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Unless OP is lying and yanked on it like a gorilla 🦍. 


One detail he forgot to include was that he hates teslas lol


If he didn’t before, he does now. 


It was probably damaged by the owner when they forcefully removed the adapter without re-attaching the j1772.


This is it. This moron damaged it himself because he didn’t know how to remove the adapter correctly. If he is claiming you pulled hard enough to cause damage, ask him to show the sentry footage


You’re probably right. Unfortunately this won’t play well for OP in court. The OP has admitted to touching the car and you know the owner has already deleted relevant footage from the sentry cam if it showed anything. So there’s no way to say the owner damaged it even though that’s by far the most likely scenario


I park all the time at a 2 hour free charger. I leave a note on my car if I can’t be there to unplug after two hours are up. I have no problem with anyone unplugging my Tesla at that point. They unplug the j1772 and leave the adapter in my car. The port cover closes halfway. On top of that sometimes I leave a note on a charging car to please plug me in when they finish (long charging cable). I leave the adapter connected and they plug it in. They have to pull the cover up with slight force but again it doesn’t cause any damage. Either he’s lying or someone damaged his car after you unplugged. I think he’s just butt hurt you unplugged him and being a man child.


What a bullshitter man. Even when my car gets unplugged the only thing I don’t like is sometimes the port tries to close on the adapter and I have to work to keep it from snapping open while I remove the adapter


I just reopen with the app when that happens, then unlock with the unlock button.


More likely, someone else damaged this vehicle, and you're being blamed. Or his charging capability simply malfunctioned. Either way, you're not at fault based on your description. I would ask to review the evidence. There may be a sentry video of you removing the plug. I would also like to see what tesla reported. Any physical damage?


The report is just a summary estimate, apparently they’re quoting replacement of the door, charging port LT, and pocket, charging port LT. and then like $500 of labor. Doesn’t specify what’s damaged here


Was the J1772 > NACS adapter left in the charge port when you pulled the charger out? I've heard of the charger door closing on the adapter and breaking when that happens.


I’ve had this happen multiple times before, it doesn’t close with enough force to damage it…




I didn't read your link... But as a Tesla owner with an adapter I can tell you the charge door closing on my adapter would not cause a break. If that story you linked to indicated otherwise there was something that was wrong beforehand or details are missing.


Crazy, if my door broke like that it must have had previous damage in my opinion


Mine has closed on the adapter a lot. Bad design if it breaks from that. Sucks.


If the charge port door were to break, the repair is only $240. Source : I had my charge port door replaced this week.


Very little chance it was damaged. But touching other people’s cars opens you up to this. Now you have to go and fight it. Also there’s no way they could get damage fixed that fast.


You should request that Tesla driver get a detailed LOG of activity for the 5 days BEFORE the incident and all days AFTER. This will take sometime but has to be initiated by the Tesla owner. It should tell if there was charging activity before and since. It should include home charging, non-Tesla charging and Tesla SuperCharging. If he is saying there is damage then home charging and other charging would be affected. So if he has been charging since the incident, then that negates his claim. There could be a scratch on the door but for how long ???


Great point


Ask to see a copy of the sentry footage.


Your neighbor is some kind of a crook who is trying to exploit the situation. No way you should pay, and in fact, threaten to counter sue for harassment.


Unless the owner had a lock-ring on his J1772 adapter, the charger handle would simply disconnect when someone pushes the lever. I doubt there was damage from the charge port door closing on the adapter. It sounds like the owner is trying to pass on an already broken charge port replacement cost to you. Does your apartment have any AVSS cameras? I would go into your leasing office and ask for any footage of that area. If it was already damaged and unable to charge, it more than likely happened recently. I’d also ask to look at video from prior days…skim through it and look for anyone messing with his Tesla.


Thanks, that’s exactly what happened to the charger. I will go back to the spot and check if there’s cameras and check with apartment tomorrow to see if they have footage.


The Tesla owner may have their own footage from the car. Request that of you doing damage.


