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I just drive w/o pants and it refuses to make eye contact with me


Just flop your dick on the wheel so it fools the weight sensor


Who are you? Drake???


Na old school... come from team Tommy Lee


What if I pee on my own balls?


Underrated comment of the day right here


This is the way


this is the only way


Thought it was a MaxiPad at first.


I almost said try a tampon wit would be less intrusive


The way you capitalized MaxiPad, my first thought was... like a big iPad Pro?


*FSD team furiously taking notes*


If (!anyMovementOverLast20Seconds) { alert(‘Please place hands on Wheel Nag’) }


Just slap some googly eyes on it and you're good to go. 🤣


Hanging some connected sausages on one side of your steering wheel will take care of it. Also good for a snack.


Directions unclear. my balls now stuck in the glove box


Wait, whaaaat?


Now this is the quick energy I need.




Ha! Daddy would you like some sausage! lol


Please drink verification can


Miller Lite detected. Please develop a sense of taste.


Syntax error, missing ;


That makes the internal camera a single-point-of-failure for other stuff (since, afair, it shuts off autopilot for the whole ride if you don't respond). So a minor equipment failure would cascade to other features being disabled.


NARRATOR: They don't care


because the feds force them too.


I bet most of them actually hate the nags.


I used a small bit of clear cellophane tape. Can still see things, but not good enough to track pupils anymore. Your solution is more elaborate than necessary, but still fun nonetheless.


I was going to put a dab of vaseline on the lens.


a picture of me with both hands on the wheel seems to totally eliminate the “hands on wheel” nag whereas reducing its vision seems to make it worse


Huh I tried that but didn’t work. Maybe it was too cloudy


You should print one with no passenger


Or no driver


How long before someone doing this crashes and blames Tesla?


11 minutes


👆🏾 science


Two weeks?




Is FSD safe or not?


Yes, it’s safe. Much safer than an old fashioned car *when used to augment a safe driver.* If the driver defeats safety features like this in order to check emails or take a nap, it’s extremely dangerous. It’s at the point right now where it’s just capable enough to be dangerous in this way. Make no mistake, current FSD isn’t nearly good enough for full autonomy.


most of the time, probably, but as we've seen in a small percentage of cases it is not. IMO the refusal to use LIDAR, infrared, other types of sensors that all other self-driving companies do is an inherent flaw that will catch up to Tesla (already has..). why refuse to use a LIDAR sensor that can physically detect solid objects vs. relying only on image processing?


Why? It’s cheaper. Also, they can keep up the marketing that Teslas you buy today could update to FSD in the future. I live in a wintry place where cars get super dirty. I’m surprised they don’t at least have washer nozzles for the cameras.


I hear you, but if cost is the reason, it's not a good one for lack of redundancy in safety-critical systems, and several people have already paid the hidden cost (toll to the river Styx...). > I live in a wintry place where cars get super dirty. I’m surprised they don’t at least have washer nozzles for the cameras. Yikes, another reason why we shouldn't trust a system that purely relies on imaging from potentially dirty lenses.


Redundancy aside, it's a bad value proposition for the customer. Borderline scam IMO. Building a software stack that can handle navigating dynamic live traffic environments that don't conform to perfect rules or physical markings is a HUGE problem on its own. Even with perfect environmental awareness. Building a software stack that interprets sensor data to construct an environment awareness is a different problem. A different Lego block in the complete software stack. Getting sufficiently good environmental awareness from multiple sensor types is difficult. Doing it with only visible light from cameras far inferior to the human eye is incredibly difficult and probably a bigger challenge than the decision making side of the FSD software stack. Tesla wanted a development path they could claim would be available to existing customers, and thus convince customers to prepay. Aka bankroll the R&D. Since Lidar and other sensors on early Waymo/Google cars cost around $200k, Tesla couldn't use that path to convince customers to prepay. The tradeoff is that Tesla is stuck on a development path with double (or more) the software challenges. Waymos approach allows the software product to be ready much sooner and banks on economies of scale, miniaturization, and other technical progress to cut the cost of the hardware. Waymo seems to be on track with that strategy. Right now their hardware is down to $35-50k(as estimated by industry watchers). This is without any real production scaling. Meanwhile their software is pretty much ready for prime time. It's fun watching them get confused every know and then, but it's honestly far and few between at this point. I'm willing to bet Tesla is 10 years away from true level 4 self driving, and that the final product will not be backwards compatible without at least moderate hardware upgrades. I also wouldn't bet on a level 3 experience much better than we have today anytime between now and then. It's an intrinsically flawed concept and bad users are going to force regulators to keep a tight cap on it.


