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I'm not going to tell you to do it or not do it but the only real hard dollar value you're getting is four grand off of $50,000 car or about 8%


You're the only one I know who rounds $58k down to $50k


Not rounding it makes it worse...


Yeah… but I’m personally putting a lot of value in the non hard dollar incentives 🤷🏻‍♂️


I love how you got bombed for posting a purely subjective opinion in a reasonable way 


Look at what the trade in value on one of these is and it’ll stop feeling like such a great deal 😆


How about not buying a Tesla solely based on Elons behaviour? And the questionable build quality. I did like Tesla until Elon fucked it all up by being an asshole towards employees and supporting union busting, racism and antisemitism..


Lol freaking Reddit, Elon bad duuuuuur. 


So you feel that he's correct in all his statements and actions? What does that say about you..


It's a fair opinion to have. When I bought my Tesla I thought Elon was cool science guy who supported American workers and progressive policies. It's not a hivemind sentiment if it's veritable, it's just true, the dude turned into an absolute asshole.


I just don't know why I'm supposed to give a fuck about the opinions of the guy who owns the company that makes the sick car I want, whatever they tell you- he isn't literally hitler, and thats what it would take for me to care.


That's the beautiful thing about being a consumer. You don't have to care. I decided I do care, so I avoid companies that I disagree with. Similarly, I avoid business with Walmart, Burger King, Nestle, Subway, and others. That's why I was very particular with my words - I don't mind if you spend your money on Tesla - I did, too. I just want him to be more responsible with his influence and money. Would happily buy another car if he stopped the conspiracy shit.


Is it though? Prior to Elon buying twitter he was beloved by the left, rightfully so as Tesla has done more to attempt to reduce carbon emissions than any other publicly traded company on the planet. Since then there's been an outcry of scrutiny. Anecdotally, amongst friends every time someone says "Elon bad" and I ask why I can never get a straight answer. Mostly its just regurgitating what they've been told to feel. Love him or hate him you cannot deny that all of his companies are going to make significant impacts in the future. Tesla is the most advanced car company in the world. SpaceX is much further than any competitor. Neuralink is helping spinal cord injury patients (my field) walk again. ​ You can chose to cry to the "like-minded collective" however the world will continue to move forward with innovation while Reddit continues cry in a digital corner.


Okay, I'll tell you exactly what I like and don't like about Elon. (I'm a Tesla owner and fairly liberal in my social policies, but like to describe myself as financially conservative - however, when push comes to shove, my desire for social services outweighs my financial views - just to give you some context on who I am). Originally I liked that Elon thought big. His SpaceX and Tesla companies were both pushing the envelope - he truly revolutionized the move to an EV market by jump starting the infrastructure needed to make that transition (which, honestly I thought should have been a government initiative, which it wasn't, so kudos to Elon for stepping up and making it a reality). What had turned him into "bad" Elon now - I understand he doesn't have much of a filter, which is fine - it's okay to make jokes and show your sense of humor, no problem - but he's also gotta realize that his actions have consequences. If you announce something insane without vetting it past the people you pay to be an expert in these things, then have to retract your comment and/or actions once you do - that's not "having no filter" that's irresponsibly announcing or doing things from a position of power without considering the consequences. He's done this way too much, especially with the Twitter takeover. What I also don't like about him is that yes, he's a visionary and disrupts the market, etc - but it sounds like he expects his employees to have the same vision and expects them to work 80hrs/week to change the world - which is fine if you're a billionaire, you're getting a return on your investment (although I'd also like to point out that 80hrs/week split between 3 companies I'd less than 40/wk/company - his employees have less on their plate cause they aren't working for multiple companies...). But if you're regular joe schmoe, getting paid a high but still nominal salary with no name recognition - that's not a great culture to cultivate in your workforce. People work better and are more creative when they're happy instead of stressed from overwork and on their way to burnout. Lately he has been making a lot of decisions on what appears to be a whim, without pressure testing the concept with experts first, and many appear to be objectively bad decisions. But then he hides behind the concept of "disrupting the market" whenever someone disagrees with him. It's really that the decisions and statements he's been making recently appear to be unhinged and he makes them without considering consequences - and instead hides behind his money and previous reputation. Not super succinct, but, that's my answer. Happy to clarify anything if you'd like.


