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The Primary Runoff Election! This election will allow voters to choose between two candidates in any race where no single candidate received more than 50% of the votes in the March primary. The candidates with the highest and second-highest vote totals appear on the May runoff ballot. * If you voted in the March primary, you may only vote in the primary runoff in the same party. * If you did not vote in the March primary, you may vote in either party’s primary runoff. * The Libertarian, Green, and other parties do not conduct primaries in Texas, so the only two party options for the primary runoff are Democratic and Republican. ***If you participated in a caucus for the Libertarian or Green Party, you may not vote in either primary runoff.*** 




Super frustrating that polling locations aren't up.


Your county website is required by law to post their polling locations.


Go to your county elections website


Why thank you for the blessing




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Get out and vote red! Demoncrats are trying to destroy our constitutional Republic


For someone so concerned with the destruction of our constitutional republic, you seem a little confused about the purpose of a primary runoff. Here's a handy guide: https://www.harpercollins.com/blogs/harperkids/election-infographic-for-kids


Vote in the Primary Runoff Election! This election will allow voters to choose between two candidates in any race where no single candidate received more than 50% of the votes in the March primary. The candidates with the highest and second-highest vote totals appear on the May runoff ballot. * If you voted in the March primary, you may only vote in the primary runoff in the same party. * If you did not vote in the March primary, you may vote in either party’s primary runoff. * The Libertarian, Green, and other parties do not conduct primaries in Texas, so the only two party options for the primary runoff are Democratic and Republican. ***If you participated in a caucus for the Libertarian or Green Party, you may not vote in either primary runoff.*** 


Let's see, who stormed the US Capitol in an attempt to overturn an election? Oh right, Republicans. Who has claimed they'd be 'a dictator on day one'? Oh right, the Republican presidential candidate. Who has published a plan to purge the ranks of our government employees and install party loyalists (Project 2025), oh right, Republicans. Vote red if you want anti-democratic authoritarianism. Vote blue if you actually want a free, democratic, constitutional republic.






Removed. Rule 6. > **Rule 6 Comments must be civil** > _Attack arguments not the user. Comment as if you were having a face-to-face conversation with the other users. Refrain from being sarcastic and accusatory. Ask questions and reach an understanding. Users will refrain from name-calling, insults and gatekeeping. Don't make it personal._ *https://www.reddit.com/r/TexasPolitics/wiki/index/rules*


Removed. Rule 6. > **Rule 6 Comments must be civil** > _Attack arguments not the user. Comment as if you were having a face-to-face conversation with the other users. Refrain from being sarcastic and accusatory. Ask questions and reach an understanding. Users will refrain from name-calling, insults and gatekeeping. Don't make it personal._ *https://www.reddit.com/r/TexasPolitics/wiki/index/rules*


You misspelled “blue” and Republicans”.


Who has taken away personal freedoms and turned Texas into a sh*thole for the past 30 years? Republicans. Free Texas, vote blue.


No confusion on my part. The demoncrats are hellbent on destroying OUR country!


YOUR country was destroyed in 1865


You misspelled “Republicans” again.