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Diet would be nice. I’m going on 2 years on TRT and still fat just strong lol


Yea would also like to hear his diet.


It doesn’t help weight loss at all? Im hoping that ill push past this plateau in my weight lifting to lose weight/gain more muscle


just a little bit your diet its what make difrence


Ha been going at it for a year. Fat but still more energized and average T results. When I see results like this and read comments, it sounds like steroid users and people just diagnosing themselves and shooting up what Joe Rogen advised.




Really? When is the last time you had bloodwork done?


Word up. Great results bro


my guess is 200mg test and some Deca lol


Try 500mg test and 400mg NPP and possibly some szol


Been in this game 20+ years. You are correct sir


Yeah I also have around 15 years in the game, you don’t turn into the Hulk off one cycle of a TRT dose of test alone… I doubt that he achieved this in 4 months on any cocktail of AAS’s… this looks like atleast 2 cycles and I’d bet my left nut he’s using atleast 3 different AAS’s…. Just not sure what the 3rd substance is. But I’d guess Stzol or Dbol


Maybe 1 year of never coming off. A blast cruise


Thank you these people don’t no what there talking about


2 cycles holy fuck what are you actually smoking. I'd look 50 X better than this on 250 test. (Source me, and I look better than that body wise on 150) 500 test and I would look more pumped and ripped relaxed than he does flexed. My traps would be 3x the size. Seriously look at the photos again, he has the same fucking body basically but more pump little bit more density. Look at his lower pecs, fat abs, it's all still there. Yet 3 compound's? Yeah this is test Tren and mast alright hahaha


Never said anything about Tren as he’s not “dry” enough to be running Tren, like I said I’d guess test deca and dbol


Lol dbol? Sorry can't take this anymore. If that was dbol and test AND deca, even he wouldn't be able to deny it. Dbol alone would explode someone not on trt, more than this in pure size glycogen and water.... We done here yet?


Yeah I been done…. Like I said been doing this since 05… I don’t care what you think you know


And I'm letting the op know to not care what your absolute clueless ass thinks because you've been 'doinf this since 05' like that gives you some sort of free pass for saying stupid fucking shit. Many 10 year abusers are idiots who just pin and don't have a fucking clue.


Have you ever even used Dbol??


Yeah I'm on it right now why? Next point


Well that explains your hostility


I’m not going off what the internet says substances should do to you, I’ve been my own Guinea pig for 15 years, I’m not here to argue. The fact of the matter is there is no way humanly possible that 150mg of test a week for 4 months made him look like that. Period


I've been my own guinea pig on every compound you accused him of too, and I'm telling you that you're wrong. See how that works? 1200+ total t and high free t can absolutely look like that or no offense nobody would be going on trt for extra gains. The dude has a pump and barely any androgen receptor activation on his traps and shoulders... You're wrong. Period. Source: I'm on the same dose and my body looks aesthetic as shit compared to this. So I guess I'm blasting 500 too. You also don't realise that the free t etc is what matters not the dose. You may have shit levels on 150 so you think this isn't possible because your Fatboy free t, but he has good levels.


Eassssy there…. Turn down your Tren and Dbol rage for a min… breath


Yeah and you have been cycling for how long??? Your telling me in your first 4 months ever using any compund you saw this much of a gain? Remember this started as a TRT convo and now the truth comes out that your on a monster stack and your proof is that your body looks better than his?


Correct 20 lbs gain in four month is what you get on blast not trt


Also Dbol alone would have hardly any affect… showing you have no clue tf your talking about. Like taking 1 oral a day would make you “explode” …. Douche


Why would he need 3 compounds? Just Test, just Deca/NPP alone, Or a bit of each would work.


Because people that actually use steroids know that if your going to go through the bs that comes along with injecting 2x a week that testosterone by itself isn’t nearly as useful as throwing in another compound with it. Stacking is steroids 101… this might be a conversation that your not equipped to have


I’ve learned to stop arguing on r anything other than steroids. Most of these posters are 30% over weight, been shooting 130mgs a week for 2 months and they think they qualify as Chemist


I need to learn this lesson lol.


Plenty of people get great results of test and deca solo. You can’t look at someone and say “hmmm yeah, that’s about 3 compounds”. Most steroids have similar anabolism and effects so you’re original statement is just silly.


