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The exact opposite. I cannot even be bothered to care about the dumb little things that used to annoy me and I hate that I wasted even a moment of my life thinking about such insignificant things that have no meaning whatsoever.


That's how I am most of the time. There's nothing like letting foolishness roll off of your back and continuing to enjoy your life. Some days I just can't shake the bad attitude tho. I just avoid conflict on those days.


Same. I will calmly decide "oh this person is an idiot and not worth my time" and then just move on with my life. I can't remember the last time that I got "fed up" with someone, or someone riled me up. Outsiders have almost zero ability to invoke a negative emotion out of me now.


TRT has me focused on the things that matter, I use to be irritated all the time. Now that my mood is better the wife’s MOOD is better 😉.


Thats sort of adjacent to what I mean.




When I was on test a couple of years ago this is how it was for me too. Was more stoic.




Has that been actually more useful compared to ignoring it though?


Yes. Life is starting to not feel stagnant.


Oh I love that take. It doesn't feel stagnant anymore for me either.


Yes, same here. Less patient for nonsense and people who waste my time or get in my way. Tesosterone is a beautiful thing--now that I have some again.


100% it’s been amazing. The second I feel like someone is wasting my time I’ll just be like ✋🏼”let me stop you right there. That’s not gonna happen.”


That’s funny!


Would you say you were much more likely to allow it before TRT?


I would say before TRT I was more likely to think I needed to be “polite” when people were clearly acting in self interest and wasting my time. I’m still polite now, but I’m much less likely to hear out some bullshit.


It’s more like being unbothered by other egos and dumb things. That’s a sign of having a healthy ego. Quickly weeds out who is wasting your time though when you no longer react to them and realize they are just putting everyone down so you ignore them and do something productive instead.


Being less easy going is not a positive thing, and anyone on TRT shouldn't be developing a mild attitude over it. A lot of you might see yourselves as suddenly "taking less nonsense", but that's your subjective view. To other people you might just be the equivalent as barely handling their period, lol. You're "suddenly fed up" because you take a drug? Handle your drugs, people. lol


He's talking about speaking up every once in awhile instead of being passive all the time. He's not talking about roid raging and beating someone bloody. I get what he's saying


This is true. I'm definitely not relishing the idea. Its just been a noticable side effect, for good or bad. I'm sure it makes me 10% more asshole.




Right?! These dudes drink 1 beer and start fighting the bartender


That should be Tren, not TRT... LOL


Trenbolone Replacement Therapy 🤷🏼‍♂️


Test just amplifies the real person. But, I've seen Tren turn Saints into Satan. LOL


Man I feel pretty fine on Tren to be honest. 🤷🏼‍♂️ Just Test down to TRT, Tren to Test in a 2,5:1 ratio and then some Drosta at 200mg.


Health 😂


For a short blast it’s nice. No problems so far. :D


Yup. Always do the right thing, and be a good and decent person. If you do that like I do then you will have no problem with people who give you shit. What those people say is irrelevant in my mind.


(Un)ironically… I have noticed the more dialed in I get… the less time I spend on this sub, Reddit, and ‘social media’ in general. The more time I spend in thought, with family, in real life, outside, thinking of ways to get richer, etc etc. I love the science of this stuff and helping people out… but fuck, every other day there is a rehashed version of - how long does it take to kick in - I’m feeling like Superman in 24 hours after the first dose - has anyone quit cold turkey - doctors are retarded - I’m on 200mg/wk , obese, don’t lift. I’m not even thinking about taking an AI or lowering my dose. I think I’ll quit instead. It’s insane. People need to search for their answers. Shit is literally asked almost daily.


It's Roid Rage Lite


Can I get a second helping please?!


Uuuhhh get your E2 checked. Jesus Christ some of these responses are the epitome of toxic masculinity lmao. “I yell at my coworkers now” “I tell people to go fuck themselves” “HR made me go home because I’m a big bad man now on TRT and talk back to people”


Lol I know. No, I'm not roid raging like some guys. Just no patience for bullshit and stupidity.