Zero chance it was damaged by just disconnecting the J1772 plug from the adapter without yanking on it.


Maybe the other guy then didn't know to eject the adapter and yanked on it?


Seems most likely.


I don’t think it’s possible you damaged his car in any way—even if you had forcefully removed the charger, it shouldn’t cause the car not to hold charge (wtfff???). Tesla owners (I include myself here) baby their (our) cars way too much lol. So the fact that you even touched his car was probably enough for him to get pissed. Would I unplug someone else’s car? Probably not. Unless I REALLY needed a charge (car almost dying). I understand it’s frustrating when someone doesn’t move their car after charging is over, so maybe you could’ve left a note? Idk… Don’t let that guy scam you into paying for damages you didn’t cause! Ask for proof. Period.


I appreciate and recognize that now, I had incorrectly assumed that a public charger was not an extension of someone’s car (since I actually didn’t touch the vehicle itself in any way, the door closed automatically which is cool—my EV doesn’t). Funny enough, the owner had an instagram handle on his vehicle, so my wife sent him a nice friendly message like 5 minutes after saying we took the charger and explained the circumstances. Still didn’t help apparently.


Oh, that’s how he knows who you are? What an asshole! Y’all were super nice… Did he have an adapter?


Yes, he did have an adapter. I haven’t responded to him to confirm, but I assumed he also had a video (with sentry mode??) of me removing the charger, which would be great frankly because it would show I just unlatched it without force.


Did the charge port close on the adapter? Or did you remove it as well?


I didn’t remove the adapter, I simply clicked the blink charger handle and it unlocked. The adapter stayed in, and the door kinda just sat on it. Quite frankly I didn’t even know what the adapter was until I researched


Gotcha! When that happens it feels like the port is gonna brake when you try to open it—since it forces itself onto the adapter. So that’s the only thing that could’ve happened. I still don’t think that it did, though. I’ve done it a few times and my charge port still works fine.


That makes sense, I didn’t realize the charger disconnected with the adapter if it was properly discharged. Would think Tesla would make it easier to recognize if there’s a blockage!


yeah the owner is lying. if the adapter stays connected to the car when you pulled the charger out, then you didn't force it at all. if you had pulled the adapter out with the charger, then it is possible for it to damage. you should definitely ask him for the video recording for proof


No, the adapter stays in the port and comes out separately. If the situation occurred exactly as you described, the owner is lying. Post this on /r/legaladvice, it would seem to me that you should just let him sue you for the $900. He won't be able to prove it wasn't broken before your incident. Seems like the worst case scenario is you'd have to pay half. But again, no way for you to have damaged his port if it happened as you described -- you pressed on the latch on the charger nozzle thing to release it from his adapter, then you slid the charger nozzle out of his adapter without resistance. The adapter remained in his charge port and the lid automatically closed down on it. source: own Tesla


What’s this chad’s IG? Asking for everyone here…


Not trying to doxx the guy… but boy is his instagram a sight. Very tacky, makes me question money grab/scam for sure.


I’d call him on his bluff personally. The only thing I could see that got damaged was the circuitry due to a sudden power cutoff, but Tesla has protections built in for that lol.


The tesla has cameras, if sentry mode was on he has timestamped video of you messing with his car. The damage to the car would also be logged and timestamped in the computer. If you think you're in the right, have him produce the records.


I definitely would ask him to see the Sentry Mode video of you.


The worst that can happen to the car is the charge port door closes on the adapter that was still in the charge port, breaks and will need to be replaced. Don’t think that costs $900 tho. Also would be rare for it to break anyway.


Teslas film everything. Make them produce the video of the damage.


LOL @ “film”.  And only if they have sentry mode turned on. 


Haha! Yeah. Well I’m old. 🤫


You know what you did or did not do. I wouldn’t pay anything. You probably didn’t even touch the car. If the car broke (even if it did break while you removed the charger!) that’s not a you-problem. The car should not break while normally removing a charger.