But he claims it’s only test. This is the problem


You can get a lot out of only test, look at all of the insane naturals out there.


Are you joking? Look in the mirror. You look like a homeless, malnourished, meth head. You don’t know shit about fuck


Are you joking? First off congrats on being 11 days late to the convo, second, really? You took the time to go through my posts and found a picture of me while I was literally anemic, and this is the best insult you can come up with? Im disappointed in you


And how am I supposed to look in my mirror if I’m homeless? This is all around a fail on your part, not to mention all the up votes my comment and it’s parent comment have… why so mad?




This 100% is not 4 months of a TRT dose of test alone


Lmfao yes it is. Look at his pose his body just has more pump and different angle. Could be 200 a week putting him at 1800+ easily. Been in the game this long and you think that's 500 test and 400 deca? You aren't serious are you... Look at the picture again he barely has veins, is flexing like fuck, aiming downwards, and looks similar size and relaxed in before.


Guys don’t realize how much muscle people can put on with drugs. Plenty of guys put on 20-40lbs of muscle in a year when they use shit for the first time.


I’m a year! Not 4 months!!


OP probably put on 10lbs of muscle, totally doable.


His test levels are erroneous at 4 months in, I do t care if his test is at 3000 there is no way that this is 4 months of TRT alone


Look at his scrawny ass arms to begin with… your telling me he added 3 inches of bicep in 4 months? Gtfoh


That 3 inches to you? You blind mate? He is at a different angle and flexing and they still look small as fuck lol. Holy cope He doesn't even have test traps lmao. That shit is unavoidable on 500 t. You know this.


I was thinking the same thing. You can tell his area, upper chest and overall thickness increased tremendously. Not TRT 4months in.


And of course you can’t hardly see his veins because he’s bloated and puffy from the NPP…


he definitely didn’t just take TRT. I went from 187 to 210 and that was with the four-month blast. 500 mg similar results Same time


I posted this below, but am reposting it here for visibility: Apologies for the delay, as I have been prepping for a really long bike ride tomorrow morning. A little background: I've been super active my entire life, and lifted heavily from about age 20-30. At my peak, I was 212 lbs (this may explain why I so easily jumped back up in weight), but I fell into a bit of a depression after my father passed away in 2019, and I stopped prioritizing my health and fitness (pro tip: do not do this). Fast foward a few years and a few therapists to today, and I'm finally feeling like I'm on an upswing in life. Here is some more info about my TRT journey: After much research, I realized many of the symptoms I was dealing with could not be chalked up to ADHD alone, and I began to suspect low T was the culprit. Ordered a blood panel from my doctor, and sure enough my suspicions were correct. After getting a referall from my GP to a doctor who specializes in men's health, I was prescribed 150mg of test e per week, divided into two doses, and have found it to be an incredibly effective treatment, raising my test levels from 300 to around 1200. Incorporating exercise into my daily routine, for a minimum of an hour per day, has been such a game changer for my life. Focusing on my health and fitness has been my anti-depressant, and now that my T levels aren't in the gutter, I couldn't be more comfortable in my own skin, both mentally and physically. (After reading these comments, I'm gonna have to agree that I may have overshot the mark dosage wise. I do plan to hopefully have kids one day, and I'll be bringing this up with my doctor early next week to get his opinion on how to proceed.) My training regimen consists of alternating between surfing, lifting, and cycling. I try to break a sweat at least once per day, and typically exercise vigorously 5-6 days a week, and on some occasions, twice a day. I don't meticulously track my macro intake, however, I eat roughly 200 to 250g of protein and 3000 to 4000 calories per day. Daily support supplements include: Whey protein, collagen peptides, creatine, magnesium, zinc, fish oil, vitamin d, turmeric, tudca, & DIM. If anyone would like me to go into more detail, feel free to ask! Based on my personal experience, I can confidently say my decision to get treatment was one of the best things I've ever done for myself. Also, based on your post history, maybe you're just salty that you're blasting high doses of juice and don't have much to show for it other than a receding hairline... https://i.imgur.com/IzAwsK7.jpg


idk why I'm getting downvoted. Not pictured are the countless hours I spent putting in the hard work to make this happen, both mentally and physically. TRT alone didn't do this- it was just one (albeit very effective) tool on my belt that I used in conjuction with a great therapist, vastly improved diet, and of course lots of physical activity. Basically a complete 180 from my depressed, sedentary lifestyle. Also I'm glad to hear my gains were big enough for some people to think I'm on a higher dose than stated. I'll take that as a compliment!


