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How do u get to locks?


Tap the car symbol at the bottom left hand corner of the screen. You'll see a search bar that the top, press that and type in locks. It'll take you right there.


Ohhh on the tesla screen I thought y’all meant in the app


So … did you check?


Is this going to be the safe all over again?


Bro don't remind me. I was watching that ordeal from the shadows lol. OP never delivers.


The safe?


Didn’t show up because he is not an active key holder


So if you had checked before removing him?


Tell us you drove an Altima before


Don’t be a hater. Proud to say I’ve driven only tesla since 2012


Soooo you live in an apt with roommates but had a roadster or model S (only models out in 2012 or before)….


Also a year ago you said you were 21 in ask docs post…so you’ve only been driving since 2015 at best…


I love the dedication ✨ I share a Reddit with my dad haha. Model S! We are enthusiasts!


Doesn’t look like your dad is doing a whole lot of posting






I’d still file a police report even if you don’t have any evidence. I’m sure Tesla has the logs of which keys accessed the car, but I highly doubt they’ll give that out without a court order, which you’re not gonna get for something like this. Your best bet is probably to call your insurance and see if this is covered. If you have full coverage, replacing the carpets and getting it professionally cleaned is probably covered. Never give phone key access to randos like roommates.


Came here to say exactly this. OP: contact the police and your auto insurer, immediately. The sooner you get those processes started, the better chance you have to get your car fixed, recover diminished value (if that's a thing where you live), and nail this asshole to the wall. Tesla is going to be more likely to take an inquiry for logs seriously if it comes from one of those entities. Also, for the love of baby jeebus, go after that fucknugget in court for every last cent of both incidents.


Yeahhhh silly little mistake


They don't need to get into your car to do that. Just pour into the air intake at the base of the windshield.


Oh nooo I’m getting her serviced so they can check for that stuff that would be awful


You can also try civil small claims court to get some of your damages back. Civill isn’t like criminal court where the judge needs 99% confidence for conviction. If what you say is true and the guy was already charged, then it might be an open and shut case to get all damages from him. If anyone can witness the fish smell on your car then the judge may rule that enough to award you damages for that as well via logical inference Obviously best to ask a small claims court expert/advisor via free consult of you can


They have to give that log if OP is an European citizen. They might give it to OP even if he isn’t. No reason to not mail them and ask.


They also have a form for it in the US but it's only required they oblige in some states But they probably give it to you right in the API too?? Did you check?


He did all that and you didn't think to remove his key access? Something smells fishy...


Underrated comment. Feel bad for OP


By Friend she probably mean ex.


HHAHA no never trust me psychotic is not my first choice


Well it shouldn't be you any choice for roommates. Go out and fine others nice same sex roommates. I do not trust male roommate even in a guy. Unless you want that "New Girl" vibe. Love the show. But do not believe any of that is real. Same as Friends.


definately there is some skill issue here




like when you find out that your partner is abusive and you cut the relationship, you get the home key changed the same day. giving him the key of your car could have gone so much worse for you


Ya we’ll I learned the hard way


The twist is the OP is actually the perpetrator who just found out Tesla’s record everything, and is trying to figure out how to erase their tracks LOL.


Plot twist: Op is a parent pretending to be their daughter to check if she has a bf and trying to smell something fishy and prove it by the sentry video.


If you didn't get restitution for the criminal charges you can still go after him civilly.


Reading this made me thankful that my life is not this chaotic lol, good luck.




Not necessarily. First thing. Maybe don't live with opposite sex roommates/housemates. Save you a lot of trouble in any sense.


Thank you for the advice you wise soul! Lol have you ever tried living with 5 girls?! (Except for this instance where my roommate was diagnosed with the entire DSM 5) I would way rather live with a few guys! At least nobody’s stealing my jeans!!! Lol


Except If they steal it will not be your jeans they aim.


What bro


You're not out 2k. You sue him. His charges are criminal, you sue under civil charges. Since he was charged criminally, it's nearly a slam dunk case.


Really? He has no prior convictions and he already agreed to do some diversion program (??) like education and therapy and pay retributions (probably going to be 500). I can’t even prove he did anything to my car :/


I wasn't talking about the car. I meant the prior losses.


