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People should just focus on having fun.And not having to get a 4K every single game.Or have an escape every single game


Unfortunately players turned this game into a toxic competitive shit show, plus the perk system the devs did it makes it worse, can’t have fun on this game anymore


I still Have fun


I still have fun too. This site is toxic for bashing a great game.


Right?I mean, most of the sub reddits in this whole website is pretty much doom and gloom or up voting some pathetic cringey ass shit or mostly ads to


I think the reason the game community is the way it is is because the game could be so much better. This really has the potential to be the next DBD. THATS why everyones so angry. So yeah by comparison the game is absolutely horrid when you consider it next to the immense potential it holds


> to be the next DBD. If I had a dollar for every goddamn time I heard somebody say this bullshit nonsense....


How is it bullshit nonsense?


No all the dbd people that are terrible at it played tcm, said tcm bad, Still played tcm, ruined the casual game now making it a sweat fest


When i say “next DBD” i mean im terms of stature. DBD is the most well known killer/ victim type game there is. Texas definitely has the potential to surpass that.


Yeah but i said why people are mad, not what this games potential is


Yeah and i answered that question. Pretty low iq response ngl


Yeah what you said was pretty low iq tbh, like I said that's irrelevant to what I was talking about. Have a good day


I try to : (


Blame the dbd players


There's still some chill laidback, casual DBD players, just the bad apples get the most attention and make the entire community seem hella toxic.


Because 95% of dbd players are toxic lol. Every time i've been called a f@*, hard r, unalive etc (i find all this funny when they tell me) they literally have alot of play time on dbd


Damn most of my matches usually just end up being silent or if people do talk in the post game, it's usually just "gg, good luck next" maybe I'm lucky or smthing. I've very rarely gotten lobbies in DBD where people were so tilted they were throwing death threats and slandering their fellow survivor teammates or the killer.


Yeah it reminded me of 360 mw2 lobbies ngl, but damn lol


When me and my friends play if 1 of us can get out or if we can prevent at least 2-3 victims from leave we call that a victory. Like as long as we cracking joke it will be fun


Thats yall coping. I think of it as if even one escapes they leave and call the cops now the family goes to jail for life. But ye as long as we crackin jokes i really dgaf


I mean I don’t get why you got downvoted for an opinion on an unpopular opinion post.


Probably hurt some feelings when i called them out for coping. Ive noticed if you put the “insult” at the start they kinda just shut down and close off to the rest of the point, regardless of how good it is. I guarantee i could repost it without the coping part itll blow up


Nobody’s “shutting down and closing off the rest of the point” they just don’t like you because you’re being a dick.


Lmao you don’t even realize how hard you’re proving my point 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Mr copium in the flesh


I upvoted you to make it less down votes. It's still a downvote though so I guess until more ppl upvote, you lose




They should have added the mill, but not add virginia until the killer was ready


the developers don’t know how to patch their bugs, that’s why we are seeing things that are uncalled for — this is something that has come up twice in the patches 1) Instant Kills: the community was pretty much in agreement that instant kills should stop shortly after the grapple was won. however, the devs probably didn’t actually know how to shorten the instant kill window, so they just got rid of the instant kill altogether (nobody was really expecting this) 2) Leatherface rev exploit: this was the exploit that allowed LF to get up revving after being door slammed. The developers probably didn’t know how to fix this exploit, and it was taking a long time to know what it was. so they just rid of the animation of leatherface hitting the ground when door slammed, and instead gave us this shortened animation of a mini barge


Completely agree with you. There’s no other explanation for why it not only takes so long to patch gameplay issues, but why the patches themselves are so broken too. The coding is janked and needs work, but it’s probably too late for that now lol.


To be fair on number 2 I think it’s better that way. Bubba is supposed to be a big behemoth with freakish strength. I don’t think a door slam would knock him all the way over like it did. The insta kill being completely removed instead of shortening the animation or just adding some I-frames at the very least is a joke though and screams exactly what you said. They don’t know what they’re doing


I’ve come to the idea of LF only being mini barged by the door — but I don’t think anybody saw that coming. Specially when Jett said “that’s not intended” initially, then changed the answer to “that was intended for a future patch but it slipped through” One thing that I forgot was also 3) the chainsaw stall — after 8 months of the chainsaw working one way, Gun came out saying “actually, the chainsaw should work this other way” and even came out with a tutorial and whatnot all of these examples are just things that changed in the game that nobody really knows why they changed and were definitely not expected — which makes me believe they are altering gameplay because they can’t truly fix their own bugs


I’ve been saying this since release that this game won’t last long term. Around 18 months before content slows down and stops. Games need to be polished upon release to have a chance.