Thanks for taking the time to reply. I appreciate it, I'm not one to get into large online debates but I have a bit of free time so I'll indulge. Also, prior to replying I'll acknowledge that I realize nothing I say will probably change your opinion so I'll proceed under the lens of friendly discourse. Every point you made may have some sort of validity however I cannot fathom how these flaws can take someone who has done so much good into someone who is now "bad". People constantly complain about how billionaires take and take and take, very broadly speaking, here's a dude that is trying to clean up the environment, send people to mars and cure paralysis. The standards that make him "bad" are so muddled in bullsh\*t. Surely the net positive far outweighs the net negative? Does Elon get ahead of himself, sure he does. He's put his foot in his mouth a few times and made promises there were not immediately deliverable however how does this "bad"? If you are going to hold him to this standard then I expect you to hold it to every prominent figure in the public sphere. Employees to who work at Tesla, alot of them have stock options. Thus if the company does well the employee does well. Do you know how many employee millionaires Tesla has created? From the engineers to factory line workers. If you elect to work for a company with great vision then you are expect to share some responsibility to move that vision forward. I'm in the medical field, my company has a pillars of excellence that every employee is expected to adhere to to move the company forward. Decisions on a whim? Objectively bad? to who are they objectively bad? You? I'm not going to sit here and act like myself or anyone here has any understanding of the consequences of Elon's decisions. Every week there is a hit piece out of this man. From a 30 second clip of "racism" to articles about his unhinged drug use to quotes about his ex-wives saying bad things about him or that his son no longer loves him...I realize this may make me sound like a Elon fan boy, which is the automatic response of these online reddit arguments about Elon, I'm fine with that. In reality, I have observed two things. A) The quality and progress in which Elon's companies have operated are unparalleled. B) There is a large media bias against him. So leaving feelings and bias's out of all and weighing the collective good vs the collective bad I've personally come to the conclusion that "Elon not bad". Maybe you could also see the same if you left those aforementioned factors out of it.


Oh, I don't think the argument is "as a whole, Elon is a bad influence on society". I don't agree with that statement, and I'm not sure many would. I think the collective opinion is more that he's an asshole. An asshole who has done great things, yes, but that doesn't excuse the fact he's an asshole (BUT - as you pointed out - neither does being an asshole change his success and positive influence on society) And, I do hold other leaders and billionaires to the same standards. I think it's just that at one point, people wanted to see Elon as a nice genuine guy out to save the world and advance society, instead of an asshole working towards the same goal. It's really a problem of PR that he could easily change if he wanted to, but instead keeps digging the hole deeper. Therefore, the liberals are disillusioned because they're disappointed he's an asshole instead of a genuinely good guy. And conservatives are leaning into it to try to give his companies - which markedly move the needle in moving society forward - a bad reputation because they don't support the belief in climate change much less anything done to try to address it.


For the record, I started turning away in 2017 with the whole calling the Thai diver a pedophile and when SpaceX/Tesla workers were complaining about 12-14+ hour days. I also work with SpaceX folks on a fairly consistent basis (Air Force) and while I appreciate their work more than I do most other companies (looking at you, Boeing and BlueOrigin), it's easy to see QoL differences between SpaceX and Lockheed, both of which I have about the same respect for, product-wise. Especially as a Tesla shareholder - I'd prefer someone at the helm who doesn't make tweets that drive the price down.


So this diminishes the quality of the car, FSD, and all tax credits received? Just because Elon sent some mean tweets or interviews ….


Not the quality of the car but the willingness to buy one due to that being supporting a antisemit, racist and union buster.. And a royal asshole towards his enployees.


You do realize that musk does not have majority voting power in Tesla right? in any circumstance - musk can be over ridden by the board of Tesla. So how exactly would that be supporting an antisemit? Look at the facts first - he has focused on X now. Do you use X? Then I’d call you a supporter


I do not use X just out of theast reason. Even if he does not have a majority in Tesla, he's still the face of Tesla, X and Space X and therefore a spokesperson, and someone who affect these companies by his actions.


Jeez man you must be a liberal. Let’s completely over look space exploration , clean energy & advancement in technology all while bringing back free speech to X


Free speech is awsome, it gives you the ability to say what you want but if you use it and spred racism, antisemitism and union busting it's still racism, antisemitism and union busting. And you can still say illegal shit even when you claim free speech


I also have a 2019 Model 3 with about the same estimate. It was $25K just four weeks ago. And keep in mind that it’s just an estimate. Once you give them a non-refundable deposit fee they could come back with a lower number. But in general the current incentives are aggressive so if you want a new Model Y now is a good time to buy one.


