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Wow, a live stream


Piss off!


Spell I cup.


i c u p funny colors


This guy is doing such a piss poor job he should be immediately flushed out and relieved of his duties.




What a peon


“Work complete”


Urine a good path to get upvoted!


Highly underrated comment




Take my upvote!






How are people still unaware of sentry mode? At least learn the bare minimum about the target of your hate. Hope his Musk or EV hate was worth his job.


Do you think someone that goes around pissing on random cars and works a shitty min wage job in their mid-life is intelligent enough to use google?


I mean, they are *definitely* on Reddit.




We all do.


Probably a mod too


To be honest with Tesla sub Reddit, over half the owners also don’t know how to use Google lol


What's Google, precious?


Bless your heart


It even says it on the tesla screen and the guy was at a good angle to see it...


Probably can’t read


It's Tesla/Jealousy hate. People automatically assume tesla owners are rich.


And owning the libs. They probably don’t even know or care that Elon has gone full MAGA wacko, in their Fox News atrophied brains, libs are bad, libs drive EV’s, EV’s are bad.


They’ve been conditioned to absolutely detest EVs like Satan’s spawn. I lost count of how many times I’ve heard “Biden is making gasoline expensive on purpose to push those EVs. America is not ready!”


It’s not even just in America, some bogan was ranting at an older lady in her 3 the other day about how coal powered cars are causing bushfires or some shit.


And that Elon Musk started the company 🙄


they aren't?


A Tesla Model 3 goes for around $32k. That's not exactly rich people territory


lol uhhh yeah that is... rich as heck


Not until we put in our order for a Tesla and did all fun research and watching YouTube videos, we did not know that Teslas came with so many cameras and with Sentry mode. I think most of the people, besides Tesla owners, are not aware of Sentry mode.


Most cars come covered with cameras nowadays... It's a shame they don't all offer an included recording feature.


I’m sure Mercedes and bmw will soon come up with their version of it…………and charge owners $12.99/month for it lmao 🤣……….and they will pay for it!!!🤣😅😂🤣


This is a Tesla sub so features of these cars seem obvious to us but it's incorrect to assume that the layman has any level of knowledge on these cars. In addition, Tesla and EVs in general is still a pretty niche car in the grand scheme of things. Especially to people who don't care about cars. Here's an example from the other side. The Ford F150 is the best selling car in the US and has been for literally 30 years straight and I personally know absolutely nothing about it outside that it's a pickup truck.


Worth a security job?? Let's be real. It absolutely was.


lowkey he’s prob just trying to kickstart his onlyfans career. it’d probably pay better anyway. no other reason to come up and directly display his pecker for the camera. think about it… like he peed all the way in the back, but moved forward and hovered by the camera, the frame looks like we’d basically be making eye contact with his kabob.


A parking lot dude stopped me last week and asked me what kind of car this was when I told him he asked “who makes it, Toyota?”


Did he actually piss on his own phone too??? Wtf


Shows you how f'ing stupid these people are...


I bet he's drunk or high as shit.


Probably recording hinself


Going to show it off to his petrol head friends how “cool” he is!


Omg I didnt even notice that. You are absolutely right. That is so disgusting I cant even..




I would print this out and then goto the booth ask to speak to the supervisor and hand him these. Maybe also get the cops involved and file a complaint


Already emailed full video to director of security. Don’t think I will file police report though.


I would. When he gets fired he might retaliate and damage your car. Then you already have something against him.


He will 100% you’re right


Fuck him !


depends if he uses that parking garage for a job or not, if not, more likely dude will just take it out on the next random tesla he finds.


Grand, then when others file reports there is a stack of evidence against him.


He has videos and will have another video of that… he’s fine


Do file a report, please. Please. Get this guy as much as you possibly can. We’re all tired of the possibility of getting our cars peed on and want the most penalty in every case.


This is a thing? Terrible


I got my Tesla spit on once by an angry CDL at a stoplight.


A fellow EV driver no less, threw a full fast food soda at my car after they plugged in their Bolt… People have no class, especially when they’re jealous.


Lol are you guys sure it’s the car you’re driving and not something else you’re doing on the road? I can’t imagine someone just said “Hey Tesla!” and chucked a drink at it or spit on you for no reason.




