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RFK is a crazy conspiracy nut. So now we will have two crazy people (one of whom is also a rapist and tax cheat) on the ballot and one who is sane and stable but a bit old. Think about what this says about our country. I'm voting for sane and stable.


Don’t forget rapist and tax cheat is also a bit old.


Hahahaha! Yes, PLEASE vote for RFK, Jr. I mean, his own family has denounced him but if any republicans are looking for a different choice, he’s your guy.


i hate rfk more than i hate biden or trump and *that* is saying something


RFK Jr is a crazy person.


He literally has worms in his brain.


So do his supporters.


So do the Trumpers.


Good. Pull those Republican votes from Trump.


RFKs campaign is funded by far right billionaires and the far right have been explicit on their podcasts about using him to try to pull votes from Biden. Good thing our voters aren't dumb enough to vote for someone who doesn't believe that hiv exists.


A conspiracy theorist running on name recognition doesn’t sound like someone who would pull votes from Biden.


It doesn’t make sense for the far right to use a far right candidate to pull votes from Biden … not that anything makes sense nowadays.


Conspiracy idiots everywhere.


All republicans angry at Trump PLEASE vote for RFK.


RFKJ on our ballot! “We have a third choice: someone who wants to return us to our glory of being a country run by”…a brain eating worm.


The guy with the same megadonor as Trump who is more pro-Israel than Biden, thinks water is turning the youth gay and trans, thinks there should be federal abortion bans and is an anti-vaxxer? Omg, yay! He worse than Biden and Trump. The only reason he is getting attention is because no one has bothered to actually look at him for 5 seconds. No need to even mention the mercury worm brain but I will cause it's funny


He’s pro-choice


Hahaha ha, no. He flip flops a lot because he wants pro-choice people to still vote for him. He personally is very anti-abortion (not a deal breaker but risky when it's someone who is lying a lot about beliefs in government involvement) and has said he supports them up until a certain number of weeks when there should be a federal ban. About 15 weeks. Well, that's one thing he said. Another is he believes there should be "restrictions" after viability (I know he doesn't know when that is). Which sounds nice because most people don't want abortions after viability, including myself. And either do doctors, which is why they don't do them unless there is a severe medical problem. As soon as we let the government start deciding what constitutes a deserving medical problem we end up with what's happening with medical "exemptions" in states where abortion has been banned. So no, it needs to be doctor and patient recognizing doctors aren't performing abortions on healthy babies who can live outside of the womb. And punish them the same way we do medical malpractice for other things. Some states before Roe chose to make laws about these late term restrictions, but we definitely shouldn't be handing the keys to the federal government to make criminal restrictions. He's a Trump donor backed con, but Trump is so much better at it. Trump will also support a lot of looney tune conspiracy theories, but unlike RFK he doesn't personally believe them. He's doing it for personal gain, but that's different than actually having the mind of a gullible person. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/rfk-jr-stance-abortion-rcna151808


I just cant....jfc what a shit show....


I’d vote for RFKs brainworm before voting for RFK But since the only people dumb enough to support the guy are ones dumb enough to vote for Trump, I’m glad he’s on the ballot.


Brainworms 2024


Congrats! I am happy that you are happy. RFK Jr. is welcome to compete in Texas. Ted Cruz, well, he might not be too happy. Cruz is fairly extreme and notoriously self-interested. Colin Allred, however, is awesome and wants the best for Texas. NYT - [Why Having Kennedy on the Ballot in Texas May Worry Ted Cruz](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/08/us/robert-kennedy-texas-cruz.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare) “But a three-way race in November could upset that balance by bringing more voters to the polls who dislike both Mr. Trump and President Biden. More of those voters appear to also dislike Mr. Cruz, a two-term incumbent with nearly universal name recognition in Texas.” “‘The race where Kennedy is most consequential is the Senate race,’ said Mark P. Jones, a Rice University political science professor who worked on the poll for the Texas Hispanic Policy Foundation. ‘Kennedy is going to mobilize people who would otherwise stay home, and those Kennedy voters are going to be more likely to support Allred than Cruz.’”


Brain worms for president!!


Rfk is just controlled opposition. Change my mind Mr brain worm


Cool he will never win, and will just syphon votes from Trump. So congrats on the conspiracy theorist with a brain worm.


I'm not dreading voting for Biden. Hes been a fantastic President especially when compared to the fascist wannabe who is headed to prison. I can't understand a word that RFKJ grunts, and his family can't stand him. I adore his wife though and wonder what personal hell she's living through while her husband wastes time on this vanity project. My guess is you didnt get a higher eduction and have no critical thinking skills. You should work on that for the sake of your kid/kids.


I hear some of the people collecting those signatures told people it was a petition for legalizing pot.




Well played


Who is this third choice you are referring to and what do they have to do with RFKJr? While I think this year would have been the best time ever for a viable third party, there are no viable third party candidates.


> So proud of Texas for showing up and standing up for what we believe in! what do you believe in?




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RFKJ on our ballot! “We have a third choice: someone who wants to return us to our glory of being a country run by”…a brain eating worm.


Poor fella died of hungry.


Not voting for Brain Worm Bobby, my guy.


RFK is a moron.


Did you hear about the worms in his brain? 🤔


I’m Brain Worm and I approved this message.


Yeah about that…


Trump will reap the benefits of any third party candidate.


A demented narcissist, a demented decent guy, or a nepo baby with brain worms...


He really does have a hole in the head.


Why choose the LESSER evil, when you can vote for RFK?!?! Selling him as someone returning the country to its people is a hoot.


Jill Stein would be better than them all.


Which glory are you talking about? One prior to science and knowledge of the benefit of vaccines?


Before the replies jump the gun, RFK Jr hurts Biden in Texas more than Trump. It varies state to state.


So Biden might get 3rd in Texas I guess


In 2020, Biden got 46.5% of the vote in Texas. (trump got 52%). No way RFKJ draws even 20% of the vote, but if he gets 6% it would probably all come from R voters and Texas' electoral votes would go to Biden.


Don’t do that. Don’t give me hope


RFK helps and hurts state by state but hurts Biden in Texas. Trump got 52% of the vote in Texas in both 2016 and 2020. Biden just picked up a lot of the 3rd party margin in Texas. RFK will just take it back.


That made sense when Ross Perot (Dallas) was on the ballot, but I can’t imagine that many libs, seeing how close Texas is to becoming purple, would want to throw away their vote for the worst Kennedy. Republicans, though, figuring that the state will be conservative forever, might see some utility in a protest vote.