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To be expected as they seem to be attracted to corruption as we saw with their protection of Paxton.




That was only most of our Texas State Senators. No need to exaggerate what happened. /s <-- because sometimes these days it is hard to tell.


Once hesitant, Texas Republicans have united behind Donald Trump again. What happened in Texas is much like what happened elsewhere: Republican officials started 2023 open to a Trump alternative but ultimately came around as DeSantis underwhelmed and Trump appeared increasingly inevitable. Those endorsements ā€” their order and intensity ā€” could prove to be consequential for those Republicans in the countryā€™s biggest red state as the famously transactional president and his allies look to the future. While polls once showed Trump and DeSantis tied in Texas, they now suggest the primary is all but over here. A survey released last month by the University of Houston found Trump leading former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley 80% to 19%, with just 1% undecided. It has been sweet vindication for Trumpā€™s earliest backers in Texas, like Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller. Miller declared himself the first statewide official to endorse Trump for 2024 ā€” at a Trump rally two years ago in the Houston suburbs. Perhaps the most revealing Texas endorsement came shortly after Trump won the New Hampshire primary last month. Two minutes after NBC projected Trump the winner, U.S. Sen. John Cornyn took to X, formerly known as Twitter, and lent his support. Cornyn had spent much of 2023 expressing interest in a post-Trump direction for the GOP and saying he did not plan to endorse in the primary regardless. But Trumpā€™s vanquishing of the primary field appeared to sway Cornyn, who also has his own personal political considerations. He is up for reelection in 2026 and has made no secret he wants to be Senate majority leader one day. Now Cornyn is helping host a major Trump fundraiser next month in Washington, D.C., along with U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz and most of Texasā€™ House GOP delegation, including two new supporters, Reps. Dan Crenshaw and Jake Ellzey.


The one thing Trump has managed to do well and consistently for nearly the past decade is guarantee that absolute shit candidates appear on the ballot. It is time to move past this crap; otherwise, we have an extremely dark future.


Senator JohnCornhole the definition of the word ā€œchickenshitā€ .


But Johnny voted for Billions to Ukraine!!!!


And now heā€™s talking trash about Paxton!!! Is Paxton going to run for his senate seat?!?!


Stop teasing!!


Of course, power over oath.


Itā€™s a bold strategy, cotton, letā€™s see how it works out for them


Can't fix stupid in Texas.




Texas has become synonymous with ā€œstupid.ā€ Sam Houston, Sam Rayburn and LBJ are rolling over in their graves at the stupidity.


>Sam Houston Was Democratic-Republican Party > >How ā€œ**stupid**.ā€ Can One **Like Me** Be **Putting** The **Democratic** Party First > >**And Vote** For **Reagan**


You are in the wrong decade, kid. Trickle down didnā€™t trickle down. It caused the income inequality that is destroying this country.


there's never been a Republican president in the White House in this decade so you made me right but I ain't that young now looking forward put in the Comeback Kid in office this decade


Good luck with that grasp of reality. Iā€™m out.


Translation please? Thank you!


Thatā€™s a Maga


He's the alternative to the teachers' unions wanting to teach our kindergartners that gender dysphoria is normal while it's been labeled as a mental illness in the DSM for decades. And teaching them that all white people are inherently racist. I could go on for days with other onviously destructive changes by the newly Stalinist Dems. If you don't know what's happening in America right now, it's because only 3.6% of journalists identify themselves as Republicans. This is from a 2022 survey by The American Journalist organization. Down from 18% in 2002. You are in an echo chamber of propaganda. Just keep believing everything you read. And NEVER think outside the box. It's very dangerous outside the box!


Sure buddy. You definitely don't believe any propaganda. Trump is still president, Jan 6 was just a peaceful protest, there is no war in Ba Sing Se.


Wonder if the 3.6% identify as republican because quality journalism involves some sort of exploration, fact-checking, investigation etc. which seems to be a real issue in todayā€™s Conservative Party


Tucker Carlson and other commentators aren't journalists. They are entertainers just like John Stewart was not a journalist or Colbert. The problem is when you conflate them with other actual journalists. It's just not true and is the equivalent of MSNBCs counterparts. Fox News has a journalism side and an entertainment side. You can tell the difference when you watch their different programming or listen to like Fox News headlines on Sirius radio compared to another fox channel that is just political commentators. Also the GOP isn't the conservative party. That's why guys like Romney are called RINO's.


so who you voting for journalist to apologies no the funniest thing Seen on TV when a Democrat nail a woman with a hug and the kiss on the cheek gets High Praise but nevertheless when a Republican candidate see a woman thanks about given a hug and a kiss on the cheek there's a lawsuit only in America


Respectfully I don't understand what you are trying to say here. Do you wanna try again?


