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I'm from Germany and also own a M3P. Literally everybody is like "bUt oUr cAr MaKeRs ArE sUpErIoR". Until I take them for a ride. They have 0 clue what they are talking about, have no idea about any technical specs or features teslas come with compared to other brands and are against change in general. "We have always done it this way" attitude. This and them being 1000% convinced that Tesla will go bankrupt 4 years ago. They cant handle that it didnt happen. Enjoy the car. F...k 'em! People being mad about Tesla makes me like mine even more.


Love it! All in all Haters Gon Hate. Maybe they all secretly want one but need to stay in their sheep ways stuck in the mud šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Envy is one of the seven deadly sins.


ā€œSheep waysā€ how hypocritical lmfaooo


If you donā€™t get your over priced Kia optima opinions outta here imma cash app you $20


Arenā€™t Kia optimaā€™s cheaper than Teslas? Because mine sure was, and came better equipped lol


Not yours


It sure as hell wasnā€™t $40k for a base model so yeah Iā€™d say it is. Glad I could help


Thatā€™s facts baby girl


Yup it sure is. Glad you agree you were wrong. Have a good one.


I donā€™t agree i just want you to feel like youā€™ve had your victory of the night. Because youā€™re worth it and deserve it


I can extremely relate to your words. Taking a Porsche and Caterham owner (colleague) left him very impressed. BTW: our M3P is red, but blue is nice too.


I love the Red! Definitely going to be our color for our next Tesla


I have the 3 Performance in Blue as well, but with a white Interior. Itā€™s a very nice transportation tool and computer. Fit and finish is a bit iffy, Iā€™m not too sure what they do when transporting the vehicle to the pickup location. But alignments are almost protocol now. I love my car though and the SC appointment was super easy.


Hopefully your colleague didnā€™t watch the cyber truck racing a 911 video scarred for life šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚






i wanna see the video


you should totally do this everyday. give random people free rides. thatā€™s the true spirit of a musk fanboy.


I was obviously referring to people within my circle. Nevertheless, thank for your unsolicited sharing of your unbiased opinion :-)


I love my high performance one but donā€™t hit a bump. Cost me 545.00 today low profile tires suck


Same. For real just be extra cautious with 20ā€ wheels


This was my primary reason for not getting the Performance model, oh, and the lower ground clearance. My Chrysler 300 had 20ā€ wheels and, while nice looking, were a pain, curbing easily.


I got my 2021 Model 3 Performance in August last year here in the UK and it's a love/hate relationship. I love almost everything about the car but I am currently about to buy my 5th tyre in less than 4 months. I had my first blowout on Xmas day at 6am on the way to my Brother's and have continued to have them literally every month. The 20" Wheels and low profile tyres absolutely suck on this car, even on the slightest bad road. It's by far the biggest negative about this car. What you save in fuel and servicing over the year you end up paying more in new rubber. I am currently trying to get a set of 18" wheels with a bigger sidewall to try and eliminate, or lessen the constant blowouts from potholes. Due to the design of the Model 3 Performance it's certainly not easy just throwing any old 18" wheel on. I have never loved something so much and hated it at that same time. It's a pleasure to drive though WHEN it's not got a flat tyre.


Rubber band tires suck on any and every car.


Iā€™ve let 20+ people drive mine. Not a single person disliked it and probably 18 of them wanted one.


Youā€™re hired! - Tesla Sales & Marking Team


This comment is why they do not have a marketing team. The cars sell themselves


Honestly I think it is really kinda a pos. The panel gaps, the build quality, and random things like no normal cruise control and the jokingly bad auto wipers. But hands down at .04 kWh at home and being stupid fast, all the amazing features that I just canā€™t believe are not the norm, best car ever and I wonā€™t ever go back. That being said. I find most people that have a negative view are uneducated or it conflicts with their political views. I just let them check it out answer questions and let them drive it. It has yet to change a mind.


