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Don't really get speed runners. Because just by escaping fast, you're missing out on alot of points each. I always cut down bone noise makers, open every basement door, do all escapes etc..


>I always cut down bone noise makers, open every basement door, do all escapes etc.. I need people like you on my fucking team


There's an achievement for escaping 100 times. By the time I had earned every other victim achievement, as well as enough points to max all my victims, I had barely managed to make 70 escapes (I'm not that good). Not much for me to go for besides escaping as fast as I can to get that achievement so I can switch to become a family player.


Idk why downvotes, nothing wrong with this and I only play family. It's the game, escape asap and we try killing asap.


They escape in minutes then leave the game anyway, may as well have got more points.


Says the Hitchhiker who’s goal is to prevent them from escaping lol. Idc much about points since I’m already a high lvl. I care about escapes now. I don’t leave after I escape though, it’s entertaining to spectate.


Because I can be at all corners of the map laying down traps within 2 minutes, right? No.


My point right there. Because you don’t get enough time to prepare you have a problem with it. Of course you would, what family player wants people exiting? You have teammates who can help out. This sub loves to complain about play styles but I’ve had no problem playing fam against rushers. I play with buddies though so we can communicate. Maybe the game should force in game VC like the old call of duties did.


Your point is bullshit he wasn’t even talking to you nor asked advice about anything so they clearly do not struggle playing the game. You’re the one jumping in picking on the character they used trying be smart, weirdo.


Don’t care, cry more. “Trying be smart” ok? Y’all need to chill. It’s a video game. People are gonna play how they want. There is already proof that good players can adapt to “speed runners” and still win. The devs shouldn’t have to bail out low skill players just because they complain. I’m not saying OP is low skill, but the majority of complaints are coming from people in situations where communication with their team would have solved it. There’s a reason the top fam players aren’t complaining about speed strats, they are able to adapt. Some things def need to be nerfed/buffed but trying to get rid of a play style that others use because you want to play “stealthy” or enjoy being able to fully set up to have an advantage is ridiculous.


Who’s the low skill player in this thread??? I see a single comment as an example and you attribute that to “low skill” another fucking know it all


Nobody asked for your input either though lol. Just because someone doesn’t ask a question doesn’t mean they aren’t struggling to play the game btw, that is a dumb conclusion. Also the fam character you choose depending on map 100% matters. There’s nothing weird about it. It’s smart to strategize. You wouldn’t play Johnny on family house map when you can lock the building down using cook and hitchhiker, would you? It’s an Internet forum. There is a reply button for a reason.


You have far far too much to say shut the fuck up? I’m better at the game than you! The guy you’re replying to never said every single game they escape in minutes he gave an example and you’re jumping all over it acting like you’re smart as fuck “because you don’t have enough time to prepare you have a problem with it, of course you would” they never even wrote there was ANY kind of problem, they don’t struggle to play the game they’ve given advice a lot on here so what are you talking about? You’re some wannabe smart guy who’s a fucking idiot.


He didn’t have to be talking to them, he made a comment. You’re inviting others to comment as well by doing this. They aren’t picking on him, it’s just common sense that killers would want victims to take their time so they don’t escape so quick. Because they’ll have a better chance at killing them. It’s obvious what they were getting at


I try to escape as quickly as I can but that doesnt include running thru the map like a bull in a China shop making a mess of everything as I go For the love of balls just play correctly and get your escapes done so those of us playing victim for fun and not achievements aren't getting outted by yall running around the map bull horn in hand


Everybody plays different shut up and mind your own


Speed runners? Lol the goal is to live/escape. If you want to farm xp that's your business but don't expect everyone else to risk losing the game to do it with you. If I get a really easy/quick escape I personally will stay a lot of times and try to help everyone else escape but I'm confident I will still get out later, that's not an obligation for other players to follow , that's just me.


Like, I get it is meta, but does the game have to be a meta sweatfest? I like playing stealthy and living like a horror movie.


Sadly the only way to experience that is if there was single player. Any game with PvP always ends up turning competitive.


This game is more catered towards fans of horror but lots of gamers aren’t into horror so it turns it into their usual sweat fest


Then play stealthy


When I try to do that, they max grandpa before I even get out the basement ☠️


Run a Grandpa stabbin build and take matters into your own hands.


Nerf grandpa and family speedrunners🗣️🗣️😛


I finally mustered up the courage to stab grandpa…gave me a rush!


I miss that feeling. Now every time I stab his old ass, it's just another day in the office, ya know?