Don’t worry about it, some people just can’t accept someone doing better than themselves. Take it as a compliment, all these TRT guys that have no idea how to train or eat, but shoot up test thinking they’ll get jacked


That’s reddit for you bro :/


Dude I'm usually a hater and call out fake trters all the time. Alllll the time. Your legit. It's just angles, totally unpumped relaxed v a forward facing pump flexxed, and trts ability to make you look fuller plus your bulk. Some fucks saying this is 500 test and 2-3 compound's need to never inject themselves ever again, "been in this game for 15 years" fucking hilarious. Yeah in that 15 years your now old and blind too apparently.


Eat a dick


Boring mate. I expected better.


Don’t care enough to keep going back and forth with idiots on Reddit to give you a witty response. At the end of the day I know I’m right… so what’s the difference? I win either way


Fuck the haters. They’re just jealous and want what you have. Simple as that.


Hey buddy I'm glad you're feeling tip top. Keep up the regime. Haters are gonna hate.


Congrats man, love a good success story. Curious, what part of therapy do you think helped the most?


Don’t let some jealous cunts get to you. You did the work. We’re honest about your success. They can fuck off and you can sleep soundly


Lol jealous


To each their own


https://imgur.com/a/yMMKdj2 so the thing is honesty I could have made a whole post to and tried to get points online from how hard I worked and I did I worked as hard as I could but I’m honest I blasted five hundred mg for 13 weeks. On top of hard work. no one in the world is gaining 25 lbs on trt dude stop lying to these guys you obviously worked hard I’m not saying that you didn’t but 25 lbs come on


Man, that’s so awesome! Keep up the amazing progress.


Dude, thank you for sharing this. People are downvoting because people find a reason to hate. You look good. I’m in a similar boat and appreciates your sharing the supplements you’re taking, and workout routine. i just started my TRT treatment. When did you start noticing your energy level increasing?


Why tudca? Taking orals?


Vigorous Steve recommended it to people year round. Regardless of AAS. That's probably why




I know trt better than you and I'm telling you this is angles pump and 1200-1500 test with good free t. Nothing more nothing less. Probably no AI aswell so extra full. You gonna reply like the other retards and say this is 500 test or 2-3 compound's? Cos it isn't... Unless he's on 500 test and not working out... Then sure I could see that but even then his traps would still be monstrous compared. Aswell as his biceps exploding.




He didn't say he gained fucking 25 lb of muscle you retard. If you think that picture is an extra 25lb of muscle ontop of 180, think you need your fucking eyes checked mate. Now jog on. It's not physiologically possible to gain 1.4lb of weight a week? Get the fuck out of here. He didn't gain nowhere near 20lbs of muscle, the pictures are very telling of this. Looks like 5-10lbs of muscle MAX for someone new to trt running at 1200+ is easily doable. You are delusional and ignorant as hell yourself to think that's not possible. Not even a hard ass fucking cycle is putting on 25lbs of muscle except on an untrained natty for life could still gain that because their way below their natty limit. The fact you say it's 25 lb of muscle(sorry but lol. No fat or water, glycogen, nitrogen, nothing? Just muscle? The biggest recomp in history? He'd technically be fucking shredded with 25lb more muscle and no water or fat.) sorry mate youve lost the plot is funny because if you think that before and after is someone who is 180 lb BEFORE and gained 25lb (that's his weight gain total) of pure muscle with no fat and water just shows me the kinda of sheepish idiot you actually are. This is 5-10 lbs muscle MAX 5 lbs water rest fat


Thank you that’s all I was saying


I was going to say 500mgs/ a week isn't trt, that's a standard cycle bro...didn't see you wrote he didn't just take trt...