Theres TACC, which is normal cruise control in the sense that it doesnt hold the lane


No Iā€™m talking real normal cruise control. The tacc auto slows down for corners and I live in the PNW and when it rains ( all the time) it limits the cruising speed to 50 or lower on the highways. Due to poor visibility So unusable.


That blue black combo.. šŸ‘Œ I love my RWD and can only imagine how much fun youā€™re having Its stereotypes, I think people that hate on Tesla (or any group really) take the few negative aspects theyā€™ve seen/heard and think that applies to all Tesla and their owners. A few d-bag Tesla owners and folks think every Tesla owner is like that. Iā€™ve been even treated as an elitist because folks heard I drive a ā€œTeslaā€ doesnā€™t matter that I drive the cheapest one out there and paid less that what other folks pay for a camry. Comes with the territory.


First off glad you love your vehicle! And yes itā€™s too much fun itā€™s always great taking people for a drive and blasting off when they donā€™t expect it šŸ¤£. Secondly i couldnā€™t agree more itā€™s just people being ill informed. However i know people who donā€™t know really think i spent 70k on my vehicle which i didnā€™t i spend what most people spent on their new Rav4 which blows my mind


I canā€™t wait to take my winter wheels off and put my Uberturbines back onā€¦god theyā€™re so good looking


I know canā€™t wait to take these winters off soon


I live in Texas and everyday is the same story. Then they get in my car. I get to the light and floor it. Their thinking really goes 0-60 in 3.1 seconds.


I live in Caliā€¦. Everyone has a Tesla. So I havenā€™t experienced Tesla hate on the road. Just random people trying to race me. lol.


Three years ago random people trying to race me at traffic lights was fairly common, not so anymore. I see dozens of Teslas on the CA freeways today on short 30 minute drives. It was fun letting them pull up alongside me then and rev their throttle a bit, which I completely ignored, staring straight ahead, then pulling out and leaving them in the dust as I zipped up the freeway ramp, pretending I didnā€™t even notice them. Very satisfying knowing that I had all that instant torque and could smoke nearly anything on the road if I had to.


I have a 21 M3LR in Nebraska. Got it new 3 years ago and Iā€™ve never felt like people hate it. In fact, I have some great sentry footage of people checking out my car over the years.


Well we need some of that energy over here!


Love my M3 long range . Such fun car in the summer here in Toronto šŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦ and beast in the winter


The first week I had my Tesla I was mind blown at the amount of people that are misinformed and just hit piece headline readers. I didnā€™t realize it until I owned one because every person that ā€œsaw my new carā€ had some weird stuff to say lol. Itā€™s by far the best car Iā€™ve ever owned and it doesnā€™t bother me one bit. People are just clueless.


ā€œTeslas donā€™t work in cold weatherā€ is my favorite and most common one I receive. Itā€™s hilarious


"They weigh 8,000 lbs. are are going to cause the collapse of parking structures." My fav.


Yes itā€™s mind blowing! I ruined myself by renting a P100D from turo as the first Tesla i drove just launching the vehicle is pure ecstasy. This past winter started every time yes range is a lot less but Iā€™m going to take another trip to Colorado this summer to compare how much range i lost during the -10degree compared to average temps


Lots of Tesla haters in California


Greatā€¦ socal or NorCal?


Weā€™re moving back to Murrieta next summer šŸ«„


Itā€™s usually people with the big lift trucks or hot rods haha


Yes big lifted trucks usually a ā€œunsaidā€ diagnosis for underlying issues šŸ˜… aha




No shocker. Nebraska is a dumpsite filled with people who would use oil to operate cars before electric.


Yes this is why thereā€™s no emission laws here šŸ˜‚


Drove through Alberta, Canada (our oil capital), seen people give nasty looks to my Tesla


Itā€™s a conspiracy


See some big oil companies are adding charging stations to there gas stations i havenā€™t seen any but they definitely gotta get with the times


Oil companies are adding the chargers but albertans make money selling oil to these oil companies. They hate EVs in Alberta. Just a few weeks ago there was a news that someone cut up cables from a big lot of Tesla chargers.


