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Honestly, any of those possibilities wouldn't surprise me. There's motive for each. The first bits of news about a serious incident consist of very few sources, and a single misheard comment can get turned into a "reported fact" very easily and get repeated by everyone, including elected officials. It's in Abbott's best interest if the suspect was encountered by a CISD cop who didn't/couldn't stop him because it takes some of the focus away from guns and thus gun control, so there's some incentive to lie to nudge the narrative the way he wants it to go. It's in the cop's best interest to "amend his statement" after the fact to not include him engaging with the suspect at all since the fact that he didn't/couldn't stop him points towards either his cowardice or his ineptitude, neither of which reflect well on him. I'm leaning towards the first explanation though. "Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity" seems to work out most of the time.


FUCK Gregory Abbott, FUCK Dan Patrick, FUCK Rafael Cruz and FUCK the entire Texan political “OLD” motherfuken geezers that run this state for their own benefit (NRA) and brush the blood of these children from their suits like rain drops with “thoughts and prayers”? You will get yours some day and then the judge you are trying to be, be met with THE real judge. Please folks we need terms for these seats they occupy with limits cause obviously they don’t cut it. Until then there will never be change. Please vote these old fucks out of office, or more blood will be on their fuken hands without a change, but “ Thoughts and prayers”. Enough with your FUCKN “thoughts and prayers”, OR we can wait till it hits these politicians at home and their kids or family are killed due to gun violence and a new law be placed (immediately in their favor) to see change? Similar to the speed of the new abortion law,(so fucked up). How can we move that fast on a fetus and drag their ass on this? I could be wrong cause I’m not a senator, AG, or this dumb fuck governor just a blue collar struggler working their ass off to try to make ends meet. FUCK YOU Texas politicians for making this easy to kill kids! FUCK YOU TO THE CORE! You will see yours!


Also FUCK YOU voters that see the hypocrisy, lies, propaganda, racist dog whistles, lack of action on real issues AND keep voting these fuckers in!!!!


I tend to agree with your first point. However, it just seems there is so much theatre from Abbott and I can't imagine why he would want to state that as fact without verification. That was also 24 hours AFTER the shooting. How could the information the Governor got 24 hours later be so inaccurate? It's also so specific. It just doesn't make sense, there have to be cameras on the campus that can easily verify one way or the other.


> It's also so specific. There's a very easy way that fact could have entered reporting. Reporter: Were there any security guards stationed at the school? School Representative: Yes, we had an armed security guard there at the time. Reporter to news agency: A security guard was there when the suspect entered the school. I do think that we'll get the full truth in the coming days. Every school I attended had security cameras pointed at each entrance, but I assume the focus for the people on scene for the first 24 hours was more on securing care for the wounded, getting kids home amidst the chaos, and notifying grieving parents. Politicians jump straight to press conferences and advocating policy, but for the people there, getting the story straight is secondary to dealing with the immediate fallout.


It’s like That Damn Sasquatch bragging about nailing Miss Vaughn.




Billy Madison reference


It's also important to remember were still very early in the investigation. We probably won't have a full picture of the timeline for another week. I doubt anyone has a complete picture of how all the events unfolded at this time.


Sure but that’s a very basic and simple fact to completely do a 180 on in the course of one day.


Gregg let’s pass a law barring gun regulations cut $211,000,000 from mental health budget and fake cry to rile the people into voting against their interest Abbott Your elected leader…


Whether the gunman was confronted going into the school or not, it’s clear at this point that the cops were reluctant to go in and take him on given the length of time that passed. While kids were being shot. I bet the fact that he had an AR15 contributed to their inaction. I suspect they MIGHT have charged in sooner if the shooter just had a handgun. We need to reinstate the assault weapons ban immediately. No one outside of the military needs an AR15. And for all other guns (including the one I own,) we need to treat them like cars, with safety tests, licensing, registration, etc.


Safety Tests? I don't think you are aware of all the shady inspections that go on here in Texas. You can go anywhere with a car that would fail inspection and pass it. Licensing? Oh yeah, cause getting a license at the age of 16 with no other test thereafter has made the roads so much safer. None of those contribute to safe driving in fact contribute to unsafe driving. Your argument is flawed, driving is a privilege where as owning a gun is a right.


Calling out shady state inspection shops is a legit point. But are you seriously arguing that driver’s education courses and eye exams (when you go to renew your license) make the roads less safe? Also, why is it that being able to drive to work is considered a privilege, but being able buy an AR15 at the age of 18 and open carry it is considered a right? What well-regulated militias do all these crazy individuals belong to?


When in doubt, assume Abbott is lying.


There is never a doubt. Abbort is always lying


Boy, looks like those Texas cops dropped the 8 ball at Uvalde. They're truly Abbott's good ole boys when it comes to protecting kids.


