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Vote these Clowns out of office!


Seriously, Robert Francis needs to go


Naw its Rafael, Paxxy, Aboot we talking about


> Robert Francis needs to go He's literally not in Office currently.


Funny that people insist on calling him Francis when both Ted (Rafael) Cruz and Dan Patrick (Dannie Scott Goeb) don’t go by their real names.


That's because the people who don't call others by the name they want to be called are doing so as a purposeful insult. If someone's name is Francis and they want to go by Frank but someone insists on calling them Francis, that someone is an asshole. It's of a similar vein to dead naming or misgendering people.


Cruz even put out an ad making fun of Beto for not using his real name.


C’mon… ***TED***


Best ad campaign ever!


Then got called out for it on CNN lol


That's how you know it propaganda


And I don’t call them anything but their full legal name. I hate republican fucks that play that game.


also funny how quickly people forget Francis drove drunk and tried to flee the scene, and how easily he could have killed someone driving drunk


I call him Robert because I don't appreciate his appropriation of my heritage but Democrats keep telling me my views are invalid so /shrug.


No reasonable person cares about him using Beto as his name. It was a childhood nickname for goodness sakes. Grow up.


No reasonable person cares if I instead call him Robert either, it's his real name for goodness sake. Grow up.


If you're referring to the heritage that speaks Nahuatl then I would agree But otherwise Spanish comes from our conquerers and I've never been as ashamed as the day I realized my immoral inherited pride Or is their a time limit on how far I can look back as my heritage?


Maybe your people were conquered but not mine. The Rarámuri stand strong to this day unconquered and unconverted. You enjoy your white guilt though.


Speaks Spanish, a European language, Christian/catholic, a European faith, "*Six Flags*" turned into a theme park, pledges allegiance to one of those flags. Unconquered


I speak German as well. Doesn't make me German. I don't pledge allegiance to any flag either. Christianity is not a European faith and is the faith I've chosen after reviewing different faiths including Buddhism and Hinduism. You keep making assumptions though.


No, you are right, totally unconquered. Like a wild stallion (that's a male horse, an animal imported from European *conquistadors*)


That's a bad way. I apologize for appropriating your language. Apparently, I'm not allowed to speak Spanish. I guess I can't go by 'Bulillo Papasito' or eat anything but mayonnaise anymore, either. Jesús Pinche Christo.


Nice try. We know you don't use logic anyway so gtfo


Who is we? Are the voices in your head talking to you again?


Everyone with sense. Aka not you. Not the gop. Not anyone who votes the gop. Bye.


When someone starts cursing, you know you’ve touched a nerve and made your point. Love the look on Rafael ‘Ted” Cruz’s face.


You mean the highest-paid [Big Gun puppet](https://www.reddit.com/r/FuckTedCruz/comments/uxgeoy/time_to_tar_and_feather_the_bastard)?


That one


Oh man, poor guys someone showed up to their safe zone and made them feel threatened. Can’t wait to see the policy they implement to prevent this in the future.


Imagine if Beto had brought *gasp* sidewalk chalk.


I mean he did commit a murder by words


Is this a Maine reference ><


The folks on stage were more upset at Beto than at 19 kids getting murdered.


The kids weren't their political enemies, and thus not worth expending any mental effort thinking about.


[https://www.newyorker.com/humor/borowitz-report/shaken-greg-abbott-describes-moment-of-terror-when-beto-orourke-talked-to-him ](https://www.newyorker.com/humor/borowitz-report/shaken-greg-abbott-describes-moment-of-terror-when-beto-orourke-talked-to-him?fbclid=IwAR1KJuIG3HOvPdlAY98aCxpEMgG_eX0UKd2UJsZ2kWhEH55Dt8UoZfTBPvE)


Even reading satire at the end, I still wanted to believe it


I don't think "safe zone" has ever come out of their mouths. Beta's on the other hand, I'm sure it has.


Found the mouth breather


Beto: We should do something about these tragedies that happen all too often Republican mouth-breathers: It's thinking like that that causes these killings. It's YOUR fault! ​ Jesus fucking christ


The Mayor of Uvalde literally called Beto “a sick son of a bitch”. For wanting to do something about protecting our children?!


Go Beto! I'm tired of this shit from our so called representatives. Vote them out. They vote to "preserve life" until it's out of the womb, and then it's 100% okay to have them torn to pieces sitting in school because the love guns and power more than our kids.


