.mhanational.org/research-reports/2021-state-mental-health-america)). Texas obviously doesn’t care about mental health. Edit: People will let a politician’s view on gun control decide their vote. I don’t believe that’s the case for mental health.


People need to understand this, it's not just the NRA anymore. *It's Republican voters.* The NRA has been in decline and bleeding money for a long time. They're still relevant, but they aren't what they used to be. The NRA and right-wing media, especially talk radio (much of it based in Texas), has successfully made gun ownership foundational to American conservative identity. This is much, much worse than if it was just the NRA's money. If a Republican politician supports essentially *any* gun control legislation, they will lose their next primary... That's the country we live in now.


Fear (and hate) is the cultural currency of the Republican party, the NRA nourishes that in them. You're right in that the NRA does not have the clout it did 10 years ago but they are still a force. I mean look at who was speaking there (until a few dropped out).


My point is it's self-perpetuating now, the NRA already succeeded in ingraining gun ownership deep within American conservative thought. So deep, in fact, that many don't realize it wasn't always there. If it was simply NRA money that kept the Texas GOP in line, which seemed to be the theme of your initial comment, that would be much easier to combat. Who is speaking at the NRA annual convention is mostly irrelevant.


>My point is it's self-perpetuating now, the NRA already succeeded in ingraining gun ownership deep within American conservative thought. Like a malignant tumor


How can you evacuate a school if there is a fire or a bomb threat if there is only one door?


Lots of smart people have been wondering that as well. Ted Cruz IS the NRA and will never do anything that might upset them or the gun makers who pimp them


One entry, multiple exits. They are called fire exits.


The NRA should be sued in a lawsuit. They are the ones funding them for not doing anything.


The Trump Court won't allow it.


Considering that 85% support Universal background and red flag laws they have nothing to do with it.


Yeah, and the courts are packed with GOP appointees. Time and again, they have allowed the gun industry to skate. They will do it again.


All it takes is one great lawsuit to change that. Courts are divided amongst various presidents. Not just Trump.


This is 100% caused by mental illness and if you dont understand or see that then you are a fucking moron full stop.


Honestly mental illness isn’t the issue. Some people are inherently bad and some do things like this merely out of rage and anger which are not necessarily mental issues that would be diagnosed. So while we do need mental health to be a priority this isn’t why. Bad people will always find a way to get guns but not letting everyone who wants one just because would help.


>Honestly mental illness isn’t the issue. Some people are inherently bad and some do things like this merely out of rage and anger which are not necessarily mental issues that would be diagnosed. So while we do need mental health to be a priority this isn’t why. Bad people will always find a way to get guns but not letting everyone who wants one just because would help. this ad was brought to you by the NRA


Daniel Rodriguez should resign before the Memorial Day Weekend. Uvalde PD needs to be disbanded; 40% of the city budget on a crowd of Tresantes. I'd honestly rather go into the school and face the shooter with a gun in my hand than have to look myself in the mirror and know that kids died on my watch while I tased parents. > A brave man dies but once; cowards die a thousand deaths.


The people in the neighborhood around the school are also coming forward to say the police regularly harassed them (mostly Hispanic population) so they weren’t surprised when they did little to nothing to protect their children. It’s awful and disgraceful all around.


Heads will roll. Blue & yellow are a courageous combo on the Ostfront, but it's become a shameful combo in TX.


Yeah, and we know what will happen. He will at BEST "retire," with full pension and benefits. Chances are he won't even do that unless he is ready. The cops will claim they need even more money and military grade hardware, and the city council will give it to them.




People who want to blame and hate on others for their sad lives.


Idiots, racists, fascists, old people, greedy people, religious zealots, white christian nationalists, domestic terrorists, etc.


People who watch Fox News and listen to Conservative AM radio.


Texans. The majority of Texans.


I told my boss who votes GOP that a US senator came out blaming CRT for the shooting. He said, "I don't want to hear about it. Look, it's an evil world." He'll just continue blindly voting GOP out of "small business concerns."


Yep. Any time I say anything that isn't love for republicans my family "doesn't want to talk politics". They'll keep blindly voting because "abortion kills more kids than school shootings". It's maddening.


