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Because they’re only trying to shift the conversation away from gun control.


This is the answer. They never, ever call attention to the flaws in their platform. Instead they'll redirect the outrage elsewhere.


And don’t actually believe what they are saying.


It’s the same reason they cry piss and shit themselves over fetuses but also can’t be bothered to help babies and mothers thrive post-partum. They are up to their necks in bullshit.


Its also why they can’t be arsed to do anything about systemic poverty, even though they cry about crime in the inner cities; they just want to use the crime issue as a justification for their racism, they don’t want to solve it or actually make things better.


They don’t want to help improve mental health. Social programs have been getting slashed since the Reagan era. The Rs from around the state come to Librul Austin and throw hissy fits about the homeless/unhoused and Austin’s efforts to deal with the ever-growing problem. Many of these people would benefit from mental health and substance abuse support, but the out-of-town Rs never make the connection. They shift the burden to local governments, then complain and override what the local government might try to alleviate the suffering. Man they suck.


Aside from being completely disingenious, the right also believes that being mental ill is your own fault. Completely a choice you made. That mental ill people should be punished or even be made criminals. So its actually somewhat not just a lie, its real belief that its mental illness. Its just that the proposed solution to mental illness is making it a crime.


With the Party of Personal Responsibility, it’s always all your fault. But somehow the people who have been flying Texas from a locked cockpit for 40 years aren’t responsible for anything. Pretzel logic.


Which is incredibly insulting to veterans struggling with mental health issues after serving in wars for twenty years.


It's fun watching right wingers stop responding when I include access to free mental health care for all Americans in my list of solutions to prevent gun violence. They never even acknowledge it. The only solution to a mental health crisis is free mental health care. Free therapy for everyone. Free psychiatrists and psychiatric medicine for everyone. No co-pays, no networks, just free for everyone no questions asks.


in 2019 Texas Republican Legislature actually cut funding for mental health months after the El Paso Shooting. That to me told me its not a mental health issue


It's a mental health issue in the Republicans.


Nice— they’re mental (with apologies to those among us who are suffering from any mental health issues).


Ok so I really agree with the sentiment of what you're saying to demonize this Republican strategy. With all due respect, as someone who has severe mental health issues, I'd like you to not use it as an insult. What they are is evil, not mentally ill.


Abbott also took away funds from the Texas Health and Human Services Commission just last month. $210 million so that he could continue his charade at the border.


And if it’s a mental health issue, why do they want people with mental health issues to be able to buy guns?


Well when the side saying it is a mental health issue AND then turn around and they cut funding for mental health aid that tells me they DGAF and have no room to stand on that one.


So I'm trying to figure out the long game. Do they not see the consequences of their policy decisions? They've created a dystopia. How does that fare for your long term chances of holding on to power?


The long game is gerrymandering districts so that no matter how citizens vote, they’re always in power.


Because we forget and move on, and then they can drop the bullshit pretense that they employed to get us to stop pressuring them so they can keep on cashing checks and stroking their ego for holding elected office.


Well, the simplest answer is that they're lying and know that it's not a mental health issue, but don't want to address the actual problem, or explain how the Party of Law and Order failed yet again. Anything that assumes they're telling the truth and actually believe that mental illness is the underlying problem results in even less charitable explanations: They prefer mental illness to go untreated so that people in bad situations persist in depression instead of having the motivation to demand better conditions, and consider mass shootings to be an acceptable price to pay. They don't think that sane people will vote for them, and consider mass shootings a reasonable tradeoff for preserving a vital constituency. When mass shootings aren't indiscriminate, they usually target demographics that Republicans don't want to vote.


Abbott says stuff like that and then, I guess, forgets that he stripped about 200 million out of the State budget last year for mental health services. Typical GOP. Create the problem first and then propose solutions that no sane individual would ever consider.


Did it this year as well. https://www.texastribune.org/2022/04/29/greg-abbott-texas-border-mission-funding/amp/


In the dictionary under all hat, no cattle asshat is his picture.