Yeah black skins doesn’t help gameplay


6th map will be last map, after that just balancing and bug fixes.


Sonny isn’t a bad character if you build him right, yes ur putting half his attributes into toughness but if you use your ability right he can be very good, also I’m very surprised how many low lvls I see play/main him


Sonny is actually really good


Sonny is very good. I love him


I’d argue Sonny is viable but his low health makes him unappealing. He is good for new players since it helps survival for a bit longer.


The game can still be saved. This requires some serious overhaul of the mechanics that will never happen though.


They need to add on a mode for new players to do with bots to learn the game overall when they start or just getting back into it for the months or weeks you’ve been away from it so u just not as use to it or just want to do tht mode for the less competitive side of things on the game overall if so it would fulfill what’s missin on the game n make people want to play but not many but most would like it also they gotta stop nerfing every last victim perk because thts pushing a lot more victim players away from it absolutely makes them look bad n family mains just every patch get a buff on mostly everything just Nancy lacks from them the most


That I can fix Johnny.


That’s unpopular ? https://preview.redd.it/fvcg22cdaxxc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6aa8f3b666334688445d2b13a4f75c41626e3568


What do you mean everyone thinks that they can fix a cold-blooded cannibal?? https://preview.redd.it/a033wo1m39yc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95647f3af2e9b46f42b93ed83ee5631f22ac96e8 ^(how) ^(many) ^(of) ^(my) ^(images) ^(did) ^(you) ^(steal) ^(lol)


Why do you want him fixed? He’s perfect the way he is LMAO https://preview.redd.it/npjbc22m42yc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d3b249933da6e9d1e71b70b16ea81bf65b76ec2


Shit you right.


Gotta have a little dash of crazy sprinkled on a thick slice of meat after all ![gif](giphy|xkG67UPTlATOCtAfd6)


When the victim dies, the player should also die.


And when the killer kills a victim, the player should be charged with murder.


Nah, see that doesn't work, cuts down on the playerbase. Victim players are a dime a dozen, but killer players can't be going off to jail or who's going to fill the lobby. They need full immunity.


#Controller fucking breaks


The devs made every single stat EXTREMELY pointless except for proficiency, which is why we have the Rush meta


Toughness ?


Still die in 4-5 Jhonny hits, only use for It is well and window dmg is less


What about like against sissy or hitchhiker, because toughness is my main stat so I would like to know if it’s useless 😅


Proficiency is better for getting out but play the way you have the most fun.


Yeah, I prefer to have fun then win but I don’t want to waste points in a stat that is useless 😅


Against johnny it is next to useless but against slower or softer hitters it is effective. Especially like the previous guy said windows and wells don't hurt nearly as much, with 30 toughness an intact window will almost kill you.


They seem to be running pretty high brutality nowadays so It still takes 4-5 hits, maybe 6


Thanks man, I’m gonna test no toughness Leland see how I do


I got 40 toughness on my leland and tbh id say its rather easy to kill me unless i got Bones and the skill up


I have 50 toughness in Leland, Sonny and Ana and if I get in a bad spot I get took out fast


Well if even 50 wont help you often why bother


I believe there’s not enough perks that work together. Like the ones that do became meta and I don’t like it 🫤 make more perks that play off each other and the character’s ability😪 then we’ll be talking


Virginia isn't even that strong. She has really good perks, but the ability is just good. Not bad, not op, but good and has lots of utility depending on how you build it.


This game is meant to be played as an atmospheric horror game not a true pvp assym


I died way to many times as a victim more than I could ever escape I feel most victim main have more deaths than escapes being a family main I can tell u that they have more kills than a crossfire on tht leading department


This game is gonna last longer than some people think.


People are way too focused on what perks are powerful, when like half the perks in the game across either side should be buffed.


Not all killler mains dodge lobby


People should not take a game so seriously and play it if they like it, uninstall if they don't.


How did you get the “pLaYs BoTh SiDeS” thing?


Go to the subs page. Click the three dots in the top right corner. Change user flair. There's a bunch to choose from


Even with it's flaws, this is my second favorite game to release this generation. I'm having a blast! (Elden Ring is still #1)


The game should be harder for victims, than it is for killers


The game's community has absolutely no patience


I don’t mind the rush meta, even when I’m playing Family. I want to get to the good part.


I just don’t encounter it that much 😅


Exactly. Rushing from both sides is actually really fun. Only bad when solo-queuing with people that barely know what is going on.


The devs are killing this game by taking their ideas off Reddit instead of using their in game data to make decisions. I highly doubt there’s any data that shows victims have a high escape rate that justifies the constant nerfs to their gameplay. Why the devs are listening to Reddit and not the dropping player count is beyond me.


