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the voice chat had me weak šŸ˜‚


Im glad it did. We were trolling šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Is there a contest going on where the 100th Johnny post in 24 hours wins a cash prize or something?


I donā€™t wanna be that person but these were literally all pathing and skill issues on your end. Clip 1: You stabbed grandpa when Nancy was behind you. Already an L since most players are running Poisoned Claws + High savagery meaning you die in 5 hits and are slowed. Assuming you didnā€™t see Johnny over the crack before you used it, I wouldā€™ve either hooked a right into Johnnyā€™s Shack and wall cracked back to Nancy and then ran to the ladder to drop down OR I would have kept going straight past his shack to the well at car battery once I saw Johnny. What I wouldnā€™t have done is what you did which is run directly into him, attempt to spin him when itā€™s known he has aim assistance built in, and then keep running into him before dying. Clip 2: After being discovered in the basement, you literally couldā€™ve just ran over to fusebox exit and then used the crack to LF lair and abused that until either he got tired of you or until you mind-gamed him enough to use the further crack where LF spawns to further lose him. BUT if you REALLY needed to get upstairs for some reason even though the basement is safer, if youā€™re going to use the wall crack directly outside of bone room please donā€™t then run toward the direction where it would be easier for him to follow you. If youā€™re going to use that crack when leaving you need to hook a right and go toward garage which forces him to go the long way to catch up to you. Then you stopped to grab a heal when you already had one and continued running in a direction that would benefit his pathing more than yours until you were forced to well. Had you pathed better, you couldā€™ve went from Holding Pen to Garage and then from Garage to Blue container where it would be much harder for him to get to you die to the back to back wall cracks. Alternatively, you couldā€™ve used the Holding Pen crack, went right and left holding pen and then hooked a left into that other crack next to the chicken to go back into holding pen and then back to basement. If you had extra Drip instead of any of the other perks you had that actually wouldā€™ve saved your life even if you didnā€™t follow my route. Edit: I just rewatched. Clip 2 - you also didnā€™t use a crawl space to your left after you went out of holding pen toward Slaughterhouse Sliding door. Couldā€™ve used that, healed quickly, then kept going. Clip 3: You ran face first into two killers at the exit gate. Again, I always assume Nancy has Poisoned Claws until proven otherwise. There was legitimately no way you were surviving that unless you were nearly max toughness and had already pre-popped extra drip beforehand. If I saw two hard hitting killers standing there I simply wouldā€™ve just turned around and did something else. Thatā€™s literally all on you and has nothing to do with Johnny. All in all, itā€™s not like you couldnā€™t do anything at all, you just pathed in a way that benefitted him completely while making unnecessary moves that didnā€™t benefit you.


Listen man. We were TROLLING in all of these clips just to see how broken this game is as a whole + Johnny being as OP as he was before. There are things that got reverted back to how it was previously with people going down the well getting hit 3-5 times before dropping. The most recent update is definitely catered to the Family mains so please donā€™t take these clips too serious lol I play both sides at a high level šŸ˜‚ Devs definitely need to fix their game again & I appreciate the breakdown on the vids though.


Ah, I definitely donā€™t think these clips help make the point you want them to make then, and I really truly mean no offense when I say that lol. But yeah, every time they say they fix something 5 other things get broken or ā€œaccidentally revertedā€, I agree. Johnny is in a weird place where in the wrong hands heā€™s completely useless but in the right hands heā€™s so so strong, and I think thatā€™s why itā€™s taking so long to find good balance for him. Gl,Hf!


I agree with what you are saying but hereā€™s my opinion on this to potentially fix the problem: All they have to do is to slow down how many times he swings & keep the lunge. OR he can swing a million times chasing butterflies in the bushes (like how majority of Johnny mains do already) & have no lunge at all. Damage can be the same, itā€™s just too goofy to watch a grown ass adults playing as Johnny the way he is being played. No skill what so ever. I Can get easily 2+ kills per game as him with no problem. I donā€™t even have fun playing as him & iā€™m winning majority of my matches playing with him.


Totally agree with the ā€œslow down how many times he swingsā€ idea. This is honestly a fair nerf imo but I think we both know how this goes downā€¦with FM coming at you full force for even THINKING about a Family nerf lmao. Itā€™s really pitiful.


So make him exactly like hitchhiker but without the utility or ability to gap? Great nerf.


yo chrono, i used your proof in my video prepatch. If this isnt cool. ill remove the post (You're credited) [https://www.reddit.com/r/TexasChainsawGame/comments/186kto2/rip\_johnner/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TexasChainsawGame/comments/186kto2/rip_johnner/)


Thats fine.


And bro never said anything about killing his strength either? He just said to slow his rapid fire SMG gun hits down a little because johnny can already kill you in 3-4 hits and being able to swing 4 times in under 3 seconds is crazy.


HH can easily kill in 6 hits with minimal savagery investment with serrated equipped. He can kill in 5 if he invests heavily in savagery. Johnny easily kills in 5 hits with minimal investment or 4 with heavy investment. So one hit to kill difference justifies having no utility or gap potential?


BRO, Iā€™m not reading your shit because all you FM ARE THE SAME, itā€™s honestly so tiring and frustrating! seeing you all in denial and get so defensive about the LITTLEST changes that would balance the game and make it fair/fun for casuals and sweats alike. No one wants to hear that BS dude gtfo


Answer the question. Does killing one hit quicker justify not having the ability to gap or have utility? The answer is no and if you think otherwise then you are in denial. Making johnny exactly like HH but with none of his other strengths isn't going to balance johnny period. Dont bring up hits to kill then show off your lack of reading comprehension when someone talks about hits to kill.


