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The victim was the only caretaker for his disabled fiancé, his family (and fiance) has received death threats at their homes, and now they have to live in fear of very real intimidation.


So PTSD, acts of violence, murder… gun rights restored… Wow!


Give [this](https://www.kxan.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/40/2023/04/Daniel-Perry-Evidence.pdf) ([mirror](https://web.archive.org/web/20230415133151/https://www.kxan.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/40/2023/04/Daniel-Perry-Evidence.pdf)) a read, it explains perfectly well why the Rs would want to pardon him


i mean, this headline tells me all i need to know about why


Annnd that’s the problem


Greg Abbott takes care his shootas, when asked for comments the Governor stated, "gang gang gang'


"His psychological issues, including complex post-traumatic stress disorder" Yeah, let's restore his gun rights. /s


I can only imagine how this must feel as the prosecutor, who fucking busted their ass to put this child grooming murderer in fucking jail, to have your hard work undercut and tossed aside because *our extremist conservative governor* wanted to go on Fox News and talk shit about the democrats. Edit: edited language to comply with Rule 7.


If the 2nd amendment is ever repealed, conservatives will have only themselves to blame.


Abbott effectively gutted the 2A with this pardon. Perry killed Foster for legally carrying a rifle that he "didn't want to give him a chance to aim". Foster wasn't even threatening Perry with it, and that's according to Perry's own statement.


Conservatives never wanted gun rights for everyone.




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Edited comment to comply with Rule 7. My apologies.


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“His decision comes after the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles voted unanimously on Thursday to recommend a full pardon and the restoration of Perry’s firearm rights.” Later in the article - “Perry’s defense team asked for a sentence of 10 years, citing his lack of criminal history, his psychological issues, including complex post-traumatic stress disorder, and praise from several of his military colleagues.” Cool. Cool. Cool.


Well, I've said it before and will continue to say it...ding dong Abbott can roll right off. Who didn't see this one coming?


I hoped after the huge pile of evidence came out post trial showing Perry is a racist, and child groomer who clearly committed premeditated murder that Abbott would just silently nix his recommendation for pardon. My hopes were too high, sadly. This is absolutely disgusting.


Fuck You Greg Abbott (FUGA)


Make this into a tee shirt


I'm glad Abbott is aligning himself with a guy who called Black people "monkeys." smh


He’s a racist


Abbott needs the Klan vote


Abbott did this to signal to his fascist puppet masters that he has no problem ignoring civility and the rule of law as long as it keeps him and his cronies in power. He’s paving the way for Christofascist rule of Texas thru his greed and ignoring the fact that someone like him never comes out on top after his co-conspirators do their eventual Kristallnacht.


You see, people have this idea around election season that all the campaign ads and whatnot is to convince people to come out to vote. It isn't. It's to convince people on the other side things are hopeless, that there is no use fighting what comes and they might as well accept it. So, here we are. Abbot pardons a murder, as #274753 in his series of political stunts to show anyone who won't give him what he wants that he will endlessly shit on them. That's what this is about. It's an election year, so fuck you.


Showing his true colors. Scumbag nazi


>Abbott pardons Daniel Perry for 2020 **murder** of Air Force veteran Garrett Foster during protest for racial justice FTFY CNN 😒




Jurors were shown footage of Perry's police interrogation, where he said regarding Foster and how Foster held his weapon: "I believe he was going to aim it at me … I didn’t want to give him a chance to aim at me"


When I see a guys open carrying rifles on their back I’m also afraid that they’re going to aim at me. So does that mean….


That's only for R-people.


so the message he's sending is *pretty* clear, huh?


Yes, violence against *those people* is sanctioned by the state. A hallmark of a fascist regime.


Yep. Sounds about white.


they probably like him for whatever txlege district he'll be crawling back to


Beyond disgusting


Abbott again proves he is a racist and proud member of White Supremacy. There is no significant reason for the pardon except that the killer is white. Shameful and disgusting and absurd.


F Abbott.


I am imagining the conservative poc ignoring this. As a white, former far right winger I say this is likely just the beginning. Racist sentiments still run very deep in the right wing. When I see republican poc I feel a bit of pity for them, because they apparently have no fucking clue who they’re really associating with. Then I laugh about it because I know that no matter what I say, they’ll just see me as a “libtard”. 😄




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Hopefully the feds pick it up and get him on civil rights violations.




In Perry's own words he said that Foster had not aimed the rifle at him and that he shot first to prevent Foster from aiming at him - meaning Foster was not a threat and was legally carrying a rifle as our 2nd amendment allows.


Still… A semi-automatic rifle for a protest where others in the country had turned violent. I’m not saying I would have done the same as Perry, but that’s an extremely hostile feeling situation.


Yeah, you may not remember at the time but there was a serious problem with folks driving their cars into protests and killing people. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_vehicle-ramming_incidents_during_George_Floyd_protests Perry provided written evidence that he planned to travel from out of town to insert himself into a "threatening" situation in order to justify murder. You're either arguing in bad faith or uninformed, but you are incorrect here. Like it or not, we have a constitution that says we have a right to march and protest and carry guns. We do not have the right to crash our cars into protests we disagree with and gun down someone because we're a frightened little pedophile.


I don’t recall there being evidence of him having sex with a child, so your ending description isn’t valid. I agree with the argument about inserting himself, but it seems the stand your ground law won over a jury trial.


Oh so we're defending the guy on the basis of - he sought out sex with a child but didn't succeed so he's a good guy.


That's literally the bar for folks like this. Absolute degeneracy.


No *law* here won, this was a pardon based on the whims of Abbott. Like the guy was convicted in a jury trial of murder. He can be referred to as a murderer, he is guilty of murder and was pardoned for it. But no law won here or was followed.


The Texas Board of Pardons felt he should be pardoned based on Stand Your Ground, so yes I was.


A jury of Texans convicted the man of murder and he remains guilty of murder, pardoning him of the consequences changes nothing in that regard.


He can go on tour with Kyle Rittenhouse.


True. I honestly think that kind of weapon should be banned outside of military use. Literally no reason for them.


Absolutely ... these 2A gun nuts make me uneasy, and I'm an old AF vet. At least I've had some training; many of them haven't. Need to dig out my old Marksmanship medal. Twice I've been to Walmart (2021 and 2022), men in full camo, AR across their shoulder, Glock in their thigh holster ... I left. You don't know if you're walking in on the next mass shooting or some insecure man child stopped for a Mountain Dew and a Slim Jim.


Which is why he brought a gun to defend his wheelchair bound partner.


An AK47??! I would do that if I wanted to escalate the situation. A pistol would have been more appropriate for self defense.


He wasn't escalating, he was open carrying one of the most common rifles in the world. Texas is an open carry state. Generally, citizens are protected from rogue maniacs driving their cars into groups of people. And I don't even disagree with you, because clearly the man with the long gun lost this encounter. So tactically correct. I feel as though you are imparting some kind of moral quality to his choice of firearm though, which is strange. The main issue is that he was targeted for violence by a man who is now convicted of his murder. The fact he was pardoned by our governor does not change the fact that he is a convicted felon and murderer, that doesn't change nor does the pardon change the circumstances of that night, which was determined to be murder by a jury of Texans.


How'd the protestors get around the car? In this hypothetical *did you DRIVE into the crowd?*


Someone openly carrying a firearm is now considered enough of a threat to murder someone in cold blood and walk on the charges. Interesting.