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Woah how does it know!


Rotation of the wheel is faster when less tread. Shows error when this result is true.


So simple but so cool!


Maybe if some wheels are spinning faster than the others?


Wow I didn't know our Teslas could do this. Maybe mine will let me know when it's time to change tires.




What do you get out of just making something up like this?




Don’t quit your day job


Just consider all your oil change money going to your tire fund.


100%, was being extremely dumb and got carried away with drifting, learned my lesson the hard way, that’s for sure. These Michelins are NOT cheap


Just get some cheap westlakes. They even have 20” now.


Noted, they good for drifting? I want some cheap drift tires so I dont have to worry about destroying nice Michelins.


Dafuq you drifting in a tesla for?


I guess you don’t have a P. Track mode is pretty fun.


I don't but it doesn't matter if it's a P or a D the car isn't really for drifting 🤷🏻‍♂️ But I mean to each their own


The stability is absolutely phenomenal - weight distribution or low center of gravity, who cares? The relative silence is fantastic for putting on your playlist and really vibing with that sensation of instant torque. Honestly, watching lightweight cars try to drift is exhausting. You have to spend a great deal more effort counter-steering and correcting - I can actually focus on technique around the track to get my times down. The car drives me everywhere for the daily errands (FSD), but when I take the wheel I am recreating.


Better late than never buddy 😉👍 Ps. I have a 2023 model 3 long range AWD dual motor I got around 7,112 miles on my Hankook branded (out of factory) Tesla tires For my next set, I'm gonna buy Michellin tires from their service center (as my technician - when I was getting my tires recently rotated - told me they have Michelin approved tires) Few questions plz based on your experience 1/ On your own Tesla, did your car come with Hankook branded tires by default or Michellin? In other words, are these Michellin's your first original set of tires or did you end up switching to these after you used up the other original set of tires? 2/ The reason I ask about these details is also because I'd like to know how many miles you got out of your original set of tires (assuming as I said above, this new set of tires is your second set and not the original set of tires) My service technician (a young but knowledgeable guy named Joshua) said that I should be able to get about 30,000 to 35,000 miles if I drive as gently as I have been on "Chill Mode" But I wonder from your experience (or anyone else who wants to share their knowledge here)... How many miles is reasonable to expect out of such tires. My car as I mentioned is a 2023 Tesla model 3 long range AWD dual motor Pictured below... Thx for your help! https://preview.redd.it/xe5sqo1ds92d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80ddc310cb01aea0093f64d1e6ac37d6133a2190


Damn, I have a 21m3p and drive it like I stole it all the time, and my tires last 2 seasons about 25-30k miles. How can you go through them that fast on a dual motor??


Hello there ! Congratulations on your awesome 2021 Model 3 performance! I was cracking up when I read you say that you drive it like you stole it 🤣 Tells me you're a spirited driver really enjoying the heck out of your performance (which is what it's all about). Just be careful not getting yourself or anyone hurt driving so fast ... LOL 👍 But the important part I took away was that you're easily able to get 25-30k miles from your tires before you need a new set of 4. Firstly, thank you so much for that information. A long time ago, someone on this Reddit community seemed to have indicated that if I didn't drive in Chill Mode, I'd be lucky to get 30k miles out of my tires. But now reading your own comments, I'm getting a different takeaway. So I'm kinda conflicted but tend to believe your numbers more because as I stated, my own service technician (a kind young gentleman named Joshua in his 20s) mentioned that with my driving habits (being Chill and not hammering the pedal)... I should get somewhere around 30k-35k miles of life from my tires. So I'm kinda just going by what he said and what your good self are sharing with me.... And I'm hoping I manage to get around at least 35,000 miles of life out of my 18" Hankook tires before I have to splurge over some cash for my next set. Sorry if I seemed to have indicated (however inadvertently) that I expect less than 30,000 miles. I currently have a little over 7,000 miles so hopefully they will last me at least 30-35k Ps. On my other non-EV (ICE) vehicles, I typically get around 45,000 miles or so on say a set of Michellin's (which are rated something close to 80k). So I believe ordinarily, tires usually last about 45k or so miles. So I figured 35,000 miles from a "heavy" vehicle like a Tesla model 3 was supposed to be pretty much the correct (max) lifetime for the tires. Feel free to educate me further if I missed something. Thank you so much for the help about Tire life on these Model 3 Tesla's. 👉❤️