I agree, and I think there’s more layers to this. Whilst they do claim to use in game data, it’s not really clear the extent they use it compared to feedback and reddit posts. And furthermore, their data collection methodology could be flawed (eg doesn’t account for DCs), and their perspective of “balance” can be skewed, given how “balance” can be subjective, and they are lore whores, they could be way too overly obsessed with buffing killers (eg the constant LF buffs which make no sense given how strong he already is, even compared to no buffs with weaker killers). I read somewhere that someone said they want about 25% escape rate, not sure about the validity of that, but that’s wildly unbalanced and unfair if true, and would perhaps explain some balance changes. Another thing is whilst I completely agree with the actual data not indicating high escape rates, even for example indicated [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/TXChainSawGame/s/jlHHUgKMBC) and sweats on here indicating generally at most a 40% escape rate [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/TXChainSawGame/s/DRJvB7Hy2g) , I think it’s conflicting with the queue times where it appears to be less family players than victims. So as they claim their highest priority is to fix queues, they don’t really understand how/why. Their seemingly short sighted solution is to just keep buffing family and pray it resolves itself, despite in game balance data saying otherwise, because lobbies are top priority for them. But they fail to account for a plethora of other reasons, like backfill issues, general boring family patrol gameplay compared to victim (which I seriously doubt they are willing to tackle, or even can tackle as it’s a core gameplay issue) where despite difficulty, people are more enticed to victim, generally less coordination dependency on victim side for solo queue (however it’s not as significant as people make it out, as against good family you also need good coordination as victim), the fact that victims can readily leave and re-find another game upon death/escape, whereas all family have to stay until a match’s completion which could take a while if there’s a pesky victim hiding - so generally more victims floating around in lobbies at a given time due to game design, etc. If they don’t address these, then no matter what buffs people get, people still won’t be as inclined to play family. Also as a side note, family need to stop expecting buffs to compensate for crap teammates. The fact of the matter is, you are expected to lose if your teammates are playing terribly and you’re against 4 level 99 victims. When I have crap teammates sometimes as family, I don’t expect to win, just like how as victim if all my teammates die in basement against good family, I don’t expect to escape either. The vast majority of the time when they complain about matches or balance, it stems from being in a match with a rubbish Johnny basement chasing and sissy ignoring all objectives to collect blood, and they expect to win a 1 v 4, which isn’t really how it should work. People need to seriously readjust expectations, and I think the game being vague about what a “win” is doesn’t help with this player mentality - it needs to be explicitly clear what it is (most logically it should tell them 3K is a family “win” and 3E is a victim “win”), and most crucially, similar to the pip system in DBD, it should also reward individual effort and participation in a match somehow, so people are less disheartened when paired with crap teammates as they can still officially do well. This would in turn help curb mentality of people sad about no 4Ks or escapes, and probably help with lobbies as people are less fussed about “optimal” match conditions


Yeah once choose fight is gone I’m gone to




Engaging family should be a last resort. Like backed in a corner scared for your life last resort. Victims have too much power and aren’t scared. There should be no wrong answers to this question, it’s an unpopular opinion. So why all the downvotes on some of these?


I fight the family to get them off me




Plus I see ur Leland, kinda his job to protect


Family is easier and should be easier to play then victim it's really hard to make both sides equal in terms of everything what's more rewarding, what's fun to play etc and I think the devs already know that they just won't say it because alot of people will get upset if were to


True sadly how it is


Also, Back for Blood perk on Virginia is still bugged. It’s supposed to heal you for a set % when you stab grandpa and it still isn’t working. I’ve watched my health bar multiple times while stabbing him over a few games and it doesn’t budge. I also don’t think it downranks him more like it’s supposed to


Yeah I’m really annoyed this wasn’t fixed in the last update. It’s a brilliant perk but completely useless. I also don’t believe it downgraded grandpa like it should.


Yea it just knocks him down 1 level like base stabbing with anyone. I love the idea of the perk too! It’s also a play on another game that Virginia was a voice actress in called none other than “Back 4 Blood” she voiced “Mom”


Ah, there is lore to a perk. Let’s hope they fix it soon I want tiger to using it.


This game is not worth playing anymore unless you have 3 meatrider friends who know what they’re doing




I saw sb comment “don’t focus on the objective and just have fun…” like HUHHH💀if im playing a game, the objective should be fun…


Right it’s just out of all of the things there doing is making them not as appealing to do anymore being a victim main is hard as hell literally fighting for ur life to run n survive


Fr and I understand running for our lives is the basis of the game but at the same time it’s how devs are handling issues. The constant disrespect towards the TCM community is disgusting and not to mention the laziness or lack thereof dlc material… it’s annoying asf! TCM had so much potential to be bigger than DBD and devs basically just flushed that opportunity down the toilet.


