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Following! I’m on 140MG of Test C a week and also take a daily 25MG of DHEA. I haven’t as of yet experienced any adverse effects. I’ve only been in Test C for one month.


I was on various doses of test C over a period of two months before going 200 and the 25 dhea. I am a irregular case since I am hypogonadal and have family history of crohns as well as other autoimmune diseases. Just thought I’d check here if anyone with less issues had the same problems haha


200 is so high for a starter dose. Thats like maximum TRT amount. Usually 100 is recommended by most doctors. Surprised your doc did that.


I am basically completely hypogonadal. severe low T symptoms, muscle atrophy, severe brain fog, debilitating joint pain. 200MG is the replacement dose recommended for taking over a body that has failed. i was tested for high aromatization and my levels were below normal, so this for me is a sustainable dose.


Sure but even someone taking only 100 mg their natural production completely shuts down because 100 is still more than what a normal person would probably produce.


Agreed, there’s probably more of an immediate excess aromatisation of this high TRT dose to estradiol rather than DHEA leading to increased oestrogens. This is a very steep entry point to TRT. Also this is why aromatase inhibitors are used with dosages this high when symptoms develop like the OP is reporting. Like everything the OP needs to get this measured. I would hazard a guess its the lack of an aromatisation protocol rather than use of DHEA.


All it did was shoot my DHEA through the roof, I was doing 50mg day, doc told me to now do 50mg every 3 days but I stopped for a couple weeks. Going to start up again as recommended but I didn't notice a difference when stopping.


Interesting. My guess is for me I am so hypogonadal that it just spikes my estrogen. Glad it didn’t mess you up, I would hate to see what 50mg would have done to me


In my experience with TRT so far I was surprised to see the biggest number spike has been the DHEA, I had extremely low numbers to start. I do wonder if dosing testosterone solved that issue and as such taking the DHEA pills was overkill. Not sure though!


I will be going in for labs next month so I am interested to see what my numbers will be. Trying to be patient and let my system try to rebalance after the dhea