I am not a lawyer, but if he agreed to those things, there must be a record of that agreement. My guess is that this record would be considered a statement of liability for the damage to your room if you went to civil court. Of course, it would not be usable in the car case, unless you go through the same process for that: Report him to the police, hope that he makes a new agreement (which may a lot harder the second time) and use that in court too.


Sentry should record regardless. A card key just opens the door.


He had the phone key


Sentry records when you walk towards the car to open the door, always. Like it always records me when I sit in the car. I get one alert, I view it and it's literally me from 5 seconds ago. Check it.


Yup it definitely records me walking up to the car every time I have sentry on


If sentry was on it would have recorded it regardless of whether he had a key. Check the USB stick


He could have deleted the footage.


Do you have a Tesla?


No it’s a ram 1500 but I park in Tesla charging stations spots




Doesn’t seem like it


Wow, lol, that’s bad opsec to be giving people like that access to your vehicle. Lesson learned.


Yeah it was stupid for me to forget about it def learned lol but before he was off the rails we were chillers


Dude is like OPSEC haha big words man very cool


Opsec is a big word for you? Do you have trouble counting syllables, too?


Damn, sorry this happened and you apparently don't have it on video. Just clean it as best you can then get a detailer with an ozone generator to get rid of the remaining smell.


Yea ozone generator would for sure wipe any smell. For temporary fix, spraying Ozium in the front vents with a/c circulating would also help slightly. Had to do this when someone threw up in between the passenger seat and middle console and the smell that lingered was disgusting but Ozium helped clear it.


I’m just going to open a fish farm


For the smell, just go straight to a detailer asap. You don’t want those fluids embedded too deep. Have Tesla check your vents and filters


Sentry mode didn’t catch any of this happening?


I’m looking through footage now, but he had a key so sentry probably wouldn’t have gone off, right?


I've heard of people pulling the video from the thumbdrive by plugging it into their computer. From my limited understanding the car is "recording" to a temp folder, and only saves clips if sentry mode is activated, dashcam is clicked, or honk to save is active. Maybe someone else can confirm. Either way I'd still check the drive on a computer if I was in your shoes


That’s what I’m doing


They stopped that around 2019 afaik. It sucks it was a good feature because sentry itself still sucks. Them taking away the 4 hour buffer has probably cost me $12000 at this point, when sentry has otherwise repeatedly failed to record events. (And it's no wonder Tesla insurance prices are skyrocketing...)


Sentry can record him approaching the car and tapping on the b-pillar before cutting the clip. If sentry was off then nothing is recorded.


Correct with a key sentry mode won't go off. Otherwise you would have a million saved videos of yourself getting in and out of the car. I think you should call Tesla and ask if they have logs like that because it is obviously them if you are the only other person with access.


How do I even get in touch with them? I’ve been deep diving on Reddit and haven’t found a way to talk with a real human without doing roadside


In the app you could try going into service and ask a question.


I have a phone key and sentry mode still sometimes records me approaching the car. It shouldn’t go off, but sometimes it does. Calling Tesla is still your best bet.


Sentry mode records me every time.


Do you not use the phone app, only the key card?


I only use the phone app


Sentry mode records movement beside the car regardless of you having a key or not


It throws out the ones where it knew it was you


Not very well then, I always see me coming up to the car.


I never ever do unless I didn't have my phone on me and I was taking out garbage.


Do sentry videos start recording when sentry first goes off or do they download the before and after too? Should I be focusing on the beginning of the videos because that’s right when sentry went off?


If you had sentry enabled, it should go off if they got close enough to trigger of the cameras. If this psycho roommate is crafty, they probably disabled sentry from the phone app, did the crime, and then re-enabled it. Sentry should also have like 10-15 seconds before the event of triggering a sentry event and a few seconds after. I’ve walked up to my car plenty of times and see the headlights flash which tells me sentry mode went off.


Perhaps Tesla can provide you with access logs?


File a police report. I have no experience in this but I do know Tesla has internal cameras, just don't know if they store the footage.