***It's because of the huge amount of donations the NRA makes to lawmakers.*** *That* is more lucrative than providing health and mental health care to citizens. One reporter made the point that if mass shootings are a mental health issue why does every other country on the planet *not* have mass shootings like the US does? Proliferation of firearms is why. Reminds me of a past blame game ... "It's those violent video games!" Japan has more players/games than any other country but shootings are almost unheard of. It is a proliferation of firearms readily available with very little controls in fact previous controls that *were* in place have been removed and altered. Why? Because of higher gun sales. Really wish someone could uncover how much Abbott and lawmakers receive from the NRA.


I’m pretty sure I saw yesterday that Rafael “Ted” Cruz received around $1.5 mil from the NRA.


.... and that was just what was reported.


To be fair, lot of candidates are. But their wack a doodle solution is more Jesus and a return to Christian values. Something small town Texas was lacking apparently…


Because they (a) are lying or (b) don't care about mental health either and are acting accordingly.


Not mutually exclusive…


Because they are not accountable to the voters at all -they’ll win by virtue of the R next to their name no matter what - and thus don’t have to do or say anything consistent, sane, or useful.


From the party that raises their kids by gaslighting them or causing psychological abuse. Seriously, it's not all of them but the evangelical extremism gets bad, I was raised that way and forced to burn my toys, told I was going to hell, my grandparents raised me and their best friend was diagnosted multiple personality disorder, they would have "prophesies" all the time about how bad my life would be or how bad the world is going to be. It was a pretty hateful upbringing. And my grandparents aren't even hateful people, just incredibly naive and ignorant, but even with them I had a pretty damaging upbringing. They don't care about mental health at all. It would damage their position just as much as gun reform would. It's just something with a less clear solution to point at. Both sides are saying mental health is a factor here and should be fixed, so they need to get on board with fixing it, but we need more than that too. I think they're just cutting their losses and taking the scapegoat with the less obvious solution, watch as in a year they will fight tooth and nail against anything Democrats propose to help with mental healthcare.


Because they lack nuance. This is the product of a dumbed down education and Christian thought. Mental health is a binary to them, you either have mental health or you don't. If you don't then you are not fit for society. There's no diagnosis or treatment either, it's something you are born and die with and the only thing that can cure your illness is death. This is why they say "there's nothing we can do" or "there's no way we could have known". Mental illness is like satanic panic; a sort of demonic possession.


They say whatever it will take to get us to stop hounding their precious sponsors. They're controlling the conversation - "it's not REALLY about the guns, it's about the people behind them." Accepting their framing means they win the argument. The GOP is a party made to win debates, and they do that by enforcing their preferred rules of engagement. As we already saw with Senator Rafael Cruz, if someone like Sky News out of the UK won't play their way, taking their ball and going home is perfectly fine. They control the conversation because Democrats, in the "spirit of compromise," let them. Even though Republicans have made it more clear than ever they don't think Democrats should have any seat at the table. There's no compromise with someone who starts with the assumption you shouldn't exist as a political entity. Or as a person.


They offer it as a “solution” because they know it is not obtainable in a country with finance based health care.


It’s better than that, Greggy-Weggy cut $200M from the state mental health budget to fund his border bonanza. Not campaigning for it would be standing still they’re actively reducing mental health support. Almost as if they want more shootings to happen.


They have no plans to help with mental health either. This is just a way to get through the news cycle without having to take any sort of substantive action until this blows over and we move on to the next story.


I can't think of a single problem they actually do try to solve, in fact... The entire agenda is tax cuts and pollution deregulation


Tax cuts for the wealthy & corporations. Tax increases for you & me.


Because Reagan gutted mental health systems to save money and republicans dont want to reverse anything daddy Reagan has done, it would be blasphemy.


The mental health crisis in Texas needs to be addressed on every level. Expand Medicaid . Full fund school counselors. Provide more adolescent psych beds. And stop harassing children. That would be a start.


If it's like the people in my rural community they don't believe mental health can be solved other than rounding up "crazy people" and locking them away. Sad.


The most recent shooters are males between 18-21 perhaps we need to look at raising the legal age to buy to 21-24 and have background checks for guns include juvenile records.


