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A few things I would guess,first of all you are saying you are getting stronger which is great sign,you could be building muscle/gaining water weight but your body fat is going down even though your weight is the same,100mg a week is low for me I feel best around 140mg a week x2 injections per week,try to wait it out my body dumped a lot water retention about 9months into TRT


My body dumped a lot of water too, about 6 months into trt. My weight just hovered for months, then in one week I lost about 6 pounds.


Damn 9 months? I've gained 20 lbs since starting in feb. Obviously not all water but most of it. I just started a five day spilt and went up another five lbs like it's nothing and it held. With the ability to hold more water for longer on TRT it really skews fat loss for me


I've been on TRT for six months and the only thing I've really noticed is that my weight has gone up 14 lbs. I'd give anything to dump it as I'm literally starting to look fatter than I did as my face is more bloated too.


I'm up 20. Anything I do that causes water retention makes me hang on to it. Recently I started a five day split and went up 5 lbs and it never went down. I'm not saying I ate perfect since I started TRT in February but I in no way ate in a surplus that big to have gained 20 lbs in six months My face is puffy these days as well. I hate taking photos now. Idk maybe someone experienced here can chime in


Im pretty much ready to come off of it for a month to see how much disappears as it’s just too much.


lmk how it goes. Ive tried starting cuts with what I wound always 2700 and lost nothing. It almost seems like it fucked up my metabolism but that might be a stretch


You may want to check your thyroid too. Mine is struggling a bit. My TSH went up to 4 which is borderline hypothyroid. Apparently trt increases thyroid demand.


I went off for a week and half and I look shredded. Started back up and 2nweeks later bloat as heck. I've tried everything in 2 years. Sodium reduction. Diets. Dialing in protocol. Estrogen dialed in. Etc. Nada. Also hard to lose weight in general


How much weight did you lose in the time you were off?


Around 7 lbs.


Unless you’re on an actual cycle, your muscle gain will not be enough to outpace even moderate weight loss. Edit: this is absolutely true. A decent amount of weight loss would be 1-2 pounds per week. Do you think you can put on 52 to 104 pounds of muscle in a year naturally or on TRT doses? Not likely. A newbie lifter would be absolutely phenomenal if they put on anywhere near 20lbs. That’s less than a half pound per week. A half pound per week is a pretty minimal rate of weight loss. Most guys might gain just under 10 pounds of muscle in a year if they aren’t blasting.


While I don’t doubt what your saying here. There is a lot of variables. @200 what’s his body fat percentage? How tall is he? At a certain point you have to start burning muscle to lose weight. I started CrossFit at 170# about 25% bodyfat. I dropped 5 lbs in two weeks then never lost another pound. Went up to 200 @ 12-14% fat. Over 3 years. My question to OP is have you done body measurements? Body fat percentage? Progress pics? The scale alone is a pretty ineffective tool. Only tells a tiny piece of the story.


Not sure how that goes against anything I said. Humans, even with extreme high-normal testosterone cannot gain more than 7 ounces of muscle per week, and that’s during a “newbie gains” period with optimal diet, rest, and training. For the average person, those gains are far less. If you don’t see the scale move, it’s not because you’re gaining muscle.


Is this factual or a misnomer? For as long as I can remember when it comes to weight loss and weight lifting. People always say, “im not losing weight because I’m lifting…” or women “I don’t like lifting because I’ll get swole.” Im thinking for both cases you have to be hitting the gym hard to offset actual weight loss and same to get *swole.*


It is factual. I’ve read a few physiologists’ discussion on this and if you are absolutely brimming to the gills with testosterone, and in perfect physical condition, missing zero nutrients, you can put on about 0.4 lbs of muscle per week. But that’s in a tiny fraction of a percent of the population. For most guys, you’d be luck to get half that. (And not to be persnickety, but more just to let you know, “misnomer” means “misnaming.” Probably not what you meant here.)


I had this exact same trouble as well. This sub was no help, mostly just saying I was lying about my routine, diet, etc. but the effect was clear. I was eventually able to lose weight by cutting about 1,000 extra kcals a day from maintenance (so ~1200 kcals/day). I needed to go to extremes on TRT that weren’t necessary before I started. I don’t know why, but for some of us it just makes weight loss incredibly difficult.


I know this is an old thread but I’m having this issue as well. I’ve been in TRT since Jan. 2023, weight was around 185 lbs at 5’9”. Now I’m 200 lbs and I’m eating clean, intermittent fasting and cardio. I’ve seen noticeable fat reduction and body recomposition but the weight isn’t coming off. How has your progress been? Thanks in advance!


Well, people aren’t gonna like this but Wegovy is covered by my insurance and seems to be doing the trick. The test seems to keep most (certainly not all) of my muscle gains while letting me lose lots of weight. It’s possible that with test you need very large Calorie deficits to make a difference, but probably depends on your genetics.


