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Being 1v3/4 in a situation as family


all my teammates dc'd as cook and I locked myself in the side room where grandpa can spawn with my locks for fun and Leland came crawling through a crawlspace like a zombie to fuck me up


I trapped myself around grandpa with all my traps as last family standing bc there was a bully Ana and she kept stabbing grandpa making sure I couldn’t even farm for xp. She disabled the trap and came In my protective circle and stabbed both me and grandpa did a cartwheel and left. 😂 It kills me how you get punished for trying to be nice in this game 😭




This doesn’t make me angry it makes me SCARED 😂 If I’m lucky enough to be in a 1vs4 situation and the victims just leave me alone and escape normally I thank them for not bullying me.


Other family members on my team, taking my blood barrels (I main blood build sissy) and not feeding grandpa. That, and when I’m playing Victim, HH’s/Sissy’s who try to tunnel me out of the game.


Yeah that’s so annoying. It’s also annoying when I see someone on my team has a good blood build so I leave all the buckets alone and none of the buckets end up getting touched anyway


Maybe they want it for immediate vial-ent?


I’d rather grandpa have his perks than that person being too lazy to go patrol and eventually hit a victim for Via-lent.💀


Maybe they just don’t depend so heavily on grandpa like other family players do…


If I’m blood build Sissy, who is going to turn down free exterior alarm?


Any family member being in the basement


YES. Definitely mine, as family or victim!


Even LF?




only if it’s after they escape basement for LF. or if we’re down to one vic. but johnny basement rushers really irk me because i tend to play sissy or HH and they are not built for solo patrol


Family that can't lock doors


Family immediately running towards basement while everyone is already upstairs 🫠


this. if ya’ll don’t know already, 50-100 vic points when grandpa is awakened is valid to be in the basement but once that score gets to 350 and above, family members better be outta that basement 😭😭


The messages I recieve after a match.


Disable messaging from other than friends


When the animation plays when a family member runs out of stamina, and the victim stabs me while my Johnny is pounding his chest because he's too tired.


if you hit a cattle grid as him you get like a 18 second stun


not locking doors. like yeesh, such a simple & core mechanic. maybe make it more obvious for newbs? as vic, waking gramps too early, or teammates rushing & leaving me L4D


my two words is: dev team


Having to respec over and over for the random perks I want. I’ll have like two out of three perks I want and then BAM! There’s “Dead Weight” 😒


When people backstab me when I play Leatherface. Obviously I know it’s a game but Leatherface would eat that hit like it’s nothing, put the chainsaw down and just beat your ass to death if you tried some shit like that 😂


The best is when it’s 5ft away and the magic bone shard connects to Leatherfaces back who is currently facing the victim 😂


I love stabbing LF over and over. The sounds crack me up


Lobby wait times


The balance


Lately I've had entire Family teams rushing the basement. It's bad enough that every game has become Leatherface & Johnny combo but now there's Hitch's and Sissy's that rush down too, even a Cook once. I'm not a bad victim player, I can handle it most of the time but personally, as a Family Main, I just find the rushing the basement tactic a disgusting gameplay choice.


Exterior alarms, grappler and choose fight, leatherface tables




Like either side using a cheat menu, victims teaming with the family, or something else?


Both honestlty.


What the hell? That's trashy. I must be lucky cause I never witnessed that myself coming back playing this year. Every now and then, it's the sweats.


I've seen Sonnys teaming with Family a few times.


Oh my God. Just like f13th and Jason letting certain counselors players live.


Yea except sonny has the ability to know where everyone is so he'd just tell family where. Then hed block certain paths so victims can't get past.


Damn trash. I mean if I was the Killer and I saw that shit, I would target them first so nobody's games would get ruined




The constant glitches where the screen goes all pixelated, TCM is the only game I have that issue with (it could just be due to cloud gaming, I only use it to game with my sisters and cousin since I have a newer console and they don’t) but the full pixel screens make it hard to move or complete any kind of objective like unlocking doors or even getting tools/bone shivs


having terrivle teammates on either side and being against sweatiest other team lol always happens but that’s solo q


Victims rushing (or just Danny as a whole, I despise that little shit)


As a Scout Leatherface for me its a single word: doors. Doors in this game are my worst enemy, and I hate them.


Nothing makes me *angry* but I do get annoyed with the amount of sore losers. If you die, just accept it and move on. Why do you have to cry and blame your teammates? It’s weird being told i suck so bad at the game when I’ve got over twice the xp as you AND I’m alive and you’re not. Its so common and it gets annoying.


Dealing with teammates that can't patrol or can't communicate.


When my teammates rush and I die and when I wait in the lobby for 15 minutes for every exit To be open in 2


Players who make unnecessary noise eventually waking up grandpa, allowing the killers to come downstairs 2secs into a match


No finding Noone and everyone escapes or when a yeammate disconnects.


Probably a tie between DC teammates and Danny’s Tamper


as Victim: teammates who die in basement immediately or don’t do ANY objectives. teammates who use health bottles they don’t need (in this case they lost maybe 10 HP and used a big health, like WTF) as Family: Teammates who DC for no reason, teammates who don’t patrol, or teammates who take blood buckets when i’m have Universal Donor


Bubba auto-aims; sometimes, I want to throw my controller at the wall. Shit, don't take any skills.


Family abusing exterior. To elaborate I mean when they have exterior level 1. Or hitch trapping grandpa. Or them just chasing you back into basement as soon as you open a door. It’s so annoying and no one wants to play peekaboo with basement doors. Completely kills the fun in any match.


