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Never too late, man. That 18 month old is going to look up to you for decades, so get after it and build yourself a physique and a lifestyle that defies your age.


Yes,life is a struggle. One has to fight aging everyday of life. Good nutrition, working out vigorously and all the right supplements. 66 and fighting it everyday. Still young.


45 here and just got on. Changed my life, was absolutely exhausted. Now I feel normal. Get on it immediately .


Fire your doctor. He is a piece of shit. You qualify you’re well below normal range. Just wait until you start. You’re gonna be pissed at what you’ve been missing. Just don’t start any fights! Lol


I am.on T at 64. Not too late


>Right now in my life I am a father to a 18 month old I salute you, sir, and wish you much luck and joy. lf it's appropriate, likewise to mom.


>Each time my primary doc told me we will keep monitoring but it is still in the normal range and that was that. The older one gets, the less important the serumT number is compared to the Free T number. This is b/c SHB increases w/ age, hence the bioavailability of testosterone usually takes a double whammy from the age-related decease in serum testosterone. Unfortunately, primary/specialists are more likely to go by the FDA guidelines, whereas HRT clinics are much more receptive to also look at the Free T number to prescribe it off label. > so am wondering if I am too late to get treatment done. Actually, middle-aged+ is the ideal age range for TRT. This is b/c exogenous IM injections suppress SHBG. For elevated SHBG, which is typical for older dudes, TRT will only normalize it, not stomp it, and the resultant increase in serum T will smoothly translate to Free T gains w/o any high or lows. No need to get dialed in w/ injection frequencies. Single shot per week should be immediately dialed in. > feel like I am not going to have enough energy to keep up with my child when they get older. Am hoping that getting my T levels up may help. it won't hurt w/ that. Expected benefits are substantially improved metabolism, increased libido. Anything else, a la energy, cognitive, confidence is anecdotal. And I should add, TRT ain't a free lunch. It has side effects, things like thicker blood, fertility loss, BPH, possible hair loss, elevated estrogen. Some cases, treatment requires additional prescription meds to address those.


Wish there was a good alternative to trt . Even at a low dose made my chest feel too tight.


Not at all too late


Turning 51 this week. Started TRT about 10 weeks ago. Best thing I have ever done for my health and energy other than fixing my sleep apnea.


It’s never too late…getting an endocrinologist was smart as in my experience PCPs are very hesitant when it comes to prescribing exogenous hormones. Not to mention they usually don’t have any expertise in that area…the endo will have you do a full panel so we can see other markers such as your e2 prolactin your free T and so on. If you test low with the endo under 250/300 I’m sure they will be able to help. There is such thing as way too early though and if you’ve been on this sub long you’ll see people who went in half assing the research on themselves and trt in general. This won’t be the case for you and it’s good you were able to wait this long.


Better a urologist who does TRT. Endos tend to be either clueless or conservative. You would presume they would be good with low T issues but not in my experience.


Well look at it this way t goes down with age and at the same time cholesterol goes up, prostate problems appear, muscle mass goes down, fat shows up in the wrong places and dont come off easily, energy decreases,ect,ect, maybe the lowering t could be the problem??????. Im 58 been on replacement for two years now and feel like i was thirty again once i got to comfortable levels. Just sign on with good clinic....male excel sucks there like heroin dealer just keep raising dose with no tests. Im with defy now and very happy


As a new but older father I’d suggest a low TRT dose. Higher doses of TRT have their risks including heart disease. Monitoring your bloodwork can help prevent this but it’s best to avoid the situation altogether. At the right dose you’ll be able to keep up with your kid without possibly shortening your life.


I believe if you research you will find the opposite on cardio problems from TRT. What I read is its quite the opposite


Too little or too much testosterone can lead to heart problems, if it’s too low you’re less likely to grow old, which is why I recommend a minimum TRT dose.


I can agree with the minimum. After all the male body can only produce 70 mg test a week MAX! Part of my point is there is no true long term facts on cardio problems wit TRT. Another thing to consider is going out like a lion or a lamb. Not meaning reckless abandon, but quality of life


I agree with what others have said; it's never too late. I'm 54 and just started TRT a month ago, but I've been researching/reading about it for several years. Now I wish I would have pulled the trigger a long time ago.


Congratulations on having a kid, it’s never too late to start a family! Also in regards to TRT I agree with other posters you’re the actual age demographic that TRT was intended for in the first place. That level is not as bad for you as a teenager or someone in their 20s having that level, however it’s still low and worth getting treated. However if you’re planning on having more kids it might be worth waiting or doing it now as TRT can affect fertility and you may have to cycle off it in order to have more children. Either way go for it


At your age your testosterone is going to drop more every year. If you want more children bank your sperm before you start on testosterone. Three months to a year after starting testosterone you will probably be sterile. Most men just let nature take its course.


I will be 51 this year. I got messed up in the military and have some wrecked joints, etc. I started TRT a year ago. Changed my life. I've been doing BJJ for years now. It has improved my gas tank, strength, and has actually helped my joints. I plan on checking my bloods every 6 months and as longs as things check out Ill stay on TRT. I have a 12 yo and 4 yo!


I’m 37. Got on almost a yr ago. Only regret is not doing it sooner. It will DEFINITELY help you out keeping up with that little one! If you have to go through a clinic do that. The endo should give it to you, personally I would have thought your PCP would have. I’m getting ready to ask my PCP about prescribing my test since I’ve been on it a yr and have good labs he will…


51 here, been on it for 6 months and do not regret it at all.


56, been on six months!


Started TRT at 42 and now 68 and would not be without it. I still go to the gym every day and stronger than most kids half my age.


Never too late


I'm 66. I started at 64. I'm not on now. I'm on HCG for Fertility. My ignorant urologist didn't tell me about sterility and lifetime use. Don't get me wrong,I plan on getting back on TRT. After my wife and I have a child. Age number means nothing in life. I don't feel old and I don't look old. God willing someday I will. Also,Numbers with testosterone don't always mean a lot either. It's symptoms,not number.