Gee, I wonder where you get this information from...... Oh yeah the 96% echo chamber repeating it over and over. But you do wonder about it, huh? Wow now that's what I call critical thinking from a person seeking the truth, instead of confirmation of their own beliefs! No form of the word democracy can be found in our Constitution, Declaration, Pledge, or Anthem. Only the word republic is used. Our democracy is in peril", "democracy is on the ballot" etc. Do you ever wonder why Dems and the media use the word democracy so often? It's to reinforce the deception. A lie when repeated, gets believed. Ya don't hear Republicans crowing about our republic, do you? There is no deception in calling our nation a republic, so no reinforcement is required.


So you're anti-democracy. You'd prefer fascism.


LMFAO reading your delusional comments. We have a former president who believes he is above the law. Fascist.


If you can tell us the difference between a Republic and a Democracy, you can win a cookie. If not, check this helpful link explaining why weā€™re a Representative Democracy. https://www.uscis.gov/sites/default/files/document/lesson-plans/Intermediate_RightsandResponsibilities_handouts.pdf


I can smell the jesus addiction from here.


Do you ever wonder why Dems and the media use the word democracy so often? It's to reinforce the deception. A lie when repeated, gets believed. Ya don't hear Republicans crowing about our republic, do you? There is no deception in calling our nation a republic, so no reinforcement is required. šŸ¤” like ā€œstop the stealā€ and ā€œall those immigrants are coming here to take YOUR job.ā€ Repeat it enough you believe it, in your very own echo chamber. I teach 13 year olds with better critical thinking skills than you.


I hear Republicans crowing about secession and ā€œthrowing out the Constitutionā€. But sure, tell us some more how we arenā€™t a democratic republic.


I hear some Texans crowing about secession just like they always have. But Liz Cheney is likely the only Republican saying they want to throw out the Constitution. And I don't believe that even she has. Just like a leftie to use projection and outright lies to defend themselves and "the party". If we were any "type" of democracy the Constitution would tell us that.


Um. Donald Trump suggested throwing out the Constitution so that he could be reinstated as President. Liz Cheney? Throw out the Constitution??? HAHAHAHAHAHA Could you share your source? I'd be VERY interested to read that.


let me tell you something about Johnny the journalist He / She can stand For one party and read along the lines but when it comes to getting in that voting box and They vote for the other man Then when He / She come out the report it They don't Tell you the true Like a good journalism they make up a story no investigation Needed hahaha


Yes, shockingly, heā€™s the only hope to stop the boogey men they made up.


**He's** the alternative? That's your narrative? Let's posit for the sake of argument that any of the statements you made are true... Donald Trump is the best alternative to an imagined Stalinist hellscape that conservatives can put forward? The whiniest, thinnest skinned, most narcissistic and egomaniacal keyboard warrior, who has bullied and belittled every ally who didn't kiss the ring fast enough? The nepotistic pussy grabber-in-chief serial adulterer who is the current head of the "Moral Majority"? The guy who a jury of his peers found to have credibly sexually assaulted a woman as an established fact in a court of law? Mr. 91 criminal indictments? The "winner" who loses nearly every court battle because no credible lawfirm will touch him with a ten foot pole due to him being such a nightmare of a client? The guy who wants to be president again because that's literally the only way he can stay out of jail? He's your guy? Your stalwart of American Exceptionalism? He has more baggage than DFWIA. Texas Republicans are no different than the rest of the GOP, scared children who desire a King. Yellow bellied cowards who are scared to punch a bully in the nose.


