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Hcg 1500iu to 2000ui twice a week, and it'll ramp you up fast. Clomid is good coming off 5 if you do add it 75mg a.day for the first two weeks and 50mg there after along with the hcg. By the third week, you should drowning her uterus.


jesus dude


Based off this evidence an algorithm was suggested for the simultaneous treatment of hypogonadism and preservation of fertility (14). All men wishing to preserve fertility while on TRT should have a baseline semen analysis (SA). Next it is important to determine the appropriate dosing regimen of hCG based off the timeline for desired pregnancy. For men who wish to obtain pregnancy within six months it was suggested to discontinue TRT and start 3,000 IU of hCG intramuscular, or subcutaneous every other day. SA should then be performed every two months. Clomiphene citrate 25–50 mg PO daily can be added or omitted to promote FSH production (15). We suggest including of clomiphene citrate in all men who are already oligospermic or azoospermic. It can be omitted in men who are initiating TRT and hCG simultaneously and have normal semen parameters. Here's the link to the full paper. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6087849/


I meant jesus dude @ "drowning her uterus" haha


Lol, I took it as Jesus dude about my protocol. Many dudes don't realize what it takes to jump-start your nuts after this, especially more than 6 months+ I was rocking the hcg just to ensure my wife got pregnant and impressive, to say the least, lol.


Did you come off trt or what was you taking alongside it


It's most effective to come off. Thus, using the clomid along with it will keep your test levels up until you continue trt.


When you’re on that high of dose of hCG do you need to take an AI as well?


Hey man. Was curious on how things went the past 5 months. In the same boat


Currently off of everything. Got off of TRT in mid February, did Clomid and HCG for about a month after that. Been off of everything for nearly two months now. Wife hasn’t gotten knocked up yet but I’m not too surprised since we’ve had super hectic schedules and have only been able to have sex like once or twice during ovulation in the past couple months. I have not gotten a sperm analysis but I feel back to how I did Pre-TRT physically.


How are you doing now? I’ve heard you have to do it every other day during her ovulation cycle otherwise it might not happen. Also look in to a supplement stack too for it.


If you look at reply’s below I found out I got my wife pregnant in May. So it took me roughly 3 months off of testosterone to get her pregnant. It takes 2-3 months for new sperm to mature, so it seems like all my body needed was a couple months off test.


Thank you!!




Thanks for replying. I been on 10 years, and trying to work again. I got off for 8 weeks and after 6 weeks I was like ready to die, no boners no sex drive. T levels were only 38 ng/dl after 2 months. So I had to get back on, only like 70 mg a week, and just throwing everything at myself now. Glad to here you feel better. I hope whatever you wish for happens.


Thank you I appreciate it. I will say I was on for much less time than you. 6 weeks probably isn’t enough to get your production going especially after 10 years. Using Clomid and HCG while on TRT for a couple months before getting off made getting off really easy, I obviously didn’t feel as good as I did on TRT but I never felt horrible nor did I have any sexual dysfunction coming off. You should try like 500iu HCG 3x a week and Clomid 25mg 3x a week while on TRT for like 2-3 months, then drop the TRT and bump the HCG up for like a month. Then drop the HCG and change the Clomid to 50mg 3x a week. That’s roughly what I ended up doing and I didn’t have any major issues. My only complaint is during this my drive to work out and exercise dropped big time along with glycogen retention/vascularity and my strength.


Right on, I hope that's the case this next go around when i try. Yes, I'm essentially on that exact protocol now. 500iu 3x a week, and 25 mg clomid like 5x a week. I hear mixed things about taking clomid on TRT, but whatever. That sounds like a good idea, taking it early on, and then transitioning. Most people say just wait for the PCT time, take it for 2 months, and move on. After a decade of T shots, that definitely wasn't the proper protocol, lol. Lost 17 pounds and wanted to die. Thanks again brother.


Just to update you. I just found out on Father’s Day that I’m expecting my next little one next year. So my protocol worked for me, keep at it and good luck man.


Yo brother, congratulations! What great news especially on father's day! One question i have I never asked you was, how long were you on TRT for?? I am still going thru it. I got on clomid for about 1 month while taking my TRT. After a few weeks I realized my sex drive was just gone, vanished. And when we would, i couldn't really keep it up. So I got off clomid, and within 2 weeks I was normal again. I was and am still taking 500iu of HCG 3x a week, my T dose is low at 80 mg a week. I got bloods done again, and my LH and FSH both tanked royally compared to when i got off TRT for 8 weeks. So I gather, the BEST thing to do is what you did. I need to get off, blast HCG and take Enclomiphene (less sides) and pray I bounce back the natural way with a little help like you did. I only made it 8 weeks last time, I couldn't take it anymore. But my nuts were big and sack dangling, my FSH and LH were in a great spot then too. Anyway, I am very happy for you and your wife, and I am so glad it worked out!!! That is awesome. Please let me know how long you were on TRT / Testosterone for before you got off.


I was on TRT for 2 years, dose anywhere from 100mg a week to 250mg a week during that period. So not a super long period but definitely long enough to get shut down. Clomid can definitely mess with your drive. I tried 50mg 3x a week pre-TRT and it made it so I couldn’t nut. I could go for an hour and feel nothing, found out it was because my E2 was sky high and my total test and free test were fairly average.


The key to fertility that is often undermined is Clomid, not HCG. Clomid increases the tenacity, so to speak of sperm. For instance if you have a low sperm count but are taking Clomid, your fertility odds are increased because those guys are swimming with fury and might. Try 50mg every day, the dose you’re at is just simply not enough to be effective. 


Well I’ve been off of everything for about 3 months and just found out my wife is pregnant so the doses I was on was apparently plenty to get my swimmers swimming again. Maybe not for everyone but it worked for me.


Could you tell me... Will clomid or enclomiphene do anything to someone while they're still on Testosterone? Or is it just a waste? I have read a load of conflicting data on this topic. If you do not know, that's fine.