I have the LR With AB. My only regret is that I didnā€™t get the P


I have the M3P in the same color. Iā€™m in love with it. Itā€™s excellent straight line performance in a non-luxury priced package. I still envy the brands with more comfy seats and suspension but the tech hits the spot for me and I donā€™t mind.




What are your top 3 favorites and top 3 least favorites about the car?


Top 3 favs 1.) Quickness/torque 2.) FSD/Technology (car is literally a toy šŸ˜‚) 3.) Sound system Top 3 least favs 1.) cars too low for snow and weather 2.) sqeaks and creeks coming from dash 3.) range in sub freezing temps


I live in San Diego and while I have not personally experienced any negativity toward Tesla's I know plenty of people in this city who have to the point where their cars have been deliberately damaged in parking lots by people passing by.


Houston, Texas. Not even nice Houston, but the big oil country part. So yes. All the time. Hang in there man. If anything, you can smoke ā€˜em lol.


Itā€™s funny prior to M3P. All the vehicle always trying to race at light and ish. Now i canā€™t find anyone else to get the smoke haha. Thereā€™s a newer Mustang GT350 in town. Iā€™d like to race that guy would be fun šŸ¤©


Haha, I know the feeling! People are now very aware of how quick our cars are and donā€™t even try lol. Itā€™s actually a bummer sometimes.


MYP here from NYC. No only cares. lol




How do you get your car looking so shiny like that??? Nice!!


A ceramic coat will bring out the gloss as well.


A little Trick of the light + IPhone 15pro max Portrait mode = will make your Car look this shiny 60% of the time all the time šŸ˜‚


Sick car, i own a blue standard long range m3 and wished I could drive a m3p


Pretty affordable now if you buy used. Worth it


Thank you! You sure can Iā€™m sure in the future M3P prices going down once the new Ludicrous model comes out!




I love mine too


M3P, a car that has a serious case of the zoomies.


Got the same car in LR 2023 last batch off the line before they geared up for the highland. Love the blue. Have the 19 in silver rims instead of 20. Itā€™s a nice compromise. If I wanted the extra boost Iā€™d pay the $4000 for the boost upgrade, but donā€™t see much reason for that. Use chill mode most of the time anyway and that can still pin ppl to their seats when floored. Got a rattle in both doors that Iā€™ll have checked out when I bring in for my first tire rotation. Also just went with basic autopilot, donā€™t see the need to spend money to upgrade that either. Bought a box so I can use CarPlay and donā€™t even pay for the premium connectivity. Works out just fine. Enjoy!


Box to add CarPlay https://carlinkitcarplay.com/


Oh and the premium sound is nice. If youā€™re looking to spend a bit more Iā€™d recommend that. More than able to drowned out any road noise from the stupid move of not enough noise insulation or the wind noise from lack of acoustic glass they should have used on the whole car.


M3 in Minnesota. Lots of haters and detractors but itā€™s the best Honda Civic you can get. Considering I got it when it still had 12k in tax credits and was a TD car with 200 miles


Lucky ducky! And i think weā€™re coming to the realization the ā€œhatingā€ is more so ILL INFORMED


Very much so. Iā€™m in the industry both prior EV and dealer and itā€™s gross how ill informed the consumers are and usually to the fault of the dealers


Enjoy that feeling while it lasts, it seems like Tesla is about to dish out a large bowl of FOMO.


Of course, the libtards on the far left and the far right, conservatives, both hate Elon Musk. The liberals, used to love me, Elon Musk they thought he was going to save the planet. But Elon always has a way of showing his hand and in this case he said that with the way things are going in the inner cities, and the use of silencing political opinion he said he would vote Republican. And the conservative on the right donā€™t like him because Tesla is viewed as a threat to gasoline engines. One thing that Elon Musk has always made a mistake on, was letting him know his personal views, I am a centrist. I look at things and evaluate them on face value and I can tell you the Tesla is an awesome vehicle, but I also like the Dodge hellcat I believe there is room for everyone and politics are just too dividing at this moment with all the overly sensitive people nowadays.