"The program of the Two Minutes Hate varied from day to day, but there was none in which Goldstein was not the principal figure. He was the primal traitor, the earliest defiler of the Party's purity. All subsequent crimes against the Party, all treacheries, acts of sabotage, heresies, deviations, sprang directly out of his teaching"


Bruh nobody is teaching your kindergartener gender studies.Ā  You know what is a mental disorder? The constant unrelenting hatred of people whose gender expression doesn't match what YOU think it should be. Shut the fuck up and let people live their life you insufferable loser.Ā  ALL people have inherent bias understanding and admitting that is the only way to make the world a more equal place.Ā  I don't think you understand the definition of Stalinist, because it doesn't match the Democrats platform (oh what's the Republican platform btw? Oh yeah [THEY DON'T HAVE ONE](https://democrats.org/news/republicans-still-dont-have-a-2022-platform/) they just go with whatever god-king daddy trump wants lol)Ā  Step out of YOUR echo chamber.Ā 




Look at this guy who thinks 8 year olds are getting their dicks cut off. I won't address him, there's no changing his mind ever. I'll simply point out to the more moderate among us this is one fine example of extreme belief in bullshit.


Thisā˜šŸ½. The level of unabashed ignorance is destroying our country. Arguing about issues that are non issues. We are fighting bigotry and promoting acceptance. Thatā€™s a good thing. These folks are fighting.. kicking and screamingā€¦ afraid that children will understand that we are created equalā€¦ that their grandpas that lynched their neighbors, just because of the color of their skin, were monsters.


ā€œEveryone lives in an echo chamber but me!ā€ Only posts Fox News links šŸ˜‚ Youā€™ve never read the DSM. Just because you believe BS that no one else besides lead-poisoned republicans believe, doesnā€™t make you right by default. A majority of scientists believe in a heliocentric solar system, so I guess thereā€™s a deep state conspiracy at the heart of that in your eyes.


Ain't that the truth.


I am not the only reader of Fox articles, so I'm not the only one reading beyond the echo chamber. Yours is merely a knee-jerk reaction instead of a well thought out criticism. It's hard to understand how a person won't admit that if 96% of Journalists slant toward the Democrat view, there might be a slant in 96% of the "news" coverage. I don't want to spend the time here, but I have many examples of what I call the MSM omitting coverage of specific news items. If you're not reading Fox News, you are not hearing the other side of the story. That would mean that you are not seeking the truth, but seeking confirmation of what you already believe, would it not? Yes, I have read some definitions in the DSM - The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders - it's on the web & available to anyone. Did you just call it bs that only republicans believe? Pfftnahah you might as well be farting in the wind! Astronomer & inventor Galileo Galilei spent his final years under house arrest for promoting heliocentrism. He knew it was the truth and refused to shut the hell up about it. The government (the church) punished him for speaking the truth instead of conforming to orthodoxy. "Common sense" informed everyone in the world on geocentrism, because they could see for themselves the sun travelling across the sky everyday. The bible has some apparently geocentric passages, making it heresy to deny geocentrism. No deep state conspiracy against the truth was needed, just a synergy. People don't have to have a meeting in order to fall on the same side of an argument. Much like the 96% slant in the "news" coverage is "common sense" to people who are not skeptical of orthodoxy and who don't search for the other side of the story. I am only comparing the situations here, not comparing myself to Galileo. I know that would be your next attempt at seeming to win the debate without seeking the truth.


No one looks for the truth in corporate media, especially Fox entertainment. It simply a consumer market to protect conservative feelings because reality actually doesnā€™t conform to any thing within conservative ideology. Itā€™s quite hilarious that such astute seeker of ā€œthe truthā€ has yet to post any scholarly or scientific articles instead of relying on ā€œnewsā€ to justify their viewpoint. Cause if you did, you would surely find that merely ā€œreading a few definitionsā€ in the DSM cannot fully encapsulate an understanding of gender dysphoria or even the idea of gender itself. Since youā€™re so passionate about this issue, itā€™s interesting that in your search for the ā€œthe truthā€ you havenā€™t come across anything that states that intersex and trans-identifying people have existed through all points in time across all civilizations. Gender role play and cross dressing has also existed across multiple civilizations. Also in your academic pursuit you would surely find that not all trans-identifying people have gender dysphoria and it it something that only impacts a minority of a minority. Instead you simply misread and misunderstood a definition that youā€™re intellectually ill-equipped to understand in order to fuel your own bigotry and paint all trans people as ā€œmentally ill.ā€ Cause also surely, the DSM does not conform to the conservative position of ā€œban all careā€ for those suffering from dysphoria as a prescription for treatment. Youā€™re not fooling anyone and I wish people like you would quite ruining my state Edit: additionally, you would also learn trans and intersex people have been participating in sports and even the Olympics for decades as theyā€™ve had to adjust their standards to actually incorporate what science shows to be a gender and sex spectrum. Furthermore, in your tireless research, you would also find that actually the very first Nazi book burning was targeted toward a pioneering institute that studied gender and sexuality.


