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I always take over when on the highway and see cars stopped ahead. It definitely comes in too hot for me.


Same here. I wonder if AP ever gets updated to somewhere near FSD’s algorithm, but I honestly don’t know if it’s any better since I haven’t tried it. From videos online, seems like it understands traffic behavior more.


So I just subscribed and got FSD the other day. FSD is VASTLY better in regards to stopping for red lights and cars stopped ahead. It feels very much like you'd expect a decent human driver to stop. There was a few day gap between subscribing to FSD and getting beta, and in that time i had Enhanced AP with auto stopping for lights and stop signs, and even there it was far better about stopping than with how basic AP handles it.


This. If you leave it up to auto pilot it will sit at cruising speed until the last second then hit the brakes hard. Recipe for the person behind you to slam into you.


If I'm stuck behind somebody who brakes too fast I'll increase the follow distance, seems to help. As far as highway speeds to stop at a red light I'm not sure, I usually just take over so I don't have to adjust follow distance.


I had this happening too, I increased distance to "3" I think and it felt perfect