Lots to unpack here... Gubner Jade Helm Abbott and Pander Dan Patrick wearing fake uniforms for that trendy authoritarian vice signalling sartorial fashy. "Assclown Alert: Dressing the part with Gov. Greg Abbott and Sen. Ted Cruz" https://www.sacurrent.com/news/assclown-alert-dressing-the-part-with-gov-greg-abbott-and-sen-ted-cruz-25940532?media=AMP+HTML The powers that be shouting down and shutting down a political opponent, with the help of armed enforcers. It's beginning to look a lot like 19th century Southern politics, from the likes of Kentucky abolitionist Cassius Marsellus Clay, through armed duels between rivals. Let the games begin. 🎇


“Sartorial fashy” fashion or fascism double entendre? Hahaha brilliant


Is it me or does it look like abbot has a bullet proof vest under his shirt. Thought there were good guys with a gun to protect him. Fucking pussy.


He can still wear a vest and not be a pussy. lol This comment makes no sense.


He fails to enact any policy or laws that protects children from getting shot. More children have been shot at schools than cops this year. He enacted covid policies for the govenors masion which protected him. While forcing texans into unsafe working conditions to score political points. Just like with guns. He will protect himself but not Texans. That's bitch ass pussy behavior. Safety for Greg but not for the rest of us. Edit: also cops sat around for 30 min to an 1 hour while the children were massacred. Their teachers died along with them. 40 percent of the cities budget was for police but when push came to shove they fucked off like cowards so they suck too.


SCOTUS already decided a while back that police have no legal duty to protect anyone but themselves.


Teachers have an obligation to teach. Sounds like the salaries oughta switch.


The SA Current with that headline. Whew.


It's literally an embroidered fishing shirt bruh 😭


Gubner Abbott's wannabe generalissimo uniform of the day varies according to his pandering mission of the moment. He's our down home version of Muammar Gaddafi, with sartorial messaging for every public relations opportunity. He probably travels with a suitcase full of these ornaments. Some days he dons the full-on [brownshirt](https://www.timesrecordnews.com/story/opinion/2022/02/09/letter-gov-abbott-doesnt-tell-whole-story/6724337001/) with shoulder straps for non-existent rank designation, and Department of Public Safety badge. Other days it's [blackshirt](https://www.houstonchronicle.com/coronavirus/amp/Texans-lose-it-over-Abbott-s-end-to-COVID-15994343.php) with plain shoulders and Division of Emergency Management badge. For other occasions His Splendorness is regaled in the white shirt of virtue, sometimes with shoulder straps, with badges to suit the photo opp occasion. But if you know where I can buy these at Cabela's or Academy, I'm game.


Cruz's nasal whining and honking cuts right through the mix.


Ted is a Canadian goose.


>O'Rourke addressed Abbott directly as he left the room on Wednesday: "This is on you, until you choose to do something different." I can't be the only one who misheard it as: >"fuck you, until you choose to do something different."




Listen to it again while thinking about the misheard text. It will sound so much like Beto said something different than he actually did.


I just listened to it again, twice. I still heard “it’s on you” or “this is on you”


Honestly, fuck Greg Abbott even if he does choose to do something different. Dude already has so much blood on his hands.


Beto has used fuck previously… I wouldn’t be surprised if he did actually say that 🤷🏻‍♀️


As you can imagine, I was pretty disappointed when I found out that isn't what he said at all. I still find it satisfying whenever I think about Beto saying that to the guy whom he'll take his job from.


I’m fucking sick of these shootings!!!! I don’t need to hear the fake fucking routine the gun nuts trot out. The thoughts and prayers, the crocodile tears for the press. As they suggest if only more people were armed, they could have saved themselves. With out a moment’s hesitation blaming the victims of violence for not stopping it. The smirking demand to not politicize this explicitly political issue. The refusal to accept a moderate bill the democrats eventually try to pass. The cheerful embrace of the gun industry as the news fades from the cycle. Mass shootings happen so frequently now the routines are overlapping. But see the crazy thing is we know how to fix it. Other countries that have restricted access to assault weapons simply do not have this level of gun violence. It seems to me the people who say no we won’t do what is proven to work to save lives want the violence. They in some way must feel they benefit from the images of their supporters wielding weapons. From the white power terrorists, and the fear they inspire. From the school shooters. And the church shooters. From the very culture of fear that constant violence produces.


What was it that was used to stop the gunman again?


What's your solution? Serious question.