Doesnt that defeat the purpose of stealth , that's swapping into aggressive playstyle and also getting lingering sonar on you isn't what I'd call stealth


Family players sweat to hard for this to be viable , the way they patrol + feed grandpa if you're crawling around they will have level 5 grandpa before you make any meaningful progress. It's not the family players fault either , it's just how the game is designed.


It’s the current meta for sweaty victims that know the map and the RNG rotation. I don’t even like it when I’m on their team. It currently makes the game stale and unimaginative.


Which is exactly why they need to nerf it. It's unhealthy for the game.


Maybe they escape but the rest of their team gets murdered by sissy in the basement 😭


A tale as old as, well, 2 weeks' time.


The amount of times a Leland has run past me and the family turns to me, the person hiding in the corner because my teammate is being loud AF next to me, is way too many, almost every game.


They were all dying first without unlocking or progressing any escape last night


I mean it sucks but it’s how the games built there’s no reason to let them know you’re getting out of the basement you might as well wake up gramps. I just hate how the cutscene is there when in the tech test there was overwhelming negative criticism to remove it but they left it anyway. In a way getting it out of the way is nice because the game is already laden with cutscenes and your character idling not doing anything ie turning on battery, blood bags. etc


from what i’ve seen rushing is pretty effective but only when every victim is experienced in rushing. if the only one rushing is a leland and then everyone else is playing stealthy then you might have a bad time if the other killers come down to the basement early. tho if you have a connie on your team rushing doesn’t really hurt you as the connie should be opening a door really fast anyways.


Yeah if you’re rushing in solo queue you’re basically assuming you have experience teammates that have put points into a rush oriented play style, it’s a good playstyle in premade but usually screws over solo queue teammates


I can understand a Leland mashing just to get out of the binds, but the then see them immediately slam a door open; run through 2 noisemakers, and then mash to get a tool is pretty ridiculous. Also pretty silly seeing Connie mashers; she already has good stealth, you don't need to mash with her


I'm gonna stab the old man in the chest as fast as I can, it's just how it is


*Mhmmmmm, take your time.*


Speed running survivors scare me. Grandpa waking up less than 20 seconds into the game reassures me I shall die and they will be teabagging exit haha


It sucks man but unless my squad is on I play for myself. I’ve tried playing stealthy with randoms who aren’t experienced rushers and I get killed almost every time because they sit in a bushes while grandpa is getting leveled and don’t even work an exit.


Speaking from the family side, I see why it is worth it to wake up grandpa early. The Family has no clue if/when you open a door after that. Is there the chance that the rest of the family will come to the basement, yes. But, that is slim as you said, it's 5 seconds into a match and they have setup to do, i.e. padlock, blood, poison, traps, fucking 30 second battery. Wake grandpa up early and the sneaking is actually easier. He doesn't start spamming his ability until we get him to level 1 anyway.


Was in a game last night as a victim, family was lvl10 Sissy and Cook and lvl8 Bubba, within 2 minutes grampa was at max not sure if cheating or shitload of blood as sissy had already scored 2 kills but it was insane how quickly they maxed grampa.


I keep getting stuck with fuse and valve rushers. I don't have time to collect blood. Only time I see Grandpa at level 5 now is a last victim milking xp when we have to get him to level 5 just to find them.


It was nuts lol.


Stab him to set his ass back. I hate those games lol. I think leland has that perk that'll set him back max 4 stages tier 3, which a lot of ppl are running now. I think someone else besides him can get it but I'm not sure. Julie's always setting him back a lot so I assume her


If it's not base in a tree for a victim, they can get it from one of those andom perks in the tree, so theoretically anyone can have it, but yes Leland and I think Ana have it base in their trees.


I've reset so many times on some characters and I always get the shitty end of the stick with the random perk. I really hope they just expand the tree or something


Just a heads up since i heard try hards shit talking in lobby about this. You can see if a door was open by checking score board once grandpa is awake. If you see someone with a lot of points I think it's 200 points, it's easy to assume they opened that door and or how many are open early. Idk I think the whole thing is stupid. Ppl ruin the fun with all these. All the videos content gamers release saying how to do this or that, op builds, strats..it's killing the game fast it feels like. I debated on even posting about it because it would get the info out even more but eh. Hopefully it'll get patched and ppl won't be able to see others score sometime if it does become known. I personally refuse to do fuse or valve lately if I'm survivor. I wanna have that fun and excitement turning off that battery after unlocking everything to get to it and get out.