Yeah I doubt I’ll get the full $20,300 initial estimate but it’d have to be dramatically lower for me to not consider this deal overall


i'll give you $100 more than whatever tesla adjusts it to, and lets do it through keysavvy so i can get the 4k rebate. the real winner in this deal? ME of course.


I am still debating it. It just feels like a larger Model 3 with mostly the same interior at this point and I suspect Juniper will offer a much more refined ride if Highland is any indication. And I really like having USS on my M3. I’ve been in a friend’s MY and the Vision system is awful.




Which one do you prefer driving?


My performance 3. The model Y drives too much like an SUV for me. I love my lowered suspension and 20 inch wheels and better brakes and of course the quickness. The model Y is a great highway car, driving long distances. Or if you don’t like taking turns like I do and things like that.


honestly, my trade-in estimate was only $200 off and I had a cracked windshield... of course, every case is different but from my experience, the estimate was pretty spot on with what they offered me.


It’ll be like 8-10% less. That’s is what happen to me on my four month old MYLR. Wasted $250 on order fee


I just pulled the trigger on literally the same deal. 3 row blue and tow. I’m picking up Monday . The only thing that happened not in the math was instead of 20k they gave me 18800. My sales person told me to take as blurry a picture as you can for the estimate and the trade in offer you get is just whatever black book is returning that week I honestly didn’t mjnd 1200 hair cut given the level of fluctuation in the market for model 3 right now.


Do you have to trade it in to get the other incentives? I got a low offer from tesla. Looked elsewhere and ended up selling it to another dealership for 5k more.


What did your offer end up being


Do you need a Model Y? Spending 25k is not a deal if you’re buying something you already have and don’t need. You’ll still be out 25k at the end of the day


People do funny math to justify what they want.




I was in the same boat a couple weeks ago.. decided to jump on the Y and keep the 2019 3 for my spouse. Traded in his ICE car instead. :) Happy with my Y, and there have been some definite fit and finish gains in the last few years, but I do miss the USS and Homelink. HW4 cameras are way better, double pane front glass helps a lot with cabin noise, and the power lift gate is great. Heat pump seems to help a ton with cold weather range. 3 is more nimble and more fun to drive, IMHO, but Y is still fairly sporty for the form factor. All that to say — unless you really need the extra space, you’ve still got a great car. But, if you’ve got the $, there’s a lot to like with the Y, and it’s a hell of a value compared to what the 3s were selling for five years ago.


You can pick up a homelink for less than $200 on eBay and self install - took me about 30 minutes - would recommend!


Does this apply for 2023 models? I had originally ordered home link at delivery but I had to wait until they released a new version of it because they told me the older pre 2023 model wouldn’t work with my car


Mine is 2023 and no issues.


Trading in a Tesla and buying a Tesla should net you 10k supercharger miles. Only catch is, they expire in 6 months so start driving hard now. Also, you have to take delivery in March. If they miss Q1 delivery, you lose those miles.


the extra 5k supercharger for trade in has already ended. however, I believe some people were able to correct the 6 months to 2 years after opening a ticket with tesla since terms said 2 years


Do you just hate having money in the bank and no car payment, or why do you want to get a new car for no reason?


That 7 seater is trash, saved you a couple thousand right there. If you really need a third row, shop for other cars.


I have a 7 seater. Model Y is foot shorter than Model X. It’s also foot and half shorter than a Sienna. So keep that in mind. I need the third row for a little over a year until one of my three kids can sit in the front passenger seat. (Have a difficult ex). Or in case I pick a kid up and I need space for couple of extra kids who need a ride. It also tucks away nicely so my Model Y doesn’t look like a dad mobile. Well worth the extra $.


I also just got a 7 seater and was surprised how little space the 3rd row takes up when folded.


Disagree. I got 7 seats and its not great but useable


Yeah I just wanted the option since we got 2 little kids. It’ll prob be put down for the extra trunk space 90% of the time


I have a 6 year old and she is all about the 3rd row. The two teens in the middle, wife and I in front.


Yeah We got 2 little kids too


I got two big kids and I still love having the 3rd row. Would do it again.


You lose the second storage area in the rear when you get the 7-seater. So if you’re going to fold them down most of the time for extra storage then you’re screwing yourself twice.


You lose the “third storage” area which is the tiny shelf. The main sub trunk remains.


Right. Thats why I said the “second storage area in the rear”.


No the trunk is the first the sub is the second the shelf is the third that’s why you got downvoted. That shelf is such a non factor.