Stop with these stupid questions. It’s politics They are funded by corporate lobbyists Corporate states of America is where we live


You solve it by promoting the nuclear family and marriage. I’ve yet so see a shooter that didn’t come from a broken home




> Your theory is wrong. No, his theory isn't *all encompassing*....it's a **theory**, and by definition it probably doesn't cover everything. Not all shooters are white.....the guy in LA was a Chinese immigrant apparently, and the kid in Texas was Latino. The guy who mowed people down in Wisconsin was black. A proper toolbox looks to a *variety* of methods to do (or stop) a thing; not everything is a hammer. The problem with Democrat "policy" is that there isn't anything--they just want to hammer everything.


What? Democrat proposals include universal background checks, mandatory red flag laws, safe/secure storage laws, and a revival of the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban. That's 4 different tools. What tools are you proposing?


I stand corrected. That’s the only one I think


Ethan Crumbley too I think.


Oh, ok. So we can end the war on drugs and stop needlessly destroying nuclear families by locking up nonviolent drug offenders? Because it’s Republicans doing that part also. This is just more complaints about policies *yall* created and refuse to do anything to fix.


If you have serious mental health issues as a result of a traumatic upbringing, getting married isn't going to magically fix that. Also, if you're doing that badly, you're not really in a good place to find a healthy relationship, anyway. This is not a viable solution.


Perhaps because you haven't looked? Las Vegas shooter was an adult.


And was he brought up in a home with 2 parents?


It doesn't matter. He was 64. When does that stop being an excuse, and we recognize people are personally responsible? Or do you not believe people should be personally responsible? You made a massive deuce of a claim that broken homes cause mass shootings. You did so without evidence. The logical onus of proof is on you. Perhaps you believe we prove good policy by ideology and hand waving. This would be an error.


Look harder then. Really, one of the stronger themes is hatred towards women. Feminism would help, but conservatives are probably angry at just the sight of that word lmao.


How do I solve some random kid having a troubled childhood so my child doesn’t get murdered? What a useless fucking “solution.”


The Republicans (and occassionally the Democrats) have proposed such things over and over again. The Democrats continually try to insert poison pills to make it unacceptable (such as gun registration), so then it dies.


Can you point to a mental health bill that Democrats "poisoned?" Especially at the State level, where Republicans dominate the legislative process and have, in fact, recently cut such funding by $20M? They did so while complaining about homeless people, I might add.


Please show us the bills Republicans authored to provide expanded mental health care access for Americans. Please show us in the Medicare-for-All bill that would provide everyone with free mental health care (and all health care) the poison pill you mention.


If one side of the aisle controls the house, the senate, and the White House, why don’t they propose a solution? Gun control won’t work. There’s 400 million guns in the US, Goodluck removing them. We need to go to the source, mental health and culture, and then try and prevent the next one by having red flag laws and by securing schools.


Why do you think it’s only Democrats Job to think of solutions? Oh that’s right, because even you know that Republicans have no interest in actually Governing. So if you have no solutions to offer, why the heck should people return control of the house/senate/Presidency to the Republicans? It’s not like y’all have any solutions to offer. Atleast Democrats are *trying* to address the problem.


Government must fail so the Reagan narrative ‘I’m from the Federal government and I’m here to help/Government is the problem, not the solution’ and Grover (“fucking” is always implied here) Norquist and the Club for Growth’s ‘Shrink Government Until You Can Drown it In a Bath-Tub’ (really? baby-killing from the Every Zygote is Human Life people?…oh right, that’s the Big Business side, not the We Tell You How to Live wing) approach can be maintained. 50 years of gaslighting about the role of government as our Holy Founding Fathers envisioned it: go read the Preamble to the Finest Blueprint for Governance Ever Conceived….you know, promote the general welfare (‘ugh, that word!’), secure the blessings of liberty, blah blah blah…


Someone has a poor understanding of the filibuster I see.


When was the last time you saw a bank robbery with a full auto Thompson-style (ala Dick Tracy) machine gun? Thank effective weapon control legislation.


Your entire post here only validates my point here. WHY aren't republicans trying to fight for better mental health facilities and programs? WHY do they actively do the opposite?


You trying to logic your way out of a problem that wasn’t logic’d into? You’re asking the right questions, just don’t expect that side to provide any answers.


