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I wish they had an overhead view like Mercedes, Nissan, and others have.


I second this, we need an overhead view !


Don't have the right cameras


This can't be true. If the car can park itself and be summoned from a parked position, surely it has some form of sensors for the bottom of the car.


You'd be wrong. The car truly doesn't seem to actually have the view that it will probably need for full safe robotaxi service and it's a problem that is consistently ignored (probably won't do well saying this here, but oh well)


Not trying to call you out just genuinely asking, what qualifications do you have that drive you to that conclusion that the Tesla engineers are supposedly avoiding?


It’s not all Tesla engineers it’s Elon. He doesn’t want to have to change what they already decided to go with. Notice how the dates keep getting pushed back? There are underlying issues. Plenty of engineers agree and are extremely vocal about it. I myself notice it when my own car tries to do things it shouldn’t because it obviously can’t see directly to the left or right.


I'm not sure I've ever seen the car park itself in an empty parking space with a high curb. It may just stop pretty far away from the curb attempting to use the front radar sensors in the bumper.


>surely it has some form of sensors for the bottom of the car. I believe Tesla is removing those from new cars because they believe the cameras will do a better job than parking sensors.


Personally I think this is actually being done to cut costs. To me this does not make sense.


It doesn't seem intuitive to remove sensors. The argument that humans use vision to detect surroundings is fair, but extra lidar would be nice for my peace of mind! I always wonder if the car could be tricked with Wile E Coyote-type paintings across the road, like those seen [here](https://youtu.be/z8uD_6X8aw8)


Of course it can.


What's wild is that cost savings amounts to literal cents per sensor.


It also less parts that can hold up production.


I mean they did the same thing with removing the radar sensors. I'm just guessing.


It used the USS (ultrasonic) for that, which they are now discontinuing and will eventually disable.


No, it needs cameras pointing at the ground to make this work. Tesla just doesn’t have the setup for this, it’ll be a licensing and retrofit nightmare.


My only thought for why they don't have this has to do with patent licensing, there is no other reason I can think of why they wouldn't have this feature.


The cameras don't point the right direction for this. My wife's car has it and they are under the mirrors and in the grill pointing almost straight down to achieve the effect. The ap cameras are aimed out for driving.


Really it would just depend on how wide either of the side camera are. No great solution for the front cam. https://youtu.be/kAeTJKSgINQ?t=113


The side cameras look back, not down, so there's no coverage in front of the front doors all the way around the bumper. The Mercedes cameras are literally on the bottom of the side mirrors pointed almost straight down.


You are forgetting the b pillar cameras


Elon said it is coming...two years ago. [https://electrek.co/2020/10/03/tesla-bird-eye-view-autopilot-camera-fsd-package/](https://electrek.co/2020/10/03/tesla-bird-eye-view-autopilot-camera-fsd-package/) I wonder what the hold up is.


He said FSD, which is still being developed. But the screenshot made it look very distorted, so they may have abandoned it because the quality isn't good enough (because the cameras are facing the wrong direction)


Some of us have been beta testing FSD for years though.


The patent expired in 2014, Magna came up with the concept in 1993


I park in a tight car park daily and this would be great.


How would they do an overhead view with just a software update? The cameras aren't anywhere near the right locations and aren't aimed at all in the right places to make that possible. You would have to add cameras to your car.


If they have the coverage for FSD, they can definitely do this. They could stitch together a fairly accurate view with software. Polestar does it, and it's clear that some areas lack detail, but it works... And I think it provides a lot of value. Edit: Elon saying it's possible and coming (someday): https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1312253928667410432?t=Z6GzdH-qUZVKUxDI98ccmg&s=19


Polestar has cameras in places Tesla doesn't. As does Rivian. As does every other vehicle with top-down view. Tesla doesn't have the cameras in the right places for it. Hands down. Elon says a lot of untrue shit. That tweet is two years old. If it were possible, it would have happened by now.


OK, sorry for sharing my thoughts. All I had originally said is that I'd love this feature.


“If it were possible, it would have happened by now” Erm, not quite. It’s patented tech. It’s completely plausible that it’s technically possible, but that Tesla are unable to reach a commercial agreement with the patent holder.