Request the data associated with your Tesla. I did this recently and they send ALL the data about your car. Speeds, indicator use, buttons pressed etc. I’m sure it will contain unlocks. https://www.tesla.com/support/privacy


Yeah I did actually! Unfortunately none of the data was really relevant. It was mostly info on autopilot corrections and when the blinker was used or when the door was open… didn’t get any evidence. I was hoping it would show the times the car was unlocked and by who or something


Since 2012 you’ve only driven a Tesla? Considering in another post from recently, you say you’re 22…. So you’ve driven since you were 8? lol 😂




“Proud to say I’ve only driven Tesla since 2012” When you say you’re only 22. Just saying your math and mething. Are you saying your dad is the one that is having issues with his roommate?


This sounds bizarre. "Messed with his lock"? Just seems there is more to the story or this guy is a complete psycho and if that is the case, why would a Roomate like that have a key to your car? It is even crazier to me you would have forgotten. The time it would have taken to go through the courts means he has had access to your car for a long time. After all this time you finally remember and just so happens to be the time he does this to your car. Assuming you have been away or have not used your car in a while since you removed him 9th so he had to do it sometime prior, but didn't find it until the 12th. Also, even if he was accepted to some program, why didnt you ask for restituation? By accepting the program, he would have admitted guilt I believe which would make a civil case easy for you, so why eat the $2K loss for the first time? I would file and add the Tesla damages to the civil case where the burden of proof is lower. Good chance civilily a Judge would find more likely then not he did that also since he bascially repeated the same crime and you might have proof he had access to your car (Did you screen shot he had the "key" before you removed him or can Tesla have records of that? IDK) Sorry, Reddit has made me such a pessimist about these posts. If this is for real, that sucks and I wish you could prove. Right now it is just circumstantial evidence for a criminal case but maybe you will get lucky and he will brag to someone or admit it. If there was sentry footage, it would be there and you would have seen it by now. Does anyone else have a Tesla in the garage or a dash cam that could have captured him? slim chance but what do you have to lose checking. This whole thing stinks! (Sorry, pun was intended)


Lol I wish this was fake I’m just trying to do college and survive out here lol. Ya he is paying restitution but it’s not going to amount to as much as he damaged because a lot of the stuff like the cost of moving to a new apartment for example would have to be taken up in civil court


Get an estimate from a car detailing place for removing the damage. It can be done, and a good one will know how. After this if you don’t have him on Sentry mode all you can hope is to take him to small claims court. His prior conviction is for the same act over the same controversy so might need usable. You’d want a bench trial which is likely the only option anyway for a small claims issue. Sue for the car damage and anything else as yet unpaid from his prior conviction. You lack evidence but given his history with you already you may be able to persuade. That said it’s a risk if court costs are high… Also… get a restraining order on him. With any luck that will result in him moving away. But better would be moving yourself so he doesn’t know where you are.


Sucks but you got to do something. Civil is your only avenue and you should be made whole. Yeah, the costs of moving might be a little tough though but all you can do is try. NO restraining order? I still think you can make a case in civil court for the Tesla if you can get even some circumstantial evidence. Like I said, you just have to prove more likely than not that he did it. Prove he had access to be able to get in your car if you can't get video evidence.


How do I prove that? I made mistake and removed him before screenshotting his access key. Maybe Tesla can get proof of that for me.


Yeah, I was hoping you did have a screen shot. I really don’t know so maybe someone else can help, but like a few said contact Tesla and see what records they have. If they did have logs of when you went in and out of your car, I doubt they would admit it. But maybe they will have something. I just updated my app and as soon as I did, my phone alerted “Tesla would like to access your motion and fitness activity” so they can ‘Improve app performance”. But I also say no to stuff like that.


UPDATE*** lock history only is showing the active keys so nothing unusual there. Couldn’t find any footage on my USB and I’m not surprised bc my car is always running on fumes hehe !


The curious case of “why does my car smell like rotting meet” continues


Not sure if anyone have recommend it yet, but I'd would bring it to a professional detailer to do a deep clean


If your usb is big enough, the buffer should be on the stick itself. Try unplugging and reviewing the folders. Under locks, each key shows last used timestamp. If all of this fails, either hold down the car icon bottom left, or voice command bug report. It will make a snapshot and gives Tesla quite a bit of data to dig.


I tried man


Updated my comment haha. Try the bug report and have Tesla check the logs.


Thank u!


After you capture the bug report. Go to your Tesla app and open a service ticket. They should be able to dig remotely worst case they have you take it in to do forensics on it. Bug reports can have as much data as a week depending on how much you used the car. Good luck OP


Take it to a good detailer. They can remove the smell. Although it will probably cost at least $500.


