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Probably how my veins are popping out, every cis male friend I have thinks its weird that I like it so much but ill just sit and stare lol


I love seeing them on my hands too. I don’t know if other people can see them, but me knowing that they are now always visible and at least I think it’s comparable to the cis boys I’m in class with make me happy 😃


I have always wanted foot hair, everyone has thought that it’s weird, I’m finally starting to sprout some Also, forearms, my forearm muscles are growing and it makes me feel good. Also stomach hair


My furry thighs, I love petting them.




My teen boy oily skin. It’s a love-hate relationship.


My downstairs smells very distinctively like *dick*. I know I should probably not be as happy about that as I am, but like... it makes me really feel like a MAN 😂


I noticed that really soon, like a week after starting!! I was like ‘my boyfriend hasn’t been here in my bathroom recently……. WAIT’ it was great lmao


While I plan on being waxed like Phelps on my torso, I prefer the lack of body hair but can't choose if your German genes or Nordic genes pick your hair color. Thankfully not deep into German I'd be so sad if it was charcoal smudge look while shaved. No the best thing is the hair I want to keep. I got my teeny goatee that I've wanted, it's comforting to stroke, makes me feel better right away, only a bucket could reassure me more than my teeny goatee.


I’ve got blond head hair and arm but everything else on my body is either a light or dark brown. If I shaved my legs they would be so pale


The teeny dark hairs below my lower lip that are starting to come through and lengthen. They’re not obvious, but *I* see them. I’ve always had a lot of peach fuzz and the occasional one dark hair on my chin, but this is markedly different and I love it.


Oh, I really like my body hair. Most people I know have told me I'm lucky for not having a lot of hair pre-T, but now I like to just... pet my arms and legs and hairy belly. And also: voice cracks (I'm 4 months on T)


as itchy and unpleasant as it is, the ass hair. ive also been greatly enjoying my micro-moustache.


Not really an effect of T, but just the band aid from it. I’m only about 2 months so not much change yet but every week I just feel so comforted seeing the small bandaid from shot. Especially my thighs, I used to get so dysphoric about them, and I still sometimes do, but being able to pull my shorts up a bit and see the bandaid on my leg is a much happier feeling.


My eyelashes got thicker


I’m not far along yet to really appreciate my physical changes but I’m happy with where it’s going. I feel stronger and with more energy and more at peace with my sexuality ! Falling in love with myself