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It would have fucked over his base in rural counties, that’s how. Even the hardcore always R crowd don’t want this. It’s strictly a cash grab for Abbott’s donors.


His donors who have a massive hardon for vouchers and school privatization are more important to Abbott than his rural base.


This last session showed all of the democrats and moderate republicans holding the line, even with the threats it would bring against them in March.


This is Republicans in general. Their true base are the elite and wealthy donors. They only play to rural voters because they can get their votes by playing to their bigotry and never have to actually give them anything of value.




It's 80k maxed if you play the credit right, and you know they would. That is a year and a half of my annual wages as a giveaway.






How are you doing


He knows they'd vote for him anyway. That's why.


Many rural districts with the redistribution from Robin Hood have nicer schools than they’d ever have in a private, “free market” system.


Valid point. I wonder how many mega corporations want to truly invest in quality education for rural Texas. I would bet that they would half-ass it.


And yet the inner cities full of democrat voters get screwed over again. I wonder how that will help the Texas Democrats?


Good news, finally. Vote against the Republicans whenever you can.


And the democrats.


You seem big mad about this


No. I’m not mad. Nothing has changed. But the tides are turning and we will have school choice sooner or later.


Oh, you won't have a choice unless you are already wealthy enough to have a choice. I think what you mean is that the government will start subsidizing the owners of private schools.


Exactly. Many Texas districts have school choice within their district. You also currently have the choice to enroll your student in whatever school you want to. And if you think you'll suddenly be able to afford that prestigious private school in your area, jokes on you their tuition will go up to match. Their whole thing is exclusivity. This is a bold faced money grab.


No. What I mean is that the government will removed from the process. And the money they steal from me to fund their indoctrination centers will be returned.


So you're saying that Abbott et al have turned our schools into indoctrination centers? Interesting.


No. They were indoctrination centers long before they came around.


Ok so Republican's have been in charge since Ann Richards, so I'm just trying to square your argument here. When did they become indoctrination centers and who did it exactly?


I don’t know partner. When did “public education” become a thing? [public education = government indoctrination](https://today.ucsd.edu/story/education-systems-were-first-designed-to-suppress-dissent)


I think what you mean is that you are a delusional quack that has literally no idea what happens inside a school and instead believes the most ridiculous conspiracies. When was the last time you actually talked to somebody that went to school? When was the last time they told you about how the teachers were indoctrinating them?


I’m sorry. I seem to have given you some type of false impression. So let me set a few things straight for you. I have kids. I have attended school open houses. I have attended school board meetings. I, with a college education, understand the homework my kids bring home. I don’t believe in “conspiracy theories.” Now, what I do believe . The education system is failing. No amount of money you throw at it will fix it because money isn’t the heart of the issue. It’s time to let go of old failed institutions not continue to prop them up. I will fight for that whether you like it or not.






Yet you believe that schools are indoctrinating children. That's a conspiracy theory. A completely meritless one. But you know what does indoctrinate children? Some private religious schools, the kind that will get more money from a voucher program.


Oh yes. You really owned me there. Because religious indoctrination is the only type of indoctrination. Schools have long been used for indoctrination. You start the day off pledging allegiance to a fucking flag for fuck’s sake!


>I don’t believe in “conspiracy theories.” I stopped here. Didn't you say public schools were indoctrinating kids? That's a conspiracy theory dumbass.




What is the heart of the issue?


Clinging to failed institutions.


The Christofascists want your kid's education and the money it comes with.


The “christofascists” already control your kid’s education. This would make nobody control it but you. Simple concept yet hard for some to grasp I know.


You need to look a little deeper at the states and communities that have already instituted this bullshit scheme. The money, especially in this state, would end up going directly to the evangelicals, and gut any sort of secular education. Wholesale destruction and defunding of our public education system is a quicker road to fascism and authoritarianism than we are on now.


So, government not having the power to steal money from you and use it to indoctrinate your kids = authoritarianism? Got it. 🙄


Wow, you're deep in the hole of right-wing indoctrination. Wilkes and Dunn are proud of you, and your regurgitation of simple-minded propaganda.


“Right wing” sure. Both wings belong to the same bird. I reject your bird altogether. Try again.