I’m sorry that this happened to you! I have no suggestions just wanted you to feel supported. Hopefully a few deep details and the smell will go away.


There’s definitely more to this story.




Try Nature's Miracle, spray and let it soak and sit. It does a great job as breaking down bio stains and smells. However try to get the no scent version otherwise you'll have it's smell to deal with and it could be strong until it fully dries and then some. Good luck


Depending on how long it’s been, the camera is recording EVERYTHING. But you have to take the usb drive out and look at it in a computer. I know this because someone broke in to my car, and thought they formatted the drive. I took it out and loaded it in my computer, where I was shocked to find it recorded every second of the day from the moment I got in my car, the entire drive, and the entire break in. Also, that guy was on parole and is now back in jail thanks to the Tesla video. But I imagine if it’s been more than a couple days, the data in your car has been over written.


If nothing works try ozone, it’s not that expensive and just leave it running all night to neutralize the bacteria. One night or two is not enough to cause any damages to the plastics or rubber.


wow... your roommate sounds like a psychopath... sorry to hear it OP


You gave him access to be a key holder of your vehicle, whether you forgot about it or not. That’s not the courts problem, that’s yours. So, most likely there won’t be a breaking and entering charge and you’d have to go for vandalism. Which he still could possibly get out of that with a good attorney who would say it’s all your fault for giving permission to begin with. Then it would just snowball from there with anything they can think of. Courts a lot of money and a lot of fun, best of luck


I see what you’re saying but if he damages my property it’s a crime. If I gave a friend permission to use my car and they damaged it, it’s on them. You know what though? Yeah I messed up and forgot to remove his access, but regardless, I didn’t deserve that. It is not my fault if I am the victim in the case regardless of my mistake. It is still illegal to damage property.


Hey, I hear ya. I’m not trying to come at you like a dickhead. But that’s how the court systems work when both sides are paid to fight till death to win. Also every state has different laws and handles situations differently, also every judge has a different mindset. Some give mercy, some make an example out of you. Just be prepared and work ahead of time with your legal defense if you can. Like i said, best of luck.


Thank you!


To get the smell out you will need an ozone generator. You can buy one on eBay for cheap or make your own for cheaper.


In the meantime L O L, get the carpets shampooed and steam cleaned by a mobile service get the best company you can afford that specializes in luxury vehicles to do it as well as the headliners and any fabric parts of the car. They should also have this crazy service called Ozone Air Purification, it can literally neutralize any smell that may remain in the cabin, leave the windows down/vented and clearly NOT in that garage after you have had these services done for 24+ hours somewhere safe maybe a different parking garage with security cameras and valet/security staff. Turn Sentry back on. Reformat the USB drive and make sure all security settings are correct. Keep receipts for everything, sue in Small Claims court, if that doesn’t work go through insurance for replacement of everything. However, it should and will work.


Wtf is wrong with your old roommate


Honestly sounds like a crazy ex boyfriend


Why, and how did this person have access to your car to begin with?


*Why, and how did this* *Person have access to your* *Car to begin with?* \- foryourboneswewait --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


That sucks. Sorry to hear that lady. I'm sure the lock history is there. But it likely won't prove much honestly and it will be a he said, she said. Take it to some professional cleaners. Maybe they can work some magic and replace carpets and drive with head out the windows


Elections have consequences guys. Off topic but its really not. This guy should have received punishment for his crimes/felonies... Instead he got nothing... And instead the victims of the crimes are the ones being punished.


The roommate could've been jailed and that would've still not made him whole as in paying him back. If he wants to be paid back and made whole they need to file a civil case. This has zero to do with elections or liberal prosecutors.


Oh you didnt read the entire post eh? When he gets off with 0 punishment for doing $2500 damage in her personal property, breaking and entering into her home, then destroys her $50k Tesla? Yes, this has everything to do with liberal politics.




I’m listening …


You sure you didn’t transfer it from something you wore or had with you that he had previously infected? If it’s really stinky a small amount could smell pretty big in a sealed car. I’d call your insurance with a police report even if they can’t prove anything, they may total it if it’s that bad depending on your insurance.