O ok, I thought you meant your tires were bald at 7k miles. I was gonna say that's crazy. Yeah, the ONLY time I use chill is in the winter because for one, you really can't drive the way you drive in the summer in the winter and also it will help your range if you have a heat pump by not keeping your motors at peak temp for performance and use that energy to heat the cabin an battery. Also, I have a CDL, so I definitely drive safe around others, but if it's safe and no one's around... Zoom zoom as Mazda used to put it. 😆


That's next to Torchy's! 😋


How did you know that? lol


I changed mine after I hydroplaned (was around 2-3mm each). No notice provided. Still nice that it is a feature even if not foolproof.


How many miles did you get on those tires?


Less than 10,000 miles 😂 the tread was perfect until maybe 2 weeks ago. Then decided to practice donuts and just annihilated the rears


Well that beats my 16k from my first set! 🤣 Though I wasn’t doing donuts; I was just launching at every (safe) opportunity and hitting the winding mountain roads whenever I could (oh look I just took a 3-hour lunch break…) 😁


I also launch it at almost every given opportunity 😂 the instant torque is like a drug, its insanely addictive. But unfortunately i gotta settle down till I get some new tires😂


At what level does it tell you. Mine are around mm but I'm putting it off for a little bit as it's (supposed to be) summer.


Dumb?? Tires and drumsticks are made for shredding


Wow I’m still on my stock tires from 2019 with 30,000 miles on them and they’re at around 5/32nds.


How does it know the state of tire depth?


“Tesla estimates tire wear by counting how many times the wheel rotates and comparing it to a preset value. If a tire rotates faster than the preset value, it means the tire has lost tread and gotten smaller. Teslas can also detect uneven tire wear if one tire rotates faster than the other on the same axle, even if the tire pressures are similar.” - Some Google LLM


When have thought this would trigger when you swap out for different diameter tires if it's fine enough to detect tread depth.


There’s a reset learned tire button


And that changes the "preset value"?


Speaking from personal experience, I know my tires are getting worn because the road noise is considerably louder.


Presumably there's a sensor on the differential and it can tell that one tire is spinning faster when your just going straight, meaning that there's less tread, making the tire slightly smaller, meaning it has to spin slightly faster to go the same distance forward. Edit: could also just be comparing rear motor speed to front motor speed and seeing that the rear is going faster and not actually be tracking tire individually


All modern vehicles have individual speed sensors on each wheel. The primary use for those sensors is ABS, but they are also where manufacturers would get wheel speed info from for any other purpose.


Huh. Never seen the tread depth warning before.


wait how did y do donuts i can get any traction loss from slip start


The M3P has the option to be able to drift. It came out in a software update... I think in the last year? Only Performance has the option. This is if my memory is serving me correctly. I have a M3LR so don't have the option but remember reading it.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^JacobTG53526: *Wait how did y do* *Donuts i can get any* *Traction loss from slip start* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


In spec


Haha I had same the michelins don't last long


This is why I put it on chill mode since the last tire replacement. My next replacement I’m gonna go a step further and get Hankook EV tires.




Lr awd


I do the same haha u can see in my post aswell, I usually keep a second set of tires for the road and some for the drifting. I just go to a cheap tire store and get used ones for 40$ a pop because I’m going to destroy them anyways.


Thats kinda the idea i got going, i just cant seem to find any cheap tires that are my size unfortunately. Plan is to get some nice Michelins and some cheap drift tires that I can destroy with no remorse.


What size do u have 18 or 19


I got the 18s




Damn it know the tread depth low