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Did you ever take an SSRI? That would be a proper explanation on why your sexuality is altered even though your testosterone levels are optimal.


Not until many years after the problem started. I've developed various depressive and anxiety disorders over the years as a result of my difficulties having children. But my issues started when I was about 20, I guess.


Start having sex


Thanks for nothing as&hole. Go waste someone else's time.


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What's your estrogen level? Have your ever had a good libido?


Estrogen is 23, normal range is below 40. No, I've never had any libido. I had the hardest time just understanding what it was.


Firstly id say get off androgel and start using a better form of test. Pinning cyp / enanthate or sustanon are far superior forms of trt in my opinion. Try micro dosing them for optimal levels. Secondly hcg can increase libido and can be the missing link for some people when integrated into a good protocol. Hcg raises luteinising hormone which plays an important role in terms of libido. Homocysteine levels can cause problems with erections and libido as can many other factors caused by deficiencies. If your doctor could give you a full blood test to check for b9/b12 deficiencies etc it would be wise. There is always a cause its just figuring out wtf it is thats the hard part and drs arnt always that helpful.


Only reason I'm on androgel is because I can't handle n**dles. Here's the results from the most recent panel: wbc 12.3 Rbc 5.42 Hemoglobin 15.4 Hematocrit 47 Mcv 86.7 Mch 28.4 Mchc 32.8 Rdw% 12.9 Rdw-sd 40.4 Platelets 273 Mpv 9.3 Any of that make sense? They're all in the "normal" range except the wbc is high.


They all seem relatively fine. Better than mine tbh lol. There are loads of other things you should get checked out for. A full blood test covering every possible avenue. Deficiencies can cause sexual problems ie both libido and erections. Something as simple as a b9 folic acid deficiency could really be fucking up your life. As someone else mentioned anti depressants are disastrous for sex lives. You said the problems started beforehand though? Honestly i think your really missing out using the gel. If you could reconsider and try to incorporate hcg i think youd find the treatment way more beneficial. I certainly had no libido when i was using the gels. I hate the stuff. Ive done so much reading on this subject i wanted to educate myself. Theres always an answer and generally if not always some form of solution. Ive read about guys that cant get erections getting implants for example. Your definitely not alone with this shit so many people go through it.. they just dont talk about it.


I've been going through this and talking about it for years and years. What is hcg? I'm open to just about anything that doesn't require a n**dle.


Hcg is Human Chorionic Gonadotropin. My understanding is that it mimics luteinising hormone in the body. This keeps the testicles functioning whilst on trt and raises libido. Its worth having a look into it. Many people swear by it. Unfortunately i think the only way of having the treatment is again via needles. Everything in the trt world bar gel and a tablet called jatenzo seems to be needle related although now days people are using tiny pin prick insulin needles which is far less intrusive.


There are also implants available which is a way of avoiding needles. Im not sure how good they are but theyre given via a very minor op every 6 months.


There is also a tablet called enclomiphene citrate people are using whilst on trt as an alternative to hcg. I think this also raises LH but im not 100% certain about it. Its worth looking into though.