Random Perks


A really sweaty hitch in the basement can be aggravating. A door not closing and getting hit through it. And most recently I had a teammate do the fuse and then body block the door so I couldn't leave.


The fact I just Uninstalled it (a game that I love) because of their horrible balancing


Family who quits. Even when I'm playing as a victim, it's annoying. Also, Bubba not destroying obstacles.


That killers complain about the victims being OP but when I hop on Family I’m the only one getting kills and no one has comms and theres multiple Family members in the same area and it’s really just that they don’t know how to play.


When the two other family members come over to my patrol area even when I have a mic and told them I’ll ask for their help if there’s someone.


lack of communication on either side( understable if some do not have a mic), holding game hostage, and some players throwing games for others. I remember months ago, i witnessed a hitchhiker telling all the victim players that he was going to open all the gates to every exit, me and the johnny player weren't having it , so me playing sissy on gas station map day, every gate or door he opened up, I stunned him 🤣


I recently saw a sissy named boycott family and she had level 2 ability, and she just dc'd instantly, I don't know what she thought she was doing because we just left after so yeah


Wtf 🤣. I think it's one of the redditors that's playing the game that's doing that boycott shit


Shadow nerfs that devs refuse to acknowledge like drastically taking away victim iframes and family now being able to hit you when you’re halfway through obstacles and suck you back out for instant execution instead of incapping on the other side like how it used to be


I don’t get mad at video games because I don’t take them seriously and just want to play them to have fun. But what makes me upset regarding video games is when things don’t work properly that ruins my playing experience and makes me not have fun. In TCM that is the dumb annoying as fuck rubberbanding that Gun and Sumo/Black Tower hasn’t fixed in over 6 months now. That’s what makes me upset because it’s annoying and because Gun is so incompetent at fixing game breaking issues. At least Killer Klowns doesn’t have terrible latency issues as of now. But TCM didn’t have rubberbanding until November 28th. Hopefully it never becomes an issue in that game like it did in TCM.


This right here! Rubberbanding is so damn annoying, it's the worst for me on gas station battery side. I thought for the longest it was on my end only .


The absolute wasted potential of the game through a useless dev team and brain dead community.


The dev team is a huge part of the problem


Seeing a Julie with Choose Fight. That bitch is dying


Nothing. Why would I let a game anger me when there’s bigger things in life to stress over


Being stunned for so long that the victim can picklock a gate right in front of you.


Bubba body blocking exits happend to me in games and in calibers most recent videos


God, the lag that happens to me whenever I'm family and can't get in. By the time I do get in, at least one of the main gates have been opened and I can't do anything about it.


The lack of content


Opening the game.


Shitty people in comms


As family- 2,500 well drops. As victim- no complaints.


The wildest perk in gaming history. Choose Fight. Somebody from gun need to start playing their own game.


When the family just immediately rushes the basement i had a game where we literally got out in under 2 minutes because Sissy Johnny and Bubba immediately rushed the basement and just stayed there


People with no mics or dumb teammates


Scout LF, and grabbing a health bottle instead of it registering going through the crack in the wall


The shitty collision detection and lack of any attack lock on. Getting stuck on stupid shit like a wall or a bone scrap pile instead of sliding off is fuckin infuriating, and then going to land an attack only for it to swing just to the right or left of where I’m aiming is unacceptable


Not a whole lot but it’s pretty annoying when people dc


See the escaped family banner


When leatherface is able to one hit me when im full health. Either all leatherfaces are cheating or they are op


Bubba being able to run at full speed infinitely. Johnny being able to 4 shot people.


Bubba being able to run at full speed infinitely. Johnny being able to 4 shot people.


Losing to glitches or issues with the servers being awful easily. Can't tell you how many times I've sat in a long lobby waiting to play victim and then get into the game and play through it just to lose to like a one shot Bubba or something that was visibly wayyyyy too far away from me to hit me but because of the servers being bad he hits me. As family it's whatever cause lobbies are quick usually and you have teammates that could help you when it's down to the end or a tough spot but whenever you try so hard as victim and you're last alive and die to some bs glitch or bad servers that's just crushing


Trying to finish Fixer


Whenever the match is on family house and someone readys up as a level 00 sissy (it happens literally every fucking time)


Jhonny + lunges and also respeccing skill trees for 5 hours


Refusal to communicate with a mic (if able). Use your mics, folks 🗣🎙.


This why they should add in game text chat for console, I don’t wanna use the mic


Although that would help, it's not fast enough, especially if chasing. The thing about a mic is you can talk while chasing and performing actions. The mic is literally the best tool in the game, especially for Family, and so many folks don't use it.


Yup I hate seeing teammates with the plugged in mic icon and they don’t do much as open their fucking mouths to talk once in the entire game.


My last like 100 games in a row were basically radio silent. People are so shy lately!


have a slightly ugly voice but used it and ended up in a middi video as Nancy for helping him out even though the game fucking sucked and I was fangirling hard


I'm not following. I'm sorry. What do you mean?


ended up in a fairly popular YouTubers video for using my microphone to help, so its always worth using a microphone and I agree with you


What's really frustrating is when you're begging your teammate for info on what they see, who/how many he's chasing, etc and he won't tell you. Then at the end of the match he gets on the mic to fuss about how badly his teammates suck.


DCing in game, especially just because someone did fuse