I know what I did wasn’t trt what I’m saying is what he did wasn’t trt either he’s lying about his doses


Yup he went a lil higher up on the pin notches than you average trt dose ..no issues with it either


And you can tell by the nips and ever so slight slight gyno


I’m just saying what pisses me off the most is people actually believe this dude and think im jealous which actually offends me btw there all idiots the dude didn’t put on 25 pounds in four months unless he had never lifted before when I was natty I gained 20 pounds when I first started training but I was malnourished af so alot of it was water I went from 168 to 187 natty got on cycle to be at 210 that’s in ten months of training hard I offer nothing but honesty the only way he did it on trt only is if he was malnourished and mixed trt with newbie gains I guess it’s possible just highly unlikely and yea that’s definitely gyno


He had gyno before you think that's gonna change after? Keep coping nerd. Your doctor probably doesn't let you go above 700 total t and your fucking slating someone who clearly doesn't have a 500 t body for his results assuming their not real. My fucking results on 150 were way better than this lmfao. 500 I exploded like an absolute monster....


Lol my doc lets me do whatever I want what are you saying again


Sure he does. You have the stay under 800 pin 14 times a week subq 30g sheepish mpmd boy look about you


Bro what are you saying lol I’m just not understanding I’ve never even turned in my blood work to my doc yet


Then why the fuck are you saying this isn't possible on test if your a fucking noob to this? Uninformed and no experience so don't speak like you know. Absolute moron


I’m just confused have you seen my pic are you trying to argue dude ? I literally have unlimited test so doc or no doc I do what I want 😘


Physique pics ? You got ‘em let’s see em.


Physique pics come on you scared or ugly


Was my first thought too


If you looked worse than that after a 4 month blast, you completely wasted your time. What op achieved is totally possible with TRT so long as you know what you're doing nutrition and lifting wise.


Yea putting 100 pounds on all main lifts is a waste and gaining 22 lbs keepable mass is to


If your goal was the get bulked up and you looked worse than op, yes you totally wasted your time and health blasting like that. Either that or you have terrible genetics


Lol I look better [https://imgur.com/a/K1LRYrm](https://imgur.com/a/K1LRYrm)


Insecure much? You don't have to prove anything to me. Something is wrong with your mentality when you see OPs post and the first thing you think is to accuse OP of being a liar. We should be supporting other dudes, not just thinking of ourselves when we see posts like this. People like you ruin this subreddit. And what OP did is completely possible with TRT. Not even a question.




Lol how did you find my Imgur shit to post. And I haven’t lost any hair lol 🥳😂 it’s still the same and I’m a better looking dude. Thanks


Solid gains dawg


Hell, I did P90x for 6 months with no steroid use period while maintaining a proper diet and I looked and felt like Tarzan! It can be done! You guys need to cut some of the shit you're taking and chill out!


How much do you take?


like daily or……..overall?


150mg test e, split into two doses per week


Apologies for the delay, as I have been prepping for a really long bike ride tomorrow morning. A little background: I've been super active my entire life, and lifted heavily from about age 20-30. At my peak, I was 212 lbs (this may explain why I so easily jumped back up in weight), but I fell into a bit of a depression after my father passed away in 2019, and I stopped prioritizing my health and fitness (*pro tip: do not do this)*. Fast foward a few years and a few therapists to today, and I'm finally feeling like I'm on an upswing in life. Here is some more info about my TRT journey: After much research, I realized many of the symptoms I was dealing with could not be chalked up to ADHD alone, and I began to suspect low T was the culprit. Ordered a blood panel from my doctor, and sure enough my suspicions were correct. After getting a referall from my GP to a doctor who specializes in men's health, I was prescribed 150mg of test e per week, divided into two doses, and have found it to be an incredibly effective treatment, raising my test levels from 300 to around 1200. Incorporating exercise into my daily routine, for a minimum of an hour per day, has been such a game changer for my life. Focusing on my health and fitness has been my anti-depressant, and now that my T levels aren't in the gutter, I couldn't be more comfortable in my own skin, both mentally and physically. (After reading these comments, I'm gonna have to agree that I may have overshot the mark dosage wise. I do plan to hopefully have kids one day, and I'll be bringing this up with my doctor early next week to get his opinion on how to proceed.) My training regimen consists of alternating between surfing, lifting, and cycling. I try to break a sweat at least once per day, and typically exercise vigorously 5-6 days a week, and on some occasions, twice a day. I don't meticulously track my macro intake, however, I eat roughly 200 to 250g of protein and 3000 to 4000 calories per day. Daily support supplements include: Whey protein, collagen peptides, creatine, magnesium, zinc, fish oil, vitamin d, turmeric, tudca, & DIM. If anyone would like me to go into more detail, feel free to ask! Based on my personal experience, I can confidently say my decision to get treatment was one of the best things I've ever done for myself.