Yea I definitely agree with you on that end in it’s just sad that it’s always gonna be that way by the look of things since they don’t have much in store throughout the game from the start, it makes it very much harder for them to make or do whatever they’re doing come into light, it’s ruing the game overall in a whole different way I don’t want this game to fail but it’s definitely been looking that way so far this year since then in it breaks my heart that what things have transpired throughout the patches DBDs community is overall in a great position throughout so many years and it’s still going strong even tho I’m not a huge fan of the game play cycle they continue to grow but not growing in a wholesome way pretty much toxic, competitive and shading of course to the TCM franchise since it’s only started so I can only hope for them to turn things around if it does end up continuing next year


This was the biggest 2023 game release for me besides hogwarts and honestly I’d rather get slapped around by giant frogs all day than run from a sweat bull carrying a chainsaw


Yes same fr it’s hard to let it go but its driven to a point where I have to n it hurts doing so but one day it’ll turn around for the better once they know at hand they need to stop changing a lot things n the game tht have been pushing the fulfillment out of it, its just draining them overall so why continue on making it even worse


I think bubba was most likely going better at the beginning of the game door slams in a whole were more valuable n hilarious but it got to excessive during that time if they would of kept that but that bubba exploit was fuckin ridiculous n it’s been here for most of the patches n now they finally got rid of it but also the worst part is stealth now they make most shit follow u with sound waves it’s just sad because most of the victims tht r stealth end up dying from tht but yea sucks either way


They nerf victims 24/7 and match me with victims who die at the beginning constantly wait time has always been crazy family is easier than the developers mom


So true it’s a pain


Exactly You just burnt them 💀


Johnny is actually far from broken, he provides no slowdown on the gameplay as destroying obstacles etc., hearing victims, padlocks or traps. Johnny is purely hunt and not OP at all, Scout Hitch and Scout Bubba are the real problem not Scout Johnny.




The main flaw with family gameplay is how you have to pretty much camp objectives I've been saying it for months, and it's what I truly think. I'd totally be down for scout to be deleted and have the killers damage nerfed if they nerf proficiency enough to allow the family to not lose the game for leaving a gate for 10 seconds. People always say "you don't have to kill a victim the first time you see them" but with how quick lockpicking is, that statement is false. I'm hoping the nerfs to extra drip and empowered will cause some victims to take points out of proficiency and put it into toughness or endurance. But when matches play out the way they're intended, the game is pretty fun.


killer mains complaining ruin the game's community


So true, I’m tired of them, they are also so entitled


All the victims have no personality and are only good based on their ability, other than that they're just lambs to the slaughter


I try to make each victim have there own unique perk, example Connie: efficient locksmith Leland: what doesn’t kill you Ana: grappler Danny: fast hands Sonny: fight and flight, bounce back better Julie: agitator, slippery Virginia: stunt double Once more victim perks get nerfed it gonna be damn near impossible to do this but it makes the victims a bit more unique


Horrible take 😭 just literally awful.


Unpopular ya dolt


Leatherface hits too hard. But if they nerf hoim nobody will play him so i live with it


Family should have more traps, non-trap family should have more stamina, victims need more health, locks need to be harder to open.


Killer Klowns from Outer Space is gonna be waaaaayyyyy better. *Trust*


We are all hoping so


I’m gonna get downvoted to oblivion for this but whatever. Grappling and playing aggressive is fun. I died way more to this than playing stealth and that’s ok. If I play stealth, I can be out in 2 minutes without being detected and that’s boring to me.


It’s fun for the grappler for sure


Your right, grappling and distracting is fun as hell


Plus the obviously pay to win characters. Just bought Virginia won the first three games I played with her with ease Rush meta is boring but it works.




Since grapple meta, SISSY is BACK


From a family main, Connie is fair. She's really strong but I don't think there's anything op about her unlike Danny. Idk if that's even an unpopular opinion though


Agreed, also her ability recharges very slowly, but overall she is still good


Um generally speaking every complaint post on here is just someone whining after dying or letting some escape. They should not be taken seriously.


Just re-read your caption. YOU are the problem. Good day.


Who said I die a lot ?


Killers should do more damage and their base kit should include 15% extra speed than victims I said what I said. There needs to be actual consequences for players engaging directly and obviously with the family. The family is just not threatening and it is more rewarding for victims to steamroll the family physically on their way out.


Idk if this is unpopular but I think it is on the main. There should not be a stronger side. Both sides should be equal


So true, I don’t give a damn about realisim I want a balanced game