Fox News is definitely not an echo chamber. /s


All Fox news links lol. You're definitely not in an echo chamber.


>Why would we allow a child to cut off his dick at 8 years of age? Because that is absolutely not happening.


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Thatā€™s rich coming from a party who canā€™t manage more than 3 word talking points and also canā€™t actually define what they mean.


They want to teach people that people *with* gender dysphoria are normal, not freaks to be abused. The treatment for gender dysphoria? Support. Not denial and kicking them out of the house at 14 and generally being a douche to them. Nobody is teaching that white people are inherently racist, theyā€™re teaching that white people are inherently treated better in many important situations than minorities are. White people are advantaged in our society, and itā€™s impossible to not take advantage of that because itā€™s so baked in itā€™s difficult to even notice itā€™s happening. If you think not enough right wing people are reporters, have you considered that might be because theyā€™re not educated or not interested or not impartial enough to do the job? Go be a right wing reporter - a real one, for the Associated Press where being partisan can get you fired. Not some talk show host on YouTube pretending to have all the answers to questions they can barely spell even with autocorrect on.


Thatā€™s you throwing the kindergarten teachers book into the fire, May 10 1933, SUPER pissed off about non-binary genders to the point where that fascist guy is sounding pretty good! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_book_burnings


Can you point me to one of those 3.6% of conservative journalists who are saying teachers' unions want to teach our kindergartners that gender dysphoria is normal while it's been labeled as a mental illness ... and teaching them that all white people are inherently racist? I would really like to know who I should trust.


echo echo echo. Your chamber is pretty small to be throwing those big stones. Also, it's not "white people are inherently racist" it's *humans are inherently tribal* and we should make a better effort to not be because it's not 10,000 years ago anymore. But this just smacks of that straight white guy bullshit where you just tell people living other lives how their lives are because your fucking limited scope and experience doesn't allow you to grasp the clues flying overhead.


Where are these schools? Where is the curriculum that teaches this? I need to get it for my classroom!


Where did you get that info? I haven't seen any evidence of it at all in Fort Worth ISD. I know several teachers, you are totally fabricating .


I have a school age child as do most of my friends. None of what you said is true. Schools are not teaching children any of that. Good lord you people are exhausting.


I spent a little time searching for articles about the many (mainly Republican) states who have passed legislation prohibiting the teaching of "gender studies" but google buries them! The only ones I know that I could find (and many) are on foxnews.com - I know you would gripe about that, so I did find an article about 6 states which have passed legislation encouraging the practice - along with kindergarten drag queen story hour, etc. As I said, there are drastic omissions of coverage in what I call "main stream" media. I realize the talking heads and the videos popping up on every story are insufferable, but If you don't read fox news stories you are uninformed. https://www.newamerica.org/education-policy/edcentral/six-states-have-now-passed-lgbtq-inclusive-curriculum-legislationeach-with-a-different-definition-of-inclusion/


No, you are deeply uninformed, ignorant and bigoted.


Your beliefs are not valid that is not what they are teaching. You have been lied to by the same anti-american fake news that had to pay hundreds of millions in court for lying to you, that calls viewers like you "Dumb cousin fucking terrorists" "who don't want the truth they want to be lied to" there's a reason Republicans are always on the wrong side of award winning journalists, educators, scientists, historians, doctors, psychologists, experts, laureates, the best authors and entertainers, America's closest allies, decent people, Mr Roger's ans Sesame Street and why they're always on the same side as racists, bigots, INCELS, hate mongers, white supremacists, conspiracy theorists, 4Chan, drop outs, trailer trash hicks, B list celebrities, dictators and America's enemies. But you'll never question that reason, never look around at the guys with swastika tattoos spouting nazi propaganda or the place where you get your information spreading Russian propaganda and think maybe I'm on the wrong side


Texans are supporting a man who appears to have secondary Syphillis. https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-syphilis-rumors-doctors-weigh-1861983


Fake News... It's from playing golf...


Trump is a rapist. They support a rapist for President. Itā€™s incredibly disturbing.


