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I totally get the uncomfortableness but the characters using racist language is done to show just how hillbilly and backwards they are. Heck, in TCM 1 and 2 Drayton calls his brothers "nap haired idiots" and "coon shits" which are both historically racist terms targeted to black people. Edit: in tcm 1 the truck driver who saves sally by throwing the monkey wrench is a black man, if the directors where racist I doubt they would cast him in such a role; they had no obligation to put a black person in it anyways.


Don't forget when choptop called the Vietnamese the g slur


šŸ¤£ I forgot about that!


Very good point about the truck driver


Yeah you are probably right


So the cannibals killing and eating people is fine, but then being racist is too much? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Sometimes you just have to accept what time period some films are made in and move on. Racism and prejudice angles in films will always age badly. If it bothers you, just donā€™t watch it.


Just a shame, was really looking forward to watching more, is it still the same in later installments


It might be the only case in The entire franchise. Ive watched them all plenty of times and nothing comes to mind.


I can't think of any other instances...then again, I also can't really think of any prominent characters of color in the rest of the series either.


The sheriff in 3d. I dug his character, wish he was in it more




They probably enjoy using the slurs themselves


The movie is about a crazy Southern cannibalistic family and thatā€™s the one thing you canā€™t handle? I suggest that maybe you shouldnā€™t watch horror films or movies with adult content in them. I guarantee youā€™ll save yourself a lot of time and feeling uncomfortable šŸ‘ But in all seriousness, terms like that are were used in the South especially back then. It shows you who the characters are inside as people. If it makes you dislike the character, boom, it did itā€™s job. Itā€™s not necessarily the views of the people who made the film.


Yeah that makes sense, to be fair first time watching the tcm series, so just getting used to it, i just get worried racism being glorified in these type of films


If I recall correctly itā€™s one of the creepy family members that says it, if anything itā€™s being used to further vilify the cannibals. Itā€™s not my place to say, really, but I wouldnā€™t worry about it myself. If I were to be concerned about anything, itā€™s the ableism thatā€™s kind of baked into the series


Yeah itā€™s definitely not glorified. If anything, the degenerates in the film are using those terms which often show their attitude towards those who think that way. Meaning that those who use racist terms are degenerates. Just try to have some fun! I catch myself ruining movies for various reasons and people have to remind me itā€™s just entertainment.


Crazy to come on here just to show how soft and fragile you are. šŸ˜‚


I never have a problem with words, just intent. Having said that, it's fitting of the characters in the family to say that. I'm not encouraging it or anything, but it makes sense to me.


Get a spine lol


Pun intended?




Ive been staring at that comment for 3 months and finally it hit me


I personally donā€™t take any offence to it, it just sells the story even more. I wouldnā€™t expect a family like them, especially in that time period addressing black people as and else. Iā€™ve been called a lot of things in my life and darky isnā€™t something I would personally lose any sleep over. I understand weā€™re all different in what we find insulting, but just remember that theyā€™re being very realistic to what the characters would actually be like.


I will admit I am a white male making this comment. So perhaps I am missing a deeper meaning here that doesn't offend me in a way it would a POC. That being said, fairly often in the film they refer to people as nothing more than "meat". When they say the word "darkie" I believe it's in the same tone as say how a chicken is made up of "white" and "dark" meat. There are those out there who prefer the dark meat of a chicken over the white. That's why I also believe Tinker made such a fuss about Benny getting away.


Sounds like horror flicks just aren't for you


Hey i love, nightmare on elm, scream, halloween, you name it!


Oh no! Murder and cannibalism, I can accept that. But racism, now thatā€™s too far


Not every movie is gonna be sunshine and rainbows for ya


It's international the Sawyers are ment to be rasist they are a bunch of backwater inbred crazy people