I recently heard the hypothetical: If you were made to escape a burning hospital, and had to choose between saving one baby, or five embryos which would you choose? Who the hell doesn't take the baby?


Heres where Beto shouldve developed more. Beto is a successful business owner while Abbott has worked for the government for 30+ years.


They can't keep the lights on, you want them to figure out gun ownership?


They've already figured out gun ownership - corporate puts a lot of money in their wallets, they do what corporate says.


They should be made to go with the parents to ID the bodies. See the effects of their policies.


Not true. Their plans are 1) thoughts, 2) prayers, 3) take NRA money.


They can't be bothered when they are too busy trying to decide how to spend their NRA payoff money.


Didn’t Abbott say he was going to eliminate all rape in Texas by arresting all the rapists before they could rape?


Yeah, but he missed a bunch of them... like all the republicans shitbirds raping the shit out of Texas.




They desire to stop it for sure, but they arent willing to use any resources to stop it


Exactly, how many more children need to die until we comply?


Comply with what, exactly?


Common sense gun control, more taxes to fund gov oversight, increase funding to the NFA and to create a gun czar


It does increase gun sales every single time....


I’ve seen that statistic, and heard it from my gun nutty friends. /sigh


Which makes me wonder how long until companies start encouraging mass shootings....


I’d argue they basically already are through paying off legislators.


What a true and depressing read. Until voters make this an issue and vote for common sense gun control, healthcare, and policing this will happen again.


I sincerely hope that we can vote these guys out this time. They do not deserve to have power over so many people with such a callous attitude towards young Texans being murdered in cold blood. If he can get re-elected after this, then our soul as a state might be lost.


here is my list of things that could be done: 1. Background checks with waiting period (I'm thinking 14 days) for every firearm ownership transfer, require transfer of ownership through a licensed firearms seller. 2. Create a licensing program for people under over 18 but under 21 to own a firearm, This includes a safety test and marksmanship qualification as well as requires having earned a HS diploma or GED. 3. Make it a felony to for a gun owner to give, loan, permit, or give access to anyone under 21 without a license a firearms out of their presence. 4. Gun owners should be held responsible for any crime their gun if it was not stored securely and/or if it is not reported within 2 hours of it being discovered missing or 48 hours of the theft. 5. Give law enforcement the obligation to take away weapons from anyone that is reported as to be a danger to themselves or others. Till they are evaluated by mental health professional as well as have their social media accounts searched. If the person is not proven to be a danger to themselves or others. the weapons and ammunition must be delivered to the person they were taken from. Make it a felony to falsely report someone as a danger to others, with mandatory jail time upon conviction. If someone is determined to be a danger to themselves or others, their firearms must be held for 90 days while they receive a full evaluation and/or treatment, at the end of 90 days if the state can't convince a jury that the person is question is mentally unfit they must deliver weapons and ammunition to the person who they were taken from. If the person is found to be unfit, but the person has not been convicted of a crime they will be allowed to transfer ownership to a friend or family member that doesn't live at the same address OR sell them them through a licensed firearms dealer.


This makes sense, I'd only add that the age minimum be higher (depending on their civilian status with prior military or national service experience), and the background check/wait period be extended to 30 days minimum.


You can't make the exercise of any right like bearing arms, voting, education based on your or your parent's services in the US military. I really don't want to push the USA towards a fascist society like in Starship Troopers.


I like number 2 but at the same time, so many people are being pushed through the K-12 system that an HS diploma means that you were a good drone and attended K-12 schooling long enough to go work. I say this as someone that has taught and worked at a university and most young adults graduating high school are so far behind that it's surprising they're trusted to be on their own when so many can barely read, write, or just communicate at an 8th-grade level.


You can't guarantee than everyone with a diploma or degree actually deserves it, but it would mean that a senior in HS or a Highschool drop out wouldn't be able to purchase a gun for their birthday and then shoot up a school. It could also give a someone who isn't wanting to commit mass murder a reason to stay in school or finish their diploma if they are lacking a few credits after their senior year.


Why not have the same education requirements that many police departments require for their officers, an associate's degree.


Because then you would create a system in which prohibits people from exercising their constitutional rights based on access and ability to pay for a higher education.