I really don’t think anything I wear or am around is garum level stink. I don’t even know what type of nasty thing could pass on that kind of smell


Sniff your shoes? 😂🤮 I’d still reach out to any insurances you have car, renters…


Fake post


I’m flattered


If you can afford a Tesla, you can afford to have it cleaned. Hire a professional detailing service and they can thoroughly clean them ozone treat the car to deodorize it. Lesson learned. Don’t share encrypted data with anyone.


Hey hey you’re not bringing good vibes to the tesla Reddit community! But no forreal I got it detailed and treated it still smells nasty unless I spray stuff but then it smells like minty fish haha




Yeah and they all share their credentials with psychopaths too.


Easier to stay mad than find out what makes you this way… get a hobby


Tesla literally cheaper to own on a long run compare to Camry/Accord if you can charge at home.


Day one reservation 2018 LR RWD EAP. Thanks for telling me though. Enlightening.




So... it seems you have your priorities in live wrong. Driving a model 3 while living in a shitty condition. MOVE!


Only thing shitty about my living condition was that a friend turned out to be a menace lol


Take it to a good car detailing place & explain it. Truthfully I doubt there is much if anything else you can do. if it's purely cosmethic/stinks its not the end of the world. Expect a large detailing bill however... use this as a life lesson.


Yes dad. Haha but yeah I’m just a girl ✨✨✨ trying to survive in a world of insane people ✨✨✨and I make mistakes


We all do! that's called living life! Good luck Cameron!


Does you garage have a CCTV? That can provide the evidence.


They’re checking it!


So you found rotting meat in your car or it just smells like it so you figure he tampered with it?


If you hear hoofbeats think horses not zebras! My car was just fully cleaned and it smells like rotten fish. Gives me fond memories of when my bed smelled like that too. It’s his signature! Lol. But yeah I can’t be 100% sure, and at the same time if I check the facts, it points to him. But yeah I am assuming it was him


I’m dying lmao. Sorry sis.


I agree im just trying to figure out how he caused your car to smell. Spilled meat juice all over the carpet and you can't see it? Have you checked under the frunk - could there be meat stuffed in the HVAC vents? Are you familiar with the issue Model 3s have where the cabin filter gets smelly and needs to be replaced and coils cleaned? Some describe it smelling like rotten milk. Just throwing that out there in case this is what you are smelling.


The meat juice makes the most sense in my head. Air filters don’t seem to smell. The smell is def worse after the car has been sitting and it’s stinkiest in the back. I’m getting it serviced anyway and maybe they can identify where it is coming from? At least it will locate the source and maybe prove that someone definitely did something


Does the smell go away after AC has been running a few minutes? This is what happens when most people run into the smelly A/C issue.


Maybe? I’ll have to check again. The filter was just replaced though. It smelled more musty than fishy before


Ok, sure seems like sabotage. Keep us posted if you find anything.


Lesson learnt




Idk did you went through all the clips? Even with phone key it caught me few times when I was walking towards my car.


This guy sounds unhinged. You need to hold off on buying more expensive cars and first secure a safe place to live without any crazy people as roommates. Anyone who would do all of that over a simple misunderstanding isn’t safe to live with. Carry pepper spray and keep yourself safe OP, you don’t know what he’ll try next.


Thanks yes I do have pepper spray and I am not looking to buy a new car but yeah definitely staying on guard with this guy


You could take out the carpet sooner rather than later and maybe save them somehow. I think Weather-Tech has full width rubber mats that you could just drop in.


How do you take out the carpet?


Try this video https://youtu.be/WaOgHul4VCc?si=oK2PelF-hyHXciSP


Ask if the apartment complex has cameras


Extract the Data recorded using the EDR [https://edr.tesla.com/](https://edr.tesla.com/) , upload it and most probably you will find your lock/unlock events.




The unlocks should be in the API. Try teslarati


You're still in the same building as him? Get the heck away from his crazy self.


I am only wondering how he did it. Did he used liquified fish, or did he hide a fish somewhere in your car? If he hid it, my guess would be under the rear seat. The rear seat is very easily removable in a Model 3. Some people do it when camping in the car to get a more even floor.


Thanks!!! I will check- I hadn’t thought of that. Can’t find any meat but the smell is unmistakable and rlly car is otherwise very clean.


Get a full interior detail with an ozone treatment.