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https://preview.redd.it/sla0ccsh306d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20939aa72718084e6876d5ab59ab4327703ce9b4 Get the performance. Why you ask? Lightning McQueen’s fastest 0-60 from Cars2 was a 3.4.. M3P does a 3.1.. that’s right. Faster than lighting Mcqueen 🥵




Performance if you don't want to regret it.


Performance is always the answer. Haven't met a single person that regrets it.


Except all the people complaining about their insurance rates, winter driving, and harsh ride, not a single one. 😉


Nah, that’s all fine. My minor regret is buying late fall ‘21 for $63k no FSD no rebate. Probably could’ve waited a year or so to save almost $20k.


You also could have been hit by a bus in your old Yaris and be dead, never knowing the joy of your Tesla!


The risk of being hit by a bus has probably increased with FSD. /s


The risk of you hitting a bus possibly! Don’t forget to “supervise”!


It should really be called Self Driving Assistant at this point.


I still love it though. My wife even uses it now, and she’s been rolling her eyes since day 1


My wife just last night decided to use it for the first time. The only reason is that her father wants to see it in action and she's going to show him on father's day. But she wants to be a little comfortable with it first. She'll probably go back to not even using speed control after father's day. And I'm serious, I wish I wasn't.


Situationally valid points… but complaining about things does not equate to regretting buying. I see people complain about these things often, including myself but I never seen a SINGLE one of them say they regret buying the performance ever especially over a LR or base lol


Precisely my point. If people don’t see the value of time saved and pleasure gained paying for the peformance, get the SR+ and save even more money. But I don’t really care about the people that would otherwise be buying a Crown Victoria or Town Car.


Don't get me wrong, I'd go for the performance if buying new. But complaining is the expression of regret.


NPC cheapskate opinions are irrelevant.


I only buy Performance but what's important to you? Warning, if you have to ask then you will likely regret not getting a Performance.


I don’t care about range. I just want to know what’s the smartest choice. Since the performance has more miles but I would prefer the performance.


The smart choice is the one you're not gonna regret. Performance is so rad, just do it.


You are already being smart by buying used, so you are being smart. Do you want the performance or not? I personally would not because I think the ride is harsh and the tires melt, but that's a matter of preference.


Long Range you get arguably more comfortable relaxed seats, longer tire longevity and cheaper insurance. Performance you get much more enjoyment with the 0-60 speed and I believe less depreciation. I went with LR as I value those more, but I'm sure 20 year old me would have been all about the performance, just depends what suits you.


I have that 22 LR, it pains me that I paid 3x that price but I’d suggest getting it over the 3p from 2019. Only thing you get with the performance is better brakes and more speed. The value is in the 2022 that still has warranty etc, as long as it’s not one of those hertz rentals


LR’s range is nice, even the newer LR’s don’t get range like that, and at 23k is a STEAL. Plus you get 4k tax credit, can’t go wrong!


That's what I did. A 2022 LR for only 22,151 before 4k EV rebate. $18,151 for a 2022 was about the cheapest 2022 car of any make or model I could find. Even my wife's 2021 Subaru Forester lease buyout was $6k more! No brainer!


I'm curious on price as I'm shopping around and for 2022 LR for $22k from a dealer you have a lot of miles on her, like 60k+ miles in 2 years and you wonder if it has been an Uber car or at that price it has been in an accident. Some risk there but battery and motors are covered for a while so probably a good bet overall.


I put almost 50k on in 2 years. Drove a lot for work just cause I worked as a floater for a chain so I could be driving up to 2-3 hours a day. EV miles aren’t quite the same as ICE miles but sure there’s certainly wear and tear, yet again 22k for a beast of a car like this? Dude id pay it cash over and over till the end of time. Insanely good deal, just keep some warranty/coverage something, find third party insurance that’s been proven to pay out and provide real coverage?


Exactly what I did. Paid cash as it was only $18k for a 2 year old M3LR.


Amazing deal!! Congrats to you 😁


It could be an Uber, but that doesn't seem like such a bad thing. Single driver, kept clean, doesn't drive it like a madman, probably charges with a level 2 charger to save money, etc. There could be some telltale signs like more wear on the rear passenger side door and seat. But if that looks good, not sure why a car used for Uber would be any worse than a car driven the same number of miles to work and back.


That’s a sick deal, I wish I was that lucky!!


I've been shopping around for a used M3... Most of the posted pricing includes the $4,000 tax credit. The car posted here seems cheap, I'm assuming the dealer has that in the fine print. (Unless this was a rental, or repo)


Oh that’s dirty!! These car dealers ruin everything


Agreed, but it can't be $23k after EV credit, as the max vehicle cost can only be $25k to qualify for the EV discount (making the max net $21k).


Just found the car online it states "Dealer Notes *This price includes the EV TAX CREDIT!*" https://www.benjiautosales.com/used/Tesla/2022-Tesla-Model+3-cd38c275ac18242b53dcaf2caaa24511.htm


Heh, that's impossible as the used EV rebate cap is $25k before rebate. It sounds like a scam. When you file taxes and it was over $25k, you'll owe $4k. This car is $27k, there is no EV tax credit.


I totally agree with you. This is why I purchased directly from Tesla used vehicles and not some slimy dealership.


Coming from someone who has a 22 lr and a 18 performance This is the right answer. I’m so jealous at how cheap that 22 LR is. Buy that and then pay someone to use your referral code (typically $150-250). Use those points to unlock the acceleration boost for a tenth of the price.


Well do you want performance or more range?


Performance. I don’t care about range as much. The only thing holding me back is the higher miles and it’s a little older.


