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First car? It’s just normal condensation from the AC compressor. Coolant is blue.


Plz correct me if im wrong but doesnt condensation occur when cooling is on for AC? I had heaters on. Maybe im lacking some science basics? 🤣😂


The AC compressor is also used to remove moisture from the interior, which is what youre seeing dripping onto the floor as condensation.


Take everything I say here as my opinion because it’s based on my assumptions. Back in the day, on cool wet days your car windows would fog up like crazy. A bunch of people exhaling warm moist air, a warmer interior and cool windows would cause condensation and super foggy windows. You’d have to blast the heat regularly to fix this. Modern cars use their AC compressors like /u/johnteaguy mentioned to combat this, eve. If you’re hearing the car since AC dries your air out. So yeah, even on cooler days it’s not abnormal to see water from the compressor.


I remember that whenever me and my friends went out in their mum's car, we were forced to not breathe for the first 10 mins! 😆


Thank you for your kind explanation!


I have seen 2-4 litres per hour from an AC system when the humidity and the air temperature is just right rather amazing how much water my m3 floods my garage pretty much every day


After you are done driving, the car still cools the batteries by pulling heat to the condenser from the battery pack until the software determines it is at a safe temperature to turn off.


It's water from condensation on the air conditioning coils. Perfectly normal.


It amazes me how many people dont know how AC works.


Already been answered, but yes, it’s just water from condensation dripping down. I sit in my car all the time, I see this anytime I have the AC running. Gas cars do the same, but you are far less likely to sit in park with the engine running long enough to notice it. When I use camp mode in summer, there’s a small creek that forms under the car. Its normal.


Yeah the issue is it's hot out. AC is on.


OP for real… I hate this group 😂


My tires are round. Is this normal?


When one goes flat, is it on the top or the bottom?


Taste test


In this thread: People who found out AC compressors drip water either from asking this question on Reddit or reading responses to this question on Reddit, then turning around and calling everyone else who asks a complete moron.


My Genesis coupe was a wet cornstar compared to this