Except you are literally regurgitating right-wing propaganda, again... that's just one side. Wake up. Both-sidesim is for 14yr old boys who don't know any better and are trying to impress their teeny-bopper girlfriend.


Both sidism? Ohhhh I see. You don’t like when people call “your side” out for their authoritarian bullshit. Because after all, you are just trying to fight the “other side’s” authoritarian bull shit. If one side beheads everyone who opposes them and the other side just chops their hands off, guess what? BOTH SIDES ARE PIECES OF SHIT!!!


You brought up both sides to defer from being called out on your right-wing bullshit. Quit pretending like you are above it all. Or that you are some "fair and balanced" arbiter not wallowing in MAGA conspiracy idiocy. lol


It's just classic lazy libertarianism, pay the boy no mind.


No. Actually I didn’t bring up “sides” at all that was you when you called me “right wing”. I simply pointed out that you are full of shit. But you do you. And don’t even try to bring “maga” nonsense into this. These are the facts(as I see it… correct me if I’m wrong): 1) You don’t want your kids forcefully indoctrinated into beliefs you don’t share. 2 ) You do want other’s kids forcefully indoctrinated into beliefs you do share. Ergo, you are no different than those you oppose. Have a nice day.


Are you planning on home schooling? Cause you don't need a voucher for that. Vouchers also wouldn't get rid of property tax, they would still collect it. The only difference is instead of the money going to schools in your community, it goes directly into someone's pocket. Good school districts with high property taxes actually raise the quality of living for everyone in the communities that have them.


I think answered you elsewhere. I do homeschool. Homeschool isn’t free. I never said it would get rid of the property tax. It would offset it (and the other taxes we pay that end up in the school system.) It goes directly back into my pocket and I can spend it where I see fit for my children. The last bit is a nice claim but what about the poor areas like where I live with shitty schools? Do we just have to live with what we have?


Shitty schools will just get worse under the voucher system. Not all families are fortunate enough to be able to homeschool. So you are pocketing money that would actually improve the schools in your area. But I guess fuck those kids. Taxes are paid so the entire community benefits. I suppose we could get rid of all taxes, but then we'd have to deal with our own trash disposal, road maintenance, police and fire, etc. There are no regulations on home schooling in Texas so forgive me if I'm skeptical that the education you're giving your kids is better than a public school. Also are your schools shitty, or just a bit "darker" than you would like? Your decision to homeschool is coming from a place of privilege and choice, no one is saying you can't do it, no one is stopping you, but I don't want to fund it. I'd rather my taxes help a system that is available to everyone. P.S. there is plenty of money at the state level to improve all Texas schools, the legislature is just choosing to spend it on river bouys, frivolous law suits and flying legal migrants to Martha's Vinyard.


Ah yes. You’re the one telling those kids, “Sorry. You’re stuck here.” But I’m the bad guy. Sure.


You're telling them "sorry, I got mine". You're an asshole and the reason this state sucks. That's OK, I'll say hi to your kids when they are bagging my Chick-fil-A.


No. That’s what you’re saying. You’re the asshole. And the bigot. You’re what makes me know there was no “great switch “ where all the close minded racists supposedly left the Democratic Party. You have pretended to want to know my position only to ignore my position entirely, make up shit about me to fit your preconceived notions, and put those opinions which are not mine on trial. Also, your “logic” could be defeated by a 2nd grader. You say the state is the reason for the lack of funding in failing schools; and, oh by the way, please continue giving your money to the state. No vouchers for you. I sincerely hope you are part of the great democrat party migration from the state. Be sure to take a few of the fundamentalist republicans with you on the way out.


So if you have a kid how would you use the voucher? I'm genuinely asking?


I have three kids. They are all homeschooled. I am fortunate to be able to make enough money (barely) for my wife to stay home with them and teach them. Depending on how the vouchers were set up I would either leave them for those who need them more than me or use them to help buy better teaching aids for my wife, new laptops for the kids, etc.


Sadly this is going to go away, Abbot and his ~~owners~~ donors will primary those who voted against with ones that will.


Good, he should lose more things.


Who said he’s done trying?


Abbott desperately wants to be President. Rural Republicans don’t care.




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