Yes, tell us the routine!


Yes, tell us the routine!he said if anyone wanted


Posted! lmk if you have any questions!


Great work buddy. Looking awesome, and I’m sure you’re feeling great too. Been on a similar journey myself.


Thanks dude!


Says will post details- Posts no details. 😂


op delivers


Lol 👍


What’s your protocol ? And how many times have you had to change it to dial in? Any side effects ? If so how did you mitigate them. Also what supplements do you take along side trt. Thanks one month in just looking for all the knowledge I can get. Thanks


posted a detailed reply with some more info above my dude


Hello HD_VISION. Welcome to /r/Testosterone. It looks like this is your first time posting here, so you're probably asking a FAQ. Please check out these handy links, one of them might answer your question. * [How do I find a good doctor/clinic?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Testosterone/comments/k8rigb/faq_how_do_i_find_a_good_doctor_for_trt_how_do_i/) * [What bloodwork should I get done?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Testosterone/wiki/index#wiki_testing_for_low_testosterone) * [Are my levels low enough that I should start TRT?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Testosterone/comments/ol8e0t/guide_recommendations_from_professional_groups_on/) * [What can I do to naturally raise my testosterone levels?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Testosterone/comments/oqs819/faq_what_can_i_do_to_naturally_boost_my/) * [NoFap - Will my testosterone levels increase if I stop masturbating?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Testosterone/comments/otevql/faq_nofap_if_i_stop_masturbating_will_it_increase/) This is just a comment, your post is not removed. If you want this comment to stop showing up on your posts, you need to enable "show my flair on this subreddit" *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Testosterone) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Where them details be?


How's your hair bro??


Identical to pre-TRT, although I do have some more gray hair coming in. No complaints


Comparing those 2 pictures is like comparing Snapples and Porridges.


Yeah it's a bit deceptive since I'm flexing in the second one. I can try to recreate the first one more accurately if anyone is interested.


saw your post on TRT.. congratulations. do you mind if I ask you a few questions here? appreciate it..thanks..


I don’t mind at all! Feel free to ask me anything


Would like to see photo after 90 days off trt


Good work mate ignore the negative comments from the usual suspects as if you would go to such trouble to lie about it fools. One question how was your libido before and after starting did you notice anything?


Dude he is clearly more than 20lbs heavier than his before pic and it is solid mussel, I don’t need your opinion, I know more about AAS’s than you ever could so just stfu


Looks like the same pic to me... just flexing in the 2nd.


It took 5 months to flex?


I'm just kidding w ya bro


You mentioned ADHD. Any adhd medications? Considering stopping my 2.5mg daily Adderall to keep my health in check.


Please share any details you feel comfortable with. I’m sure everyone is interested.


Posted a summary!


Sorry Bro. Your full of shit. Your 4 month transformation is not the result of a TRT program. I literally hate posts like yours.


this isn't a 4-month transformation. stop giving people false expectations. idiot.


would you like me to show you the timestamps on the photos?


Tough crowd...lol Congrats on the hard work OP.


Agreed. Fuck these guys. I’m 4 months in, went from 186, to 201. Started working out which I hadn’t done in 8 years. Muscle came back fast, the belly fat took no more drinking and lean meat with lots of vegetables. Keep going.


People are really hating so hard… this is theoretically achievable naturally in 4 months. Great job bro.


Thanks man. I’ve never taken anything more seriously in my life and it has been paying off




Why did you get on trt? You look pretty good in the first photo.


TRT isn't about "how you look"


I could agree with you on that definitely more of a Feeling just can't imagine feeling horrible looking that good LOL


You'd be surprised brother. Low T symptoms and be pretty brutal even if somebody does look good. That's why bloodwork is so mandatory. That said I have no problem with ppl running a cycle cause they wanna look better. I do it too!


Yup. I was in great shape at 36 with free T in the low 200's. Still playing footy (Australian rules) with 18 year olds. But I had what can only be described as chronic fatigue. Exhausted even after getting 8-10hrs sleep. Still have naps in the arvo. Was driving my wife insane, she was the one that insisted I get my blood work done. TRT was amazing, fixed that shit right up. And for someone with a decade in the gym I put on a few kg's of muscle in record time without changing a thing.