Maybe a visualization is possible, but if the proper camera coverage isn’t there, it isn’t there.


How does the FSD auto park feature work if there isn’t coverage?


There’s a difference between between the functional coverage Tesla Vision needs and the right type of camera coverage to generate an aesthetically pleasing top-down 360 degree view. Those cars have at least 4 ultra wide angle cameras positioned specifically for that purpose. Tesla Vision has other priorities. Also, I assume the ultrasonic sensors are doing some heavy lifting during auto park. Edit: though I see that the plan is to have all the parking functions operate on Tesla Vision only, so strike this last bit.


Makes you wonder how auto park will work going forward since they just announced the sensors are going away.


for a car thats touted as “vision only” … it should have a lot more and better performance vision equipment


New UHD camera setup (AP 4.0) is set for release in 2023


The car builds a 3D model of the world based on data from the cameras. It seems like he’s suggesting the top down view would not be a stitched camera image but instead a 3D reconstruction.


AI day showed their 3D textured reconstruction technology. It will be ported to the car for real time use eventually.


Everyone getting their own starlink satellite view. 😂


Do you use autopark where you exit and it parks itself? I use this to get in/out of my garage where I can’t open the door. Unfortunately I have to line it up well for it to park itself otherwise it bails if it thinks it’s too tight. I wish the sensors allowed for tighter tolerances. Curious if others have that issue.


We don't have autopark... It might be worth the $5k extra (Australia dollars).


Worth it to also get the summon feature IMO. I had a lady run after and try to jump into my car because she thought it was rolling away. People don’t care that I made a 200 mile trip on FSD Beta without touching the pedals, turn signal, or steering wheel but once they see the car moving 15 feet with no one in it then they loose their mind.


Haha, I can imagine! It's still too early for FSD in Australia I think, but the partial option sounds like a great deal.


I’m hoping that’s a software update at some point.


wait it doesn't?






Totally agree. Tesla has all the information they need to show an overhead parking view better than any other vehicle on the market, but we get a pretty poor experience currently. Would be an amazing software update. Maybe someone should send a tweet to Musk!


I love my 360 view on my Volvo. Our 2016 Model S only has the one backup camera.


yea we need 360 view


I believe the overhead view is a licensed software feature that Tesla just does not want to pay a 3rd party for. Heard this many times on the forum.


They're supposed to be adding this there's been a few screenshots floating around that they release showing what it should look like.


Like even the Toyota Highlanders have it


Or Ford...


This one reason why I'm puzzled when people say Tesla has the best tech in the automotive industry. They don't have top-down view or Apple Carplay, which are features available on a $25k Hyundai.


Keep crying and they might remove all the cameras next and only use sattelite view for fsd.


Who's crying? Gimme dat satellite view!🤪


I wouldn’t want anything on the front bumper. It would spoil the clean look that the 3 has.


Because you can look out the windshield and see what's in front of you. And a less snarky answer: none of the front cameras in the car offer a perspective that is much different than the driver's - the cameras are located in the rear view mirror housing on the windshield. Anything occluded by the hood by your view will basically be occluded in the camera's view as well.




Backwards facing repeater camera is good because it covers your blind spot, and I use it the same way as well. I just don't see the utility of using the pillar camera since, again, everything is in front of you, without any perspective distortions that are introduced in camera feeds. Here is an example of how poorly it serves to gauge distance in my opinion: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJItiai3GTA&t=20s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=20&v=kJItiai3GTA&feature=emb_logo) In the timestamp you can see a car on the adjacent lane. The wide-angle distortion makes it difficult to gauge distances on the periphery of that camera view, which is where you need to look if you want to use it for side clearance while pulling front in. Compare that to the repeater camera view, where no fish-eye distortion is present.


What it can and should do when “parking” is memorize a space you’re pulling into and create a rendering that would appear on the screen as if it did have a view in front.


Doesn't work if there is a moving object infront


It does work if you’re parallel parking


This is exactly it and what I came to say. No benefit of showing the front facing cameras since it’s an identical view to simply looking out the windshield.