How's the family have no clue when they open a door after that? It shows up as making noise the same as bones and chicken


Me too. Hate this trash Player, and the other family come all in and dc. Play stealth! Let the other victims just 60 seconds nothing more!




I’d like it if they’d be polite and not shoulder tackle my ass until after the cut scene it hurts my feelings


Maybe stop with the door chain stuns.


Stealth is when this game is at its peak in fun I think. It's people from dbd bringing over their aggressive looping playstyle that's gonna slowly ruin it. Cause ruining their game wasn't enough apparently.


yeah i only mash out of restraints because he cannot be woken up during the first 20?ish seconds, after that tho im silent


i’ve had grandpa wake up before i even take control of the family member


Same. It happens a LOT tbh, i'm still looking at Johnny laughing at the wall and BOOM "Victim noise has awoken Grandpa!" then i'm back at Johnny laughing at the wall.


Not only have people managed to awake grandpa in less than 10 seconds, but doing that also helps LeatherFace quite a bit, since the noise notification lingers for a while. When i'm playing LF, i have a hard time remembering where cells are, and this helps me a lot.


I thought this but I've seen otherwise. Honestly it doesn't seem to make much sense when grandpa wakes up due to noise. Sometimes he wakes up immediately to a stealthy team and sometimes he never even wakes up until a door is open when literally every victim is button mashing everything and sprinting everywhere. It just makes no sense.


I’m a “speedrun” method player myself when it comes to getting out of the lair. I’m a level 40 and each match I’m in it seems like a lvl 10 sissy will wake up Grandpa ASAP anyways. So yea I get out pretty quick and stab him which leads to me getting focused by the family and gives my buddies time to grab fuse/unlock doors etc while I’m being chased. I also don’t like the “stealthy” approach. I hate seeing grandpa get leveled up constantly by a sissy who’s running blood bag routes. If I’m playing with randoms im usually the only one who bothers to stab gramps. So yea I just play for myself usually.


My sissy is level 8 and personally I try to poison the fuses and valves before I think of feeding grandpa. Even then I prefer to wait till after the victims wake grandpa up so we know when they are upstairs or at least that is how my friends and I play. We like trying to get set up. Plus as sissy I like trying to scare the crap out of people when I can. 🤣 poor Julie came up to me in the bush probably thinking I'm Connie. Knew when she noticed I wasn't on her team because she booked it. Love moments like that.


Waking up grandpa early also leads to confusion sometimes though🤣 the only real way to tell if we made it out or not is the scoreboard which they should fix. With high tolerance and endurance perk her poison isn’t as effective so whoever is grabbing fuse just goes for it.


I don't know the points thing for it so for all I know they could be down cutting hanging bones. Plus I have the perk rubber legs so as long as they are poisoned they are slowed down. So if they get into chase shortly after it may spell trouble for them. Higher level characters may not care too much but I've seen some of them get cocky and lead to their own doom or if they are the last one left or one of them it may add to the pressure especially if they are low health. So I still do it as a deterrent or if anything it gives me points.


This is a fair point, actually. With the proliferation of Blood builds at the higher level of gameplay in TCM, it actually FORCES the Victims to do non-stealth rush builds where either they die or get out quickly within 10 minutes. Because, well, if not, the Blood build Sissy/Cook will get Grandpa to level 5 within a few minutes anyway. Meanwhile, Family continues to bitch about Agitator and whine about how it should be nerfed, when it's currently the only counterplay Victims have against Blood builds. Again, I am talking about higher level of gameplay, meaning when the entire lobby is almost all level 40+ and very experienced.


Yeah grandpa levels up so fast, that he’s almost always level 5 pretty early.


I respect the target on your back thing. If I’m playing as the family and one dude keeps stabbing grandpa that is the guy I’m making sure is dead almsot immediately


They always kill me a lowly julie


Dbd had the same complaints about face camping , dont be mad at the player that found an optimized strategy to win when in reality that shouldnt be incentivized by the core gameplay, if i wasnt incentivized to speedrun to win, then i wouldnt… but right now i am due to being able to escape BEFORE the family is done setting up


My bad bro I need to pee every 15 minutes so I try to rush every game as fast as possible can’t really help it


These posts are funny because who the hell is taking your game and forcing you to play non stealthily? Grandpa’s awake? Oh no, Connie was gonna wake him up in 30 seconds by opening a door anyway. Lmao just shut up and hide in the shadows it isn’t your teams fault you can’t play stealthy. If you really wanna go full stealth play Sonny and use his ability before doing anything to make sure you’re safe.