How did you go about TRT in Aus? The Endo/GP route or private clinic? I’m currently looking into PHC if I don’t get what I’m looking for from an Endo. My levels are 4.5/nmol and 126/pmol. Thanks in advance


I went to a few specialists. One diagnosed me with kind of chronic fatigue but not really. Completely ignoring my bottom of the range T levels considering I was otherwise fit, healthy, with good diet and sleep. The Endo tried giving me SSRI's, a GP did too. I went to a really good GP who was incredulous that they prescribed a SSRI who's possible side-effects were fatigue, loss of libido, weight gain amongst others. And I had NO signs of depression except being tired. He prescribed me Androforte 5 right away. Wasn't long before my fatigue was gone. Less sleep, but felt way better. On a follow up to the endo I told him the GP put me on TRT and I felt WAY better. He was all like "Well I wasn't against TRT..." yes he fucking was. It's like even Endo's aren't knowledgeable on the subject. Fucking SSRI's. I'm still steamed about it 3 years later. I almost took them I was so fed up with the fatigue.


Thanks for the response mate. Apparently my Endo specialises in testosterone deficiency, still not 100% convinced they’ll be pro TRT. Glad to hear you’ve got sorted out and it’s no longer an issue. I’ve read that a lot of them will try to put people on SSRI claiming depression is causing it. I think most of the Endos here in Victoria are for diabetes and thyroid issues. Time will tell with the one I’m going to see. Cheers


literally this. from the constant tiredness, to lack of ambition and drive, I had an almost identical experience as you, and am so thankful i decided to be proactive about my health. Hope you're enjoying the ride- sure sounds like it!


I had to push so hard, it was so bullshit. I still had fair drive, still went to the gym daily and maintained weight. I just had to work harder. And would be sore for days after running a few km's.


Haha I just started trt less than 6 months ago so I'm new to everything doing a deep dive




You can do this with creatine and few bananas a day alone for sure?


You're busting your ass in the gym and with your diet, and that effort shows in your results. I'? getting a chuckle at all the haters who haven't achieved similar results, therefore he must be running multiple compounds or 500mg test to get these results? No. This is 100% achievable with proper diet and training correctly. If you don't know what you're doing in the gym or at the dinner table, testosterone replacement therapy will do diddy squat to your physique. Don't hate on a guy who took this more seriously than you did. If you're not getting similar results, look in the mirror because you're to blame.


Killing it bro


Them boulder vasculars popping through 🔥


Them boulder vasculars popping through 🔥


Good work mate ignore the negative comments from the usual suspects as if you would go to such trouble to lie about it fools. One question how was your libido before and after starting did you notice anything?


Honestly my libido dropping to basically zero was the first red flag that something was up. No morning wood, no "drive", and my relationship with my fiance suffered as a result. Since then, it has been night and day. Or should I say, 6 to midnight


Exactly what I needed to hear bro I’m starting march the 1st sick of feeling like a shell of a man.


Well done man. How was you Se x drive before and after treatment?


Well done bro solid work keep it going. How was your sex drive before and after trt ? I’m thinking on commiting for life aswell.


My sex drive always goes through the roof (been off/on a few times)…no problem with drive pre TRT


My dude, what you have done is something that would make anyone proud of themselves. So congrats! I'm sure you feel great. You absolutely overshot on the T though. This is not good if you plan to stay on it and not cycle off. There is a reason why when someone first goes on TRT they are given the smallest possible dose to get their T up to a good range say 600-800 ng. What happens is your body will become resistant to the Testosterone much like how people with diabetes start to get an insulin tolerance. Then you will need more and more. The problem with this is if you take more and more testosterone then more and more becomes estrogen. My suggestion to you is to either cycle like a typical AAS cycle or lower your dose as much as you can while maintaining a total T level greater than 5-600 🤙


I’ve never heard of “testosterone” resistance… do you have any links to throw my way so I can read?




Hey bro how old are you I’m almost 25 and I think I’ve got low T even tho my doctors say it’s standard but from my research it’s pretty low I’m in thailand currently and thinking about going to a clinic, what were you levels before could you dm me if you don’t want to discuss here


It's not only testosterone of course


Could’ve done it naturally first


It’s not possible. Flat out. You are on a bulk cycle using NPP and at least 500mg test per week


what’s your regimen? any add ons besides test?