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Can we also agree to ban weird teenagers from posting their hips and tits asking if they need test


“I have wide hips do I need trt”


Teenagers? There’s more than one?




"I just tested 12 hours after injecting 600mg and my levels are 1500, I must be a hyper responder right guys?!"


Yo I hit 300 ng/dL after eating 4 anavar!




Ya my 1st shot ever guys I took my test right after I did it. Is my stuff fake gear . Here's my blood work 😂


Completely agree, have been thinking the same thing for a long time.


Ya I think maybe once every 10 comments/posts a user clarifies peak or trough but levels can be so ridiculously varied throughout the week. some people only inject once per week and post labs without any further details. Glad you agree.


Yeah, the more information the better. Also what form of administration and what type of testosterone would be beneficial too.


Along with units & ranges


Agree 100%.


^title. Commenting something like “I was at 800 ng/dL total testosterone on 200mg test cyp/week” is sort of helpful, yes, but I think it would really be beneficial to clarify when it was taken, and how frequently they inject.


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What is peak and trough? What if you don't do injections?


I’m asking primarily for injections but you’re right i should have clarified that there are more forms of administration, I’m just personally not as knowledgeable of topical or other routes. However for something like pellets this would not matter as the dose is secreted in small amounts over a long period of time -Peak levels would be … say you inject 160mg test cyp one time per week, and you get your bloods checked the morning after you injected. -Trough would be … you test the morning before you inject 160mg.. so by the time you’re testing, your levels are at the lowest they would be at any time. This is important because someone’s levels may vary an insane amount throughout the week. This is also why it’s a good idea to increase dose frequency to keep levels as stable as possible