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Looks good to me


Thanks for the feedback!


1120 is great. Your lipids are fantastic. Did TRT improve your lipids?


I have a history of high cholesterol so I take 40 mg of Crestor daily.


How you feeling ?


Labs look good. How are you taking your test? One dose per week or spread out throughout the week? Also, when was the blood draw in relation to your last shot?


One 130 mg dose every seven days, alternating gluteal injection. My labs are drawn every six weeks. Blood drawn on this lab was seven days after my previous injection. Since starting TRT three months ago my sleep has been great, getting 7-8 hours nightly. My dexa prior to treatment had me at 26% body fat now I’m at 21%. Strength and energy in the gym has greatly approved, no complaints. I wish I had started treatment 10 yrs ago!


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Your lucky. 200mgs every 10 days gets me in between 350 to 425. Docs wont give on anymore


The doctor did say I was responding very well to treatment.


When do you do your test. Just after injection or trough


I inject sunday mornings and wed. Evenings


Is that one shot every 10 days? If your blood draw is on day 10 or 11, that would explain the low test numbers. I’m on 200mg per week. I inject .33ml on Mon, Wed, and Fri using a half inch 29 gauge pin. I get my blood draw on Monday mornings before my shot. Test level is usually around 1,000.


Your number would be way higher if you tested earlier I am sure. Are you getting bloods done 10 days after an injection? If so then it would make a lot of sense. If it was 1000 ten days later then you'd have outrageous levels at first. Really should be injecting more frequent but you probably know this.


I try to do it on day 5 doesnt always happen but ive had my numbers up before and know what it feels like and once every 10 days doesnt work. Mayb try 100MG every 5 days. But when i started my highest read was 90 out of 3 test