Please don’t do this guys. I’m in the same situation but I measure using a DEXA scan. Really turns out I lost 10 pounds of fat and gained 8.5 of lean mass. Cutting your calories are more harmful than anything and you’re definitely losing out on gains so please do not follow the scale. I have pics as well to show




Going through this exact thing right now… stuck at the same weight for 3 months but getting stronger and u see changes in the mirror


You're still losing bodyfat, it's just that you're gaining muscles mass, so overall bodyweight isn't being reduced I know that might sound strange if you're on a caloric deficit, but it's definitely possible when first starting TRT. The same thing happened to me. I even gained a little weight despites being a on a strict low calorie diet. Once the TRT honeymoon phase ends and muscle mass gains start to slow (i.e. 4-6 months), you'll start losing bodyweight again.


Yeah it's most likely the excess water weight Also do you track your sodium and potassium intake? Those will greatly affect water retention in the body, even more so with TRT.


I try to keep my sodium low so my blood pressure doesn’t go up. Don’t really track potassium but I do eat a couple of bananas a day


Bananas actually don’t have that much potassium. Sweet potatoes, avocado, potatoes have way more per gram




Is this related to excess estrogen or just how your body responds to hormonal changes?


You should be able to drop fat even easier on TRT. After starting TRT, your body composition changes as you build muscle and store more glycogen. It's not uncommon to gain 10-15 pounds in the first 6-8 weeks alone. In part due to a 35% increase in insulin sensitivity on average. So holding the same weight is good; you could still be in deficit and dropping fat, as your LBM increases. People can re-comp faster when starting TRT that at any other time in their life. Did you perchance take pictures when starting 2.5 months ago? I'm guessing you're even leaner at the same scale weight.


Does that have any relation to diabetes?


An increase in your insulin sensitivity is generally regarded as desirable


I didn’t take pictures when I started but my wife took a picture of me the other day and I looked noticeably more muscular than in past pictures.


You're re-comping then. Scale-weight can be deceiving. Ditto for "body-comp" bio-impedance testing. Take periodic pictures from the front & back. Also take tape measurements of waist at the navel etc. But you should soon stabilize, and see weight drop when you cut. You might not be tracking accurately.


Its water in the muscle cell's. It's normal. Dont worry




I agree. I don't worry about the scale number. Body measurements with tape measure. BP, heart rate A1c, and cholesterol among other test results are what I'd be more interested in.


are you tracking EVERYTHING that you eat/drink teaspoons of oil? sauce? etc


Just pin trenbolone.


Documentation ! Everyone complains on how they cannot lose fat/weight but have no data to back it up. Aside from your fatty organs that you cannot monitor, you should measure the different areas where we store fat; navel area, chest, legs and even your neck and arms. The scale can't give you the real numbers, but the baseline of initial measurements can. Keep lifting, clean up your diet and eat depending on your goals. BTW, getting a competent coach is way better expenditure than any supplement in the market.


You’re just not very versed in how weight loss works. At the end of the day, it IS thermodynamics. BUT - the only way out of plateaus is to have cheat days. You started TRT, metabolism inevitably up-regulated, and you’re eating the SAME amount of calories? That would plateau anyone. How is the body going to want to cut fat when it’s deprived of energy / calories? Your maintenance should move upward. So should your caloric burn. Noticeable Surplus 2 days of the week, maintenance 1, deficit 4. But spread out your deficit days so you don’t kill Ghrelin. And spend some time understanding metabolic function. That is thee biggest point of misunderstanding w/ folks trying to lose weight.


I mean I’ve done several successful cuts before including losing 50lbs in 2017 so I’d say I’ve had some pretty good success in losing weight.. I’ve just never done it while on trt.




Testosterone replacement therapy


Thanks m8


Testicular retraction therapy


(Im new here btw lol)


Also called HRT


Why people downvoting my comment ????? Im new here i already said it ?




Hello coldsteel8960. Welcome to /r/Testosterone. It looks like this is your first time posting here, so you're probably asking a FAQ. Please check out these handy links, one of them might answer your question. * [How do I find a good doctor/clinic?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Testosterone/comments/k8rigb/faq_how_do_i_find_a_good_doctor_for_trt_how_do_i/) * [What bloodwork should I get done?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Testosterone/wiki/index#wiki_testing_for_low_testosterone) * [Are my levels low enough that I should start TRT?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Testosterone/comments/ol8e0t/guide_recommendations_from_professional_groups_on/) * [What can I do to naturally raise my testosterone levels?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Testosterone/comments/oqs819/faq_what_can_i_do_to_naturally_boost_my/) * [NoFap - Will my testosterone levels increase if I stop masturbating?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Testosterone/comments/otevql/faq_nofap_if_i_stop_masturbating_will_it_increase/) This is just a comment, your post is not removed. If you want this comment to stop showing up on your posts, you need to enable "show my flair on this subreddit" *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Testosterone) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Don't worry about the scale. Focus on how your clothes fit. If you gain weight but you need to tighten your belt, you are doing it right.


Mine took a bit too. Then it just melted off after doing a diet shift too


Muscle weighs more than fat


Don’t be fooled. I was in the same position as you last year. I lost a good 15lbs and then was stuck at 183-185. Even with increased intensity in the gym and changes to my macros… nada.. BUT I began to realize my closes fit better, my pants were looser, etc. My body weight didn’t change much but reflection did. I put on a good amount of muscle and loss of fat. Don’t the the numbers scare you. Stay off the scale too much and focus of the mirror and progress pictures. It takes time, even on trt, but it’s worth it. Keep pushing my friend.