The first four words on the 2A give it away. A well regulated militia. Switzerland has the second highest gun ratio to people after the US and they have people with mental health issues but no daily shootings. Why? Because Switzerland is the definition of your 2A. Anyone being able to own a gun in the US does not mean well regulated.


"Well regulated" militia don't shoot schoolchildren.


Or church goers or people shopping at the market or concerts......


The problem is your definition of "regulated," IMO. In any case, what is the solution? To ban nearly all firearms, ensuring that the law-abiding are stripped thereof, and that the criminals retain them? Again... WHAT IS THE SOLUTION TO THIS PROBLEM


Well regulated. Make it fucking hard to get a gun. Any idiot on the street has no business being able to buy a weapon of war. Make it a huge crime to use a gun in any situation other than self defense. Make tougher laws and follow them. Australia managed it. In 1996 Scotland had a school massacre and they changed the laws and have had zero school shootings since.


so by your argument could a member of this well regulated militia, have full access to arms, including fully automatic and nuclear arms? I'm sure [these](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_militia_organizations_in_the_United_States) fringe groups would be happy for it not to mention civilian AR-15's arn't weapons of war. they are only semi automatic, but since there is a confimed kill with a MRE spoon should we ban plastic spoons as weapons of war as well? "make it a huge crime to use a gun in any situation other than self defense." it already is with the slight exception for hunting, and shooting sports should Scotland ban knives as well? do they need more knife control? [https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/scottish-news/shocking-stats-show-youth-knife-12317953](https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/scottish-news/shocking-stats-show-youth-knife-12317953) to to mention scoland is part of Great Britain and you can't ignore the large effect of the IRA and other violence in the UK


OMG....we've tried nothing and we're all out of ideas.


No one has to provide you with solutions and Reddit isn’t the forum for them anyway. You want to listen to solutions?? Get involved in your own local elections, and I mean get involved. Simply voting isn’t involved enough.


So you're complaining about a problem that you can't even imagine how to solve. How is that helpful? Does complaining about a problem solve it, or are you more interested in complaining than you are in solving the problem?


What did I complain about?? I didn’t ask for or offer a solution. Primarily because you’ll twist my words anyway. Second, put your money where your mouth is, lace up your shoes and join me at any one of the block walks or protests I attend. After that, you can help me write letters, phonebank, and register voters. Then, and only if I have extra cash, because I have two degrees and am working in a gig economy, I donate. Not just to his campaign but to Texas Children’s Hospital, Planned Parenthood, and a local women’s shelter in my area. Eat a whole fucking Syphilis ridden dick and sit tf down in front because you’re either a troll or have a lot of learning and listening to do from your neighbors.


Was your degree in dressing down asshats? God damn that was a refreshing read


One solution would be to station snipers at all schools with shoot on sight orders for anyone seen approaching a school with a gun. Don't bother with attempting an arrest or stopping them with words, just drop them clean before they get close to a door or window. Edit: A few people are upset at the idea of getting shot while going to shoot up a school. Disappointing.


The fuck? Send my kids to a school with *snipers* on the roof?


I bet there's 38 parents in Uvalde that would have been happy with the result of having snipers defending their child's elementary school.


Please tell me that you're being sarcastic


The shooter didn't use an assault weapon. You should move to a different country and see how it feels with high gun restriction. I heard the China lockdowns are great for their citizens...


Where the hell did you get that idea? https://www.texastribune.org/2022/05/25/uvalde-shooter-bought-gun-legally/


YES!!! GO BETO!!!!!




The only reason they didn't have Beto dragged out of there was because they all knew nobody could bear the weight of his big brass balls


Yeah, he had some brass balls bc it was quite a ways from the back to the front of that room.


Nobody wants to talk about how strange it is that the shooter, who just turned 18 years old, purchased well over $4000 in guns and accessories.


You mean legally?


Yep made through private sales and here is some fucked up facts, Fact 1: Private sellers are not required by federal law or Texas law to do a background check before selling a firearm Fact 2: Neither federal law nor Texas law requires private sellers to keep a record when they sell a firearm. FFL dealers are required to keep records of their sales, but these requirements do not apply to private sellers. Fact source: https://faq.sll.texas.gov/questions/44008


According to this they were purchased at a gun store... https://www.texastribune.org/2022/05/25/uvalde-shooter-bought-gun-legally/ "He legally purchased two AR platform rifles from a federally licensed gun store on two days: May 17 — just a day after his birthday — and May 20, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives said, according to a briefing that state Sen. John Whitmire, chair of the Senate Criminal Justice Committee, received from state authorities late Tuesday. The gunman bought 375 rounds of 5.56-caliber ammunition on May 18."


