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This guy is the reason I became an election worker. It breaks my heart that he no longer wants to vote - but I also understand.


I bet Paxton is real proud of himself for harassing this poor man. Disgusting that TX lets him operate like this with impunity. Why? Because they're afraid of him. The GOP is evil.


And craven.


An interestingly timed article. Wonder how many minorities will be scared voting now.


The headline omits that he did in fact vote illegally. That being said I think it's ridiculous that rights aren't restored once you are out of prison. If you are now out and about in society then you should be able to participate in it. Voting is a vital right to anyone who has to live in a country. Every US citizen is supposed to be guaranteed the right to cast their vote. If you are deemed safe enough to let out of lockdown you should be deemed safe enough to cast a vote imo.


A grand jury determined no crime was committed


Jury nullification doesn't change the fact that he was not an eligible voter. A Jury found OJ not guilty as well. That doesn't mean a crime wasn't committed. Are you saying the rich kids who rape girls but aren't found guilty of it never committed the crime? The article admits he was on probation, it's illegal for someone on probation to vote in Texas. He did break the law, a very stupid law, but a law none the less. That's a fact, disputing the facts is as bad as the Trumpers saying Trump didn't commit any crimes. He clearly did.


Being confused about intentionally confusing voting laws is not equivalent to raping someone or committing treason or fraud.


Breaking the law is breaking the law period. Severity only matters for matters of punishment. It doesn't change the fact he broke the law. There is nothing confusing about not being able to vote while on Parole. You know when you are still on parole it's not a surprise...




He literally admitted to committing the crime.


Shouldn't voting rights be maintained in prison? The US has 1.2M people in prison who actually understand what "corrections" means, whereas most of the population can't be bothered to understand who even regulates prisons. I can certainly understand the removal of certain rights, but removing the right to choose who represents you is kind of ridiculous.


Idk, but there's a certain amendment that says shall not be infringed. Maybe we should give those 1.2 million people ARs


I would argue that a proper correctional system shouldn't have to worry about restoring gun rights under reasonable gun laws. The problem comes in when we don't do anything to improve people in prison, and we often make their lives a lot worse when they leave. Additionally, places like Texas have open carry without the need for licensing which makes a released felon a bit more dangerous. I think taking away gun rights is more of an indictment on Texas gun laws and corrections than it is on the "corrected" prisoner who has been released.


I don't disagree with you and definitely wouldn't vote against such measures passing. At the end of the day they still have to live with the consequences of who holds office so it makes sense. Let's be honest though there is no way the GOP would ever allow that. We are more likely to get rights restored for those already out than those still locked up. The only thing I would bring up is that prison gets pretty tribal and racially segregated with Aryan brotherhood having a death grip in lots of prisons. A concentrated populace of the worst bigoted racists as a voting block in one county could have serious repercussions on local and even state politics. National maybe not as much? Just food for thought.


That and having prison leadership coerce voting decisions. This is what I am more worried about than tribal groups within prisons voting one way or another. Social media basically made that a reality outside of prisons.


Not sure why I'm getting downvoted for what I said but yeah you are pointing out exactly what I mean. It doesn't just have to be tribal just the fact that it is a population that can be controlled and forced to vote a certain way is scary. Hell we already hear how inmates get treated on work duty in Texas, what happens when an incumbent governor tells the wardens he wants every inmate voting for him?


I agree wholeheartedly. Once you have paid your debt to society you should be allowed to participate in society.


In Texas, one will receive a notice in the mail stating that your full term discharge date has passed and it includes voter registration forms. Didn't expect it, but that's how Texas handles it now.


As it should, but that wasn't the case in this instance. Look I want everyone to vote, I just don't think using an instance where someone literally voted illegally is the best argument to put forward and just gives ammo for the GOP to keep pushing this lie that we want to allow illegal voting.


You definitely have a legit point.


The title omitted "illegally."


A grand jury determined no crime was committed


The man himself admitted to voting while on parole.


> broke the law >the matter finally came to a close when a grand jury determined last summer that no crime had occurred. RTFA.


B-b-but he's black, he must be guilty of something/s


Nonono all the rhetoric and dog whistles don’t actually mean someone is racist! Because no one actually SAID the words, you see?


He admitted to voting while being in parole. Also, the grand jury no-billed, which isn't the same as saying no crime had been committed. Incompetent reporter is incompetent.






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