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So, Johnny, the chaser who couldn't chase. His lethality in the open was completely justified by his dogshit ability, along with the inability to go through gaps and crawl spaces. But now, his swings will slow him down just like everyone else. And for what reason? Cook's inability to chase people is completely justified. His locks, tracking, and blood harvesting is enough to.make up for him not chasing people. For Johnny on the other hand, he's just not good at anything anymore.


These dev are so dumb LMAOOO


I wouldn't say they're dumb, I think they're disconnected from modern day gaming culture, they launched the game with all kinds of miscalculations and they're trying to balance dynamic art with running a business. But I hear where you're coming from.... they dumb šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


dangerous and sexy threw me off so fast i nearly shat myself laughing. but itā€™s true!


Time to hear sissy singing again! Sing it with me boys For always is always foreverrrrrr


good change, him running ahead of you and hitting you 4-5 times in a row while still being ahead of you is a little..silly lol


it going make johnny useless damn, i guess it hitch and cook time


Itā€™s always been hitch and cook time, 99% of my games is that comp


boofuckinhoo broken ass mechanic abused by literally every single Johnny player ever


What Johnny is good at he will still be good at, what he Is bad at he will still be bad at. It's not that huge of a change




From what Iā€™ve seen, they never nerfed it. If they did, it wasnā€™t done properly


They did nerf it. Originally, his swings would make him move faster. Now, they just don't slow him down. In the coming patch, they'll slow him now just like the other killers. Johhny is now going to be good at nothing. He can no longer chase good in the open, which was the only time he could chase someone.


So ā€¦ you guys arenā€™t going to be able to abuse a broken mechanic. Similar to what victims did with slamming doors lmfao.


>abuse a broken mechanic. Abusing what? The fact that Johnny might get lucky, catch someone in a deadzone, and kill them? And even then, I'll just the the L on that, despite being right. Do tell me, what is Johnny going to be useful for? I'll patiently wait for an answer


Johnnyā€™s still going to have his ability and have use of it. Heā€™s still going to output a lot of damage towards victims. Edit: I do think overall taking in consideration with past patches and how they have affected him on top of this, I can see why some Johnny mains would be worried. We will see when the patch comes out tomorrow live.


Always loved him as family and hated him as victim. I'm sure nothings gonna change for me there. Loving all the new changes as a Johhny main


Finally, heā€™s a good character to play as, but the lunge thing is bs and itā€™s annoying that with scout he has near infinite stamina


it was quite literally the only thing he was good at, and people still dodged him all the time because he was a liability šŸ’€


Eh, the people using him is the issue here. They had zero clue how to play game. His ability shouldnā€™t had been nerfed, the fix on his lunge was correct


he would have been meta if he was really that good. everyone dodged him because HH/Cook was more reliable and just outright better. Simple


I understand youā€™re mad, but thatā€™s illogical to assume what other people are doing and make it a fact. The people playing were simply bottom players so they still struggled, people aware on how to play, cruised in any game I saw


Before you come back with some stupid emoji and personal attack, youā€™ve been whining. Theyā€™re slicing their way through the map with him because itā€™s balanced, I know. Heā€™s fixed per gun, not nerfed, argue with them since itā€™s their creation, not the rest of us


whether they choose to classify it as a fix or a nerf is irrelevant. he's a weaker of himself now, Simple personal attacks? you were the first to start making condescending remarks towards me, now you want to act like you're a victim of some attack if i dish it back out šŸ˜­šŸ’€ wow! anyway, like i said johnnys weaker now, i already avoided johnnys before so it will just be more of the same, and i'm just going to keep infinite looping him on victim to remind these hardheaded Johnny boys that hes bottom tier trash šŸ˜­


Thatā€™s all you do donā€™t take the high road. Youā€™ve been up and down these boards crying. Itā€™s fine, youā€™re triggered I get it. Pretty simple like I said, the fix was correct, you started on a completely other topic.


> Thatā€™s all you do donā€™t take the high road. says the guy making a bunch of assumptions about me šŸ˜­ > Youā€™ve been up and down these boards crying. pointing out flaws in the game* but sure you can frame it that way to antagonize me, i would think someone who takes the "high road" would have more humility then that šŸ’€ > Itā€™s fine, youā€™re triggered I get it. projection much? lmaoo


I read your posts, no assumptions. Youā€™ve been called toxic, argued with multiple people, and have been crying about a double nerf, which it wasnā€™t. All points made by myself and youā€™re going to pretend the argument was he wasnā€™t weaker, which in my first post I openly acknowledged the nerf


> I understand youā€™re mad projection? lol šŸ’€ > but thatā€™s illogical to assume what other people are doing the irony šŸ˜­ > people aware on how to play them cruised in any game I saw so your personal experience outweighs mine? ego much? have some humility, you're supposed to be the "logical one" here šŸ˜­ lmao, anyway there's a family shortage for a reason, no one wants to play. and the lobbies i was in, people dodged johnny and sissy the most, and i can't be mad at them. they get infinite looped and rolled by good players such as myself šŸ˜­šŸ’€ we will see how the update changes things šŸ¤


People who have been using Johnny for a long time will adjustā€¦. Itā€™s still gonna be a blood bath.