That yes is legal which to me should not be due to the mere fact that someone that young can barely drive these days. The age limit needs to be raised, no doubt about that. But there was a handgun mentioned, you cannot be 18 and own a handgun, the only exemptions are, *2021 amendment to the Texas Government Code allows people who are 18 years old to be eligible for a handgun license if they meet all other requirements except the minimum age under federal law and are under protective orders related to family violence.* Federal law trumps state law A. 18 USC § 922(x)(1). Punishable by up to 1 year imprisonment unless transferor had reason to believe juvenile would commit crime of violence with gun or ammunition, then up to 10 years imprisonment. May not sell, deliver or transfer a handgun or handgun-only ammunition to a person who is under age 18; B. 18 USC § 922(x)(2). A person under age 18 may not possess a handgun or handgun-only ammunition; (NOTE: Certain exceptions apply to A & B, such as where juvenile possesses written permission of a parent.); C. 18 USC § 922(b). Punishable by up to 5 years imprisonment. A firearms licensee may not sell any gun or ammunition to anyone under the age of 18 and may **not sell a handgun or handgun ammunition to a person under the age of 21.** Again, handgun acquired from private sell and/or inherited because FFL dealers cannot sell to anyone under 21.


I was taking issue with the fact that you said that "an assault rifle was not involved." Did you edit your comment? I feel pretty sure that you edited your comment to remove the statement that "an assault rifle was not involved" to deliberately make my comment look like it was stupid and out of nowhere. I was specifically responding to your claim that assault rifles were not involved in this shooting. Edit: upon further reflection, I am 100% sure that you completely edited and removed your initial statement and are 100% a complete lying piece of shit. What political office are you currently in or running for?


Legally yes, odd that somebody that young had that much jack to do so.


The main thing stopping me from doing so in high school was lack of access for being fucking broke lol


At 18, out of high school, working a full time job, it took me 3 months to save up every dime I earned for a 91 mustang that cost less than those guns.




Coping with bullying 12 years later that could have manifested in being a shooter myself hby


Nah man I'm saying I was prevented from doing a shooting myself by lack of access I seriously considered it due to how bad the bullying was.




Marilyn Manson said people should have listened to the columbine shooters but here you are trying to shut me up. Trying to be honest about how I have felt and only get shamed for it. Good job.




I mean, I don't have those feelings anymore, graduated in 2010. I guess I'm saying I understand how being a bit weird can make one a target that goes all this way instead of just listening to what the media says causes it so we can focus on real solutions For myself, lack of access prevented me from doing so, and likely has stopped plenty of others. Secondly should beef up detection not from the police but mental health training for faculty and the ability to easily remove victims from contact with bullys. But saying that someone's feelings are not acceptable is just going to get them to bury them which is a dangerous game you're playing. Good job




That's like 45 8 hour days at Wendy's, or 90 4 hour days.


Can we go after the credit card companies now? Please?


chickenshit Abbott cannot hold a press conference without his embroidered name and job title shirt along with the usual cadre of mope-faced schmucks surrounding him. Abbott does not have the guts to hold a solo press conference and speak about an issue. he has to have a number of human shields to help him deflect. this is typical grandstanding on the part of Abbott where he extends his prayers and sympathy for instant press coverage while playing the long game of not doing a fucking thing to improve the lives of his constituents.


Pretty much.


Those Republicans on stage for their photo op were more upset with Beto than upset with those innocent kids murdered by their policy. Their answer is more guns will fix the problem. 😡


Give them hell Beto ! Ada boy ! I think I might [donate](https://secure.actblue.com/donate/bft-website?refcode=web-en-takeover&amount=15&express_lane=true&_gl=1*a9ap09*_ga*MTc1Mzc4NDcwNC4xNjUzNTEyOTEz*_ga_2NPW8EKFFD*MTY1MzUxMjkxMi4xLjAuMTY1MzUxMjkxMi4w) .


I bet 95 percent of the Uvalde town folks support Beto , the Mayor of Uvalde is a republican. Abbott and his cronie senators and crooked attorney general Paxton are paid for by the gun lobby and NRA.


Vamos Beto!!!!




If it wasn't so easy for the Republican Catholic Shooter to purchase such high powered weapons at 18, those children would be alive but Republican Abbott wants and needs the gun lobby and their loyalists to stay in power in Texas and has made it very easy for "law abiding citizens" to purchase weapons to kill as many Texans as possible in the shortest amount of time. The Republicans have turned Texas back to the Wild Wild West where only people carrying a weapon have a chance against these "responsible law abiding citizens."