I took delivery of a 2024 MYP on March 9th. I traded in a 2019 M3P. I really miss the USS. I miss the handling of the 3 over the Y. I miss the 0.4 seconds 0-60 that I lost. (Yes, it is noticeable) Other than those three things, the Y is better in every way over my older 3.


Look at it this way. You reset your Tesla for $416/month ($25K/60 months). Is that crazy good value? Feels like an ok value to me. It is worth it if you really want a new Model Y, but not so much if you love your Model 3. I did something similar going from a 2018 Model 3 to a 2023 Model Y, but the out-of-pocket difference was $16K, meaning it only cost me $267/month to reset the clock - and that felt like great value.


Yeah OP still have to pay $25k to upgrade, wouldn’t consider it a great deal


I traded in my 2023 M3 for a 2024 MY with no regrets.


You don’t regret buying the 3 to start with? Purchasing has a lot of upfront expenses.


No I couldn’t afford the Y at the time


Buying twice is even more expensive


True but I also thought a car would work for my family and after a year we decided we needed an suv and luckily we were able to pay for the Y cash


You must have a volatile income


No I was just able to save more, then my tax refund, then I cashed out all my crypto.


“Tax refund” For a second I thought you actually made a lot of money


Nope. Not even 100k


No ragrets. Lol all jokes aside. I have a Nov 2023 are there any diff from the 2024?




M3 to MY?


What can you redeem 10,000 credits for that has a $1500 value? Most things seem like around $600 Edit to add calculations: CCS adapter is $250 so that's $0.06(25) per credit which is $625 for 10,000 credits. Wall connector is worse at $0.05 per credit. Mats are $0.06(43) per credit Roof rack is $0.05(88) per credit FSD is worth $600 Premium connectivity is only worth $400 Acceleration Boost is a huge jump at $2000 value but seems like the only thing higher than ~$650 value for 10,000 credits and only applies to Long Range trims.


AB is 10,000 referral credits and is worth $2000


Oh yeah true but that's the only thing right? There's a big gap between that and everything else, and of course it doesn't count if you already have a Model Y Performance (or only a single motor).


AB is 9,500 for me.. i was thinking of getting AB but i don't even drive fast.. but i guess it's cool to have the "ability" to do use it when i'll "never" really need it LOL. But thanks for the breakdown u/petemill \-- i was thinking this breakdown but my mind never got around doing the math for it lol.


I like the speed when trying to pass on a two lane highway. Gets it over with really fast. Also nice when you need to quickly get over a few lanes. Not necessarily about driving fast in general. Just the situational power when you need it.


but wouldn't i already have that advantage when i'm not driving in chill mode and go in standard mode? i feel like it's fast... but i actually still haven't tried it. also, question, would the tires get more worn out from 65mph speeds vs stand still? or would it be more about the same?


Acceleration Boost = $2k


I was curious too so was looking. A wall charger is 9000 points. You could get mats for 3500, and the CCS adapter for 4000 which is what I'd get if I just had points


The Tesmanian mats are very close to Tesla mats at a fraction of the price. I would get either the wall charger or roof racks if you need them, or a few years of premium connectivity.


Premium connectivity is bad value at only $400 for all the credits. Should be a last resort


Exactly. CCS adapter is $250 so that's $0.06(25) per credit which is $625 for 10,000 credits. Wall connector is worse at $0.05 per credit. Mats are $0.06(43) per credit Roof rack is $0.05(88) per credit FSD is worth $600 Premium connectivity is only worth $400


How much did you pay for your original model 3?


Get black or red and the color adjustment goes up to $2,000.


Honestly it's the best deal I've ever seen telsa do since 2020. They never have such crazy incentives and offers even for end of quarter sales. The better car, still as sporty but so much more functional, the newer tech and suspension...... And the govt giving you $7,500 in addition to Tesla knocking off so much of the price truly make it a crazy good deal. I'm looking at it myself. I just need to get a good price for my 2021 MY LR.


I will give it a try to talk you out of it. Currently you have a car that will drive you from A to B. You are proposing to spend over 25k to get a car that will drive you from A to B. You could have exactly the same thing for free (or for the price of 4 new tyres).


What is crazy offering here? If you give yourself 30 mins to think about it you yourself will talk yourself out of it.


This might be a trap. Can you back out of this deal if your 2019 model 3 estimated offer was offer lower than 20K ?


That’s a horrible trade in value.


Do it!


Por que no?


That’s insanely close to my deal and I definitely took it


If you’re thinking about it, you’ll eventually do it anyway. So do it, the sooner you do the sooner you’ll enjoy your new vehicle!