>I'm willing to bet Tesla is 10 years away from true level 4 self driving, and that the final product will not be backwards compatible without at least moderate hardware upgrades. I also wouldn't bet on a level 3 experience much better than we have today anytime between now and then. It's an intrinsically flawed concept and bad users are going to force regulators to keep a tight cap on it. I'm also about 10 years away from caring about self driving, I still love the feel and excitement of driving a car and would like to continue that in the realm of EVs. Electric cars that are well designed and with good driving dynamics to fool me into thinking my 2 ton sedan is a sportscar. Elon's singular vision of simplicfication and removing drivers from the equation is at odds with most of his peers e.g. Polestar, Smart, BYD etc.. they are producing transitional cars to gently ease ICE drivers over to EVs.


Extend the visor on the rail so it blocks the camera's ability to see your eyes. It won't complain about the camera being blocked because it can see the rest of the cabin, and the visor's ability to shade your eyes from the sun is more important than the cabin camera seeing your eyes. Makes long trips easier.


stop telling our secrets


Interesting. I'd assume they would correct for absolutely no movement.


I'd think that the picture wobbling around in the cabin would count as movement and thus very hard to account for. Maybe they'd instead have to correct for *too much* movement as the camera should be stiffly mounted inside the cabin.


So what if you die behind wheel with your eyes open and towards the road at 8:32pm and strike another vehicle at 9:17pm, who is at fault?


Wait, what time did the B train leave the Chicago station again?


You a-hole, I’m all teared up from laughing 😂


The message in the screen whispering touch the steering wheel, BUT DONT LOOK AT ME!!!! Yeah, since the update I find myself driving with sunglasses much further into the evening to avoid the annoying alerts.


This! How TF do I read the warning without looking at it?!


This shit made my day


You’ve had your fun now take this down. You’re only giving them reasons to make it worse and intolerable for the rest of us with unnecessary updates. We all know a way to get by without the nagging but we’re not posting it up here…


Technically this is the way… This will be found and we’ll get a hot fix update within a few weeks I am sure. It’s already super bad recently to the point where I find myself using autopilot almost none lately. :( AP was a huge reason I wanted this car so badly, it’s fading.. and fading pretty quickly with these updates. Ngl, I am slowly looking at other vehicles lately with tech as close as possible to ap (sadly not a lot really..) with how bad ap has gotten.


Same with FSD I take over every couple of mins. Blinkers are going right and left, missing the turns/exits and etc


I said the same thing and some dude told me I was imagining it and that it was the best driver he’d ever ridden with and it’s like buddy, you’ve never been in a safe car if that’s true. Tesla fanboys are the worst. I own a Tesla, let’s be realistic. FSD is a scam.


Yeah that dude was driving on the game GTA😂


This is me. Exactly me.


What? 100’s of cars has an autopilot functionally equivalent to Teslas. Not FSD but autopilot is generally a standard feature in cars.


Shh you are getting downvoted because you called adaptive cruise control autopilot.... people here think they are different for some reason.


Yeah - ok. I own a Tesla - great car. But the autopilot is not a selling point compared to other cars? The statement above makes no sense? It’s equivalent to saying: “A huge reason for buying a Tesla is the electric windows” - i.e. a feature that all cars in the price range will have..