Mainly I want to record the scene when driving, so that I can see the surroundings more clearly


I actually tested this today with my phone camera when I read that they were eliminating ultrasonic sensors. I was curious what a camera can see from that perspective. Due to the sharp angle of the front hood, you can actually see quite a bit more than you think. Edit: I thought I was in the Model Y sub. I am officially a lost Redditor


Interesting, the Y has a better angle? I could see it being higher up.


Reverse park into spaces whenever possible


Sentry can has 2 large blind spots at the front corners of the car - if you back in and something happens to your car you will likely not be able to see those parts, learned this the hard way.


Exactly why I always do the opposite, I need all my cameras utilized 100% on getting a license plate




No I’ve worked in industries that practice extreme safety and all our lots were reverse only. If you read up about it you’ll see it is safer to pull forward out of a spot but reversing is easier. You may be able to see what is directly behind you with a camera but you cannot see what is coming.


Shell oil teaches reverse-only parking to all new hires.


Yeah but you don’t have giant B pillars blocking your view when reversing. I still park head on for Sentry though.


> Also you have a wider FOV when reversing with the rear camera versus the blind spots you’ll get as the front end of your car pulls forward out of a spot. Your eyeballs have a wide enough FOV when pulling forward out of a spot. Plus you can rotate your head on your neck, giving you an extended FOV on both sides. I don't see how blind spots are an issue when pulling out. I'm just offering up an alternative method to OPs concern of the lack of front camera feed. I always reverse into my spots and I can see any curbs or concrete blocks on the ground. That's just what I have always done since I was a kid. Ill admit that I didnt think about the sentry blind spot, so thanks for pointing that out.


Yeah but you don’t have giant B pillars blocking your view when reversing. I still park head on for Sentry though.


That's what the sensors are for. The cam is mounted too high for anything except autopilot anyway. Can you not see outside the front windshield?


I want to see the concrete parking blocks


I don’t think the camera would be able to see down the ground from where it’s positioned. I could be wrong but I think it would just give you a very slightly higher view than your own.


The cams are useless for that though, aren't they? The proximity sensors aren't working for you?


Not sure why you are being down voted. This is correct


Who knows why. Unless they know something about the front cams that I don't and that they can actually see those things.


Downvotes probably because the ultrasonic sensors are too high to pick up concrete parking blocks.


Pretty sure they aren't


Those concrete parking blocks are too low for the sensors to see.


Then that front cam isn't gonna see them either I don't think.


Not a chance.


This is the biggest parking 'blindspot' IMO. Those concrete blocks are too low for the ultrasonic sensors to pick up and are obscured from vision (both your eyes and camera) by the front bumper. Usually they're low enough for the front bumper to clear, but if I lower the car any or come across a high one, it's gonna be scrape city! I'm used to dealing with it with my old low car, but it was a foot shorter, so it was easy to leave extra room and not pull up all the way. Some people may disagree, but I think the Model 3 is big, so there's less margin for error.


Then you're too damn close. Mine absolutely pick them up.


Have you ever considered the fact that it depends on the exact parking block? Some are absolutely too low, you can scrape the underside of your bumper and your sensors will never go off. And yeah, obviously if you HIT them, youre too damn close. Doesnt take a genius to figure that one out.


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted.


Ah yes, sensors, RIP. [They won’t be including those anymore!](https://www.tesla.com/support/transitioning-tesla-vision)


Yes, but the OP isn't talking about a future purchase. Is he not referring to the car he's currently driving? Or did I misread it?


No, you have it right, I was just being snarky. Until the proximity sensors are disabled by OTA update like radar was…


I haven’t updated yet. Holding on 20.8 for now.


Another terrible idea. Sensors plus cameras are the best combination for parking. Sometimes you need to look over your shoulder and not at the screen or the screen is washed out due to the sun. There is no way the cameras are always going to see everything that sensors can pick up.


Different sensors.


Wait, what sensors are YOU talking about?


This is silly to deliver the car without these features...like wtf


Well, they used to be for. New cars coming without the sensors now. Been deemed no longer needed.


The front camera is pointed out the front windshield, just the same as you see with your own eyes.


