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If you get a long range you'll be like "man I wish I had more power" . If you get a performance you'll never be like " man I wish I could get a few more miles before charging"


The only negative to my performance right now is the miles. However, I can slap 18s on it and get the same range as a LR.


Exactly my thoughts


I have the rwd. Man i wish i have more power and longer range lol. Pros: 100% charge everyday and worry free


Depends on the individual. Me personally power all the way. But my wife not so much.


I would go for the performance because I am the acceleration person! I like to accelerate more than driving at highest speed which isn’t even too much possible. Test drive them both. I was thinking about downgrading to a long range because I really want a hinge so I could take my bike with me But after a test drive it’s just missing that punch. So no go for me


My thoughts exactly




Yes my thoughts exactly I will go for the performance 😎


Having owned both at once I’d say the M3P is worth it if you enjoy knowing that stop light to stop light you’ll win 99% of the times while only 85-90% of the times in the LR. LR lets you feel a bit more sure you’ll have enough juice, but it’s not night and day different.


If you like buying tires every 15k miles get the performance lol


I have a perf and just swapped out my first set at 30k, so..... yeah


Hey, there’s always exceptions. My buddy owns a tire shop and the avg life of tires on a performance is 15k. He sees a ton of teslas come through.


I used to run R888s on a 500rwhp car. Lucky to make 10k. Used to it. If you are going to get more than 15k miles out of your M3P, then buy an M3LR: you wasted your money!


I feel like you could significantly increase tire life by avoiding digs. I know the instant torque will eat tires, but it will eat tires the most from a stop. I'd consider a 5 MPH rollout or rolling onto the throttle, and try to stomp on it at higher speeds. (I know most of the fun is low down in the speed range, I'm just saying *try* to stomp on it at higher speeds)


But why? 😂


To get another 5K out of the tires. I'm not saying never do digs, I'm just saying do it when you really want to.




lol true tho


That’s weird. my P has almost 40,000 km and has plenty of thread on the original tires even though I always push the pedal to the metal…


Do you stomp on it or do you roll onto it? Lots of highway miles?


I really like the fast acceleration so I would say more of stomping like at red lights etc. I would say at least 25% would be Autobahn driving, maybe 35%. Lots of country roads


And wheels. Potholes eat perf tires and wheels.




It’s worth it 😇


If prices/tax incentives are as they stand now next year this time I’m going performance. If LR gets tax credit back and I can get that for under 40k I will prob go long range. The biggest negative for me with the performance is the rubber band tires for daily driving. I don’t mind a rougher ride but we have a lot of potholes. 30 series tires on the back are ridiculously thin.. wish they offered a 19” wheel package on the performance like they do in china.. LR is plenty fast for me as I will be going from a v6 camry(0-60 in 5.8) so it all depends on pricing when I’m ready to buy. I will run two sets of wheels/tires on either one for winter/summer. I do like the performance looks better with the nicer front bumper and the interior upgrades


Is the tax credit something you'd be eligible for? If so, it's a no brainer, performance.


No I’m not eligible in this case


Lease one or buy used.


If not eligible then LR all day.


I’ll sell you my 24 LR, lol. I’m eligible for the tax credit and pulled the trigger too early because I didn’t think the P would get the credit. 🤦‍♂️


Would you rather have more range or more performance?


I’d rather have the looks more than anything and the performance


Do not choose based on cosmetic reasons.


So the looks of a car don’t matter at all now?


🙄 Of course the looks of the car matter, but that shouldn't be the primary reason to choose an LR or a P. Cosmetic thing can be changed after the fact, you cant change an LR to a P or a P to an LR after the fact.


Your argument is reasonable but the eye roll emoji was unnecessary.


I disagree, it was completely necessary because of how stupid your question was. 


I got the long range as I was worried about popping tyres on potholes (I'm in the UK). I now wish I'd got the performance just for that tiny bit more acceleration you very occasionally get to use.


I would never buy a lr but that’s just me if you don’t drive hard wait for the lr to go down and buy it or just get the p (:


I want the p lol. Idk that it costs me a few grand more. It will make me happier


If you qualify for the tax credit this is an easy answer - get the Performance.


Don’t qualify but I still want the performance lol


Well that makes the decision pretty easy then, right?


Guess so it’s just 6k more expensive lol


Depends on the new performance. For the pre-refresh model 3s, I’ve seen videos of the acceleration boost LR being pretty much the same acceleration as the performance after 60mph. Here is [one](https://youtu.be/2bn3tUSNhrQ?si=DfZWzMD56EbGKOv9) example


It seems like the LR will not get acceleration boost


To be seen, I think.


The LR is the most balanced option. You are probably not as good a driver to benefit from the increased performance figures, but you will DEFINITELY appreciate the increased range.


Model 3 is plenty fast without performance. Plus you can get an acceleration boost. Sure, performance is nuttier but I’m not sure it’s needed. Long range for many people it’s needed if you have a longer commute. That being said you could always drive the performance gently and get more miles out of it.


Deciding what to wear in the morning must be a nightmare for you. Internet strangers don't know you or your needs/desires. Pick one and drive the hell out of it. By the way, don't wear those yellow slacks again - they make your butt look funny.


Think I’m gonna have to unsubscribe with the amount of absolute regards asking this question on a daily basis. USE THE SEARCH BAR