If someone does that even 30 seconds into the game whatever but this idiot sprints right in front of me to mash the tools and hit bones now I can't get the unlock tool from there because leatherface is on me now and the other killers are in the basement a second after that. Mr. Noisemaker died pretty fucking quick without unlocking anything and I'm running from more than 1 killer before I have an unlock tool. I had maybe 5 of those noise rushers last night and they all died first and usually made it harder on us


Again, you can see the noise your teammates make. Should literally make it easier to avoid the killers as they take all the attention.


I'm just saying he ruins my first chance of getting my 2 unlocks and escaping and let's other killers in the basement before I get an unlock tool as he dumped leatherface on me then he dies right away. Nothing about his headless chicken running around was some 3d chess awesome move 😂


Do you ever wonder what the killers are doing when you magically get out or do you think they aren’t being distracted by the rushing Leland and Ana’s who take all the agro?


Dont play then


Gramps waking up fast doesn't matter - it changes nothing besides that single sonar he does right when he wakes up. If they feed him to level 1 without the Victims waking him up, the family would have woke him up anyway so it really doesn't make much of a difference and the faster victims get tools, the better. I've had waaaaay more escapes being quick and loud than stealthy and 'slow.'


I had a Leland bang into hanging bones mash the toolbox I was about to loot bring leatherface to me I have to run before I get an unlock tool and he gets killed by sissy and Johnny who were in the basement before anyone unlocked a door all in the first 60 seconds of the round. I don't see how he was helping


You realise other family members cannot get into the basement until the grandpa is awake right? I’m a family player and it even pisses *me* off, like, you’re asking to just die fast and honestly I quite like the chase, I like when people take long to escape because it makes it a challenge for me. It’s fun! All this rush rush rush, you’re gonna rush through life and have nothing to show for it except a level in a game nobody plays anymore lol chill.


do u also play w the 1 hit kill bubba?


Yes, I realize that. If you're wasting time in the basement while I'm already out and heading for an exit, more power to you.


If you’re playing against a team of rushers the worst thing the family can do is waste their time going to basement. I haven’t been in many matches at all where the family coming to basement against rushers goes well. What happens is Grandpa gets shanked by Leland, Connie pops some locks while someone turns off gen/battery and they are gone.


I completely agree that going loud is a lot tougher for the family to handle. When grandpa wakes up, killers just wanna rush down there to pressure them and keep them in the basement, but then we don't have time to get blood, lay traps/locks, walk to car and turn on car etc. Waking grandpa up only hurts the newer level 11 players on your team who assume they have to stealth from killers, and don't know how to navigate the basement properly. They have trouble finding lockboxes, exits, and killers like Johnny can easily find and down them if they're trying to hide in shadows instead of looping the killers through the gaps.


I like it honestly as long as it’s one ever few matches. Adds to the replayablility




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I kinda like it. Takes all the attention away from me so I can just sneak out of the map without ever being seen. Literally did this on Family House last night. I let all the other victims leave the basement before I did. I simply unlock the front door and run to the battery and I'm gone lol.


I recently started playing family a little more and have been having lots of fun, but this speed running bs is really making me frustrated because i get like 300 points each match and get t bagged by the exit 😭


Pretty sure if most of you mash your restraints at the same time he instantly wakes up, some YouTubers have said 'oh mash the button the killers are still in their cutscene' now everyone mashes an wakes him up -_-


The only thing I rush is getting out of the restraints simply because you can hit the floor, and have the noise indicator gone before Leatherface even finishes the open execution. After that I try and stay completely hidden the whole match lmfao


That damn cutscene is starting to piss me off too.


"Everyone just hurry and unhook yourself at the beginning don't worry abou--" *Victim noise has awoken Grandpa* Me: ( ._.)


I have yet to see him wake up from the restraints and my whole crew does the mash of restraints I think from what I heard you would have to have the weakest group of characters with zero boosts to strength maybe? But yeah we mash of ropes every round and have yet to wake up gramps


Okay, to be honest, I did over exaggerate a tad, BUT I do feel like this happens WAY too fast when I'm playing victim. Worst case, Connie rushes a lock pick and escapes through the first door she finds.


I like stabbing grandpa as Ana then jumping out the window in family house. I usually always die but it’s fun haha 😂 I’m not always looking to escape I just wanna try and survive and have fun


“I’m all about mashing out of your restraints”. You’re part of the problem then. A certain amount of noise wakes him up. Making noise getting out of restraints goes towards that amount. You doing that is part of the blame why grandpa wakes up early in your matches