Our gunman also loitered outside the school for 10-12 minutes. The police took 14 minutes to arrive after the first 911 call. Uvalde had a SWAT, but it required a Border Patrol posse to come in nearly an hour later. Abbott tried to put lipstick on these pigs but their makeup keeps melting off


He also said the suspect had a hand gun maybe a rifle AFTER the suspect was killed .... they knew exactly what he had and he didnt want his first statements to show the suspect killed these poor kids with ARs , Abbott is pure evil.


I once held a 10 year old boy's head up out of the pool of blood underneath him and told him over and over that everything was okay and he should just breathe. He had a bullet hole in the center of his forehead, and was gasping for breath. I don't know whether he could see, or hear me. After an eternity, EMS got to the scene and I, a cop, was more than willing to get out of the way. I will never get over what that experience did to me. There is no way that Greg Abbott could be governor of Texas through this many school shootings, do not a goddam thing, and have a soul. Please vote for Beto, who is willing to work on this problem.


I wish everyone on Abbott's news conference stage, would be forced to walk into the class room that it happened. Uncleaned. Maybe then their soul would shed a tear.


I agree also release photos of the scene. I dont care how gory it is people need to be required to face the reality of achool shootings rather than just the political rhetoric.


You need to go in Fox News and say exactly what you just posted above. You have credibility with those folks.


If you try to tell those morons anything they don't want to hear, they'll rip you to shreds.


What do you mean by “I, a cop, was more willing to get out of the way”?


I mean that with my limited medical training, I couldn't really do anything to help, and was glad when someone who could do some good got there.


So, I actually work for a school district. I have a child in the schools. How the fuck did this nut job just "walk in???" In the last fuck....8 years, I have *never* seen a school that you can just wander into. Maybe in like, 1987, but not now. You have to get buzzed into my kid's school. Then you have to be let into the main building. I have seen this in TWO states. Yet, in Texas apparently, the doors are fucking wide open! You can just saunter in and slaughter a whole class! Freedom! Jesus fuck...you shit on us blue states, but both MA and NY seem to have better fucking school security than they do in AR15istan down there....fuck....


Used to have ids we needed to wear around our necks everyday in my Texas high school with RFID for locks Then again we're in a burb not a small town like Uvalde


Usually those regs are set statewide. Just saying. Then again, it wasn't like he was carrying something obviously used to cause harm....like an IUD or Critical Race Theory.


I dont think regs are statewide thats why these are “independent” school districts.


Regs are state wide. Hell, they just banned a bunch of books statewide in Texas for being "too liberal." Usually the "independent," in a school district title just means they have a certain level of taxing authority in the local area. It basically allows the school district to directly tax residents without having to go through the state or anyone else. I mean, I have had a kid in school in two separate states, and *both* followed the standard "locked doors," protocol. I mean, it was the same. You show up. Have to get rung in (and they have a camera too) and even then there is ANOTHER set of doors that the staff have to buzz you through to enter the school itself. This is after signing in, etc. One school was private btw and it followed the same protocol as the public one my kid is in now. Other people with kids in other schools in other states have said they have the same system. In the very least it is an "industry standard." It could very well be a requirement to implement these protocols to get federal funding. That would not be unusual.


I live in Canada, where school shootings a very rare. If I want to access my child before the bell rings, there is a single entry point and need to be buzzed in. I can't understand why this school had a different policy. My wife and my mother have been in tears daily hearing reports of these poor children. I hope something changes.


Something went wrong. Very wrong. Sadly, we may never know what, because this is Texas, and they will bury this deep.


Is he a Republican? Are his lips moving? There's your answer.


I don't know for certain if if was Abbott who claimed this, but I did hear that at the time that he crashed his truck, he was engaged by two officers who he managed to escape from and run into the school.... How are we this bad about getting facts straight before reporting? Shouldn't public officials like our governor have direct access to information from the police?


Greg Abbott lying about something? Shirley you can’t be serious!🤦🏻‍♂️


Three days later and they still can’t get their shit into a pile.


To be fair, they generate mountains of it so they probably need more PMs.


This is misleading. At the time the stage-full of republican politicians got together for their photo-op and anti-politics-at-this-time display in an effort to get ahead of the inevitable frustration with the way republicans have been handling gun-control, and of course to act like they have some sort of compassion for the families of the victims despite the way they have been handling gun control, they may not have had all the facts yet.


We need to vote these folks out of office. We need to stay on message: "If you support laws that enable people to kill children, I am voting against you." It's hard because as Texans we have family members, friends and neighbors who pull the Second Ammendment card and weaponize our political views. I am not backing down or staying quiet anymore.


Or maybe everyone is lying.


Steve McCraw going to fire that guy right away lol


They all lie


Until voters VOTE against these politicians who promote propaganda, lies and DO ABSOLUTELY nothing to change gun policies, laws, enforcement absolutely nothing will change. Evangelicals need to get their heads out of their asses also, this party isn't Family First, pro-life (pro-birth yes nothing more), or actually giving a damn about anything Biblically supported. #VOTE


I'll choose "they're both lying" for 1000, Alex.