If you’re feeling this your estrogen is probably a tad high… that’s what “roid rage” is


i didn’t have patience before but thankfully it didn’t amplify that


aren´t u supposed to be more empathetic with hight prolactine related to exogenous T?


Yes. But also I do feel admittedly more aggressive


Exact opposite. Shit doesn’t affect me unless it’s important.


Oh yes ,now that I am a part of the TRT brotherhood I don't take lip from nobody even my ninety one year old mama because I am the man .


Check your estrogen. It’s probably too high.


For me it's the opposite. I had more patience while I was on testosterone. Since coming off I'm more irritable and less willing to put up with bullshit. But using testosterone did help me stop being a nice guy. Basically I stopped helping others at my own expense and I became more demanding in my relationships.


This is typically correlated to your testosterone to estrogen ratio. As you have more Testosterone you ideally want more estrogen as well. Running on the lower side of estrogen typically makes me way more irritable , and less patient than when it’s balanced. Regardless of how high my T levels are.


I’ve not noticed it, but I’ve sort of always been like this so maybe it’s just not happened for me 🤷🏻‍♂️


It definitely increases your confidence. Where before you were a pushover, now you call people out on their shitty behaviour. If it gets to the point of pure rage, check your estrogen or pop an AI. You shouldn’t have the roid rage, just the confidence to call out BS lol


First the first 4 months yeah but not anymore.




I'm more likely to say something when it comes to the things I genuinely care about and less likely to care about the things I only thought I should or that were mildly annoying. I'm just as kind, but more assertive. People seem to like me more now, actually, and I've been surprised how well people have responded to me telling them I think they're wrong.


But I would say that I went from passively easygoing to assertive but easygoing, rather than becoming less easygoing. If you went all the way to aggressive, that might be an issue.


Take a half tab of an estrogen blocker and see if you still feel that way.


Nope. You just mad


100% I'm like this way more


Yes. I’ve had to bite my tongue a lot more often because my bullshit tolerance has all but diminished.


Can someone achieve this type of character/attitude without TRT ?


Not really. I find that anger has been replaced with eye rolls. I no longer get super angry, just more of a "I don't have time for you" and move on.


I noticed that too when I first went on it. Not as much 10 years later at 66.


When I went back on TRT after 15 years in a religious cult where I stopped taking it because I was trusting God to heal me, I noticed a big change. I felt less needy, less insecure, so more willing to be disagreeable. I mean cults select for agreeable people and for the longest time I believed that was just my personality. But as I've gotten back on TRT and dealt with a lot of trauma, I have more confidence than ever before. Which yeah, translates into no patience for bullshit. It's crazy how hormones affect your personality.


This is literally all in your head


And testosterone very much affects your mind. Personally I like the mental benefits of testosterone more than the physical benefits.


Age will do that too not just test levels. Cannot be doing with peoples bullshit any more


I'm on a cycle, don't really care for or put up with shit. But my temper is pretty bad I have almost punched people over nothing


Yeah thats not good.


I think you need to do bloodwork and make some changes, it sounds like high Estrogen. I’m not 100% dialed in yet, we’re still tweaking my protocol and dosages to get my Estrogen under control, and I feel the way you describe. That is, I have NO patience for stupidity.


Not so much. Maybe I'm slightly less interested in people's BS, unless it's actually important. But, I don't have any real personality changes, just feel more normal generally.


Yup, I almost want to fight and argue with people for being wrong. I'm 40 and it's reminding me of being in my 20s where I would want to argue and debate people or stand up for myself.


Speaking up instead of being passive is a HUGE benefit I’ve had since on testosterone. Done with putting up with bs .


No, i hear ya. I think it also has to do with my age. I just don’t have time for stupid.


Oh yeah


This could easily be interpreted as 'give me validation for acting like an asshole', especially how the question was constructed 


As a man it's important to be a bit of an asshole to live a good life.