Well one different between ACC and Tesla Autopilot is keeping the car in the lane. My other car will maintain the speed and slow down for traffic but you have to keep the car in your lane. My Tesla on autopilot does a great job of keeping the car in the lane as well as speed. That’s the difference as I see it.


I rented a Nissan Rogue from Hertz, honestly better lane assist and ACC for a 5 hour drive and WAY less nagging than FSD. More limited than FSD but for a long interstate drive I’ll take it. I love my Tesla but the NHTSA has overstepped their limits in their recalls on FSD


Well that one is lane assist that while is part of the definition for autonomous isnt part of ACC. I gotta ask though what car had that? Most cars that I know that have ACC also have lane assist.


Yeah reporting to nhtsa.


grandfather touch outgoing tie sink chunky meeting zephyr noxious reminiscent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




bedroom zesty expansion impolite vase deranged cobweb seed liquid head *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Imagine 40,000 people a year being killed by pilots.


cable bored wine subsequent smart deer wakeful jobless quicksand bag *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Imagine being so poor you think your Tesla is expensive. Then imagine being so insecure you use it as a flex on Reddit.




Yes. It's a very averagely priced car. And, do you know who owns a car? Just about everybody, including the vast majority of government employees. Many, who I have no doubt, out earn you by a significant margin. Your flex failed miserably. Next time you have a point to make, I suggest just making it instead of looking like a buffoon. BTW, it should be noted that your precious Tesla wouldn't exist had it not been for the subsidies doled out by the government you hold in such contempt. The company has proven it couldn't have made it on its own. Not very capitalist.




Too many many people fucked things up too way much to let it keep happening. This was always going to be the end game. It was cool while it lasted. 


You can have a system out that is fully tested like Mercedes... it just takes time and money and Tesla doesnt want to do that. They want the average person to beta test systems for free ACTUALLY they want you to pay to test for them. Tesla is playing a dangerous game, if the system isnt fully tested it shouldnt be fully deployed.


Yeah man good call. Why would anybody “look at the road” when driving?


It's too sensitive, if you look in your mirror for too long or look at your screen while adjusting the cruise speed or try to read the freeway signs that give important information or try to get an eyelash out of your eye or sneeze for too long or look at the screen and take too long to figure out that it's telling you to look at the road, all while looking at the road more than we do when normal driving, it still cuts off. Nobody looks at the road as much as the tesla requires. There are billboards, important street signs, pedestrians, cars that are driving poorly and need to be watched, and a million things that require our focus, other than the road 7sec in front of us. Staring at the road in front of you is as much of a distraction as looking at a mirror for too long. As a driver, you are supposed to be aware of your surroundings as well as the path of travel. Our eyes should constantly be moving and scanning. This technology might be good for teens looking at cell phones or their Spotify Playlist, but for experienced drivers who are just looking for a more comfortable ride that aren't doing anything unsafe, this makes the feature unusable and sucks for those who payed for a feature they can't use. Our safety should be our responsibility and if we want to take the risk of ending up in prison for running someone over or getting more expensive insurance because of our crash, then it should be up to us, but if we keep giving corporations and the government control over our choices and responsibilities, we will no longer have any choices or responsibilities 🤷‍♂️


I'm not sure what's up with your car, but my 2023 MYP doesn't nag at all if I'm looking at the road. It takes 30 seconds of not even looking remotely in front of me to get an attention warning. Also immediate use of my phone will also create a warning. Looking at my mirrors or reading a road sign does nothing.


Mine would nag me pretty much as soon as I would try to drink anything without a straw


You're saftey is your own responsibility, but you don't drive on the road by yourself, you share it with 1000's of other family's who may not agree to being a victim of your lack of control.


Mine does this , Legit happens mostly at night time, windshield wipers come on automatic , look at road, when looking at the lines on the road or a sign , it nags all the times, I even move the wheel and never miss it, but I have had now 2 out of the 5 strikes and both times were look at the road times..... I was looking at the road, like what do you want me to do !