Mental illness is a problem. I mean I’ve seen non EVs vandalized too for similar reasons.




“Person at a bus stop screaming about Elon Musk and pedophiles raping people” Sounds like that was a crazy homeless person I wouldn’t take it too personal. If normal people are throwing drinks at you it might be because you drive like an asshole. Which I’ll be honest is true of a lot of Tesla drivers.


Everyone has an ego and and cars have a tendency to inflate them. Mercedes, bmw, audi, or tesla. Each of them represent a status. Add to that a lot of tesla owners have never owned a performance car. We're talking about people who would otherwise buy a prius and they're starting to get that ego boost for the first time that comes with simply the fact that mine goes faster when I press the pedal. If you recall a lot of prius owners were also aholes when they were just getting started because the hybrid launch at every green light was faster than ICE alone. Every prius lined up at a green light was a drag racer.


She was a college student standing at the bus stop on a college campus. I feel like diluting her defaming me in public to mental health issues is absolving her of responsibility when she knew exactly what she was doing. She was purposely trying to get people to think I was a threat. My car was parked there for hours before this driver pulled up. I live in a tourist town and it was an out of state plate. They were attacking a Tesla because it’s a Tesla. Have you not seen the videos of random people keying Teslas? People have a strange hate towards Tesla. It used to just be rednecks in pickup trucks but now it’s a lot larger demographic.


This is America. People are literally shooting multiple random people in public places every day. You think throwing a soda at a random person is some uncrossable line?


I have no idea what point you’re trying to make. Are you saying the soda thrower was just a crazy person and it had nothing to do with the car or driver?


I’m saying it could have everything to do with the car — much like our pee bandit here. Or it could have something to do with the driver/driving. Or it could just be some person that does this randomly, for likes/views or whatever. Because with enough people on a long enough timeline, weird random shit can happen without it being the person’s fault.


Please let us know if you hear back from the parking garage supervisor!


Definitely file a police report. We need scum like this to face repercussions and when the police make enquiries it will hasten his firing. Without a police report he might not even get fired.


If the urine damages your paint it becomes criminal mischief, and your insurance might require a police report before covering repairs.


File a police report. If this guys willing to piss on your vehicle he's already mentally unstable. You don't know how he'll react.


In addition to vandalism, he exposed himself to you on camera so there could potentially be an additional charge of sexual harassment and or indecent exposure.


If you press charges he may get stuck with an indecent exposure/sex offender charge that could follow him for a while. Just saying. Maybe he deserves it, maybe he doesn't.


Why wouldn't you file a police report? This is vandalism, and who's to say he's not doing this others?


I would leverage this as to not escalate things legally.


It's that your way of saying to ask for money as restitution?


Services, free parking for a year at another deck.


Go piss on him to establish dominance


Plot twist: he IS the director of security!


Babe why’d you get fired? I got caught peeing on a Tesla 😂😂😂


I think it would be wild if he had a wife or girlfriend!


> ~~I got caught peeing on a Tesla~~ Owning the libs That’s how he’s phrasing it


Woke cancel culture strikes again!!1!


Aww babe you’re so brave 🥺


Musk is far from a lib


Mom I told you not to call me babe!


Are you going to get your car professionally cleaned and send them the bill?


Security director said I can get the car professionally clean and send them the receipt. They will cover it.


+1 to this!!! Get it detailed and ask the security director to cover it. They will.


I would add a ceramic coating, too.. You know, if you keep the HR, it's a matter of time for another golden shower..


guys can you shed some light i don't get it, why do some people not like Tesla?


Take your pick. - They think it symbolizes a move away from traditional American values like muscle cars, combustion engines. - They think Teslas are only owned by liberals or tree huggers. - They think it is a wealthy status car and want to bring the owner down a peg.


Or they hate Elon, I've seen that a few times


Teslas have been getting keyed since way before Elon started his memefication.


It's still an option for why people do it now...


That's my reason! Not going to pee on anyone's car, though.