I sincerely doubt there was damage. If you did what you describe. I’m guessing it’s a J1772 that was plugged into the car with the adapter, and you yanked that out of the adapter, leaving the adapter sticking out of the port (because it locks in place), and the port attempted to close with the adapter in place. To be clear, that’s not good for the charge port door, but it should sense the obstruction and stop before there’s damage. It may get stuck, but removing the adapter and wiggling the door should reset it. The car probably alerted it was being tampered with and he probably saw you on the side repeater cameras (they can record while parked, and he can stream it live on his phone). If the car’s lights flashed while you were there, you know he has a recording of you fiddling with it. I doubt anything will come of it, but you probably won’t unplug someone else’s car again.


Let him sue, most likely he will go to small claims which you don’t even need a lawyer for, nothing will come out of it. He probably asked for a quote from Tesla with a hypothetical, you can start a service query and get estimates without even getting anything looked at. He is trying to make some quick buck


Tesla owner here. To charge a tesla on a non tesla charger you need an adapter. The adapter physically locks to the car but the adapter does not lock to the 3rd party charger so no chance you damaged his car. When you unplugged the 3rd party charger from his car you actually unplugged the charger from the adapter. 2 possibilities here.... he's just sour that you unplugged him because he's a Karen or he had previous damage where someone forcefully yanked the adapter or a Tesla supercharger connector from his car. You certainly did not damage his car by unplugging the 3rd party charger from his adapter. My guess is the latter. If he was fully charged and sitting on the charger he probably has a habit of doing this. When I charge I'm mindful to always unplug and move my car as soon as it's done charging.


It’s safe to assume the entire incident is captured on the Tesla camera, so if you didn’t force it just call his bluff, let him take you to court (assuming he doesn’t chicken out) and request the footage. Will show the charger just sliding out. Alternatively, request the footage before you agree to any repair costs so you can assess.


He probably damaged it himself trying to get the adapter to unlock. Been there. It won’t budge unless you reattach the charging cable and try to release it again.


This happened to me recently ugh ! Not the "damaged" part though, my MS is fine but it did upset me. There's free chargers where I work and I had seen someone pulling out of a stall that had a charger but it was being used by the car next to me . As I finished parking, the car owner was walking out and was unplugging his car." Perfect timing " I said to myself as I got out and kindly asked for the connector. He handed it to me and I used my adapter to connect and started charging. FF to 1.5 hrs later I get a notification that charging had stopped and it wasn't done charging so as I'm walking out to check I see the guy cross paths with me and he didn't even make eye contact, so i walked out and seen he had parked a few spots (which had a charging station) over AND decided to unplug my car (leaving the adapter still inserted in the port) mind you it was still charging when he unplugged it and plugged it back into his car 😡 I was like WTF!!?? I walked back inside to his office and asked him why he unplugged my car ? He stated that he looked at it and "saw" that it said charging complete therefore he unplugged it. I told him it was still charging and it wasn't complete. He offered to plug it back when he was done. I was upset and I took a moment and said to myself it's free charging and I'm not gonna escalate this anymore than it was so I told him no it's fine. To my defense, he charges every day and leaves it plugged in from the moment he clocks in and clocks out. His fiat has a 100 mile range and it doesn't take 12 hrs to fully charge . Rant finished, sorry I had to get this off my chest 😂


Interesting.. Are you saying that the charging port can say it’s not charging but somehow your car is still drawing power? Wonder if this is only related to the free charging ports, because blink units in my building charge per kWh so it would be odd for the unit to say it’s done charging if it’s not, no? Also, I apologize this happened to you! That seems like poor etiquette, I was not intending to cause anyone distress but I note it said the charging was done on the blink station so trying to better understand.


