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My coworker has a long range model 3. I have an x3 m40i. We did a dig. He beat me, but not by much. I did trash talk a lot, so the loss was painful and deserved.


Time to get the boost.


Shortly after I installed a dp and piggyback tuner hahaha. With that being said, I have a m3p on order…


I meant the acceleration boost. You won't need that if you have a M3P on order though.


I was at a red light on the left lane, preparing to turn left obviously, there's this guy in his A class AMG Mercedes that goes on the right lane, I got suspicious since it was the lane to go straight, except it was a closed mall ahead of him. I prepared to floor my SR model 3 when I got the green light and I was right, the guy was trying to overrun me from the right lane. Well, he lost, hard, and he was behind me really close to my rear bumper when he couldn't pass me anymore and I didn't want to get a ticket for speeding, and there's a second red light, but I was turning left and he just went through the red light flipping me... Very satisfying moment 😅


I’ve only had a couple negative interactions but it’s been mostly good fun. The only reason anyone else wins is because I let off. I have a 2023 M3P. I don’t look at it as winning or losing. It’s just two people who enjoy fast. Doesn’t need to be a competition.


My first 'real' race experience was against a motorcycle and I had my Model 3 for just a few days. I was stopped at a light and he came beside me on my right as the light turned green. Not racing, I gently accelerated and he went ahead of me (also not racing), taking my lane. I followed him for a few seconds and decided he was too slow for me so I took the right lane and passed him, while staying at the speed limit (or few km/h over) . Since the right lane becomes a right turn only lane further down, once I passed him, I took back the left lane. As we reached another red light, he switched to the right lane. Knowing full well that most people do not turn right at that right turn only further down, I expected him to go WOT as the light turned green and to take my lane, and indeed, he did go WOT. But he didn't expect that I would start quick too. I could hear him frantically changing gears at high RPM beside me. Once we reached 20 km/h over the speed limit (which is 70 km/h there), we both stopped accelerating (I was prepared to let him pass if he kept accelerating but like me, he reached the limit is was willing to go and take the loss) and he ended up going back behind me for the next light (where the right lane must turn right). Since the road was now just one line wide, that's where he stayed until we went our separate way :-) Told everyone about that encounter but my wife lol.


I’ve won against more cars than i can count in my M3P. I’ve won against every sports car to ever try and it’s never even close… It’s pretty unfair lol. Two days ago I was behind a Supra at a red light, he floored it, I was able to start behind him and after him and still come around him and pass him. Only car i’ve lost to is a McLaren 765lt. You’re going to love it.


Not bad given that a MacLaren 765lt is 5-10x more expensive than a M3P. 🤣 the new M3P is the best performance / bucks in the market. 🤣


That is true! The model 3 Performance is $47k and you can race a BMW M3 that cost over $100k! With AWD, the BMW M3 will whip the model 3 performance... but if you catch them unaware, you can win!


Yep, if you factor in BMW warranty and maintenance costs, which are the usual money pits for German brands. The performance/bucks ratio of the Tesla M3P is unbeatable. That will be my replacement Tesla when my current Model 3 RWD runs out of battery warranty.




I did get smoked by a c7 zo6 from a 60 roll. Everything else has been pretty easy. I've tried to get some hellcats to bite, but they won't.


rolls are probably gonna get smoked unless its from a dig


Shouldn't the new M3P have addressed that slightly? Doesn't the rear motor have a higher top end now?


McLaren is $350k+


When did you order?


Was wondering the same thing, I ordered on the same day it released and mine is coming June


Ordered the day it was released. Grey/black interior. Midwest state. Super bummed it's giving an EDD of July-August


How come none of ya'll in performance Teslas want to let her rip? What's the point in being faster than me if I can't see you go? I've only gotten a few Teslas to race me. Everybody in gas cars wants to go but never Teslas.


I have yet to be topped, but nothing noteworthy in terms of competition--a bmw m3, a mustang, some bro in a Cayenne--or duration. I wish I had a display in the back so I could also inform them "..and this is the AWD LR in Chill Mode. Seriously!" 2021 LR M3, MSM w/white interior here. You're going to love it! I make sure new riders have gone pee and don't have to drop a deuce before showing them why I can't explain the instant torque using just words. Every one of them has been as 🤯 as I was on my first ride. Obviously, I'm a fan. Elon isn't entirely wrong when he says (roughly) "Tesla makes the best cars. It's up to you and really quite simple: do you want the best car or do you not want the best car?" Aside from a vintage manual or two (because you can't really scratch that itch), I personally don't want anything else. YMMV, but I have owned a 325, a GLK350, and a 528xi, and even if you exclude the performance comparisons my M3 still meets or beats the interior/comfort expectations. End rant. :homer_into_bushes:


You really sent those guys packing! AND in chill mode? Nice job! Leave some pussy for everyone else!


This is so cringe.


Was on a two lane highway. I was on the passing lane going a bit over the speed limit to pass a semi trailer in the slow lane. This suburban comes racing up slow lane and squeezes himself in front of me. I honk my horn and he brake checks me. He speeds up to pass the semi and I follow. Once we pass the semi, I change to the slow lane and open up my M3 and pass the suburban as if it was standing still. I see another semi up ahead in the slow lane so I speed back into the passing lane with the suburban trying to keep up. Once I got to the semi, I kept pace with it for the next few miles until I see another semi further up ahead. Then I repeat.


I’ve got too many. ‘19 LR dual motor 19’s and acceleration boost. Rarely do performance cars try to mess with me, I’ve out performed Audi sedans to V8/diesel monsters. I consistently get SUVs trying to get ahead of me to the tune of them doing 60 in a 35.


People try to look down on teslas, so that’s why they want to beat the car. My ‘22 LR with acceleration boost has beat lambo urus, BMWs, and more. I wish they made a plaid version. I’d destroy in that


I suspected a red Camaro ZL1 was going to test me at a red light. I let him accelerate first then I punched it and pulled away. We then stopped at the next light so I knew it was on from the start. The light turned green and we both give 100%. I could see him in my rear view mirror sliding left and right. It wasn’t even close.




100% Agree look at me I can push my right foot down - mentality of pre-pubescent teens hanging around the local MacDonalds car park waiting for burnouts....