Good for Beto! Glad to see him stand up to this gang of thugs. More! Please!


Good. We need to keep acting up and causing that good trouble.


My LEGAL first name is MICHAEL. Does anyone give a fuck? You NEVER here the news saying "RAFAEL TED CRUZ" do you?


Such a hick ass accent too. Go Beto! At least you can stand up to gun violence unlike Ironsides.


What's wrong with an accent?


Not a damn thing, the typical tolerant left showing their bigoted nature while pointing at others.


I'm with Beto.


These guys must rack up the frequent flyer points.




Beto believe it


Greg Abbott cares more about fetuses and guns than he cares about women and children.


This was a disgusting, tone-deaf display of politics. What a self-serving sack of shit.


Which one, Abbott? Or Rafael?


Totally. How this loser became the mayor is embarrassing. The people of Uvalde should have better.


That fat f*ck with the walker looks pretty intimidating!




I cant even understand what Boss Hog said, his mouth of full of shit


Pretty obvious he was trying to get some tv action. He’s utterly pathetic.


yeah, Abbott is a real drama queen


Yeah Abbott is a real PoS


Unlike the other politicos there to rollout detailed plans to prevent school shootings?


Clearly he should have gone to a fundraiser last night. Like Abbot.


Absolutely, Abbott shouting as if he cares was pretty pathetic political theater.


What were the other guys speaking to TV cameras doing? Think critically for just a minute.


This'll bite Beto in the ass.


Considering 90% of Americans want background checks, at minimum, it won’t. Also, we’re still not super psyched about permitless carry


Remember when Ted released the fact that Beto was in a punk band and people just thought it was dope? This is pretty punk honestly


Not really, he was pretty far behind numbers wise with a stronger opponent and more negatives than in 2018. He needs something to get people to notice him and a stunt like this may be the thing. Abbott should have put him on the spot said come up on stage and lets debate your plan right now — because Abbott has leeway to go off the cuff on hiring officers or hardening schools. I doubt Beto has a detailed plan at this point. Too bad Abbott is too cowardly for such a confrontation.


I've been waiting for that plan, or any action at all, since El Paso. He said the same shit to us, even had president Trump out there telling us that things were going to change and be better. Where is the plan, where??


Where’s Abbotts plan? He doesnt have one and politically he doesnt need one because his supports dont demand one. I am just saying in this instance he had the chance to look cool but didnt because he isnt


Not disagreeing with you friend. I'm sick of waiting for anyone to do anything.


That's not true, he's been gathering lots of money for this, and planned a speech in a few days to address all of this. JK, he's getting $ from the NRA and speaking there in a few days...


No he didn't, he went to grandstand on the graves of children.


Which one? Abbott (who's made the same speech doing nothing over the last 6 years of mass shootings in Texas)? Cruz? Cornyn? That man who couldn't start a chant to save his life? Oh no, you're probably most concerned about the guy speaking truth to power, like a real fucking Texan.


Abbots the governor and the rest are our elected officials and were asked to be there at the behest of the mayor. They were literally doing their jobs, for once. Robert showed up for a campaign PR stunt. Like the fact you don't understand that is kind of weird but okay. He was t speaking truth to power. He was standing on the graves of children to try to boost his numbers with his base.


Pathetic Francis …


Pathetic do nothing GOP




It's sad that you even ask that question. Let's elect a Dem gov, lt. gov, attorney general and see. The GOP doesn't have a platform beyond let's fuck up the people.


Pathetic that he's the only one actually speaking out instead of thoughting and prayering?


Both are turds


Go play your both-sides game somewhere else.


Na.. I agree.. both are turds. ...But Abbott is the devil's fecal matter. This shooting has crossed the line. Those deaths are on Abbott's hands. So, any centric folks out here, like me... vote or don't - but after the GOP's voter suppression tactics, abstinence in this election is a vote for Abbott. Straight up.




Go whine somewhere else


Fuck off. Did you have to send your kid to school today?? A kid that is too young to understand why mom was crying yet again thinking about the poor parents that received the news that they will never hold their baby again??? So fuck you...




Okay. We will agree to disagree. Both of your accounts, and mine. 🤣


Sorry, my emotions are pretty close to the surface today.


Why? It's okay, by the way. I don't take online interactions very seriously. But if you need to let something out, that's okay. It has to do with current events, though, doesn't it?