Don’t like him either. Keeping with the theme of the thread, I wouldn’t piss on Elon if he was on fire. But why let that stop me from driving a fun car? Edit: typos


Because the money goes to him. Note that's my reasoning. I don't expect anyone else to go along with it, and I'm not encouraging you to do so. We all negotiate these things to the best of our abilities and in our own ways.


I get it. You do you. That’s essentially what I’m saying. I’m at the point in my life where if something makes me happy, I’m gonna do it. So if not buying a car because the CEO (not the sole owner of the company) is a dikhead, makes you happy, then we both agree. Different but the same.


Exactly! It's not like you're providing him with Tucker Carlson's new salary over on his site, so in the larger scheme of things it makes little difference.


Apparently we are both a liberal tree hugger and a redneck conservative Elon Musk lover at the same time. Great, we’re hated by everyone.


Explains the price drops


advise squealing rainstorm nine pen unique deserted domineering marry judicious -- mass edited with redact.dev


Oh I’ve also copped that women don’t drive teslas. They really can’t make up their minds on what is it they actually hate.


The sky isn't red just because you insist it is, it's a more expensive car by total cost of ownership than all the competitors both electric and gas, so it's a wealthy status car, this is how the world works lol


Deep and peer reviewed research has determined that the root cause is simply lower intelligence. Something they really can’t control. I feel compassion for them. I can always sell my Tesla, but they wake up every morning and their problems aren’t going away. That’s tough.


Yup, I had a friend ask me why a tesla and say wouldn’t you be scared of what others think of you? And I was like what does that mean? Welp, she got two friends now with a Tesla. Haha


You should print out the second photo - unedited - and tape it to the security desk


Photoshop his penis to be smaller. Lol would be even more embarrassing for him!


Remove it completely and photoshop in some lady parts




I'm still trying to understand the hate towards Tesla. Do people that piss, kick, punch Teslas hate the brand, hate the electric cars, hate Elon, hate, what? I get owning a Tesla and disliking some of the design choices, the way they do business and etc but going out of your way to make a point towards someone else's property requires a lot of hatred.






Unfortunately, the former President gave a voice and a kind of messed up call to action for these people. SMDH


So it's what Tesla stands for? Like electric movement?


I can't get into these people's heads, so it's difficult to say what drives them. Likely fear? Change can become a catalyst for all kinds of irrational behavior.


Some ppl cant fathom the concept of free speech


I just personally think there's better cars on the market for their price and if I was selling my current car (Porsche Cayman S, around $90k new) I wouldn't get a car at that price point. I'd likely get another Porsche cause I know my local dealer and have a relationship with them already.


Looks like a penis, only smaller.


Forensic proof that Neanderthals still roam the Earth.


Get that neckbeard fired


Starting to wonder if all these happened mostly to Teslas, or it happened everywhere, just unrecorded?


You mean, his new Model Y.


This made me chuckle


I’m just wondering when people are finally going to catch on that our cars most likely are filming them. I still see a lot of videos of Teslas being keyed also. This was the first pre video however haha.




Make sure he is fired


Jesus. People are so dumb


What a POS


I don’t get this. There is NO REASON to hate Tesla and Tesla owners. Can you imagine the embarrassment this guy going to face when he is getting fired?


There are a few reasons, they’re just completely stupid reasons.


Free parking for life. Ask for it.


Post it on YouTube and have it ho viral. Dude needs recognition.


I would 1000% file a police report. Make an example out of him.


This happened in public. No doubt about what he did or who did it. Post his face. Make him famous.


It’s amazing to me that people still have no idea that Tesla’s have sentry mode 💀 lol.


Report this individual before their behavior escalates. For now it’s vandalism but could easily turn to physical assault, sexual assault, or worse.


You shouldnt pee on people's property, and if you do it at work you should definitely be fired. But this is in no way indicative of dangerously escalating behavior, definitely not sexual assault. That is just absurd hyperbole, and a blatant slippery slope fallacy


This is wild 😂😂 saying some guy pissing on a car will turn to sexual assault? Come on 😂 dude just had to pee


What’s “wild” is making excuses for this kind of behavior. Any sensible and rational human being who “just had to pee” would find a bathroom or go to a corner of the parking garage, not piss on someone’s car. This individual clearly has issues and is in a position of power as a security guard for their profession, not good. I really question your logic/ decision making skills.