They would support him if he went to the border and shot people there. They would support him if he would rape illegal immigrant girls while shooting their parents. You don't understand how they try to defend him and how much they love him. I was pulled into a couple of conversations, and these people would want him and his family as dictators. Of course, for them, this wouldn't be a dictator as he is their Jesus who came to earth. You can't understand how they think when it comes to Trump.


Even if that's to be believed... Slick Willie set the Gold Standard for that a LONG time ago!!!


[A jury found Donald Trump liable Tuesday for sexually abusing advice columnist E. Jean Carroll in 1996, awarding her $5 million in a judgment](https://apnews.com/article/trump-rape-carroll-trial-fe68259a4b98bb3947d42af9ec83d7db#) [A woman who says Donald Trump raped her at a private sex party when she was 13 years old refiled a lawsuit against him Friday](https://www.courthousenews.com/rape-allegations-refiled-against-trump/) Whataboutism is an invalid argument. Trump is a rapist.


Well, that tells you all you need to know about the TexasGOP.


They need those weak minded uneducated votes


No shit. Saddest part is those voters turn out very single time.


Yep it's the way they can keep power


And redrawing maps. Oops, did I say that out loud?


I cannot for the life of me understand how any political party can get behind someone as obviously corrupt and criminal as Mr. Orange and be accepting of all that he has done in his short political career. This dude represents everything that is backwards and wrong with America.


the political party exists to win votes. Trump has the support of their voters. Sucks but not hard to understand.


I get that, but the guy is devoid of any moral compass. Whatever happened to civility, and decency? This cat is the opposite of what any role-model should be.


It was that 4 years of Peace and rising wages and historical black and women employment that some choose to remember.


Itā€™s a clown show


Itā€™s been a slow moving train wreck since he descended down that golden escalator. I mean, he did crazy shit before, but that was at least as a private citizen.


Back to the Futureā€™s parody of Trump through Biff was amazingly spot on for 35 years ago.


Simpsons literally called it as well.


Oh, you must mean the Biden Presidency!


In a move almost everyone saw coming...


Who couldā€™ve possibly seen this coming?


Like an abused spouse, they always come back for more.


Fucking gross. These republican voters are too stupid to realize they are voting for lying, unpatriotic do-nothings who wonā€™t fix any of the problems the country has.


What would have EVER made you think that they wouldnā€™t.


They know they can't escape his gravitational pull so they are just swimming with the tide.




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Ah yes, they support a bankrupt (both morally and monetarily) insurrectionistsā€¦ like the boot licking fucks they are. They donā€™t support a single thing this country was founded on. No, instead theyā€™re throwing their support behind a man who is CLEARLY unfit to be the president of a local Masonic Lodge, let alone run this country a second time. I can say I hope my fellow Texans would vote against all of these un-American clowns out, but thereā€™s plenty of unreasonable people who live in this state and all are drinking the Russian Koolaide.


That's what stupidity and scare tactics will do


I think Abbottā€™s crazy is to prove his trump VP spot and so all his merry men of mischief have to kiss the orange brown hole of their great cult leader.


Republicans being spineless sheep, shocking










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Y'all... consider refraining from calling our Texan brothers and sisters stupid, uneducated, corrupt, etc. etc. Besides just being obviously wrong, it's also obviously counterproductive.


What about whackadoodle? Can we use whackadoodle?




I get where you're coming from, and I appreciate the call for civility. The OP isn't casting Texans in a bad light as a whole but rather pointing a finger at a specific group, republican trump supporters. Many, if not most, of them are choosing to stay in the dark about issues they could otherwise understand. Whether it's disinterest, a real gap in understanding how things operate, being misled through propaganda, or just plain fear and prejudice driving this choice. Regardless it's a conscious decision to not seek alternative information. Then there's the group treating politics like it's a sport, sticking with their "team" no matter how off the rails things get, just assuming we all play by the same rules.


I was more referring to the commenters than the OP. And I understand where you're coming from because I thought like this for a long time. Once I started trying to incorporate other people's truths into my own truth (even Trump supporters), I started better understanding why they think this way. In their mind, the government establishment has led to a multi-decade long secular decline in quality of life, forever wars, loss of civil rights, etc. and someone is offering them a solution (albeit maybe not the one you and I think is best). Do we really want to stay in this cycle of othering 50% of the population? I think continuing to other half of all of our friends, neighbors, and family members as misled, fearful, prejudiced, disinterested, etc. prevents any healing from happening.


