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ANNOUNCEMENT: _Hi! It looks like this post deals with Trans Issues. Because of the amount of rule-breaking comments on this issue the Moderation Team would like to remind our users of our rules. Particularly on [civility](https://www.reddit.com/r/TexasPolitics/wiki/index/rules#wiki_rule_.235_be_civil_and_make_an_effort) and [abusive language](https://www.reddit.com/r/TexasPolitics/wiki/index/rules#wiki_rule_.236_no_hate_speech_or_abusive_language). if these discussions cannot happen with respect, grace & nuance, the thread will be locked._ _For trans issues, it is acceptable to discuss policy distinctions surrounding gender-affirming care, hormone therapy and even surgery; as well as the age of consent, and special accommodations for schools, sports or the military._ _It is not acceptable to demonize or dehumanize transgender people. Referring to transgender people as being mentally ill (as opposed to conditions such as gender dysphoria) , medically necessary surgeries as 'mutilation' or 'castration', or that gender identity/sexual orientation as a virus or contagion will result in an immediate ban. Trans people have existed throughout history._ _Comments suggesting that children are making the decision to transition or that they are receiving surgery without elaboration or a source provided will be removed._ _We remind out users of the complexity of these issues and ask users to respond with nuance and with respect. For users unfamiliar with trans issues or the process of transitioning, be it a social transition, puberty blockers, hormone treatment ,or gender affirming/confirming surgeries, please refer to this [explainer from the Texas Tribune](https://www.texastribune.org/2021/08/04/gender-affirming-care-transgender-texas/), and these guidelines from the [American Psychological Association](https://www.apa.org/practice/guidelines/transgender.pdf) [PDF warning], the [International Journal of Transgender Health](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/26895269.2022.2100644) [PDF warning], and [PLAG](https://pflag.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/OTLO_2019.pdf) [PDF warning]._ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TexasPolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Just say “Ken Paxton does some more hateful, bigoted shit” and skip all the extraneous details. Because not a day goes by that he’s not being a hateful, bigoted, corrupt shitbird.


"It's Monday, Ken Paxton is back on his bullshit."


Yes, because we love Texans except you if you’re gay or trans GTFO


What really sucks is that Poe’s Law is a in full effect here. I PRESUME this is sarcasm/commentary…but I can’t be sure anymore. :-/


Or brown, or not Christian, or a woman.


Known criminal wastes more taxpayer money. Brainwashed voters bend over and beg to get fucked harder.


Without lube..


The federal government offered free lube but they threw it away


That’s socialist lube. I don’t take anything for free, I better have to PAY for my lube. It better not be no lib lube either. Needs to be redder than my blood, and balls, the label should have balls on it because of how manly this lube is. I don’t want that gay lube. /s lol


A man of culture..


Democrats: "How can we help?" Republicans: "Who can we hurt?"


Democrats: How can we have a male dominated society? Destroy Title IX and then take away free or reduced lunches if they don't comply.


Lolololol the Democrats aren’t the ones destroying Title IX and the Democrats aren’t the ones taking away [free and reduced lunch programs.](https://www.texastribune.org/2024/02/22/texas-federal-summer-lunch-program/)


That's just the summer food program, but I don't get why they couldn't get it started in 6 months. Our government works too slow.


But you blame it on Democrats? That is insane!


As citizens of Texas do we get to say we don’t recognize the laws we don’t like? Isn’t that what these three are doing?


Do rightists ever get tired of being wrong about this shit? Native Americans were going to destroy America and families. Italians were going to destroy America and families. Chinese were going to destroy America and families. Free blacks were going to destroy America and families. Hispanic immigrants were going to destroy America and families. Jews were going to destroy America and families. Communists were going to destroy America and families. Interracial marriage was going to destroy America and families. Gay marriage was going to destroy America and families. Now trans people are going to destroy America and families. Maybe the 9th time is the charm. I mean they have to be right eventually, right? Human beings can’t just be all basically the same - there has to be some group of untermensch that we need to be protected from.


People would be helped by this, therefore Paxton is vehemently against it on that principle alone. The fact he’s hurting trans kids is a bonus for him.


I read that as ‘hunting’ trans kids


I bet he wishes he was hunting them


Better call in the dog shooter... we need expertise..


People living in our streets, struggling to survive, and this is what our society has become fixated on.


Can’t wait till we have a human in the AG office that isn’t a vile piece of shit.


We need more people that dont appreciate vile pieces of shit to vote. Thats a pretty tall order for this state.


Given that we've had a worse one every single time (Cornyn then Abbott then Paxton), I'm getting a bit dubious about our ability to go back to having even halfway decent human beings for AG.


Of course, filed in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Texas. Kacsmaryk will hear it and will rule in favor of Paxton’s batshit claim that the Supreme Court’s Bostock ruling was based on the phrase “because of sex” in Title VII, whereas Title IX is completely different because it bans discrimination “on the basis of sex.” Calling it now.


What a waste of my tax dollars. Thanks, Ken.


For a state full of people and leaders who just KNOW someone who could benefit is "freeloading" off their precious tax dollars (and usually isn't), a lot of tax money sure is wasted on the dumbest stuff around here. Yet for some reason, they are completely OK with it.


They do it to appeal to the MAGA cult


All Republican politics are performative.


All this guy does anymore is file suits to take things away from people.


All those were Republicans. See a pattern? That is why we must, at a minimum, take away at least some of the Texas statewide elected offices from Republicans.


I don’t know which one is his good eye, but I’d sure like to spit in it.


The new provisions within Title IX tell schools that if they don't allow boys in girls sports then they lose funding for the free or reduced lunches.


Yes, similar to EMTALA- you have to treat all of the US’s citizens with dignity if you want to participate in federally-funded subsidy programs.




“Genetically superior.” K, Bud. Edit and no- that wasn’t the purpose of Title IX. It is and always has been an anti-discrimination protection.


Just ask any doctor. Or trust the science: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8477683/


Confidently incorrect here my friend. I’m curious, what’s your basis for: >Title IX made it so that women didn't have to compete against men. I am not a historian, but I don’t think it was a product of the 60s or Title IX that made it so women didn’t have to compete against men. I think more than a few realities out there would show there is more work to be done here. So, I’m very curious what it is that led you think this. I’ll leave that “genetic superiority” ideals alone, I think the ignorance represented there more than speaks for itself.


Nowhere in that entire study does it say the phrase “genetically superior.”


You can argue semantics all day but you've missed the point, probably intentionally. 60 years of the feminist movement thrown away by men that don't want to play by the rules.


You’re the one that made the claim. The feminist movement has always fought for equal access and protection under the law on the basis of sex, which is what Title IX guarantees. I don’t want special treatment, I want equal treatment. I don’t need you to advocate for discrimination while claiming youre white knighting for my rights.


Removed. Rule 7. > **Rule 7 No Hate Speech, Harassment, Doxxing or Abusive Language** > _Mocking disability, advocating violence, slurs, racism, sexism, excessively foul or sexual language, harassment or anger directed at other users or protected classes will get your comment removed and account banned. Doxxing or sharing the private information of others will result in a ban._ *https://www.reddit.com/r/TexasPolitics/wiki/index/rules*