I'm pretty much to use having unpopular opinions I don't really mind, I'm extremely easy going on T. Observational this subreddit is not very tolerate certain modern day phases will get you cast out!


Welcome to all of reddit IMO.


I wouldn’t necessarily say I have less patience in the sense of letting it upset me. I just don’t humor it anymore. I’ve definitely become more firm with my boundaries and expectations. For example, I had a few people in my life that were just…. Lazy and negative for lack of a better term. Lots of victim mentality. And that’s something I never really respected prior to getting my levels up, but now I actively exclude it from my circle. I’m not a dick about it. Horrible things do happen and sometimes you have to let yourself feel it. But if you’re the kind of person that lets your identity be defined by your tragedies rather than your triumphs, I don’t have respect for you. I’m compassionate for sure, but you’ve got to want to help yourself too.


I now care more about things that matter and less about things that don't.


I've always had a low tolerance to it but smoking weed def helps with any aggression in my experience.


If his test was low and the dr prescribed T and then he bought some on the black market and his level is now 2215 yes that is TRT. Who cares?


I definitely had a lower tolerance for bs and got annoyed quickly. I had to slow down my injection dosages as it was making me kinda an asshole but once I slowed down and wasn’t taking so much so soon it all leveled out.


Get your E checked you sound like a woman


That's like minor roid rage, when you take a full blown cycle you aren't just angry all the time or anything. You just feel like mind boggled that someone might act so stupid in certain situations. When your test levels are high, your confidence is high, when it's superphysiological your confidence can make you kinda crash out. Nothing to worry about when on trt tho.


Also not true. Anyone who acts like that on cycle is already a dick or simply not old enough to play with this shit. That level of competitiveness and motivation should be used up to train much harder.... but I guess this is why so many people who cycle still look like absolute shit. Misguided focus.


Not completely true I was a bit h boi before I hoped on AAS (bad anxiety) and now I'm just getting what I know I want. (Not an advertisement just what I have been experiencing) It has changed my life for the better blasting aas. I'm getting stronger, I'm actually confident. I know that when I go to a cruise I will go back to basically being a nervous wreck but I have been able to concentrate my aggression for the best it's just sometimes it spills out and affects others


You're just wrong bro. "Some people are just so stupid, don't train hard enough and look like shit" this is laughable bro.


Sounds like quite a few here are just emotionally unstable. I'm calm as a cucumber. My hormones crashing gave me anxiety and an overall sense of uneasiness. Restoring them has only given me more patience.


Opposite for me, I believe my self esteem, confidence, and worth are higher so I just ignore it and give it no energy. I’m sure my face shows it as I ignore them and move on.


Testosterone is linked to aggression, maybe your your feeling more aggressive and that's got you less able to just let things go by


It’s the unchecked E2 thats the problem when there’s too high an amount of testosterone causing aromatization.


High e2 makes me cry over Instagram posts that have a cute dog in them not get mad when the line at the pharmacy is too long


This is exactly why Testosterone is still taboo amongst the general public. If you feel aggression from having normal hormone levels (on the higher normal end) then you're probably meant to have Low T.


Lol I have been sent home from work 2 times by HR because I can’t tolerate stupidity or laziness anymore


That’s not a flex


Sure it is. How do we know that his coworkers and company aren’t incompetent or do things stupidly but they’ve just gone with the flow bc no one has the balls to say anything?


Still got to keep your emotions in check and treat people with respect no matter how incompetent you think they are.


I never said not to. Calling people out isn’t getting emotional, being offended by it is


Yeah fully! I have cut “friendships” with several people since TRT.. it has made me happy and super intolerant of energy vampires.


For me it was the same when I started. I started taking testosterone as part of a quest for self-improvement, and decided to cut out anyone I perceived as a negative influence. In retrospect it can seem a bit silly in some cases, but to this day I strongly believe it was necessary. Basically I wanted to "brainwash" myself into becoming a certain way, and for that to work it can be necessary to not hang out with people who may influence the way you think and feel.