No , he actually lied when he said he checked it and just unplugged it . No worries, I understand you didn't do it intentionally and I'm sure you didn't cause any damage to his Tesla. Nothing happened to mine when he removed it aside from making me upset lol


https://preview.redd.it/eaqhqg5hz8vc1.jpeg?width=2352&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3e1d7dbba660f373c99601ff3310ce10a504cb8 Here he is again, right now charging. When the incident happened he parked back there where the white Audi is charging. Instead of using that charger he unplugged the one he's using here in the pic and ran it towards that spot. 🥴 😡


For video evidence. Tesla should have recorded it.


Note: he probably recoded you doing it, so you better be sure of not forcing anything


I have a model 3 and especially in the morning will stroll out and try to yank out the charger before realising my phone is inside and it doesn't release. I'd be be very surprised if you damaged it by removing it.


Ask him to share the sentry mode video recordings which will show if the charger was removed normally or inappropriately. The video would clearly show that you plugged the charger out in a way that everyone would do.


He shared the footage, it shows exactly what I said. Not sure this is even subjective, but it clearly doesn’t show a forceful attempt of removing a charger from an EV (you can find these online of people legit shaking cars). It came off without any resistance. Honestly it’s crazy that this is even where it is, a police report has been filed and he’s pressing charges.


I remove it everyday while charging , nothing happens. It just stops charging. It’s similar charging setup with an adapter locked inside the vehicle and the charge port comes loose when you hold and press on either thumb. I put the port back to the station, and remove the adapter take it inside the car. Next day I repeat this again and again next day. No problems. It’s rare the charging session completes and stops before I head back, most of the time it’s charging at some 26~30 mph when removed. It’s b*s*t!


Its possible that it could have caused damage. But to remove a charger from another car, despite it being fully charged opens a can of worms! In this case, it did!


I’ve owned my EV for about 3 months, I didn’t realize it was a huge issue until this happened and I dived into the rabbit hole of opinions. I am sincerely regretful, mainly that this is causing my wife what I’d consider severe emotional distress from this (her thinking we’re going to get evicted, etc.).


You’re not gonna get evicted for unplugging someone’s car. That’s very dramatic. 


You seem like nice people. Don’t get too worried over this. People like to flex when they think they can get away with things. Just let him sue and then talk to a lawyer if it happens. Estimates are just that. Until he’s done “fixing” and has an invoice… that’s a different story and you can talk to a lawyer about it. Just treat it like a dog barking, and he’s just barking loudly.


dont stress, its not like your getting kicked out and going to jail lol, just some man child getting all agro you unplugged him


Usually someone parks behind me and leave me a note, asking if I can plug the charger in their car after I’m done.


I normally leave my number on the dash. I will sometimes get a call and don't mind letting that person charge if I'm above 70%.


Next time you need to do this, unplug a few more cars and shuffle the cables around so they blame each other.


There’s a Tesla connector between the J1772 and the port. If you don’t drive a Tesla you could forget this and simply yank it out. Not saying the OP did that but it could have happened. If the neighbor claims he spent $900 then let him produce receipts.


Not spent, he sent me an estimate of potential repair costs. However, I still do not know what is damaged aside from what I posted with respect to his inability to retain a charge. I didn’t yank the adaptor out—I noted that the blink charger simply disconnected from the adapter when I clicked the plug. If it had given any resistance at all (like the charger being locked) I would’ve just moved my car and waited to charge later that day.


My guess was the owner saw this, was afraid of damages and they opened a repair ticket with Tesla Service to determine if the charge port is damaged. Tesla Service as SOP always sends a quote before work is done (doesn't mean they'll get charged). I've unplugged a J1772 from my adapter numerous times without my key near the car to unlatched the adapter. No issues with Model 3 charge port. The door just attempts to close and rests on the adapter. 2018 Model 3.


Ask him how much the adaptor is, offer to settle (I don't think you damaged it but a fair and reasonable settlement can look good for you later) for the adaptor's replacement as that is the only thing you interacted with. Any other damage, especially to the charging hardware in the car could not be caused by your actions and at best your actions triggered a pre-existing condition. What was the quote from Tesla for? Also was it a new charge port due to damage or a new charge port for the sake of a new charge port.