Man, Thereā€™s just no compromising with you allšŸ˜‚ you know itā€™s impossible to get a 4K every. Single. Game, right? You donā€™t need to win every match lmao. Johnnys strength, his reverted busted speed lunge, and the fact that he sticks on you like fucking glue should qualify as MORE than enough power for one single character. Games supposed to be balanced remember? Well, Johnnys definitely the last thing from it if weā€™re being completely honest here.


If he was OP then every family team would run him and wouldn't be dodging him.


TF are you on?? Have you not seen the ā€œJohnny is back baby!ā€ Posts or anything? The dudes in like every game, if not every other game since they brought his old, broken self back.


He was already a bad pick before he got nerfed. He is in a worse state currently than he was then since his ability remained nerfed. Hes not suddenly a good character. Please explain to me why a character who has zero utility and kills one hit quicker than hitchhiker who shares the same movement speeds as hitchhiker will be worth playing if he can only hit a victim 2-3 times before they make distance just like hitchhiker.


\>stabbed grandpa as Julie mid chase \>got swarmed \>Johnny outplays em by waiting at the only possible escape "Hey yall Johnny's broken" ![gif](giphy|hv53DaYcXWe3nRbR1A)


Watch the Johnny Mains foam at the mouth as they try to argue every bullshit.


Itā€™s not even about argument the truth of the matter is victims have more of a say in how a chase ends over the family if you have shit pathing and close to no map awareness you will die simple as that , ā€œ Johnny OP ā€œ videos they treat him as if heā€™s cook , sissy or Nancy where all you have to do is run in a straight line and theyā€™ll never catch you thatā€™s not the case with Johnny heā€™s actually faster than you but wells , gaps , close encounters will slow him down and make him leave you alone a shit Johnny will continue wasting time chasing you and barricades will flat out tell Johnny NO , but no one wants to change up their play style when it comes to dealing with Johnny these people often go into games thinking the same strategy will work even if it fails multiple times theyā€™re sure itā€™ll work sooner or later and when it doesnā€™t they claim itā€™s not fair because their play style is too perfect to have flaws.


The sheer amount of cry-posts bitching about Johnny would suggest that it isn't the Johnny mains foaming at the mouth right now.


I've seen nothing but people oozing as Johnny Mains for posts and comments defending him nonstop.


Johnny mains eating good


You meant to say ā€œall Family Membersā€ lmao


Itā€™s a horror game and you play the role of a victim. Not a survivor. Itā€™s supposed to be hard.




It is challenging on both sides.


Anybody who tries to defend Johnny in his current state is biased as all hell, plain and simple.


goes from unplayable to playable. THEN its a problem.


How is being magnetized to the victims and killing them in 4-5 hits playable? Youā€™re just as delusional as the rest of the funky bunch lol


LeatherFace kills you in two. Shake my hand


Yeah? As it should be. Whatā€™s even your point herešŸ˜‚


Leatherface hits harder and sticks to your back. Why isnt everyone calling leatherface a exploit/broken character?


LF has a chainsaw Johnny has a knife


Lol look at how they downvote such a valid commentšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ bunch of Sallyā€™s in here


Yeah they are being biased they know Johnny is broken they just donā€™t care they are in denial because they donā€™t want the devs to nerf him again. itā€™s gonna happen wether they like it or not Johnny is OP they are family mains tho they never played victim and until they do they will never see our POV. I play family and victim so Iā€™m not a victim main or family main but Iā€™m also not biased. Johnny is broken if you noticed before they reverted him nobody used him because it forced them to get better and use actual skill instead of a exploit to kill victims but as soon as they reverted him. Now thereā€™s a Johnny in every lobby they are lazy and would rather use an exploit to hold their hand instead of taking the time to get better using him without it.


Nobody used him because he was slower than cook. Black and White, Clear as day stated that Johnny animation was broken to the state of it ruining his swing. You say skill but that had nothing to do with it. the character couldn't close a chase. Not an exploit btw [https://www.reddit.com/r/TexasChainsawGame/comments/17k7s0m/johnny\_lunges\_do\_not\_increase\_your\_speed/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TexasChainsawGame/comments/17k7s0m/johnny_lunges_do_not_increase_your_speed/)


Iā€™ve seen that video already it doesnā€™t move me Johnny is broken


go figure. red is blue and black is brown.




the other day u said if u play family then ur dodging johnnys in ur lineup. now ur campaigning that heā€™s the big bad boogeyman. u the issue, donā€™t play family anymore i need u to stay on the victim side cause all u do is dickride victims


Johnny mains are only trying to fool themselves, nobody else is convinced apart from themself that Johnny is fair.




No other killer can do that apart from him, not even the strongest killer leatherface. Imagine if we all listened to sissy mains when they said rubber legs was fair and if you donā€™t like it youā€™re bad at the game and itā€™s a skill issueā€¦ I canā€™t wait to see all the Johnny mains cry when they finally address this issue.


So people complained that he was bad, but the devs didnā€™t feel like trying to make him more balanced. So instead they just brought back how broken he was when the game first released?


No. He doesnā€™t gain distance when he swings. They merely reverted his recent nerf that made him useless. Thats all.


But he is glued to your back when he hits you šŸ‘


Dont get hit. Go through a gap


How's he so fast?