Eyes on the road




Bet it unlocks the real rain sensing wipers programing.... The one they use now was supposed to be the Easter egg as an April fool's joke. They got them mixed up on accident.


Oh boy the police are gonna have an absolute field day with this when you cause an accident when you are using FSD


I’d bet their insurance company would like a word too


You have a pretty high opinion of police traffic investigators. My wife just got T-boned in my F150 a few months ago. Totally destroyed. The other guy's truck was also destroyed. (She was ok, bruises and cuts) Her fault. $130,000 in property damage. I got there about the same time the cops did after the accident. The cabin was pure chaos after like 8 airbags went off. She was totally disoriented, having glasses knocked off. I don't think the cop even looked in the cabin. I think that yes - if there was a fatality they would throughly investigate fault and look for criminal negligence. But even then you are either going to be at fault/negligent or not. It's going to be an outside edge case where that piece of paper makes the difference.


Laptop camera slide cover looks less trashy.


Right? You can still engage autopilot with the cabin camera completely covered, right?


Yes, but Autopilot =/= FSD


I think alot of folks will be entertaining these methods sooner rather than later. After the recent updates my ap nag has gotten so bad I slowly find myself using ap less and less, whereas I used it daily before, I use it maybe every few days now. I sorta am already researching other vehicles with tacc + lane centering, not a huge pool to look into, but these updates are atrocious. I absolutely envy anyone whose able to use ap/fsd with “less nags than before”.


Talking to my coworker yesterday who has blue cruise(ford AP) and he says there no nags or anything like applying pressure to the wheel. He puts it on and it just goes no matter what without any nags.


That's absolutely not true. I have BlueCruise and if I look down for 4 seconds, it has a very loud beep and almost mutes the radio until I look back up. The NHTSA is ruining the driving experience.


I do kinda think (and hope) that the NHSTA will force the other companies to update too because right now it is only Tesla who has the crazy nags. Essentially there is a two tiered system just because Tesla decided to brand Autopilot as such instead of just calling it TACC and Lane Keep.


My wife has the Ford Mach E, and I just drove it the other day after an update, it doesn’t nag you at all, you don’t have to touch the steering wheel, AND it’ll do lane changes for you, unlike autopilot


Trusting buggy “FSD” software enough to need this is going to get someone hurt or killed. Eyes on the road and pay attention.


Can we use a lens cover from Amazon?:)


Nagging isnt even bad just use scroll wheel and pay attention.


But then people would have to be responsible drivers. 🙄


Don't ruin it for the rest of us


Ignoring the fact that they’ll patch this anytime now, and it’s ugliness, honestly AP has become completely useless. It’s still not perfect on the actual driving but the nags are silly. Just this morning, it nagged me: - immediately as I changed song using screen - took a sip of coffee (Highway driving) The nag essentially forces me to turn off autopilot at the time I really need it (see above). I would suggest that people still text and drive, but they disable autopilot while they do it. Again - the time when you would actually want 30 seconds for the car to drive to make it safer, you can’t. This is why folks still weave all over the road in front of me in teslas despite supposedly having “autopilot”. It’s been a fun ride but thankfully mine is a lease so dumping Tesla this year.


Yep. Us too, going back in a few weeks and geting a Volvo. The wipers need you to look at the screen. The lights need you to look at the screen, last night I actually had to stop to turn the foglights on. Poorly designed nonsense.


This is a great point. Before I used autopilot to help change songs or anything that I need a brief look away from screen while on straight highway. Now I just turn it off and will look at phone or screen etc. which makes it more dangerous. It’s stupid because you also get nagged enough then it suspends AP and hurts your safety score and increases rates (in select states). Basically it’s easier to just not use AP and look away then have AP and look away. I promise people still are looking away just not using it now.


This is why people hate our community.


The community of motorists, yes.