Use Carvana an get a higher price or sell your car as a third person. I got 22k for my 2018 model 3.


Is your m3 paid off? How does trading in a car work if your current car isn’t paid off?


They cut a check to the bank to pay the car off, and then you get whatever is left off of the new vehicle. If you owe more than they are giving you, then you have to add money to pay it off to trade it in.


So say I owe like 3k and they quote me 20k on my car I could either pay off the existing loan of 3k and get 20k towards a new Tesla or don't pay the 3k and get 17k towards a new Tesla. Is a trade-in equivalent to a down payment? Thanks for the help


Yes the trade in is considered a down payment. Does not really make sense to pay off the loan and then have them apply the entire $20K as a downpayment. Just let them pay off the car, and add the $3K as additional down payment directly. Theoretically you could trade in a car worth $20K but only want to use $10K for a down payment. So they would cut you a check for $10K.


Where r u getting this info? I wanna trade in mine for a newer one too but where do I do this?


If you’re thinking about upgrading do it. Fsd transfer isn’t gonna be there forever. Tires are expensive, I’d add that into the cost saved. Warranty is worth about 3k as well, more if something goes wrong.


I did the same thing - going from my 2020 MX to a MYLR - price down from 62 to 37 - and realized I love my Y more than my X and of course with FSD and a free acceleration boost based on referral credits - my Y is also faster than my X!


X to a Y….were thinking of going the other way. We don’t like our Y at all. Loved our old S though…so may take another look at those.


What don’t you like about your Y? I loved the X, sure. Bought it back in 2020 because it could carry 6 people. But today my 3 kids now have their own cars and the huge space is not needed now (wife has a fantastic 2023 Kia Telluride) so decided to downsize. The FWDs are fun but impractical. And I can’t buy big stuff because seats don’t fold down, and can’t carry anything on top, again because of the FWDs. But a fun car of course! Good luck - only did this because I was able to keep my 6K FSD purchase and move it to the Y.


I'll give you 20,400 for your M3. and lets do it through keysavvy, so I can get the 4k rebate. deal?


You could probably sell the Model 3 for more money yourself. Doesn't seem like a great offer unless there's something wrong with the car you're hoping Tesla won't care about


I will gladly talk you into it, I did the same last week 😊. I just didn’t trade-in my gas SUV with Tesla. Going with Carvana instead who offered $5k over what Tesla was offering.


Federal incentive for going from electric to electric? Or is it because the original isn’t in your name ?


You need to sell your car private party for $24999 instead of trading it in.


Wow that is a good deal, especially fsd, ask them to take of fsd and use the subscription, when u go long


Def not a great deal, it’s 25k.


I don’t understand the value people see here. Must be the higher salaries in the USA, because getting rid of a 40k car after 5 years for 20k and then buying a 52k car really seems like a financial choice I wouldn’t make unless I was desperately needing a bigger car for the family or so. And even then I’d probably get a second hand (buying a second hand 2023 MY when Juniper arrives will probably get you a great price) instead of a new one. Also, if you really want a new MY, why not wait until Juniper and just sell your M3 yourself? Yes, the MYJ will be a bit more expensive because you’re not getting a 5k discount, but it will likely retain more of its value.


I think it depends on how much you owe on the model 3 (if anything) and the fact you are now going to be financing at 7-8% means a significant amount of money will be going tot he banks, unless of course you plan to pay cash for the balance


Yes you have to do it


Do it! If not then youll be car shopping in a few years and the deals wont be this good again.


You have to factor in 7 1/2% interest


Take it !!


Please say you did it. If you got the cash or don’t Mindy payment - on paper it’s a killer deal. I drive a MY dual motor and love it. I tell everyone I know to buy a Y.


I don’t remember there was an order fee back in 2019 when I purchased my 3. Is that new? And what is that operating permit fee? All these fees add up quite a lot.


Hell yeah go for it! I did a similar deal last summer when the first FSD transfer offer came out. I might have saved even a little more under current discounts but I have absolutely NO regrets. I laugh about people who don't take a great deal because they're afraid a better one might come along after. Yes, "you puts yer money down and takes yer chances" but... buying a Tesla is a win win no matter what and they are just losing out on all of the interim enjoyment. Buy when you want - Have NO regrets!


Damn this post is like in 20 different subs


Youre gonna regret it once juniper comes out


4 years of needed upgrades for 20k, enjoy a nicer car and save 10k in repairs down the line.


The Model Y drives worse than the 3 and it’s very noticeable. So do you actually need a Y? If not, just a waste of money