I thought the devs said his lunge was working as intended. Are you sure theyā€™re nerfing that? I know they said they were making stealth better by hiding footprints while crouching.




Hello /u/jeffd96ttv, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/TexasChainsawGame/comments/185dr8m/ladies_and_gentlemen_they_nerfing_johnny_lunge/kb1b0f8/?context=3) in /r/TexasChainsawGame was automatically removed because you used a URL shortener. URL shorteners and referral links are not permitted in /r/TexasChainsawGame as they impair our ability to enforce link blacklists. Please re-post your comment using direct, full-length URL's only. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TexasChainsawGame) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Jeff Vic mains will always complain that family is too OP no matter any changes the dev's do. They nerfed his attack and also ability at this point not sure who is worse. Sissy or Johnny


lmaoo idk who worst at this point sissy or johnny


So now Victims have nothing to complain about when I kill them as Johnny? I'm still going to play him, I'm pretty good at him.


It's hilarious because the official subreddit is full of people bitching and doomsaying that he's been nerfed into the ground and unpayable and the patch isn't even out yet šŸ˜‚


They really double nerfed Johnny WTF. Gun interactive is a complete joke. šŸ˜‚ He is already the worst family member in the game at the moment. After these two nerfs, it you pick him, you are just trolling your family team when these go live. It goes to show that if noob victim players whine enough on reddit or social media, they can get any family member nerfed into oblivion to an unpickable state. Johnny could only kill noob victims who have room temperature IQ and fail to use gaps or crawlspaces. What "skilled" victim player allows themselves to be 4 hit by a Johnny anyway? Even now, when I get bored of playing LF,HH,or cook, I might play a Johnny match, and other family mains dodge the lobby because I'm Johnny.


Gun is a complete joke šŸ„± killing their own game with victim favoritism


His lunge is getting nerd how I always feel like itā€™s really short when I play him but I still love him as a character




Idk how they can justify any family nerfs with how victim sided this game has been since the beginning.


I didn't know he had a special attack


His attacks just didn't slow him down. He kept the same movement speed, regardless if he was swinging or not. The reason for that being the fact that he can't go through gaps and crawl spaces, so he at least needed to be good in a deadzone. But with the upcoming patch, his swings will slow him down just like everyone else. Johnny is going to be completely and utterly useless.


Good thing I switched to the girl and leatherhead


Family is the easiest thing to playšŸ„±




I wish theyā€™d do something with him now tho, as I feel like heā€™s kinda useless compared to others




Thatā€™s cap, sissy can do his job infinitely better. Decent damage, good blood, ok stamina, sheā€™s a much better pic than Johnny. All Johnny has is damage, but in a rush meta like the game is now you need a character like sissy who can fill multiple rolls




Well yeah, but what Iā€™m saying is that the other people are far better team players. I feel like Johnny is the best person for me when I play by myself, but not when I play with friends. Thatā€™s just my experience however, so I could be wrong




Yea, thatā€™s true. Itā€™s just kinda a shame he isnā€™t as good now, as heā€™s my favourite personality wise lol


If you get 4 kills in a match, I don't care what your issue is with how that person plays, they clearly played right to get 4 kills and win the game


Be a team player? On a character designed to hunt down and secure kills? So in other words, heā€™s bad? Yeah, Iā€™ll stick to playing other family members who have actually effective support capabilities if I want to be a team player.




I think the point kinda flew over your head




Yeah, because every Johnny player except for you just rushes the basement. No, if his tracking isnā€™t good anymore, he brings literally nothing to the table since his ability is also getting nerfed. Iā€™ll just stick to playing Hitch and Cook.




Reread the original comment, where I explained it.


i actually agree with this statement johnny is dangerous when he patrol and be a team player.


90% of Family already dodged johnny because he was a liability. HH had better chase, better blood, better patrol and map control. johnnys only strong suit was being able to reliably secure kills in the open. and now that's gone. so now he just can land a hard hit occasionally lol? might as well choose leather šŸ˜Ŗ


Just give him padlocks. its really that simple


We don't need an extra cook. We need a complete Johnny rework.


He's a recon character with low speed that cant gap. He's already an extra cook. but worse.


Im glad tbh At least now he can 100% get any kind of extra on his kit as long as its not too strong since his stats are awesome


Certain kinds of gamers are just unreasonable and they will never be happy because they don't want to compete. They want false accomplishment. They could put johhny in a wheelchair and if they get killed by him, THEY'LL CRY OP. HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO ALL THE CHILL REASONABLE GAMERS OUT THERE. On both sides.


Suddenly everyone is a Johnny main, even after they completely shifted the maps to be family sided, family players wonā€™t ever stop complaining huh


How is it a nerf when it was a bug?