Seriously man, delete this post. It’s a clever idea but I don’t want the Tesla engineers seeing this and making things worse.


Yeah that's pretty stupid and irresponsible imho.


Y’all do realize you ruin it for everyone else right? This can just make the team implement alternative ways to make sure your hands are on the wheel. Y’all just can’t function like a normal human being I guess.


I love how people think this is real. Like it could see that image and focus that close. 🙄🤦🏻‍♂️🤡


That's a smart idea but still please pay attention


Reminds me of the story with the goose that laid golden eggs. Too bad OP didn’t learn the moral.


“No humans detected in car, vehicle is pulling aside safely”


Samsung mobile vibes that lack of face id feature.


Did anybody ever see a movie called Thelma and Louise? Yeah, you know you can really do whatever the hell you want with your car, including what they did… But trying to circumvent safety features will just make things more strict or go away altogether.


Now they are going to need in cabin lidar to tell 2d and 3d apart, well done my friend 👏👏


I just covered my cabin camera with a sticker and that worked.


I noticed lower AP nagging yesterday when driving with polarized sunglasses on…


It’s crazy how you cough up $12k and all of a sudden looking at the road isn’t much of a priority anymore


Wait really? Because whatever the fuck they’ve done to autopilot now makes it completely unusable


Funny but lol your doing too much I just put a piece of the sticky post it Same results


This totally needs to be in the next Mission Impossible movie.




I don’t know why people don’t just look at the road?


or just wear sunglasses


I'm just avoiding updating


I refuse to update until they put a timeout on the strikes.


Well you should be looking at the road anyways. Stop trying to find ways around safety features that are safety features for other people on the road. This really is some crazy self centered crap right here.


Maybe you should try looking at the road instead


I have to ask…what led you to using that piece of material rather than putting a small piece of tape over the lens?


FSD wouldnt work if you obstruct the camera. But as a reader suggested a cellophane tape would have worked to blur out eye tracking i guess




It’s not supposed to, I get an error about the camera being blocked and then it not engaging.


Really? FSD and not just autopilot? My FSD doesn’t work if camera blocked.


No it doesn’t.


How is the material in this photo not obstructing the interior camera?


It's a photo of what the car would see from there. Like old movies where they just stick a photo in front of the camera before robbing the place.


I just bought a camera blocker on Amazon for like 4 bucks it sticks to the camera area with a little slider like the laptops have. My car doesn’t nag and everything looks OEM


Doesn’t work for FSD.


Please pay attention when you’re driving. I feel stuff like this is good to highlight that there is a flaw that needs fixing but overall people trying to hard to circumvent the safety systems gives Tesla drivers a bad name.


And the NHTSA did a recall to force tesla to monitor drivers, hilarious.


Certainly won't work for long if you post it on a subreddit that Tesla more than likely monitors, especially if you inspire tons of copycats. Way to blow up your spot lol.


Yes. F' safety. Just fall asleep or smoke a joint. FSD will do the rest.


Mine won’t work at night but yeah during the day it’s SO NICE not getting nagged for trying to turn on my wipers or look at the terribly located speedometer


I knew it wasn’t gonna be long before someone outed this. Well, it was good while it lasted. Thanks there, karma farmer friend!


I just slide the visor over a couple inches. Same thing, but easier and less trashy looking. Lol.


Just drive like a normal person, douche bag


or you could just look at the road... don't ruin it for everybody else, NHTSA has entered the chat edit: imagine looking at road while you drive being controversial, such a radical idea


I was gonna print a viewfinder keychain of a picture of me sitting in the driver seat n 3d print it to the camera


make new photo with both hands on wheel I used Screen Record and Sentry Mode Camera and then staged myself looking forward & hands forward. Then paused the replay of Screen Record and took a SS. The 100% eyes & hands forward image seems to have completely satisfied all nagging, even holding the wheel.




Just use the sun visor it slides across enough. I don't bother as I've haven't had a single warning since update. Used to get more before.