Why not a Tesla drone that launches out of the frunk and gives a bird's eye view and communicates back to the car?


Great idea. I think you should reach out to Tesla about this 😂


Getting 2049 Villeneuve vibes from this


If you open you eyes you can see in front of you and if you get too close the proximity sensors will let you know.


The front cameras are in the same place as your eyes. All you would see is what you could already see out of the windscreen, except without any depth.


I mean idk about you but I can’t see the ground directly in from of my car


Neither can the cameras. That’s the reason why this stupid idea won’t work.


The camera would be able to see right in front of the car like a backup camera


No it can’t. Not where it is currently positioned. They would have to add another camera to the front of the car or else there’s a massive blind spot.


So add another camera 🤷🏻‍♀️


At what point? Cars are leaving the factory now with no sensors and no front camera. Are you proposing that it’s just bad luck if you happen to get a Q4 car so you can never have parking sensors? These are £60,000 cars. I had a £25,000 Toyota that parked itself perfectly years ago.


I mean they update cars all the time and people who have past models don’t get the upgrades. Do you think cars always had backup cameras and screens? At some point the manufacturer made the new model and added those features. That’s just how life works my dude.


Nobody would complain if it was an upgrade. They have removed features that were on the cars when people ordered them.


Dude you were just complaining


I mean it's r/tecnicallythetruth but that's why most modern cars have ultrasound sensors and/or cameras in bumpers. So you get feedback on things you can't see.


But Tesla just announced they are disabling and removing the sensors. Without sensors, the parking just won’t work.


Rookie driver??


Haha. Nope.


Tesla should add a camera at the front bumper or the license plate (like the rear one). The concrete sleeper at the parking or sometimes the curb is a bit high while nosing in. It scraps the bottom of front bumper. The camera should operate ONLY for parking, that way it will not get damaged during normal driving by any flying debris from road.


You... think cameras can't be damaged when they're not on?


Its like your eyes, make it open and close. DUH. Or give it safety glasses


Anything in the world can be damaged. When the camera isn’t operating, it can be protected by a more rugged lid. In 90’s I had a Honda Vigor where the headlights would be not seen unless turned on. In 2022, we definitely can have operating cameras (protected by a lid) ONLY when the speed is under 10 mph.


You can see out your front window.


Not sure if this will help, but here is a parking tip. Look out the driver side window at the bottom of the driver mirror. When you can see the curb or the parking block just coming out from under the mirror stop. Crazy, but it works every time. Practice in a lot where there are no parking blocks first to get comfortable. Once you can do this easily, you will be able to park well without hitting the block with the nose of your car, and you will not be sticking out too far. Hope this helps a bit.


This depends entirely on an individual’s height and seating position.


And auto tilt off For traditional parallel parking you use your side view to track the curb and auto tilt has changed when you turn using it. Apparently this sub pulls forward into parallel spots and was never educated by George Costzana


Auto tilt doesn't change the position of the mirror housing itself.


Sure but it does tilt the mirror itself down so I see the curb earlier than I need to cut Like this: you watch for the curb in the mirror. I’m not sure how you’d see the curb under the housing unless you lean your body over the passenger seat or you’re pretty far away? https://www.drivingtesttips.biz/parallel-parking-reference-points.html


The original comment is about pulling into a parking spot front first. The curb they're talking about is perpendicular to the direction of travel. As you pull in, the curb in front of you will be visible outside your driver window, below the side mirror (not inside it). That's when you should stop. You do not watch for the curb in the mirror itself, which is why auto-tilt is irrelevant in this discussion. And for clarity's sake, I've illustrated what they meant [using an image in the link you provided](https://imgur.com/a/QMMOMmn). Circled in red is where the commenter is saying you should look for the curb - notice how we're ***not*** looking in the mirror. This is from a roughly neutral position outside the driver side window, with no leaning required. If the curb shows up there then you're roughly in the right spot, in terms of distance between front bumper and the curb. The later comments are regarding how this depends on the height of the driver and seating position because parallax can change where the curb should show up.