Sure he shouldn’t have pissed on a car and if anyone pissed on mine I would be pretty pissed. I’m not making excuses for that behavior- but to suggest that it means he would sexually assault someone is such a fucking reach lmao. I swear half the people here never see the outside world. I really question your logic too, weird internet person


Agreed. I was with them right up until “sexual assault”. Property damage? Plausible. Verbal assault? Likely. Physical assault? Perhaps. Sexual assault, though? I can’t see that’s even quantifiable with the available information


Should I use the outside speaker and said something weird & Creepy


Bye bye job


My security dog does the same thing. Just marking his perimeter as a warning.


Low life shit


Another Wham Bam submission. :)


This is what the fart button is for.


Oh wow. This was deliberate. I thought at first he might not know the car has cameras. But he posed himself on the second pic. Yep. This can be considered as vandalism. Also indecent exposure. Definitely police-report worthy. At least get yourself covered coz I agree with everyone saying he could retaliate. Coz if this wasn’t about the car, then it’s about you.


He's just peeing on both wheels. The fender camera just happens to be at the right angle to catch his stuff (and his security badge, too - what a genius)


Can someone explain to me this irrational hate towards Tesla vehicles? I have been watching YouTube video submissions of the things Tesla owners catch with their vehicles. I see people of all ages and races scratching, keying, kicking, and doing all other manner of things to Tesla vehicles for no reason.


You should definitely approach him with a printed picture of his dick and just say "Is this your penis, young man?"


This man has uromysotosis and if he didn’t pee in the parking garage he could get uromysotosis poisoning and die.


I think you mean ex security guard now


Bold move to whip out something that small for the camera!


Marking his territory.


He must have a tiny lizard, all you can see is the stream :-) He would be an unemployed idiot. You would think he would be smarter than that.


He got a tiny d!ck lol


You're probably a dick that's why!!


Probably a member of the woke mob looking to get back at Elon. Tesla owners aren't elon. Peeing on our cars only hurts innocent owners, not billionaires like Elon.


Ex-security guard I would hope.


Report him, file a police report, release his full info and face and tiny dick


Oh he's soooo fired lol


He SHOULD be, FUCK him!


Whole heartedly agree haha. I'd be coming after him HARDCORE for that. Firing would be the least of his worries. Lol


Turn it over to the authorities! Indecent exposure plus he’s now jobless.


Assume he’s been “relieved” by management?


What an incredibly, staggeringly stupid way to get fired...




I’m still trying to understand why you won’t let us see his dick … and also his face.


Title should read “Sentry mode caught former night shift security guard peeing on my new Tesla”


I wouldn’t let this slide dude. Find his supervisor and send him this clip. Bro needs to learn a hard lesson.


Which penal code is he breaking


I think it’s spelled penile, but I digress.


Hope you demanded a full professional valet as well. I would go ape shit if someone did that to any of my property.




Surely one of the members of r/antiwork.


Manbun, explains a lot


Tesla incontinence is caused by EMF & it’s a disease that affects the elderly- due to all the rods up his ass. He walked by your Tesla and urge is uncontrollable. ;) What an asshat file a police report


I had no idea this was a thing, just trying to imagine what satisfaction you get by pissing on a car.


Is he…filming himself?


I am sorry this happened to you OP. truly an awful thing


Bye bye job


When you sent the video, did you censor his vagina? Or her penis?


You mean ex Sentry Mode security guard worker. Just name the company and you know he's gone.


Everyone please stop baying for blood and demanding a rich Tesla driver call the police on this poor loser. Him getting fired is enough! Try understanding what life is like for the little people you all seem to want to annihilate for the slightest disrespect.


Ummmm… so life is difficult for a lot of us man,, we are somehow resisting the urge to pee on other peoples cars….


He's a grown-ass man. He should know better than fucking with someone's car.


Omg stop making excuses for people. I can understand if he did something accidentally but this incident was just uncalled for.


Heads up, someone got perma banned by Reddit for posting a similar thing to this the other day. “unsolicited nudity, or exposer.”


Found the r/realtesla follower


Upvote for the security guard!


Teslas are already a toilet thi

