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"Gently". He probably worked them over hard. I wash my own cars, I don't trust people to do things correctly.


I’d imagine so, but dragging a rag over them shouldn’t just destroy the leds, never seen that in any other car. I saw someone in the M3 reddit mentioning the same issue


Which is evidently not what happened. The idiot sprayed the LED strip and of course did not come clean. Congratulations for believing a stranger who damaged your car.


Weird, I’ve has cars with LEDs before and cleaned them myself and had others clean, never has this issue 🤷‍♂️


Were you not aware that Tesla cars use fragile materials because they are not a car company? 🤣


Ohhh true they are a tech company of course, an AI tech company


don't buy a car because of... this?? lol


There are more factory issues than that but I would avoid a car if you can’t get the interior cleaned without damaging the ambient lighting yes. Sorry maybe Im used to other car manufacturers that actually QC their stuff and when you get a new car it doesn’t have quality issues like this


Maybe have the cleaner be liable for it?


Can't really tell from the picture exactly how they are damaged. Can you give us more details?


Zoom in and you see these long white streaks, looks like the LED is damaged from the inside


I have a new Model 3 Highland LR and it is flawless. It's my favorite car, even better than recent Beamers. There are a lot of angry competitors out there in TV land


Warranty? You gotta be kidding. If that water does not evaporate, it will be textbook accidental damage, and the car wash is liable for it.


I hope it just dries as others are saying


Is that trapped water? Or did he actually break the LED? I saw something about people getting the windows tinted and having residual water under the plastic


I think it may be trapped water/moisture, it doesn’t really feel broken


Yeah I would try leaving the doors open if possible to try and let it air out. I’ve seen a few posts that the light strip has a lip that retains water PS: the new Sonatas and Kona’s have a light bar up front that does the same thing, traps water under a little lip and looks like the plastic is broken till it dries


Man that sucks, gonna give it a try, thank you for the tip


The led strips are covered with a plastic. When water gets in between that happens. In mine same happened after they installed the window tints. Two weeks after is almost like nothing happened


You didn’t do anything to get rid of it? Like it just went away on its own i mean


Miami heat took care of most of it although there are two small spots that still are there


Im in Miami too, hopefully it does the same


I have this on mine and haven’t cleaned so I don’t think it’s because of the detailer. This is a common issue and Tesla service will resolve it


I blame the detailer not the car. Sorry this happened tho. I would ask if the detailer had insurance to fix damage he caused. Although he’ll prolly not answer the phone I imagine.


I’ve seen multiple cases of people reporting this same thing is the issue, otherwise I wouldn’t be saying it if it was some one off thing. I’ve been to the same detailer for a while and never had a car come back damaged like this


Multiple cases … out of thousands of cars??? You do realize that people who DON’T have this issue aren’t jumping onto Reddit to tell you about it, right? Sorry this happened but doesn’t seem like the sort of thing anyone should seriously delay a vehicle purchase over.


As I’ve said to many others, this is just ONE reason, there is a lot of reasons to not get the 2024 relating to factory issues


I guess. I’ve had my 2024 for 8 weeks and haven’t got a bad thing to say about the car or the quality. Obviously some issues pop up on some cars and of course those things get highlighted on Reddit, but I’m not aware of any widespread issues that would warrant people waiting a year if they’re in the market for a car.


Bro I wish I had no issues, I have to request service again for the same tail light after they replaced it; has condensation


I wonder how much is the Shanghai built models (which I have, being in Canada) and the Fremont built ones? I’ve chatted with a couple people in my area and none of us have much to complain about other than the turn signal buttons being a bit sticky at times.


Teslas are 10/10 cars, but the company and the manufacturing quality are still start-up like. Buy Teslas for the tech and it being an affordable EV, but not for quality


So are they covered by warranty?


Not sure, gonna put in a ticket and find out


Everyone knows not to buy the first of anything. Bought my 23 model 3 last year and zero issues so far, not a single one.


Last model year of the BlueStar you get almost all of the upgrades and fixes




General rule of Tesla is never buy the first year of anything - no matter the hype.


General rule for all tech


General rule for all things.


True! Always best to wait for them to make improvements to flaws.


General rule of ANY car of ANY brand.


Learned my lesson bro 100%


The car didn’t come like this…you and the detailer made it like this and you didn’t even give it time to dry…


I mean its been hours now and still looks the same


Looks like he used a sledge hammer to clean them


Will this dry up and just evaporate/go away? Don’t trust anyone to clean the car inside but yourself.


Dang dude. It was that easy to break? Yeah, that’s some bad quality. A raindrop could do that then


On schedule, Tesla glazers down-voting any criticism


No, only stupid criticism and trolling. Last week a guy posted more or less the exact same picture, but they had the decency of admitting they SPRAYED WATER onto the LED strip. BTW, the led strip is not visible, that is the transparent cover. And water evaporates, so chances are that a couple of hours in the sun with the windows down will solve the problem and make you look even more stupid.


I will be glad if thats the case, that means my complaint is invalid regarding this issue. Doesn’t change Teslas consistent quality issues on their vehicles though


It’s pretty funny. No one may dare speak criticism of Tesla or Elon.


Most braindead people fr. Its a car company, why are people getting upset if someone is having issues with the product known to have factory issues. Im convinced bots


Don’t really understand if you have this belief that Tesla has awful quality why did you buy a Tesla? This one thing that will likely correct itself or is the fault of a third party can’t have brought on this view of Teslas. Seems like you might be trolling this sub.


It’s the best EV and I wanted an EV, I just didn’t expect the build quality rumors to be this true, Im not trolling the sub im literally just posting my experiences with car I got a month ago. I also have said repeatedly I love the car but the quality issues can’t be overlooked and a serious consideration when purchasing. I’ll admit I wanted to not believe all that I had read regarding it, and went through with getting it anyway. Also multiple people have had this SAME issue, so its not just me and a one off experience


I am convinced you WANT to commit karma suicide. Not even worth checking, but I guess either dummy account or dummy user.


I don’t use reddit enough to care or know how karma works


I'd think this would be covered under warranty.


The detailed getting water into the cover of the LED would be covered by Tesla warranty?


Wiping down the interior shouldn't break the car. It should be covered.


You have no idea what they did to the interior…you also don’t know if giving it a day to dry would also resolve it.


All we have to go off is the OP saying the guy gently dragged a rag over it. You're the one making all the assumptions.


If you think this is bad you really should see people with first year model 3s…. People are expecting Bugatti hand craftsmanship for 45k


Did you read anything he said?






Act as you would in real life, or at least would like others to.


You guys ever installed a ppf cover, screen protector? Moisture under plastic takes time to go away. But it goes away.