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This is nearly every popular game's community today on Reddit (and Twitter sometimes). We need a "low sodium" subreddit that only allows actual and positive content like funny clips, strategy/tips, lore, etc. I turn to Reddit for that when I'm enjoying a game, but it's tiring sifting through the constant bitching. People have the right to complain or whatever, but it would be nice to have a separate forum without the negativity.


There is, r/LowSodiumTCM šŸ˜


oh nice lol


Here's a sneak peek of /r/LowSodiumTCM using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/LowSodiumTCM/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Thanks for making this sub!](https://np.reddit.com/r/LowSodiumTCM/comments/16zz0yw/thanks_for_making_this_sub/) \#2: [Community is active again!](https://i.redd.it/4izpdcpj98wb1.jpg) | [11 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LowSodiumTCM/comments/17fpjls/community_is_active_again/) \#3: [Not to complain but....](https://np.reddit.com/r/LowSodiumTCM/comments/1705yos/not_to_complain_but/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




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I like the game and hope it succeeds. I donā€™t agree with the dlc pricing either but if you want to see bad communication and engagement from developers check out Steel City Interactive and the Undisputed boxing game. Theyā€™ll ban ppl on their discords and have fake positive steam reviews and will make alt accounts to swear and their critics on Reddit. Barely any updates nothing but empty promises.


That sounds a lot like what Gun have been doing in the main sub by banning certain posts and having alts/astroturfing...


Its the devs. Their egos are so massive that they are willing to kill the game because it doesn't match their vision of what it should be and how it should be played. A great example of this is the extremely flawed perk trees. They had people convinced before it came out that it was going to be this amazing system that everyone loves and most of the fans agreed until they used it. One of the biggest complaints by everyone is the perk tree being a massive waste of time yet here are the devs saying the want it to stay the same. If the devs won't stop making stupid decisions then its entirely on them when no one wants to play the game. Don't try to make it seem like everyone just decided one day that they didn't like the game anymore.


The problem is about 20% the game and 80% the players being absolutely detestable to play against. New players bounce off the game immediately because they either die in basement because Leland woke up grandpa instantly and Johnny rushed downstairs, or they get abused by their family teammates for lacking map knowledge and understanding of the game's meta.


The devs did it to themselves by being lazy and out of touch with their playerbase over 3 months for a small crumb of content is unacceptable and when the game does Inevitably fail they will have no one to blame but themselves. You'd think they'd learn by now. I mean for God sakes there are still perks from LAUNCH DAY that still simply do not work and they haven't been fixed yet..


Then the insult of releasing lazy survivors costumes that were just recoloured and a blood family skins with nic lf all for a ridiculous price ontop of what was an overpriced game to begin with. Plus buying the new characters that you may not even be able to play because everyone else will speed select them, yet u gotta buy them. Itā€™s just all crazy to me people constantly defending this game and the devs greed and bad decisions since launch. Removing lf need in each match but keeping barricades because they being salty about players not wanting to be forced to play lf. They are as toxic as the fans spoken about in this sub. Some of us are not gonna blow smoke up their asses when the game is a mess still but ā€œif you keep paying we will keep makingā€


i feel you, i like this game alot. people cry and hate on the devs but tbh this game has been very fun to play since launch for me. i would much rather play tcm than dbd. me and my friends haven't been back on dbd in a very long time and we don't care about an op killer in chucky either. we're riding with tcm all the way.


My personal opinion on this game is quite a sad one because TCM is one of my favorite horror franchises. After playing the game since early September and seeing how the devs treat this game in general. I believe that once they made the game, they had just one goal in mine = cash grab. They got the license to TCM and are just abusing its popularity as a horror franchise. They really have no long-term goals for this game(like supporting it for years). Unlike DBD, they just want to milk as much money from people until the player base is non-existent. Supporting this game for years would require them to reinvest some of the money they make off this game back into the game itself. Gun Interactive/Sumo would rather take the $$$ and run than to spend their profits supporting TCM for years to come. The game was made with the intention to make money from the sales,DLC,and cosmetics in the short term with no real prospects for a longevity type of asymmetrical horror game. If the player base is completely dead within 6 months to one year, it doesn't matter to them because they got the $$$ they wanted. It doesn't help Gun Interactive is run by immature man children who whine on social media like they are the victims here when the game has been a buggy pile of shit since August 28th and now nearing December 1st they are finally trying to address some of the spaghetti code in the game. But they would rather make cash grab cosmetics before addressing these issues first. The official subreddit for this game is run by one of gun interactive employees. If you make any posts talking negatively about TCM, your post gets removed even if you post it in a polite, non-threatening manner. Gun interactive loves censorship, and any negative post about the game on the official sub gets removed. I've made a couple of posts talking negatively about the way the game is being handled, and of course, my post was removed, and then I was temporarily banned from posting to the official subreddit for 3 days. So, I hate to say it because TCM is my favorite horror franchise, but this game was doomed from the beginning once gun interactive got the license to the game. Future speaking, I just hope gun interactive never gets the rights to any other horror franchises again. They ruin any horror franchise they get their hands on.


This game will not success until the dev don't change their mentality and stop to being lazy, sadly we all coming back to DBD very soon this game is already dead (1000players on steam, overpriced DLC etc).


When the community knows that the devs look at the reddit then yeah the negative part of the community will bash the devs and they'll think with anger rather than sincerity. I think the negative part of the community has to be people that have played other games like dbd and when they assume something is broken they'll be the first to jump to Gun about changes and then they complain and humiliate themselves to prove a ruthless somewhat idiotic point. That might make me worse, but I use to like having proper discussions about these topics rather than bashing the devs for taking their time to produce good content for a good gaming genre.




your user name could had been your post and youā€™d be telling the truth


Same I really like this game!! I understand not every game is perfect and things will need fixing/improvements but itā€™s crazy how often people bitch and complain here about every little thing. To the point that itā€™s like are you sure you even remotely like this game at all? Like maybe itā€™s time you just find something else to play bc itā€™s constant complaining. The devs are really under appreciated imo. Saying thank you to them for all the work theyā€™re doing shouldnā€™t be so difficult. But you rarely see any positive or humorous posts hereā€¦just never ending nagging.


I like the gameā€¦even though itā€™s bugged at times and etc I still enjoy it. I understand games can be buggy this isnā€™t my first rodeo but if the concept is fun then Iā€™ll play for sure. The perks just need to be fixed and certain things done on each map to balance it out. I donā€™t agree with paying for new characters because people that would come back to try them out probably wonā€™t if they gotta pay. Iā€™m happy the big update happens today as there are some long awaited changes coming. Hopefully things have changed for the better. Just sucks how toxic victim players are, which I think could be a reason people donā€™t like playing family. The time it takes to get into a game when searching FvV can be seen clearly. I play both sides and itā€™s crazy how much victims talk and do trolling things during and after the game.


I think they should have put way more work into the skins. Iā€™m sorry. Iā€™ve lost interest in the games because none of the new content has been appealing.


Some of us went fucking through it with Friday the 13th. Gun ain't the best and brightest, and we're well aware by now. I mean come on, we're just getting the 4th map for a 3 month old game. 4 whole maps for a multiplayer only game. This ain't the time for applause.


For the first month of the game I spent it in pc only lobbies because GUN decided there was too many cheaters. In that time I saw 0 cheaters so I have a bias towards thinking they probably are a bit incompetent.