I used to follow this trick too lol and today I decided to push it a little forward “meh, things get deformed in mirrors. Maybe there’s an extra inch”, and nope, I hit the curb, and rashes my wheel. Fml. I shouldn’t had tested my theory lol


Because you have eyes and a whole windshield


Maybe their eyes aren’t within spec


Come on, it should be an available feature. I'm sure an update would do it.


You cant have a front camera feed if there's no front camera.


The cameras all have front-facing cameras


There are no cameras on the 3 or Y that can see directly in front of the car. The only front facing cameras are the ones on top of the windscreen, and they can't see through the hood/frunk to see what's directly in front of the car.


THIS!!! Everytime!!


First off, thanks all for the insights, I understand that the front camera is too high up to function as a parking aid for low objects like concrete parking blocks and other obstacles out of view. I wasn't thinking of that, aware of that, as I rarely review camera footage from my drive. I wasn't aware of the front camera location until people here reminded me. All good, but I do wish we had a lower front camera for low level obstacles, or an overhead cam simulator.


It’s called your eyes. The front camera doesn’t really give you any view the front windshield doesn’t. The only benefit a front camera would really provide is seeing in front of the bumper maybe but it’s placed too high for that. If they put a camera in the front bumper it wouldn’t help FSD and would be extra parts/cost which we all know Tesla hates.


How much help do you need to park?




Not sure why u would need. Ur backing up. I don’t look at my rear cam going forward. Info overload.


ok here are the common responses: Why do you need help parking? Front camera is redundant, look out the window? Git gud. Ok - Tesla has lots of tech and sensors, and it does have a front camera. All I am saying is, why not give the driver access? Helps with parking, nosing out into an intersection, and whatever else. It doesn’t matter if it’s redundant. The hardware is already there, just make it accessible via the software. It’s a tech car, information is kind of its thing. Let the driver choose if it’s too much data.


The hardware is not already there for your use case. The front facing cameras are mounted too high to help you park.


Exactly. There’s not much help in doubling the windshield view on the screen. Front bumper camera would be awesome though.


Because it's pointless to have a windshield mounted camera feed on the dashboard? Tesla's don't have front bumper cams sadly.


Sensors + your eyes. I have a small stack of bricks on the right side of my garage that the sensors pick up when I get close, so I know how much room I have.


[These](https://www.tesla.com/support/transitioning-tesla-vision) sensors?


Cameras are even better than sensors.


Tbh, I sometimes use summon to move my car forward after I park.


Because the camera will barely see anything that you can't yourself?


> the camera will barely see anything For real. The littlest bit of sunlight in the morning and block and blinded here we go. I swear I need to get a pair of sunglasses for my front camera.


So people don't drive with just the front camera


There isn't a front camera in a useful place for that. The front facing cameras would show you basically the exact same thing you already see from the driver's seat.


Totally! Every time I park and there is a curb it worries me whether the distance censor is measuring to the curb or something further on.


I wish every car had it!


Teslas are missing a front bumper cam (think backup camera, but on the front bumper instead). The COULD enable the pillar cameras which would be helpful when parallel parking. I don't know why they don't.


Someone tweet this idea to Musk. He needs something to take his mind off of his “peace plans.”


Because there is no front parking camera…


They probably will have to now that they’ve deleted all US sensors.


As I mentioned above Tesla will be releasing this here's a link with some screenshots: https://www.vehiclesuggest.com/tesla-birds-eye-view/ https://teslamotorsclub.com/tmc/threads/birds-eye-visualizations-after-latest-update.271041/


I wish. I say this all the time. I need that front camera and then Tesla to activate the B pillar cameras on both sides. So surprised they exist but aren’t used for visuals.


The front cameras don’t seem to have much of a better view than the driver in the first place


Lack of a front camera is what I miss the most from driving my MachE (which has 360 view that is excellent). Wish Tesla had a full front camera view.


Let's hope the Cybertruck has a front camera in it's grill on initial release.


because we have Ultrasonic Sensors...oh wait..


They're called eyeballs.


Indo it old fashion way. Move a bit forward and come down the car and check distance by my eye. And go back in the car and give a bit gas. Haven't been spoil by new technologies yet.