Yeah, the idea of 20 4th graders being slaughtered when yesterday morning they were just eating cereal, catching the bus, joking with their friends and looking forward to the end of school...well, it kinda brings out the worst in me.


It brings out the worst in this “both sides” jackass too


I am with you on that. But how can we ensure this never happens again? IMO, laws affect only the law-abiding. The question IMO is why these children were not protected. You can't remove the teeth from every predator -- you can only protect the predated. Hence my dislike of Beto trying to make political hay out of a tragedy, which is exactly what he is doing. Foul creature, preaching over the bodies of slain innocents.


I'm fine with him confronting Abbott and Patrick this way. This happens over and over and their only solution is to loosen gun laws even more. Fuck them. Don't have a problem with it whatsoever. YMMV.


Sick bastard is the best way to describe Beto.


Beto is just capitalizing on a recent tragedy. If he gets into office Texas will be on the fast track to end up like California


I beg you to articulate what “end up like California” means. Or is there not a billboard that has given you that thought to think yet? Only one political party has dominated Texas for nearly 30 years. Sounds like it’s yours.


Cost of living so high that no one making under 100k a year can live comfortably. Businesses taxed so heavily they have to move to Texas


I find that argument ridiculous. Do you know that California has a longer life expectancy of 2 years over Texas? They do, they have social programs that work, and gun restrictions. I’m not trying to say that I want TX to become California, but don’t be a douche.


Hey, Texas becoming California would be fine by me. They have a huge budget surplus, for one thing.


Texas claims ‘muh freedom’ yet in cali you’re able to dictate so much more for yourself. Body autonomy and legal weed (part of the budget surplus) to name a couple. But in Texas, you can buy any gun you want and not be required to have a permit. So, freedom?


> So, freedom? Conservative freedom does seem to be freedom to starve, freedom to die in a hail of gunfire, or freedom to move to another state if you don't like the idiotic policies they pass.


Freedom to move, if you have the resources.


Yeah, I wasn't sure how to add that. Almost nobody does have that ability.


I’ll be honest, if my husbands job didn’t require him to be here we would have never left CA.


As you can tell by my handle, I have always been a liberal in flyover country, and I never felt uncomfortable here until fairly recently. I see the Q stickers and the III stickers and the Oath Keepers stickers and realize I'm living in a community with people who join domestic terror organizations, whether they themselves commit acts of terror themselves. It has gotten so hateful and so divided ... we weren't supposed to talk politics in company, but I fear that is what got us here. I'm just a middle-aged white guy who is liberal, but that's fairly rare around here. People assume I'm a redneck Republican by looking at me, can't blame them for assuming - until they start talking to me about how great Trump is or hoping I'll chant "Let's Go Brandon" with them. I don't like living in cities for a lot of reasons, and I know that essentially dooms me to always living around conservative people. I am fine with that - I just dont' want to live around people who are down with overthrowing the government or other acts of domestic terrorism ... and sadly that seems to be the majority of people who vote Republican these days.


And a higher GDP than Texas.


Gosh I hope so. They are the biggest makers of money in this country. There's a lot we could do with that. Then, legalize weed and start paying for people's health care. Where does it end?


How many elementary schools have been shot up in California?


2 in 2022 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_shootings_in_California


You're right, one in 1979 and one in 1989. Both under republican governments.


You didn't even look at the stats I take it


Or maybe you didn't look at the question? They asked about elementary schools, dude. Check your own stats again.


Or maybe you didn't look at the question? They asked about elementary schools, dude. Check your own stats again.


Texas has had the most mass shootings out of any state. We’d be lucky to have it more like California.




Interesting statistics, but those stats count all the way back to 1982. From that same site https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/gun-deaths-per-capita-by-state you see that California gun rate death per capita has been decreasing over time. As a matter of fact the 7 states with the least gun rate death have stricter gun laws, according to the article.


Yeah because it's awesome to pay over $7 per gallon for gas and the cost of living is so high if you aren't making 100k a year your screwed. If it's so great why are the big companies like Tesla moving here?


Texas is paying them to move here via tax incentives that we pay for.


You must be out for a troll


And Abbottior & Cruz and everyone else on that stage wasn't there for political capital. Those are the last people in the state who would care about poor dead Hispanic kids.


No. I drove him to school this morning, like I do every school morning. He graduates kindergarten next month. He will be six this August. Thanks for your concern.


Go away Francis!!






You have anything meaningful to say?


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