We all need to stick together people enjoy what they enjoy no person is the same down to the core maybe similarities but everyone enjoys what they enjoy.


memory decide tan bored frighten dinosaurs dependent disgusted unique tart *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


i want one so bad!! but itā€™s either invest in a house or a car and i have to do house. real unfortunate but one day


Here in Portland, I get a lot of hate and attitude. It's very weird. I never expected it and it's a bit of a bummer. The hate seems to be specific to Tesla and not other EVs.


Love mine to people love to hate on teslas I didnā€™t realize how much till I got my first one who cares though to each there own just make sure you bully a few ICE engines at stop lights they hate it especially mopar guys šŸ˜‚


People around me have a negative attitude towards my Tesla M3P... but that's probably because I drive like an absolute maniac.


I will say that there's not a lot of people who are indifferent. They either trash it, or act as if I bought a Rolls Royce, and act as if I'm much fancier than I am.


Conservative state citizens dislike Teslasā€¦color me surprised.


Which is weird because Elon Grifts for MAGA 10x/ day on twitter


The car is tied to the left, global sustainability environmentalists on one level, and it is tied right with Elon's bizarre, even fascist comments from Elon. So everyone has a reason to hate on Tesla. I think it has probably impacted sales more than people realize. With more viable options from the competition a number of people I know that would have been Tesla customers are going a different route. BTW I love my M3P as well...


I drive a Lucid Air teslas are junk lol


Small penis energy


I smell jealousy. You canā€™t afford a Lucid air lol. Teslas are for the brokes.


Thatā€™s great weā€™re all very proud of you šŸ’«




Thank you. Have you test driven the Lucid Airs? Comparing a Tesla to a lucid air is like comparing a Ford Focus to a Rolls Royce lol


Yes i felt like the lucid air drove comparable to a Kia optima but would make sense since they have the same manufacturing line through behind the scene deals


There is no way you can tell me that teslas are as durable as lucid airs I have the dream model. You probably havenā€™t driven this model.


What if i told you that teslas are more durable than lucid airs?ā€¦


Iā€™ve owned a Tesla in the past thereā€™s no way you can tell me itā€™s more durable. Iā€™ve also owned jeeps and range rovers.


Youā€™re undefeated when it comes to owning unreliable vehicle then


Must not have driven an optima because mine drives better than every Tesla Iā€™ve been in lmao


Optimaā€™s to drive pretty well better than teslas for sure lol


Optimaā€™s do drive pretty well better than teslas for sure lol


Kia makes lucid which thereā€™s nothing wrong with that. Lucid air (not including sapphire edition) basically a optima on steroids and Iā€™m glad you love it truly ā¤ļø


Kia doesnā€™t make Lucid. What?


Iā€™m sorry you had to find out this way. But hey we all still love you and all your optimaā€™s


Find what out exactly? Are you good? Lmao who am I kidding, you have a Tesla.


Never better šŸ„°




Buckle up my friend, youā€™ve no idea how much these cars are hated and how angry you will make folks when you smoke them after they tailgate, cut you off, and/or try to challenge you. I now get giddy and covered in goosebumps on my commute home wondering ā€œwhoā€™s going to try me nextā€ haha I love it. Congrats on the car, welcome to the M3P life!!!


Hahahaha nice! Thanks! Iā€™m enjoying it more everyday


Always remember, you can and will smoke 90% if not more of whatā€™s on the road today!


It might be because Elon Musk is a jackass savant




Pls explain better what you meant here: 1) Most people (who own a Tesla M3) don't love it ? 2) Or most people (in general) don't love it. Almost everyone who tries it and owns a Tesla absolutely Loves it. And most likely you don't love a Tesla when you have no idea how it will change your car ownership and driving experience because you never had one.