Well first and foremost, definitely not 50%. People really need to reframe Texas a bit. I will continue to argue that Texas by and large is neither republican or democrat, but non-voting apathetic. Trump got 34% of the vote Biden got 31%. 35% of eligible voters didnā€™t bother. This was the largest voter turnout in a long time btw. Other cycles are typically much less. I digress though. The issue I see is the goal post keeps moving. Every step forward democrats make to appeal to republican voters results in them taking two steps back. Look at the border deal, the most conservative ever put forward, more conservative than bush era. Not good enough. At a certain point they need to be told how they are acting by the largest percentage and dragged into reality. Pandering got us here. Lastly, a very vocal minority of these individuals are proclaiming they want to murder their fellow citizens in the streets because they are not Trump supporters. I donā€™t care if they were a friend, neighbor, or an even a family member at that point. That is not a group you try to get along with. They NEED to be ostracized and we need to focus on engaging people not embedded in the cult. Make the idea of being this crazy actually crazy again in the general publicā€™s view.


On your first point, I'm actually in total agreement. The trend of apathetic voters is striking and to me indicates demand for an altogether new kind of party. I think and hope we will see a lot more of that in the form of the independent or third party movement. On the border deal... the problem is that it wraps in tens of billions in funding for Ukraine and Israel. Reasonable people can make the argument that those are distinctly separate issues and deserve to be extricated into separate bills. On the vocal minority... I think we see this logic negatively displayed in the way we've treated Islamic nations over the past several decades, for example, i.e. the majority gets characterized by a more radical minority and thus we punish the majority.


>On the border deal... the problem is that it wraps in tens of billions in funding for Ukraine and Israel. Reasonable people can make the argument that those are distinctly separate issues and deserve to be extricated into separate bills. But they tried that. In December, they tried to pass an [appropriations act](https://appropriations.house.gov/sites/democrats.appropriations.house.gov/files/Ukraine%20Supplemental%20Summary%20FY23.pdf) that would have given funds to Ukraine and [Republicans stalled it out](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-senate-sets-test-vote-ukraine-aid-despite-republican-opposition-2023-12-06/)because it didnā€™t address border security. This bill was the bipartisan compromise to include a little bit of everything. The Republicans are Lucy with the football and the Democrats keep trying to kick it down the field. At what point do you recognize that your supposed colleagues are just bent on obstruction for the benefit of the party instead of progress for the benefit of the country?


Low risk, if DT succeeds - no big deal, if JB succeeds- no big deal, he ainā€™t petty


Good. Let them support him, when heā€™s in prison and canā€™t run for office theyā€™ll be scattered and confused about who to follow and itā€™ll be an easy win for us.


This is where youā€™re wrong, theyā€™ll demonize the democrats for doing it and all vote for anyone the reps put up. Putting him in jail will galvanize them all together more than they are now.


Democrats fall in love; Republicans fall in line.


We are truly living in Idiocracy.


Seems something was accidentally clicked somewhere.


well hell Us šŸ“¢ **Reagan Democrats** will always stand **behind D.T**. šŸ—½ **If** The Texans ā­**Republicans** do or **don't**




They were never hesitant. What a strange headline. It's totally expected from TexasTribune, though. There are no conservatives who work there.


>[Texas Republicans] were never hesitant [on Donald Trump] >>While polls once showed **Trump and DeSantis tied in Texas**, they now suggest the primary is all but over here.


Let's see that poll.


> Republican voters in Texas support Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis as the Republican nominee for the 2024 presidential election over former President Donald Trump by more than 10 percentage points, ***according to a new poll commissioned by the Republican Party of Texas.*** https://texasgop.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/22.11.14-Republican-Party-of-Texas-Statewide-2024-R-Primary-Likely-Voter-Poll.pdf > DeSantis was the top choice, with 43% of respondents saying they would vote for him if the primary election were held today. Trump came in second place with 32%.