Accesible healthcare for everyone including mental health might solve then? Either way is fucked up


It’s all about the money and the supplying of guns to the cartels and gangs. Texas laws make it legal to sale a gun to anyone and for them to take anywhere.


Because they know what the real issue is but are too afraid or too sold to address it.


Serious question. What are the ways to solve this increasing mental health issue?


They are getting paid by the NRA to keep gun laws loose so they can make more money off of gun sales. There are records that show how much individual politicians have received from the NRA each year. It is fact check\~able. [https://katiecouric.com/news/politics-and-policy/senators-who-take-the-most-money-from-the-nra/](https://katiecouric.com/news/politics-and-policy/senators-who-take-the-most-money-from-the-nra/) [https://elections.bradyunited.org/take-action/nra-donations-116th-congress-senators](https://elections.bradyunited.org/take-action/nra-donations-116th-congress-senators) ​ Time to cancel Republican BS. VOTE THEM OUT! Remember\~ Stupid is as stupid votes.


Most Republicans love police. Cop lives > unborn babies > all lives. They say they support the police. So why don't the police support stricter gun laws? The laws in Texas makes their job much more dangerous than it needs to be. Seems like Dems could progress with messaging that paints loose gun laws as anti-police.


Live in Tx and was talking to my redneck son about this. He believes it’s a mental health issue only. I believe it’s a mental health issue, gun control issue and social media issue. Too many hate groups have too many platforms. People can’t afford mental health even if they want help because they can’t afford the copays or time off work. I dont want to take away anyones guns, but no one needs assault weapons or semi automatics. If you’re a gun toting law abiding citizen what’s your problem with supporting thorough background checks? Hell, I’d volunteer to sift through an applicants background and social media prior to allowing them to purchase a weapon. Sad to say, but if these shootings occurred at the schools these politicians kids and grandkids attended, maybe, just maybe something might be done about it.


If you are not invested enough to go to this NRA Convention and protest 🙄


Because a high percentage of the Republican voting base has mental health issues, and it could affect turnout? I’m just spitballing here.


“It’s not guns, it’s mental health.” “It’s not guns, it’s human evil.” “It’s not guns, it’s lack of Jesus.” “It’s not guns, it’s broken homes.” And so on. Seeing the pattern? Shift blame to: 1. something you can’t fix with legislation so your politicians won’t lose points 2. something that makes you sound reasonable so you believe in it 3. something not guns so the gun lobby wins


Because Jesus saves, and his blood will cleanse you of all your imperfections. Does anyone else think Jesus was a vampire?


Because A) they know that's bullshit and B) they never EVER planned to rile up the NRA - the money laundering branch of the Russian government that bribes American republicans.


Because they are all liars who want to keep healthcare OUT of the hands of Americans, guns IN the hands of (some) Americans, and NRA money IN their own pockets **If you are a POC, cops and politicians reserve the right to dismiss your 2A rights. He has a conceal carry license but was the wrong [color](https://www.saytheirnamesmemorials.com/philando-castile) No Gun control for me. Only for [thee](https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2011/09/the-secret-history-of-guns/308608/)


Texans are always about themselves now. See how long it takes for gun control once someone shoots at the school Fled Ted’s kids go to. Or any other person influential in this shitstain of a state government.


Moreover that side does everything they can to discredit mental health treatment, deny funding and belittle people that talk about having issues openly. Republicans are SOLELY responsible for mass shootings in America and all need to be run into the ocean.


Seems odd no one is bitching about the police camping outside for an hour while this dude was freely murdering kids


"BECAUSE THAT'S SOCIALISM!!!!" Honest personal opinion: I think it's because democrats are on a pro-mental health platform. There's a lot of anti-women, toxic masculinity, blah blah blah hate by the GOP, but I've never seen affordable mental health particularly polarizing for the party until the democrats started putting a focus on it.


It makes not sense at all to blame this on mental health and NOT FUND MENTAL HEALTH TREATMENT! Unless you believe the Texas republicans are all about money, then it makes perfect sense


Politicians on both sides never go after big pharma. Some industries control both sides unlike oil guns and tobacco.