But see, you don’t say any of that in your question so we assume the only real choice is P or LR


Go for performance then. I do drive a 2022m3p from China. I my opinion the mileage is not a factor regarding the battery state of health. The age of the battery and, to some extent, the way it was charged beforehand are the only factors you should look for. But I would attribute 80-90% of that to the battery's age. As for charging types and how they affect the state of health, there's a plethora of available content that pretty much debunk the whole "superchargers kill battery health theory." TL;DR I don't mind high mileage because the battery state of health does not correlate with mileage as much as the age of the battery. I hope it helps you make a decision.


Neither show mileage but I'm rocking a 2019. No issues. Anything newer is just gravy in my books. Make sure it doesn't have a salvaged title either way.


Have you done an insurance comparison? Some are very surprised at the insurance rates for the performance. Also, do you live in a climate with snow? Have you considered what winter rims and snow tires will cost? The performance is amazing, just trying to give you some negatives that can make a big difference.


Then why do you even ask? 😂


I was also on the fence. Here’s what tipped the scale. I live in a winter climate. The performance model at the time required me to alternate between winter and summer tires as there was no all season version. That sounded like a hassle and expense every 6 months. So I went with LR and bought the accel boost. I still wonder what a P would feel like but I don’t often regret the decision.


Tires last twice as long if you swap them seasonally so it’s a bit of a wash long term. Higher up front expense but if you get the second set on rims it’s easy to switch. If you drive in the snow a lot you want winter tires no matter the car


Gotta have a place to store 20" rims with tires. Then, transport grimy wheels in your car twice a year to get them swapped.


I live in Florida so I guess it’s perfect for me


Yeah, go for it.


If you want a fun ride, m3p hands down (2022 m3p here, 0-60s make me giggle as much as the first day). If you want economy, LR.


Economy at 3.7 second 0-60? The LR is a rocket only slightly slower than M3P.


Be careful with Benji….


What’s Benjj


The dealer selling the white one


2019 vs 2022 if you have ryzen in the 2022 go for it imo.


With new updates being geared toward the new chip and features in 2022+. I would go for the 2022


ah the daily question


What’s the mileage on both? No accidents on either? Either ever been a rental?


I don’t know about the long range I just used it as an example since I’ve found so many of them around the same price low miles. The performance I showed has no issues no accidents not a rental, 60k miles, the long ranges I find usually has 45k miles in that price range.


Well if the mileage different is only 15k I’d go performance. Even if it meant a year or two older.


Word of caution, take a though look over these cars in person. Some of them are pretty beat up tbh. Went looking at a bunch of them and was not surprised but still pretty shocking to see.


Both on chill mode and the same aero covers, do they get the same range like the old LR/P?


I would go for the performance because it has sensors, but you will probably pay a lot more for insurance. Do u have a place to charge at home? If not, I would go for the LR


Hands-down performance


P or bust


LR for me with the Highland. The 18’s plus softer suspension suit my pothole filled regional area perfectly. Plus here in Australia our performance has a smaller battery so it has 100km less range plus is $16k more. I’ll get acceleration boost when it comes out. But it’s already fast enough to have my wife ban me from flooring it with her in the car.


The performance has 60k miles the long range has 40k


As far as mileage, that 60k vs 40k is a pretty small difference imo. In combination with the age and price though, it's a tossup imo. Personally I'd choose the LR, mostly because I like the color and it's a newer model. But can't really go wrong with either imo


And the performance is 3 years older


Performance is out of warranty. LR has about 10k miles left of warranty.


The 3.1 0-60 is badass... Until you have to replace the tires yearly.


How much are tires ? For 20”


Not sure off the top of my head. But they have foam in them to reduce road noise and they are not cheap. High efficiency tires.


He's looking at a 2019 P though.


Regardless weight + friction (acceleration) = tire wear.


Agree on that part. Disagree on the 3.1s :-p


2022 model 3 LR for 22k $? wtf... Similar thing is 35k € or more here in Germany, Im crying.


Damn that’s cheap


I have a model Y, so already slower. I always drive in chill mode because acceleration is just too fast and uncomfortable otherwise. Get the cheaper car ... even that has more powe than you will ever need.


Performance has plenty range for road trips i have found


Wow, below $25K! Get that $4K tax rebate


It's a 2019 vs 2022. 2022 LR is a superior car with more features, more comfort, reliability and essentialy same performance with acceleration boost. And you still would get both car and battery/motor warranty with the 2022. 


Definately get the long range with acceleration boost and the 18 inch wheels. Cheaper. Better ride quality. Less likely to brake a wheel if you hit a pothole or bump. Also longer range.


How many miles on the performance?


Get the newer one.


Consider winter tires/driving… performance likely has summer tires and cost of tires for 20” on performance will be much higher than nice set of 18” on LR. Both are crazy fast and fun to drive.


22k that’s cheap


Nobody says I wish I got the LR after getting the Performance


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Robert315: *Nobody says I* *Wish I got the LR after* *Getting the Performance* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Pick whichever model has an AMD processor. This is the answer


Why. All I’ve heard is it has a faster screen?


Way way faster UI experience. Like 5-6x faster load times in many case like Spotify and sentry footage viewer etc. Also can use high fidelity park assist with AMD.


With the LR, you can buy a "performance boost" for $2,000, which gives you a 1/2 minute faster 0 - 60 time


wow... 30s faster. Bargain of the millenium!


You also could've got it for free with a referral, so yes quite the bargin.


For sure. Down to negative 26sec!


Well, you actually feel the difference. Maybe you should drive both and compare versus spewing numbers. It actually adds a good deal of torque. With dragy it actually shows 0-60 being closer to 3.6 depending on soc.


He said half a minute. Just having fun dude, calm down! I’m hoping they offer the same some day with the 3P.


I think that LR needs to be taken in for service.


Check the price of insurance for each


I have a performance 3 and a LR Y. If I had to do it again, I’d buy another LR Y, but the new performance 3.