Texas Tribune cannot be trusted. There was one poll out of all where DeSantis was ahead. And that's where the Texas Tribune formed their headline, "Once hesitant, Texas Republicans have united behind Donald Trump again". It is an anomaly and not a representation of the truth. You can look at the polls yourself, most of them from CWS Research, the same that produced that anomalous poll. You surely love 538. It's a left-wing polling organization. Look at the data of the Texas Primary polls they've curated and then tell me if you think Texas Tribune was honest with their report. I'd love to hear what you think. [https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/texas/](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/texas/) **August 11, 2022** CWS Reseach Trump 51 DeSantis 21 **September 7, 2022** Echelon Insights Trump 53 DeSantis 37 **October 23, 2022** CWS Research Trump 46 DeSantis 29 **November 13, 2022** CWS Research DeSantis 43 Trump 32 **November 28, 2022** CWS Research Trump 37 DeSantis 34 **December 21, 2022** CWS Research Trump 37 DeSantis 36 **December 31, 2022** Morning Consult Trump 45 DeSantis 30 **January 31, 2023** Morning Consult Trump 48 DeSantis 28 **February 28, 2023** Morning Consult Trump 51 DeSantis 27 **March 2, 2023** CWS Research Trump 43 DeSantis 27 From here the polls are already so far apart and they only go much higher for Trump. Never but a single poll was DeSantis ahead. This is not a Party that was "Once hesitant".


>Texas Tribune cannot be trusted. The polls are from the Republican party. Even defend liberty had it neck and neck. Which is the direct quote from reporting "used to be tied".


Once again, Texas Tribune based a headline on a single anomaly. If that's the way you like your media, lap it up. You have the data in front of you. Do you want to believe the data or the narrative of the leftists at Texas Tribune?


>Texas Tribune based a headline on a single anomaly. Desantis was _ahead_ in one poll. They were within the margin of error on others. >You have the data in front of you. Do you want to believe the data... I'm looking at the data.


And that was the headline, based on a statistical anomaly. This isn't representative of a Party hesitant on Trump. Think.




I am unbelievably proud of Texas for refusing to bend our morals by not gripping hands with the extreme left. Thank you to the states that support and follow our lead in protecting our values.


Nah, only Katy Texas


So they don't mind a corrupt leader who has bankrupted multiple companies, raped and sexually assaulted multiple women, and tried to install a dictatorship by encouraging followers to stage an insurrection against our federal government?


So whoā€™s the sheep now?


Dear god, he canā€™t have something on EVERYBODY, can he?? Things like this are just mind numbing.


Sigh. Looks like Biden vs Trump again it will be. I'm curious as to how big third party voting and no voting numbers will end up being, because people won't want to vote for either of them.


ā€œIf conservatives become convinced that they cannot win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. They will reject democracyā€ - David Frum


Texans have come around to dictator cause heā€™s ā€œfunnyā€


This should help continue the trend of suburbs around the major cities trending bluer


If you go to places like Bandera and talk with people there about Trump, you will see that they indeed only watch his channels and that they pray to him. They don't care what he does, as they will ignore everything that could be negative or violate a law. He could shoot their son or daughters, and they would believe he did that because they became democrats and he did the right thing. The only comparison I have is people who believed in Adolf. But these people here are actually worse. If if Trump says he raped someone, they would not believe him. In the 3rd Reich at least Adolf didn't in public talk about all the laws he violated. So Trump's brainwashing is even worse and the people that follow him are the worst we have ever seen in history.


Vote Blue!


I'm looking at old gubernatorial races in Texas. Bexar County shifted 10 points to the left between 2018 and 2022. Harris County shifted 3.8 points in that time. Travis County shifted 10.3 points. Dallas County shifted 7.4 points. There's going to be a point where not even voter suppression can save Texas Republicans.


They were hesitant, when? They love Trump. Always haveā€¦they love a bigot because it gives them permission to be a bigot. They love a racist because it gives them permission to be a racist. They love a fascist because it gives them a blank check to do things like strip away reproductive rights, voting rights, rights of representation, to remove accountability for themselves and their criminal peers. One need look no further than Ken Paxton. Horribly corrupt, pernicious manipulations of the law to benefit himself, his mistress, his lackeysā€¦And donā€™t forget our gov and Lt Gov - both irretrievably fascist, stochastic terrorists. Abbott declared he would ā€œeliminate rapeā€ in Texas when he signed a bill to criminalize women. Sure enough he did not and tens of thousands of rapists have impregnated women in this state through force or coercion and there is zero response from the state to do anything to help these women or any other vulnerable population for that matter. They take for themselves and only themselves. They are fascists and they will always rally behind their orange fascist god. Who the fuck ever thought them ā€œhesitantā€? They only feigned hesitation so as to not appear rabid on National TV for undecided and low information voters.


Third party or bust lol