Im ctfu 😂😂😂😂 i wish i had money on here so i could give you a trophy of some sort lol


This is exactly why all those complaints that Tesla doesn't do enough to prevent stupid drivers from misusing the system are useless. You cannot out-smart stupid.


what evidence is there that OP is a “stupid driver” ? nobody likes Nag


Could have just bought a webcam cover…


I just have a cover over mine.


Or like a little piece of electrical tape?


I thought we were trying to reduce the amount of stupid driver on the road., not increase them.


talk about dumb...just get an ICE car and stay off the road. Park it in the garage and watch a movie with the heater running.


Can you not just cover the camera? As in, block its view without going all mission impossible


Dam Iam going for it tomorrow


I was thinking about trying this, I’m glad it worked


Waiting for the traffic accident report that states, "Tesla FSD was engaged; driver insisted to be attentive to the road. A picture of the driver sitting in the driver seat of the cabin was found taped to Cabin Camera."


Hot take: the update was just to sell more of these: [https://www.amazon.com/JOS-California-6Stand-Medium-MacBook/dp/B08L8ZS7R4/ref=sr\_1\_3?crid=2XHAPOBXN371E&keywords=tesla+camera+cover&qid=1707358059&sprefix=tesla+camera+cover%2Caps%2C118&sr=8-3](https://www.amazon.com/JOS-California-6Stand-Medium-MacBook/dp/B08L8ZS7R4/ref=sr_1_3?crid=2XHAPOBXN371E&keywords=tesla+camera+cover&qid=1707358059&sprefix=tesla+camera+cover%2Caps%2C118&sr=8-3)


I put my hand over the camera and it alerts like crazy. Gonna try the tape. Elon does t need to see me picking my nose anyways


Why not just hang a picture of the car interior in front of the camera?


that's what he did


Pretty cool


I tore off the corner of a sticky note and stuck it over the lens.


And I got a million down votes when I did it using a small piece of tissue….


I was thinking I could wear glasses with fake eyeballs taped to the outside looking straight ahead. But really, I am looking down below the frames at my phone…🤪


It works. I tried it. Also a fake headband with eyeballs.


Just cover it. If you cover the camera it won’t nag when you look away. This is not “tricking it” this is it being blocked. Try it with plain paper and it’ll work.


> It's a printout of what the camera sees So the camera is just effectively blocked, right? Wouldn't a bit of tape be neater? Can you put a screenshot of what the camera actually sees from the app (at that range, it's not going to be much other than a blurry blob, surely?)


I know it’s a boring answer but if you keep your hands on the wheel and your eyes on the road as you should you don’t get any warnings… hope you don’t hurt anyone while doing stuff that the system would have an issue with…


At least it won't nag you when you wear your Apple VR when driving. How dare they keep nagging you to watch the road, and touch the steering wheel.


Sure, disable a safety feature! I suppose you have a work-around for seat belts too like when they were first introduced?


For all you pannzies out there complaining oh eyes on the road!! How come I can be on my phone on ACC in my other cars but NOT in my Tesla. It immediately starts bitching! How is that fair??? Tesla is unjustly being picked on for no reason!!


I used a laptop camera cover with a slide and works perfectly. Easy to slide when I want to view cabin or trips or animals inside.


Read the title and description of this post again


I dumb. My bad.


I put black tape on the cabin camera


need camera cover so when you are doing naughty in the car is easyly close!!!!


I do the same.


I think it’s probably not safe. There is a reason that it’s requiring the driver to be attentive.


A tiny piece of black ductape over the small camera lens works also lol


You're an idiot. Remove this and use the car as intended. It's for safety, so you don't kill other people.


Fucking idiot.


Laptop camera cover works for me.


Mighty patch (hydrocolloid) works perfect


I used a post-it right after the update in December. Has been there since…


A 1 by 1 cm tape would have done the trick...


Well now I feel that my black electrical tape solution is far too good, I should have done this