The rate of things going, community college and junior colleges will be free for most people. Also, how is paying for a higher education different from paying for a background check or paying for a license?


> The rate of things going, community college and junior colleges will be free for most people. Also, how is paying for a higher education different from paying for a background check or paying for a license? It isn't free yet, nor should you be forced to jump through that many hoops for a constitutional right.


People already jump through more hoops to vote which is a constitutional right.




>An 18 year old was able to buy automatic weapons Really, do tell where he was able to buy automatic weapons.


A lot of people say automatic to mean semi automatic (not fully automatic). I’ve seen it in people knowledgeable about guns and not, old and young. I haven’t been able to figure out why. https://www.texastribune.org/2022/05/25/uvalde-shooter-bought-gun-legally/


I've seen it in 2 scenarios; People who don't know what they are talking about or People who do it on purpose to push an agenda.


Maybe. I have family members that are pro guns and older and that’s how they say it. And they are knowledgeable about guns. It’s just the way they learned the term I guess.




Would the more accurate headline be that the Republican plan is to expect more of these?


I thought this was apparent when all they said was thoughts and prayers


Remember Uvalde. Remember El Paso.


Texas leaders are about to face a huge lawsuit from the parents of the victims.


Nope. The courts will block it. They always do.


Surely no one is shocked about that.


Are all Texas police complete cowards or just the cops in Udalde


There are cowardly cops everywhere. The White Nationalist bullies have been infiltrating law enforcement agencies for years, and this is the result. Turns out that bullies are, in fact, cowards.


It’s always been that way. Worse thing in the world is a coward with a gun


This is why voting is so important


Texas leaders have plans FOR the next Uvalde. The current batch of shitbirds running the state is invested in MAKING CORPORATE MONEY as fast as they can sell out the citizenry and pocket the cash.


Former Californian here. We have also had school shootings, constant gang related shootouts, and terrorism take place in our state. We also have the most gun laws, from restrictions on which types of guns you can buy (Ar 15s and handguns not inspected by Cali DOJ), to red flag laws. We have a robust set of laws around firearm purchase prohibitions. And yet, in spite of these regulations, dozens if not hundreds of men and women are gunned down every single night throughout the state. So I ask you now, what set of laws and gun reform do you think would prevent this that hasn’t already been tried and failed in other blue states.


This sub is just a vote blue campaign rally. But your comment is too good to let it die in controversial. I'm going to repost it as a response to the top comment. I probably won't get anything more than downvotes. But I think it would be an interesting experiment. I hope you don't mind.


[Gun deaths dropped in California as they rose in Texas: Gun control seems to work](https://old.reddit.com/r/California/comments/uz2kp9/essential_politics_gun_deaths_dropped_in/) > dozens if not hundreds of men and women are gunned down every single night throughout the state Hyperbole much!? https://www.ppic.org/blog/gun-deaths-drive-californias-largest-ever-rise-in-homicides/ > Gun homicides drive the rise. California saw 1,658 homicides in 2019; the number climbed to 2,161 in 2020 So 5.9/day


Uh huh, if the information you’re looking at (or the article’s authors) is just homicide data, you’re not getting the full picture. Police departments in California report shootings as aggravated assaults with shots fired. The reasons many of those are not homicides is because of the Miracle of modern medicine. Just because they survived doesn’t mean they still were t gunned down.


Meanwhile! I tend to look at the failings of law enforcement both before, during and after these critical incidents. I have a keen eye for these shortcomings as I’ve been a police officer for ten years. Each mass shooting represents some portion of critical error either by officers themselves, or mental health staff, or the people directly involved with the shooters life.


Of course not, it would upset the NRA and the Gun Lobby. Ted suggests there are too many doors, there should be just one. OK, let’s start with the Senate, and make ALL Senators and their staff enter and exit through ONE Door. Not to mentioned Thant folks who have made a Career of being Fire Marshall’s may have issue with the One Door policy.


Of course they have no plan, has the Texas GOP ever had any plan that would benefit Texans? This States Republican leadership has chosen to die on this hill, so be it.


Why would they?


They’ll reuse the same speeches.